Page 61 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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The Gold Bug j Western Maryland Collegej Westminster, Md, Page Three I SPORTS I Inter -Class Cage Tourney Starts I SPORTS I TERRORS LOSE TO LEBANON BUCKNELL DEFEATS W. M. MEN'S INTERCLASS BASKETBALL FRESHMAN GIRLS' BASKETBALL VALLEY CAGEMEN RULES PRACTICE PI~ying the type of basketball t.hat enabled them to win the 1926 champ' W~d"esd(1y, JUHunr), 12, the lllisket· 'J'hursdnj-, Januar.,· JJ, the basketball Each class will be represented ,by n This. veur c\'t'l'~· Freshm~u girl is ro. ionsllip, the Sophomore elas~ team ens- bull team lost to Lebanon Vnlley by the team journeyed to Bucknell where they fir9t and eeccnd team. quired to prncti~e lmskutbnll at least ily defeated tl,S Seulcr repreaentatlvea score iI! 38-22 nu the arnwr.l' fl.oor. The were defeated 34·21. The Bucknell team Each team will be composed of a one per-iod a weck. Those who hnvc in. a well-ptaved game Monday after- "iaitors took thc leud nnrl dis]Jhlying ('xccllent teamwork had no men. never l"la~'ca the gamo before, now of .No first noon 20-J2. were never headed. first half ended trouble ill rnullillg up a substantial lend squad play eight all th!) second team team ill lIlall hnve a good opportunity to Ienrn. eon- mny The victors started off the scoring wuh the score 33·8 in the vlsltors" fu- on the Terrors, who were without the secutiva g:ll11eB. As yet, not very mnuy girls h-1"e been ,·or. Dllrillg the se(·Qud lUllf the Ter· Williams. when Condon netted a field goal under- sorviecs of Brr)II, Weigle and going out for this sport, but it is hop· neath the basket. Lawson seared the rors held the vlslting tenm Oil e,·cII Ellis with seven field goals was the .No player who has in a ed that will take it more seriously first point for the Seniors from foul t.erms but were unable to overcome the high scorer of the game. varsity game, or is on S{]l\1l.\1 uud will time to real advnntage. and strip. Condon rail the score to six lead . 'l'he playing ·of Gllbcrt The line-up' is eligible. Tf this system is followed each yenr, bcfcru Baker eaged first field goal for Piehl. with seven and nille fi('ld goals Two games will be each there will be much good ltlateria'] from his team. The score at half-time was respect! ..el~' featured the COlI test. BroH Western __ Maryland .B.l": Bucknell scheduled aftrrnoon, the which to pick the vnraity team. Ellis Halicki 11 to 6, ill favor of the Boph cagcmen. with five baskets W/IS the leading scorer • Pelton .L.F. M(lCaskey promptly at 4:15 P. M. The time ot for w. ~1. • Lawson made twd' from tbe Sullivan L. F. the hnlves will be fifteen minutes. roul1iue aud the contest looked·like it The lin('-nl): O'Lear C. SaUor BOXING BECOMING VERY I"oulll develop into a. real battle. B;"t Western !lIaryl:md Leb.1non Valley The following are official refcrees; POPULAR three field goals, two by Keen, tfie Soph Broil Rl-'. Gil!Jert ~:~,l:;::':~ ~: g: K~:t:~;::C.Chambers, Williams, Clark, Weigle, c~ptnin, Hnd the other by Shockley i.n }~llis L.P. Piela "Dil-k" nllrlow has organized a vcry about a minute pnt the game "on ice." O'J,ear c. C_ Wheeler -~~-- • O'~::r, a~l:::l~le Ivill eonsist of two entllnsiusti~ g-n)up of lllen for pf\'lillli- .Miller Williams For the S~llior$, Lawson and Baker CO·EDS OPEN BASKETBALL rounds; the winner of the first round 111!ry i.!lstrucliOIl ill IJ()xiug. 1'1Ii8 course lca thc attnc.k, while Shoekley 'alld Con- Weigle RG. Bell SEASON will play the winner of the second at pres('"t, is ,·cry populHr. '1'0 walk dou lead for the "ietors, the ,l)alallce of Wl!inslOCk L.G. Pieraal round for the!!S L. G. 1'Ilnrh:nllcr EI!Jerti 1hc SOJlIl tealllsupplied a defense which The Co-eds b~sketball se.1SOIl opened The second team stnndiug HOt made shah under basket next to im· Sll-t.urd;!y, when the Westorn Maryland fect the percent.age of the first toam. will 'j)ossiblc. BABY TERROR!:f LOSE TO College scxtette met the GaUuudet An -games pl.1ycd before Janu:lJ'Y 17 HANOVER team, at Washington. Although thc about:20 01' 25 The score: will not count. and if a tillnl score was a tie, 22·22, the game Sophomore Goals Fouls Total Forcing the Hallover "Y" quint to was a slow onll and did I1O)t show either Monday, Janu~ 17. First Tcalll- Points the limit, the Western lIJaryla.udFresll· team at it,s besl. Eigle Hnd Newton, SUI1iors I'S. Sophomores. Second Team Shorkl\,y, 1~F' 1·3 men basket bnll tellm dropped the op' as guards for the Gallandet team, kept -Fl·PShmCHI'S. Juniors. J\ecil (Cnpt.),LF 0-0 nning OJf the s.e1l$onon the Penn· onr forwards busy evading them. Knn· Wednesda.y, January 19. First Telllll Condon,C 1-2 city's fl.oor,Saturday night by ])nbel! roUed lip the cntire score for her ....,u,'reShlllOn vs. Juniors. SccO!l'(I'Te(Jlll scoroof27-20. . team. Oharlie "'heeler :md Smitty provo Norris,R G.'l>C 1).-4 Thnl>'reshmCH maue the 'first score of e(l t.heir abilit.y to keep dowu the shoot· -Seniors "a. Sophomores. LIFE INSURANOE Chamber!!', L G & R G 0·0 t.he bl'flmewh;u HnYeU!t dropped a field iJlg in a slow gnllle (IS w{'llas in a fast Monday, January 31. First Tenm- Ora.vetz,LG {)..O gOill from the foul line. The first on'il. Taddio put up a, spirited fight Seniors vs. Freshmen. Second Tcam- Buck Cash qUllrter ended with the score 4-4. The which arollsed the admiration oJ spec· Juniors vs. Sophomores. 'rota! 2·9 20 Red 'J'riangle cagemell took the le~{] tators. An injury prevented ber finish· Rem~inder of the sS'r.MINSTER, MD. Rosenstock, the but "Tut" g:!me, quartnr began. after the second Senior Goals.Fouls Total gho,'Uy having five more pointl! s(loreu ing who replaee(l her, did splendid at inter· published later. After Points eepUng and passing. "Tut" playe'd a Lawson, RF ]·2 <)11them, the Yearlings started a seor· Westminster Stationery Store ing8])reeandt.ook the lead. When the game that will be well remembered. Babylon & Lippy Company B1Iker,Ll!' 0.0 Johnson, as substitute hdf-time whistle sonnded, the Baby "Do" center BILLY DITMAN, Prop.,C 0.2 Terors led 12-9. Tho second half, how· for the team, played an excellent game. Eliiott,RG 1.1 en)r, WIISbaJ for the 'isiting cagemel1, The li},e'llp follows: FLORSHEIM SHOES Kodaks Films Novelties SilliJl (Capt.), LF 0·0 and the'Hano\'or team secured the vie· Monthy and Weekly 'Periodica/l lory ill the last five minutes of the W. M.'lJ. Gallaudet STETSON HATS Wilaou..-. _ R.F,____ ~.. DuBose Tohu jo!ame. Be 1IIiller, Hande and Fuhnn.1J1 Sharrer, Go(sl1rn-Ht-a"'r"I--- played best for the Hanover team. :R;yme' L. F. Kannabell Scoro by Hah'es: IIavenB uny Cooke lend the attaek for Johuson C, Lawton 'l'lre Newest and Best Clothing Soph !}-20 the Freshlllen. Toda S. C. 111.Dtillose International Made·to·Measure and Pllrnishings. Senior 6 6-.12 The game was very ."EW L. .K. 'Woodward, Phollns-227 nnd 297 Willis,C 0-0 HA1'mv.E1R Y. ?II. C. A. &ANITA!RY RUBS SODA FOUNTAIN Gcor'ge R Gehr, Vice-President, Cashier. \1'eisbeek,RG 0·2 G F G T. pb. with all up·to·date equipment ill order SWeh, L G 0-1 RilSS rf. 0·4 2 th'at lYe might better servo onf patrons. Beard 19. 2·5 S Bonsack's T. W. MATHER & SONS Attention W.M.Students Total 0..3 12 BeMillnr c. ()..O .J.'uhrnl.1nrg. 00 JUlIior2nd temu Go~ls Fouls Tot.11 Barnhart rg. Westminster's Leading Store -for those \\'ho don't know we Points 8tr,~yley rg. 1-1 Dr. A. J. Morrell are in 0111' llew location for Reim ..'cke,RP 0·0 2 Hanke 19. 0-0 4·8 )0 HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, LumbertS(ln,LF 0-0 0 CHIROPRACTOR Repair and Tailoring Albright,C )-1 1 Total 10 27 110 E. Main St. Phone 175. The Authorized Shoes for the Por~UG 0-0 Score by quartan; w. 111. C. Fitlest Grade oJ Work. Gondh:llld,LG 0-0 Freshman 4 8 7 1-20 WESTMINSTER TAILOR Y. M. O. A. 4. 5 10 8---27 RUN TO R 0_1'. C. 86 E. Main Street Totnl l~e£creec--
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