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Page Two T_he Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: illq r ' ~ 0 III J]u9 :-: lI11trr-Q1011l'!Jiutl' SENIOR MILITARY COURSE PROVES DrTERESTDrG Offleial newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on wedueeday during The membcrs of the senior Military the academic yenr by the atudeuts of weateru Maryland College, Westminster, Nl'1U5 Maryland. Entered as aeecnd-claaa matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. class are just one of the Snbscription Price, 1jl2.00 a Year. CENSORED Tille Univereity, Dnrtmouth College, most interest;ng courses the collage has to offer. nud Lelund Stanford Jun.ior University, The purpose of this monograph ~1ANAGING S'fAFF I mako no essay to flnunt or cloak each are t.o receive $~O,OOO from an lOS' ecc-ee is to get_down to bed rock lind Editor-in-Chief .. .George S. Bakel', '27 the weaknesses of man; ;for, who is to tete l~ft by Ohm-lea F. Brooker, chair concerning the Managing Editor .. ..................... Carroll A. Royer, '27 jlldge Ulan' Ruther, I feel my goal man of Lhe Ameriee n Brass Company, learn the aetual truth incidents studied. various historical Asst. Managing Editor. ... ~Y.B. Bnudera, Jr., '30 achieved, if I will have aroused by the u ccordiug- to his will whieh was :filed Tills course t.okes oil' the "rose color for pr obute. nunouuced It h:l.s bceu article, a reaction- Business Manager. .' .. Arthur B. Cecil, '28 perusal of hoatfle this or friendly-which will that 'Mr. Brooker left about $3,()OO,000 ed ' glasses and shows the students tbe ,,'hether Asst. Business Managers. ... .i"rm. B. Hehu, '2S spur the female elan. either, to arm for in specific bequests to relatives, and history of the U. S. lUi it actually is [Alvin Albright, '28 a tucreilees fray of SOXeSjor, to re uhurttnble nnd educnl.loual institutions. and not tbe deceptive- polish so liberal- Circulation Manager.. . . . W. Edwin Warfield, '2!J solve to follow the dictates of Higher Iy applied by Borne btatcrtana. this Captain Wooley is conducting who for IT. V. Scott, '30 Asst. Circulation Managers. ..... { Roy L. Robertson, '29 Values. three .Mrs. Florence Brcoka-Aten, essay eon- eouree on what might be termed a condncted You ask me to give a specific expluu- yenes has ation of Higher Values. I ask your .. tests among the secoudary schools, has mod'ifled seminar plan. Each student Art Editor .. .... "rete" Gomsak, '30 patience, for exper-leuce shows that eon- T recelit1~· offerNl prizes to university makcs a complet'll end special study of JM. Gertrude Ranck, '28 two ca.mpaign.!!,going not only into an Editors of Copy .. ~tant repetitiolJ of parables, aUen.pti.llg stlldel1ts. One :mcard of thirty guineas .. 'Evelyn E. Pusey; '28 directly to sbow the :fiaal rule of High· is offered to under-gra.duate 01' gruduate ana.lysis of the tactics used, but also and disillusion· REPORTORIAL STAFF er Valu~s., has succeeded only in hard- studGnts of Oxford, and allother of giving somo interesting Each report is ac· ing historical faets. News Editors ening your ears to furbher appeal. Thus, $150 to Ynlo gtudents for the essay on companied by a largc originally copied L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 I pity you-the weak, vacillatin.g, puf- "To "That Extent Do The Ramifieu· map, which ..?~monstra.tes the tactics Oh, yes, Tra~e and Com tions orf International fed up things that you are. Associate Editors I know, there is cruel competition rueree Affect the Political Relations and the ganeral movements of troops 1\Iarinll Curling, '27 J. Paul J..mmbel'tsOll, '28 "'-lUaugyou; you must fight ior eogni.z- Betwcen the United States and the during this particular campaign. Virginia Wright, '27 ,stilson K. Barnes, '28 The llIemogrnphs given by the mem Elizabeth Norman, '28 Willium Buy, '28 ance of your beauty, yom ability to British Empire." Writing upon such hers of thG class eo"ered tho military will undoubtemy a subject tea.table; promote a eonverse BMily llcrOi:lllthe REPOR'fERS rour 'lui('Ilis8 Rol.JinSOll remembC'r your Stat.e its fnll quota of 8n~eessful bn~i· allllllUl 'Iccompliahmellts. r could Ilot feerth!t '" do .re~c~rcb wOl'k III :-he library of !In name' n~ss men, lawyers, doetors, ~nginecrs, ""erage Nl~t ot $JliO.80 for ~ach high spirit of "Well done tholl good I1J\tl anClont monastery, SIX thOllsand feeL H-Admiml Simms hlwe a dat.eT preachers, soci(ll workers, nnd cultured ~~ho{)1teach('r prepared. It would have matrons. We might enlnrge upon tllis (·ost the SUlte $73~,500 to prepare these iaithful sen'ant" "'..ra I to disregard a;boy.ll._fila level. l:')-'\liss Hards refuse the 8alU achicvement ",;Ih credit, but we wish tl·:lchers. Thill sLows !I Buying to the ;~~, P~I;:O~p~~:~:~"~: ~a~ll~l~~~:;t:,.:~ According to President Geol'go D. 16-Doole.r's Ulustadl(' in this issue to dwell m()re at lengt.h l)tate in six year8 in ihe prepara.tion of 11-11llbert Johnson he lillcs 2!r;:l tenehcrs of $5%,314. womenf upon u distincti",:! service which the mace, twiBt the \hiekly rouged faces ~~~lap::s!;h:~~~~OI::gl!~o!t;lt c:~~t~~.t 1S-P~ss Lawson loae his white (t) college renders to the State anrl to thr 'I'he preparation of high school teach· (Bless them.) or most of the -Coeds at wide movement, but is :l sitnat.ion cou- hot! cause of publie educ~.!}Onin the p1Cjla HS nen\[ ent:Jils demand;s upon the eur This comillg eulogy o:J:.,jlieirfeah. Y011 fronting nrnuy colI{}ge~. He says that J!I-Chorlot-tc Wheelcr let hcr Ilnir ration 'J1i1ilgh 1#1.001 te:l~hcrs. iicululll wllkh were not made a few h:wa ao consistently bawled to inno the tho question i~ a different proposition grow~ "-orld of YOllr -purit.y, of your sd~~;y~ae~:ho::1PI6': t~,::: 2;°;0!~~~~~;~e:17:, O~~(~:al;:~tl:"l~~hg:::~t.1ib~I~~ eence, aud yonr Se~(8UprcuUlcy, that for eaeh college, and it is up to the :20-Jark N.\-,crsS1.0Pg"owingf mdividual college to settle the problcm S\UI\,l.'n\must [lrerJ.1rcto tl'nch :It lcnst rOil lla,e finally pulled this wQrn. cloth 21-Al:,_rg:Ll'et Waruer quit hating men' prepared at Western Mnl'ylall(I, 32% >tceording to its particular circnm ~2-TJJle Quinn stop )\:Iting women' at other colleges in the state, 33% were two lJigh school snb.i~~B, must have the of h~"procrisy over your own eyes. You stances. kl; Amhcrst the president ha~ 23-lJefi~' Lyneh grow thin1 prClmrcd outside of the state, and 14% required proicssit,lUal courses, lind lllU~t ~xcnlle your petting, YOllr kissing, amI 'lppointecl a eommHtee to study the h:n-e irregnlar prepnrntion. Maryl::md ohscl"l"o"nd d'o practice teaching ill lhe .Hlllr net;Olls ill gencral with funny (luo~tion methodjeally, bOO'orodeciding ANSWERS-- placed las!. year a\.l()ut 160 new high schools uuder supervision. The .\'ouths by saying that that is the mod 111l0nit. I-Smith BrotJlera. Western Maryland College school t,enehers of whieh Westenl nInry· h'ounded some ten ,reau before r Know YO\ll'r(l~ction to this bllnkmn, were compellod to leap out secolld an,] l6-A good hair j,(luir. Maryland Publi!.' Sellool Luw be· We wish to eorreet an orror whi~h ell whaU Rut, T wond-cr if you cun lr-Nothing>-----ll(l's hopeless. C.1me ,'[fecti"e, the college hns been appenred the last issue of "The ~xtri{'ate SOlll·~t'l( from ;.·our pl'esent rhi!'(l floor windows, causing mllny in· lS-A StrO)lg win(L Fivo jnries. seriously SLndonts were c1osel~' aJJicd with public ednctltion, in which cOllee:lls your wallow- injured and arc in the Winchest()l' hos- 19-'l'rr and make her. and more especinUy with the !levelop· Gold Bug" in connection with the Mil· lllgS the 'luicksiluils of i;''1lorIlHee. pitsl for treatment. The principal menL of public secondary education iD Ivaukee Couference. It was stated thnt r (lollbt it. (YOll ClI11 do worse t1lnl1 dIe school also suffers from burus amI of ~~=~e~:l:~n:~\"hh::e hi~~~'i,e'world. twO deloglltes wcm Bent out by the the St:.te. "'estern Maryland Y. 'V. C. A. This renu nn urtic.le culle(l "The Problem of exposuro. 'l'he mail~ 'building II'llich was 22-She'~ somewhere too. The following tnble shows the nnm· had been the original piau, but Miss The 1~(luc!ltea 'Voman," in the Decem· (Ic~tt(ly{}d wns 1IJlproximll.teJyvtllued nt :!3-?llfirmnla bblets. ber of We~tern ?llnryl::md Grndulltes, ber issue !)f Harpcr's lIlHgazine, which I921·l[1!!6, receil'lng lIigh School Kylo wos nt the last minute forced to ulucidates the o'pposito erlrcme to thm $],300,000.00. Tcm::her's Ccrtificates: give up the "trip. Ali!! Wilson was eon of ihe above article.) YE SEWING. CIROLE] ~e'luently the only delegat.c represent- Tho fire which recently destroyed },rUlIl/)l'r Of Cffftificotl19 ing our Association. .Here()rsbul·g Aca.demy will neeel!!;itate This idel! of the "8eW'ing Cir- Yeor .lIt und disreputable torm sistent, 1924 50 tt'r of suggestion wll)' not start rhe -East "f the )[j~si~sip['i iln(l :North of of 1925 67 course aglliu, soon! Ihe, Ohio Ifh-ers 10 the Atl/llltic Ocean, WOOD RESIGNS BERTH AS GET lnlll,uC'rrillg' pn'sulHptous information 1926 " anil from Virgiuin :ll"l Wrst Virginia TYSBURG COACH; TO LEAD It is the OI);ni011of the, hD~'S, that if such energ.r be appliC'd to the beUer- Another signjticant thing [lbout these SUBSCRIPTION BT,ANK to ~l~ine, to sell redm~~ 110lel Emerson on similar position at Wm. F. Myers' Sons stRtC' fnnetion. It is (·osting the State college ycar 19~G·1927. lh" ,lny of the ('('Il\-~njjGnand Ball'luct. <.'(1 to .'l..ecept n "Yeslcyan Uni\'eraity . $50('1 11 ye~r to edncate elementary .\s soon liS 1.\\'0 hUlldr~d 1111(1 flftr ecr· PORK PACKERS teachers in the Normal Schools, as reo (Name) tifi('ntC's IH1vc beC'u a R;)ilrOllll porled in the GO"etllor's mes.saga to the om"('r pres~llt will good AND present Legislature. It would cast the for ;I l~'turll ticket to bE' plll'e.hascd nI) Margaret SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS State at least $625 n year to edncate itg (Street) to und iJwlnding ~~l'b. 14th, at onc hnlf high sellOol teachcrs. Since the cost of of tiw one wa;v fnre. (Pare. must not ,. DOGGiE" SANDWIOHF.lS Relail Groceries Phone 360 prep:Hing high school teac1'ers exceeds be 1"511 Ihan (;7 ~ent full f:lrI.', the eost of llreparing elementary tench· (City aud Shte) WHY.) Isu'l that an iuducement! nOT SOUP Offi~e&; Planl Phone 361 Liberty & Grc~n St. '
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