Page 62 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Class, Club, and Society Doings I" ),.1itIt1tNt I Aluluni Nrmn GILMORE LIPPY AUU lI\I1 1& n Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN LE OERCLE FRANCAIS s. G. C. BANQUET l\ Glndys TIMnme the week- La seance du Cercle Francais u eu Tho J. G. C.'s held a bnnqnet in end at Hanover, Pn., he. parents. Any news items concerning W. M. Verna Bafford, 'Z~, who recently lieu jendi, Ie 13 Jnuvier, Ln eotrce II tue tea room on Jnnunry thirteenth. Almnni will be gratefully received. made I.' flying \"isit to the Hill, almost ete presque ontierernent eoneneree n la ::>.rany of the lUetnlJers, bolb students )FiSll Laura Hutchins spent the week hlinded \IS with the brilliunee of her n graduate mualquu, lIIllc NOrlllllll i1 tree bain nnd faculty, were praeut fin(l enjoyed unrl with Niss Helen Baker of Union Albert Stevens Crockett, n farmer eee- new diamond ring, which she weal'S on chante une romance appelee ?Lignon, et theOC('llsion. Bridge. of the class of lSS9 and lhc tllird fiuger 01' her left nand. Yes, of Western enauite, tout Iea mell1bres ont ehante In Engle ulty member Maryland Col- vema '8 engaged! And, the lucky man prceuge .Mndelon : upeos un jeu de societe In F ASmON SHOW AT HOME EC. )J1BS )1arinmUl has returned to lege, has won achievements. and renown by is Preston Lore of Solomon's, Md . hliHseillnise a ete douuee. CLUB eollegc, after recoverlng from a recent his literary The follow· Verna is Icnehing Horne Economies in printed Avallr (Ie stajoumer au :! F'evrier, j[ illness. ing a;lHollllcomcnt B(Jautillli," in the rnagn tho high school fit Annapolis, Md. In a eta decide de donner au Prrutemps The guphomoru Rome Ec. students lliss :\fury Bevard spent the wcek- nn alne, idNt "JO"llrllc.lj$ Crockett's activities. gives us reply to the question, "How than much of Mr. una s()irce fraucaise ponr tout Ie collage, cntcrbin~d the dub lIlember2 on the ev I'lul fit the home of her parents at "The Nomad rublishiug Company, hmger'l" she suid, "Not more a qui scm composoe de deu.'i comedies, de cning of Jonuary thirteentll, by a fash Sykesville, Md. Jlllblisllers of 'JoIINley.s Beoutiflll,' year at any rate." VOl"lla and chant ct de dance. La sec.rctaire. iOll show. 1!iHS Kntllerine Close imper- have tile. honor of announcing that, l)e rooming togelher Elva at Ditman, home '24, of Mir sre the Mil!ses Blnuche w.w. sonated an n wcultlly mutron, Clara wllo lUld ad· Charlotte 1fllud Brown, and Dorothy Ford, gimung wilh the issue of J!llluary, 1027, iam Strauge, ':!5. Both Elva and Mir "\Vh~eler, John orplmn, opted Conflwny. Mias knowu 'rhe milt ron, :,eeOlllpaIUed by her pro· san spent tho week·eud in 'Washington, Mr. Albert Stevens Croekett, well !I journ· iam nrc teaching in the A1lI1a]lolis High On Tups(lay nigllt, January th~ elev· in this COllntry and abroad as Sehool. 'l'heir address is: 187 Glouces- tcge, eutered n shop owned by Miss D. C. alist of long !lnd varied experience, {'nth, the omcers of the W. W. Clnb AUlla SlI'ann, to buy a lIew wardrobe ter Street, Annapolis, Md. werc cleded for Ihe secoud term of the fur the orphall. The apparel was dia· A.mOllg those who spent the week·end (luthor au(l traveler, will be assoeiated Chape Day, Ray seholastie yenr. TIle results of the eJee· 1)la.,'rd on living models, hi the Lollow· in Baltimore, .hlaryl.'l.nd, were the Miss- with this Hlugazine liS Coutribllting Ed- ':!6, Elizabeth Lew- tion w~r(! as follows; iug order: eK llelell Butler, Dorothy Msllott, Hazel itor. Mr. Crookett, while retaining his is, ']9, Dot McAlpine, '25, "Tommy" President-Emily Jones. En;nillg dress-Dorothy Rooper. EmU. Katherine Bryan, aud Jeanne nther iuterests, will participate in the Massey, 'Z6, Gladys '~6, Benson, '26, and Ruth Yiee·President-Dol"ulhy ':Ifellott. i'ltc\"('Il$. editorial counsels of the magazine, amI Harryman, spent l!l'st week· the Hm. Dinner dress-Jeanno Stcnllls. wealth end on Secretury-11arlha Engle. out ot the of llis c):pcrienco as· Suit-M:lrgarct Barnhart. sist 'rrea~UfH-Su(' Boyer. CAN THEY COOK? jn its oovelopment into th'e best 8tro('t dress-Elizaoeth Wright. S. S. Messenger-Virginia lIunter. Morning dress-Phoebe Roop. :md most interesting pnblieation of its },Inbel Garrison, '03, broadeasted last of Sergennt·at·Arms-nos.elda Todd. Rchool dress-Mildred Dl)ub. Wltnt was the canse of all the merry kind." Tllursin\ed out four great dilli· officc. "Pop" Shipley's "slumming," tao '1'en Room was Lrans· ('ulties wllk\! confl'Ollted JlJ<;ns in hi$ Later on, whell Mr. Orockett )m,1 fQrmNI iuto n Greenwich Villuge res- DELEGATES REPORT ON MILWAU· and which HI'!, before us today. lillarde(\ it \'isitiug Amcricun warship at Light Lunches and Soft Drinks tn\lJ"llllt. Betwceu course~. the gnests KEE CONFERENCE AT JOINT art'; (I) lndiffer~nce----tfillsed by J.laraeil!t,.~, he rceei,'cJ. the following were entertained by aliases Hughlette, "Y" MEE'l'ING theije prosperulll! :"!.nd ~clf·su!licient from his chief: AT THE FORKS Wheeler, Baus find NorllJan. E"ery ouc limcs. (:!) DiscO\'ery of new laws- YUll e,'er visitcd the Riviera1 eutcred into th(' spirit 01' the pHrt)", At n joiut meetiug of tho 'l'. lIf. rmd "'hiell (Ii$sol"e lhe personal tic ",ith l~ not. liow would you to go to nud thc whole effect W!U:l unique. L \\'. held ill UHI,cr Chapel on the God. .\IOlltc Carlo wh(,'l'c .y(\U might gilt nn Deihl. Sigma Kappa takes pleasure in cI'enill1!" 01' JfllIlInry tll'elflh, the ·Wcst- of i(Jca of the life {L the place nud lit the EAT-A- PLATE -A- DAY announcing that MiM Ohnr!oUe "\Yhcel- c'rn ;"htryland College (ldcgate$, .Miss feeling-which Sallll' lime interview sOllle persons I l'f /lnd Miss Doroth~' Johnson hayc bl)!!n hlnrgntet Wilson ,lnd )Tr. Weldon S"j'lnl",jte ('lllll·chl's. Inl\'C in milld~" retch'ef] into fnll membership. DflWSOIl, t,llk(>(l on Ihe most iUlJlort"llut Prnf. H~rrison Elliott spokc on "l'he ,\lr. ('l'ockett's eX]lCI"icllt'e, as n wrUer NEUM~Nl ICttUl'l)8 deli"ercd Ill' the l.lilwHukee Pindillgs Of ~loderu J'syclwlog.'· AJli! IlI!(I tr',,·cier, woulrl make 11 story of roo SCIENCE CLUB HOLDS FIRST COlifetCIl~e. Th(' Potentialiti~ti Of HUlllll.ll I,ifl'l.', IIIUm'e ;tnd n(j'·('lItun'. He~id('~ the book :MEE'l'ING OF NEW YEAR },Ir. [)nwsnn's first report wus Illl Dr. [lis nrguIJl('nts Wl're based on the fol mentiOIl('d nbo"e, hI;.' hns written "The ICE CREAM TiUloth~' ~w 's "Row Christians :MaIm points: (1) Limit nnd rnngo is 'rhe Scienee ('lub hdd ils firs! lIleet it Diill('nlt ~'or The World To Bclie,'c 1){lfll the illdh·i(lu:II. (:!) Personal R('l'clntiolls 111 (Of the L()nise"~ll book jssne On spi. of TIlE CllUoM WITlITII£ MOllfISHTAST£~ itism. N"ol"cmb"r ing of the yC:lr, 'rhursdny el'eniug. in Chri~t." Fil'<'! rensons were ail- it.'" i~ not fjx('d hut has possibilities. (3) B('IIlItt[l11, ho IIns ~1lI article J:wuary 17. The spenker of the el'· nU!~eu; (1) (,hrilltians t'uil to Ji,·c ne· llnll!:L1\ th:lrHd~risticB arc modifynhlc. '''l'heIIH'Qnsidcntte'l'rrtl"eler.'' ening, Mr. :Eldcr(licc of "\Vestmioster cording to wh:tt they I'f(>il'S$ to believe. (.l.) Puuibililles for growth seem nn· Bigll School, gllvc H W'ry inter{>sting (:!) ClII'istillllS 111I"e been half,/wllrted limile(!. (il) HIUlIIlns hnl'c capacities I~>etnre Oil "Chemical Wnrfllre." He in Jlrn~ticing tile preeepts of Christ. fur s~lr·impro\"elucnt. Wehler & King Zile-Neuman CO. developc.d the l)oint that the use of gas (3) L'hristillllSilold au n1ti\udoofsu- 'l'licse rel\ur!~ gnYe the Westerll Mllry· is the most humane wlIy to NITTy on pl'riority iush'ad of l'qnalit~·. (4) JUlld ('olh'ge students a good ideu of Gf{ADUATE PITAR.HACISTS war, since it rauses los~ deaths and t'hl'istiauHof\cn havel'xllloitntionHS!l the llilwaukee Contcronce. It is to be The RexaU Store Westminster, Md. fewer pl'r!lIancnt injuries. E\'oryone hiddl'n mllti"e iu helping olhers. (5) n'grett~d Hlat the forCOll brcvity of the Westminster, Md. thoroughly enjoyed the lecture. Christinns fail to curry out the princi meeting pr
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