Page 58 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Six The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings 1:;\ "lItIth t 'M t I Alumni Nrmn GILMORE LIPPY ..:'\UlJ :wtllU ~ 11 Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN SOIENOE OLUB TO MEET ON W. W. THURSDAY Miss Laura Ifutcuine apent the week- Any W. news. items concerning Weibrouch. \V. W. takes great pleasure in nu- cud ill Baltimore, Md. Alumni will be gratefully reeetved, M. Lester eroeeee at '25, has registered Ilniver- 'rhe Science Plub will meet (It 7 P. uouueiug that }.JiS8 Datberine Close iii for Johns Hopkins ::>1. 011 Thursday, Jnnuary 13, ill Hie one of her pledges. The :Misses Thelma Cross n.ud Rosalie aity. '2J, Almll been Chemistry Lcetum room. This deviation Smith spent the wpck·end at, lIBsa teaching lIolliday, Wicomico who High has School, the in from the original schedule becnme Cross' home, West F'rleudehtp, Md. Salisbury, Md., is 'now II. "ludy of leis Elizabeth Tober, ex '28, an English PHILO NOTES necessary, due to the f(letiliattheVar· nro" at her lIome in Hebron, Md. major at Johns Hopkins, haa resumed sit.y BIl!;ketbali temn will play Lebanon )fiss Eva Lynch hns been doing sub- lterstudiesatt]lIltinstitutiou. At the buelneas lUeeting held the stitute teaching au Winfield High Valley this en~lling. R. E. l,Vimbrow, '19, is now enuneet ad T'rof. Elrlardiee of this town, will ad Mouday before the hofidaj-s the renew. School for the past week. with the Eireetouc Rubber Compnuy at dress the club au "Chemical war- iug officers were elected to serve dur- St. Louis. His address is: 2023 Maury Lafayette Balles, cx'II), is living in fare," aud Co(leh Harlow will speak ing the second term: Absent-Minded Prof.: It happened Ave., St. Louis, ].[1).' a suburb of Los Augelee. His address the following week on "Birds of the President, Mercill Rnyrue. somewhere between the end of the is: III Manor Bt., Altn deua, Oalifornia. East." 'I'wo wonderful speakers, on Vice·President, Elizabeth Norman. summer and the of the win- two iut ereatiug subjects I Evwyoue is Recording See-y., Dorothy Hooper. ter-ill other words durillg UHl. fall. Eleanor Musgrove, eX'Z8, reeeutty iurited vtn attend. Con. 'See'y., Frnuces Raleigh. alUIOllUCed her eogugement to Clark V. "Tommy" Massey, '26, Ruth Harry- GEOIHlE S. BAKER, Treasurer, Lucille Pros by .. Miss Mary "Ruth 'Holt wishes to au- Brlbtou, a gr-aduate of V. M. I. Her mau, '26, Miriam Strange, '25, and President. Philo is to enter whole uou nce tliat she is not responsible tor address is Ccokaville, Md. Dot Me.Alpiue, '25, were week-end visi_ lic:ll"teuly the eoming debat.iug sen tbe noise made at her end of thl) hall tors on the Hill. son . .Miss Joy Rcinmuth has been Tuesday night. Y. M. C. A. NOTES elected tbe society rPl'r(!senlativc 011 son, Elma '2.! ~al\'TenCe, '25 aud Artlll1r Ben· Mury Esthcr Caughlill, '04, of Sali~· cert,~.iul" the sturtod Neiv the debating C011ncil, and .1liss lIIercia The IlHbit of lateness scems to ha\'e 'l'car They came baek to the burr, Uti., is teaching English iu the The iuitial meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Rayme has been np(loiut~d to arrange lost its hoM on the mcmbl'fS of the Hill were married in Baker Cl!npc! hip:h school at Indian lic!ld, Md. Be the society debute!!. Philo needs lhe ~Inss ill eontcmpor:!Ty civilizatioll. Year's Caughlin's Wooden, on fifth. The devo whole-hearted Slipport of all its mem· Professor ITcnr;l' T. Colcstoek, Ivho con- on New dny. fore J.fiss COUllt.\' Wt:lS tlte ollly appointment, whiell one Ch:nles tiona I sen'iee wns by B. T. Burues. bers. ,lu"ts tIl(' class, ha~ informed his stu· eould !lot bou!' of having n ,Vesteru The sppaker of the e"enillg was Dr. dents that two fardl marks will be Olive .simpson, '11, expee1s to unter Marylulld gralluate teaehiug in one of Wills, who gllvo us a "ery illter~stillg tonsilleredoneeut. the Colnmbia graduate ~cltool ill }'ebrll' and helpful tHlk, in whith hG emph:l- SHAKESPEARE CLUB ORGANIZED Ilry,1921. S110 has been tp:lc"hiug his- its high schools. This appointml'ut sized tho f:u:t that we should increase HOME EO OLUB tory in the high sehool in Cumberlalltl, gives "r. M. C. ono or more represollta- our knowledge (Ind net according to Ol!! The Shakespenre Club promises to be Thc llomo Ee Club held It- 1I1d. Miss Simpson, whose major is ti\'es ill evury county in the stnto. thiltking, instead of takingthcthonghh n gre!lt success on the llill. Its first Chdsimns party ,just before the lliatory, will eOlDplete her work on her Gi' oth~ra. After Ii song lhe meeting days. SantI' Claus W,IS unable to bll masler'a degree at Columbia. meeting, held .)u Janu.11'}, fifth, lI'a~ llililn Ostrom, '17, hM won laurels was :Idjonrncd. 11'011uaeudcd by Sh:tkespeal'i:lU enlllu· pnlsent, so "Billie" Bevard took his fOI' herself alla hQr Alma .Mater by her EI'eryOlle present was helped by this si,,~t3, Dr. \rills preseut~d a carefully pla~c anit distribntcit gifts from a huge Sam Seltofield, '19, formerly Deal] of ~]\Ielldi(] work :.It Hopkins. She grad· meeting, so those who were llot 1here, outlined PI'ogl'lunme of aetivitics. I)Hek. ALter refreshments had becu ;"len and Chemistry Professor at \\r.:lIf. ullted from the Hopkins Xurars' Train !nuke a new ~'eHr's resolution nud reap Comlllittees, to provide for the elec· served, the club members departed C., last Tllesday alld '\Vednes(lay iug School in '26, nfter complcting tho the benefits of the 'I.'. M. C. A. affi!i~I- filled with tlte Christmas spirit. Hill. tion ilf offil:erH /lud 1.0 consitlcr on Mr. S~hofield, II'ho is nOl1 fOlll" yo:tr course in three years. lIilda tio11 with the Natioual Shakespeare ;1 gra(]uille stu(lcnt at Pl'incetoll, is wus valedietoriuTl of the elass or '17 at HEARD IN McDANIEL HALL WHAT THE CLASSES ARE DOING SOCiety, were appointed. The questiQlI "All out for fi,·e·drilI.'~ planning 10 touch physics at the Hun W. M. C., und tanked Il close second at of dues wns nlso discussed. just School this summel·. His a nrc invited to quartet. 'rhe ;\lissea Amauda Bell and "\\-ho's got 1111ythillg to eat'!" Wehler & King FRESH SWEET ORANGES Ruth Staley arc tlie soprauo members, will be lllnde "Are you pmlh1" :lULI .lliIlllie S1rawbrirlge and Edlla oIthe author's life, his works, anu the "He's a godly character." GRADUA'l'E PHAmrACIS1'S Nordw:11J the :1ltos. The quartet maue time in "'hieh he lived. Slleeinl em· "You lllust wear it ~ol1leUme." Presh Sweet OraIlge8 $3 per box of its first public appearance at the Y. W. phusis ,,·ill b(' plaeed on tho points that "I 113r111y dare meution it." The Rexall Store three hundred large size. Boxes lnrgGr meeting last week. canuot be stressed in the regular "Who wauh to go t.o t.lietea·room1" \\Testminster, Ud. tlmn stolld~rd size. Sound frnit and Shakespeare Elass. "How many gi.rls in this room'" satisfact.ion guaranteed or IT,Oney baek. The directories Qdited by the Sopho- "Did he take her' , 1" We pay express charges. A box of mores, eamo frOIl] tlie press .just before these lllll.kcs 1In appreciated Christmas ~h"li(l!!,!!!;.intil)1\l' ... beusedby gift. Remit with orde_r. _ those who desired to selld Christmas ACME ORANGE FAR:MS, cards to their friends. Anyone who has !lot yet receil'ed a 1!0p~' ma.y now dp liP LaGrange, TexOi!. from lllss Roberta l{owc or Mr. Erncst NuHa11. nr~' The windshield's gone ana the radiator WIlBN The theme of Ihe talk was based up WES'£:MINS'l'ER, :MARYLAND lenks Bi)war<::, JllIliors! The collectors of on lbe life of A11llfl ROWllrd Slww, the 1'he' f:11lbelt slips aud the horSepower DOWN ~Iass dues ore hot on ~"eryolle's Lrail. promiueut woman milliliter, who deter· Phones-227 and :!!17 Tho be~t ]loli~y ig to p~y up ~nd get mined her purpose in life during her squeaks fl'OWN rid nfthe pests. childhood. En'r.I' OIl(' ~"rlDot attain the She shllkes the screws and lIuls all loose Olllw:trd aup~ess th:lt r,lIIllC to Anna .But I get. 40 Illilea on a gallon of juiee. S'('OP .N1' The Seniors are plallning II). give a but 1111 of us llnn I'njoy the in· breakfnst hike in thc near future. Pre slltiafllction derived from a lask W'hf'n I can't get gas I butll.l,erO$eno "JOHN" "Pop" Shipley's And J hn\'c dri,cell homa on Pads Or~en ]lure for a goad lillle Seoiora. wcl1(!olle. E Vel' ready She hilS ,~ rat,t·ll) ill frOl1t, and a grind 1'hi'l illlpr~a~in 11l(!Nillg was made V cry courteous Light Lunches and Soft Drinks illtlterear l)~' u ,·jolin solo rendpr' PHI ALPHA MU ed by Rulli Gleiehmnll,llndII voeal And n Chinese puzzle for a steering E l'['orlcss attentioll AT THE FORKS seledion b.', the .Freshmen girl~' qnal' gear. Right style The l'lIi Alpha Mu's prepared .111d tel. H air cutting scrvl)d a delightfl!l dinner on T'lr$duy The Y. \1. :Iud Y. W. lire pllllluing Her coils 11fe dead and her plugs won't Also evening to the elub members and their to hold ~ joint llleetilig in Bnker Chap· fire Razors boned guesh the :Misses lSllnog!e Ilnd Dryal'n~ el 011 the el'cuing of JflnU(lry twelfth. .\lId hn l'ings are bailing wire Tonies The oecn.sion WIlS enlivened by toasts, 011 Ihc .Uill'·Huk~ Conferenee But ill of lhis she put me thl'Ollg11 The Only Barber and Bobber at witty stories ;lnd jokes. Alld about all any car will do. the Forks NEUMANl With high pril;ed they gi\'~ .you IF W. M. O. CAUGHT ON FmE- tools "The Counlry's Best" ICE CREAM WHAT WOULD YOU SA~E '''"rfield would save his s:txa· SOlllC ex!r'" pnrtH :l1ul a !.look of rules FIRST? But aliI·" .... cnrri('d for 15 yeal's Wm. F. Myers' Sons Jack :Myers wou!!l sal'(' his Greek "TH!CllEAMWITIITHfHClRflSIITAST[" Are 801l1e wire all'dehors and a pair of MiS!! A(}~ms would save her keys. "Ginn!]." \\'ilson would save hor shears. PORK PACKERS "Prof." l~ilnek would save his His- "refer~e" mOlley. AND torrboo"ks. So if I li,"c to see the .Il. Chaml)ers I,"ould save his \\"puding" MacRobie would savc his lumbo:r ring. She falls to piect's lik" olle-horse SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS jockHt. Katy J0111181011 would sal-e her ]Jew shny Zile-Neuman Co. Louise llughlett would sava her eud· shoes. And old Hunk }~ord stays in the galliC Retail Groceries Phone 360 ing iro]]. 1'II bl1r :mothcl" by the ~nll1C (lU1"111mme. Peggy B'lrllhart would ~a\'elho"Y" Westminster, Md. :lLiss Harris would 81)"e her umbrella. candy. (From the "P;lthfinder") Officc& Plant Phon",301 Libe,ty& Gr""n St •. "Mose" w01.11d B~\'e hh college Alma T:tylor would save her picture sweater. gallc.ry. 'Miss lJrydeu would suve her copy of Westminster Stationery Store Wilson Bnrnes would Sllye his prayer Onr SOllas an(l Ice Crl):tm are matle with Ihe choieest IncH syrups took. Tom E:ltoll ,,"Quill save his ;'stae· BILLY DITMAN, Prop. lind flavors, and pure rich eream. Anne Lallder would s'lve the 8tlld('l1t eomb." Go,'ernmeut Coustitutiou. K"odaks Films Novelties B. H. Phillips would Siwe 11is Greek Gertrude Jbn~k would SrI"C her memo TRY OUR CANDJES, you will like them. book. Monlhy and Weekly 'Periodical~ ory baok. MillS Smith would Bln'e her Bab.v Mary Dryden would save her alarm SPEOIAL:Slln{lIl'i~hcs Toastl"l. Gmnd. eloek. At The Star \Veinstoek w{lulu savil his haL "Dob" Sentman w01)ld her W'EDNESDAY- WAR PAINT your Irene Martino would save her marll~l lel.ters. Peter B. Kyne story ],{ake this meeting, and Illllthing place, ANl:TIME- combs. SCOTTY OF THE SCOUTS Mnbel Barnes would save hcr eUf- "Pat" Proske.v woul
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