Page 59 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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COL NEXT ISSUE OF Uti SECOND SEMESTER GOLD BUG, BEGINS FEBRUARY 2 MONDAY, JANUARY 31 Vol.4, No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Jan. 19, 1927 Dr. T. H. Lewis, President Emeritus, COLLEGE CALENDAR Schedule of First Semester Exams Delivers Address in Baker Chapel WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19- Second Semester Registrll.tion for JANUARY 25th TO JANUARY 29th. Freshmen and Sophomores, 2-5 P. !. Urges Importance of Seizing Junior Members of Speech "'. Tuesday Morning, January 25th. Tuesday Afternoon, Ja.nua.ry 25th. Present Opportunities. Boys' Inter-Class Baaket.ball gumes BibM 1 Prench 1 Dept. to Give One·Act Plays in Gym. Seniors va. SophonlOres, Education 1 .Frenol'h3 On SUlHhlYevening, Jnnuary 16, Dr. and Juniors VB. Preshmeu, 4:15 P. '8ocillltScience 1 French 5 Thomas Hamilton Lewis delivered the 1Il. Spanish 3 addresS at the regular chapel servlee. Announced for Friday, Jan. 21, T. 11[. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., French 7 Dr. Ward and Dr. Elderdiee nsalated 6:30 P.:\J. Preneh D Dr. Lewis in condncting the service. 8.00 P. M., Smith Hall. Seteuce Club ill Smith Hall, 7:30 Philosophy 7 Dr. Lewis is the first of the series of Under tile direction of Miss Smith, P. M. "Diel," IIarl(lw, Speaker. \'isiting clergymen, who, according to nsaiatant professor of speeeb, the Jun. Delta l'i Alpha, 9:30 P. 111. Wednesday Moming. January 26th. Wednesda-y Afternoon, January 26th. custom, are to address the students in ior members of the speech department, Biology 3 English 1 Baker Chapel bRtWIl!'.l1Christmas and aided by !Mr. Rcsenstoek, will present THURSDAY, .JANUARY 20- Biology 9 English S Spring Vacation. He is not ollly a two cue-net plays, in Smith HnIl, Pri- Debate Council, ~: 00 P. M. Biology 9 English 15 Varsit.\' .Basketb~11gamo at Arm graduate of 'Western Maryland, but has dny evening, 22, ut 8 o'clock. C. vs. Ameriean Uni- German 1 Chemistry 5 J:tnu:ll'Y had the dletinet.lon of 11Iwing been The first ptny, "Nevertheless," is II ory. W .... L Home Economlea 1-2 Chemistry 13 p-esident of his Alma "M:lter for thirty· delightful sketch by Stunrt Walker. '·rr.~ity, s.ra P. M. Latin B Horne Economics 15 tour years. Since his grnduntion fl Ety- por trnys how ensy it is to he good and It ~'lnDAY, JAXUARY :U- Latin 1 Bome Eeuunmi ea :n two years Ilgo, ho hils occupied the put honest, aud if ono follows the heroine's S('(!~nd Sl'lIIeste~1R~gisl~ation for Latin 3 Sociology 5 pit of Baker Ohapel many times. At advice, it in guaranteed that one enn- .rumors ann Senlora, :!.", P. M. \Social Science 3 present Dr. Lewis is Prcstdeuf ot' the not come short in goodness. Junior Spree!l PhlY$ in Smith Spanish 1 Genernl Confereuee of the I1retho(!iijt The second play, "The Rev,olt," tsn Hall, 8 P. Ill. Protestant Church. df\'cr comedy by Ellis Parker Butler. SATUJWAY, .JAl"UARY 2~~ Th\lrsda.y Morning, January 27th. Thnrllda.y Afternoon, JllJlURry 27th. Dr. Lewi~ took as his text n porUoll There is very worthwhile information Poe'h' Club ia .smith Hall, 7;00 Biology 1 E(\u(lntion 3 of the parnble of the wise and f-oolisb on the prnetical method of coddling p. :til. Biology 7 Gel'llllln 3 (classical) \.irgius (Matthew 25; 10)-"-nn(! the and managing a husband, given ill the Chemistry 1 llistory9 door was shut." This, he said, sounds clever lines. The "Tdea\lluaband n is TL·BSDAY. JANU,I,RY 25- be· Ohemistry 3 Home Economics 13 x'irst Semester Bxamiuations \'cry abrupt, but religion is nTh abrupt the most important charaater in the gin, 8::)5 A. "'1. Greek 5 Muthclllllticsl matter and Cll.unot be treated by com· pluy, but he remain" II mystery llnti! History 7 Mllthelllatics3 promise. Do urged his audience to look tho night of the production. The wlwle llome ECOllomiC$3 ),.bihematics7 10 tlleir SIllvatiou in tho pl'cseut, and is a sllbtle aud laughable play with an SOCi/llScience 7 not simply trust in God's infinite mercy clement of mystery makes it very Western Maryland is Admit- and 1ft the matter go until some \'~gue that Friday Morning, January 28th. Friday Afternoon, January 28th. fllture date. This doetrino of hum,m interesting. ted To Eastern Conference Germ!lll 3 (scientific) Education 5, '{ '1'11000 who saw " 'Op 0' Me probation, expanded to include all tilll~ Thumb," aud "The Try~ting Place," History 1 English 5 and eircumstancl.lS, ill a very comfort kn{lw the -excellent conching done by Receives Unanimous Vote of Distory 5 Gre~k 1 ing one, for we al1 like tly no control On'f opportunity. is, 'Irs. 'ViUa, Cusper Hart, Carroll PennsylvaJlin. collc~s, within ensy Geo:e~ : ~~:~t~~~n I:~~. Be Regular Credit Now Given College studenh UTO in the apprentice· Ro~'cr. reach of Westminster. for Work in Department. ship of life. Onee this tutelage i9 over, It wus d~ided that every mem'ber of Western Maryland was not repro opportnnities not seizcd du.ring the pro· the W. !It. C. Shnkespeare Club must seutcd at the spceiaJ meeting .Janunry Trip to Albrig'ht and E'town Prior to this SCSSiOll,music was cess are gone forever. 'Ve enn never nlso become in MUllie. When we sec these thinj,"S, and know BY WILSON FOUNDATION Eighteent'h Amendment questions, and This isas that Jcsus offers us eertified salvation The ne;\:t meeting will be lleld 011 the othor team on the Modification of with Liternture it shou,ld be. Music, nlong and Art, ill aseuming ,n the pre.sent mement-simply for our .Pehruar.y 9, J927, in MeDsllicl Hall The 'Voodrow 'Vi1sen }'onndatiou lms the Volstead Act qUllstioll. 'Ill importance in the life of the lllass~s tr.king,-how call we be so foolish n~ Parlor. All~'oue intl'1'cs.te(1ill a eloser annonnced a special donation whieh to take any risks' Why should we of, or hettCl' acquaintanee with will eauble it to offer two -Woodrow The tentative teams which have been heyo!!d lhe fondest hopes of its adv-o- selected arc Royer, Johnson, (lnd B. G.. bllrier all thi9 ilSaurnnee for a ch:..nce the and times of Shnkespeure is 'WjilsollAwnrJs of tweuty·five thous(lnu Lippy, and Lsmbertson, Roscnstock, c:ltes of a (loemle ago. UapidJy inerens- i"g loisure, lllOrQund music, bet· ~omeLlling olse! henrtJl.\' welcomed by the local elub. Be (lallars cach, 'to the young men and and Sterling. Othcrs helping to work ter, cheaper and lllOI'llpopular means 0':: there nt S'lVCU·tlluty. women of America for the two best its dissemination, the now general prac' A NIGHT WITH SHAKESPEARE 'lI'tielcs of twenty-five hun{Jred words up the qUllstions are W. R. 'Smith, Cov· tice of ten.ehiug music in the public G. Eaton, and ington, Grant. '\V. TO BE PRESENTED FEBRUARY 4 CLASSICAL LECTURE each on "What Woodrow ·WilsOll The complete schedule which is de· schools, all contribute to make musie ILLUSTRATED l\feanstoMe." The Seniors ill tho speeeh dcpnrtmant The- Ilwards aTe a.vailahle to any reo finitely settlcd with one or two excep· of major importallceiutheliveltof tho are prepMing, under the snpctvi8ion of Students"of Laiin and Greek enjoyed sidlOnt of the United 'States who bas tions is ae follows: people. Uis9 Smith, assistant profe~sor of on Thursday, January 13, a very inter· reached his or her twentieth birthday February l;t.-Alhdght College--Away. WI)\'enturetopre(lictthatthiafof' speeeh, to give a program in Smith esting lecture on "Pompeii," given by and who hns not pllSsed his or her Febrnnry 12_Elizabethtown Collewa- l'I'lird Btep by the college will meet with liall February the fourth. The enter· Dr. Yonnt, the hend of the deparhuellt. twenty·fifth birthday. Away. fin appreciath'e respo!Ule. tainment will consist of cuts from the Dr. Yount used slides to illustrnte tIle The purpose of tbis eouteat is te Febrnary H_-George Washingtoll Uni· following Shnkesponrcan plnys: "Ham· lecture, nnd by U1CailSof them' many make everyone familiar with the prin- versity-Home. March 11 or IS-Albright Collegc- lct," "~ferehnllt of Venice," Mae· dear ideRs \\'ere grlined eoncernillg the ciples nnd ideals which inspired this February 2[)--Bucknell UniverHity- Rome. beth," and "Illig .John." strueture of the Roman cities, houses, grelJ.t man in his endeavors for human· Away. Man!ll H-Eli~abethtown College- Miss Smith haS been Ilnusually snc· streets, and mnrkl't places: "forn." ity. Fehruary 26-Penn State College.- Home. ecssflll in cO:lclting dramlltics this rear. Besides \'icws of Pompeii, Dr. Yount A detailed copy of this announce· Away. M:areh 21-Gcttysburg Cellege (Pend· The highly entertnining prodnctiou$ g-tlVOsevernl &lides of the Eternnl City. mellt may ,be found in the College Lib· March (-George Washington Univer· given by the speech department in rur;" or it can 'be se.e.ured by writing sity-Away. ing)-Dunl Debate, Home and Alumni TIall lust November )ltO sum- Ask the Registrar About thll Naw to the "{oodl'ow Wil90n Foundo.tion, March 5-Amori'can University-Away. Away. eil'Jlt proof of her ability. Course in Journalisml Washington., D. C. March 7-Bucknell University-lIem~. April 22_Boston College--Home.
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