Page 57 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Fioe I SPORTS I Extensive Indoor Program Planned I SPORTS I MINOR ATHLETICS ORGANIZED DELAWARE DEFEATS W. :M. BABY TERRORS WILL HAVE CLASSES FORM BASKETBALL NEAL RETURNS FROM PACIFIO STRONG TEAM TEAMS COAST WITH ALL-EASTERN Under the direction of the Military The W. M. basketball renm minns the GRID STARS Department the eut.lre male sbudont services of Cnpt. Broil lost to the Unl- body wag orgnui.scd into {ive teams veraity of Delnwn re team by the aeore Thn Western Maryland Ptealuuau The men reporting fur I( pluee 011 last. 'I'hursday. The teams will start., of 3-l·}!J,[LtNewark, Del. Tho 'j'errors tr-am premises to be "ery geed this their class teams are 3S follows' (Guntinuccl from Pllge 1) work~ng MOllO!)), the Hltb. Tho Mcu- w('rn handicapped both by the ubeeuce veat. Coach Lyal Clark is developing day period will be devoted to dr-ill. uf Broil :Il'd the stmugenesa of the the boys into n very fast. aggregation. SEl'\lOH muueral three on IIis lmck. Shuultnu- The 'I'hursdny period will be given llocr. Tile Dclawurn team took the lend Twelve lllen nre (H1Lfor berths 011the Dooley cOllsly,l.helllotl'forlullateopeuedtileir over to athletic-s. It has not bceu de- wiLh the opening whistle and easily re team. The," are; D. Seitz, Hn'veus, LfI\\'S01l Db I'rograms to find beside Ihe nUlll~ral- cided fully what use will be made of tamed it throughout the game by cern Cook, Van Bur('n, H. D. Smith, Gem- Sillin BenDer a picture, (lc,ing him no justic'(', under the Friday period. For those, who, pletely outplll'ying the W. 11". teem. suk, Stach, Dojlaven, Sanders, Beotr, Elliott Hahn IIhid. was stilted the fact that the ller· for varions reasons, do not tare to cu- Poul shots played I( prominent port in Meyls, lind Grover. :Myers Nichols s""n~e was none other Hum "On'ille ter in un;\' sport a period for caliathuu- tho seonug for Delaware, runny penal- The schedule ar rnngad by the Athle- Hannold Umbarger Neale, 1Y('stern Mllryl:md its will be established. Men were ap tics being ginm. Di Josophs lind tie Department includes at present Woodward, L. IJointed to instruet. in eaeh of these Cremer played b('st for Delaware while t.welve games. Othcr teams are being final s,'ore, 7-3, aeeidlllltally in sports. They were:-Boxing, COlI,en Ellis and O'Leflr were the high scorers corrcsponil",d with ill order to fill open JU.N1.0R ClillCd, howe,er, 1r(lS only minor, op· Harlow; Track, Umbarger; "i'restling, for Western :i\larylnnd. dates. posed to the fact thnt Greasy ;Jfi'()rded 'I'ozzi; Rifle, Reed. The men wllo sign· ~he lineup: 15-H!lno~'er Y. "M. C. A. Quiull Bryllnt '('Ill nIl the thrlll of the day, wlien he ed up for their particular neth'ity arc Fit;hl Reed B:\y marIe a lw~llt~··Y:lfd· g,';n Oil Jl fake as follows: Ultiuu$it.l{ of Dr/aWl!''' Goals Jannary 18--Blue llidgc Reserves. Guo(ll,and Ced] plaN' ki~k. ~I~rl' uedit i~ (iU(' him for TRACK Bartoll,"R. F. 3 (Away) A Hlfight 1he fnet thill he ]lhl~'eil, (11her than h.ig Cook W. R. Smith Hill, j{. I~. 1 Fcbrlmr,r 8-llanOl'er Y. },L C. A. (At .1Ilears Bums ae('mtomed half,ba('k position, quarter· !llcretlilh Seit:!; Bruehl D; Jos('ph, L. P .. !lOlllC) Ports BCIlIl~tt. hn~I; tlll'uughollt lh(' lIlathin.s Robertson C. Holt, I,. F. $ulll1nerS ll!lIuudiat~ly the gam!;! Norris 'N. D. Phillips Jaeqllette, L·. }'ebruary 10---Gettysburg }'re~hlllell. SOrIlOi\1QRE r\"'IHll'tc,1 to Angeles, Milune, e. Brool '''ltito Cr('lllUer, R. O. (Away) where ";siteu a Imlther, whom he hnd Bunee O. L. Bowers PebrnHry J5-13lull llidge Reserves. (At .E.I_ippy Proctor 1101: seell for lll'IllY reBrS. Scholnstic. B. B. Phillips Stol'ensou Tarlllr, n. G. HOllie) Snlter Kecn 11"'S, be~:lllle mur'e pow~rful Sterling Ora\-eh: Le CarpentCl", T,. (; .. Sehool .Korris Clink ih~ft tllOQe llinship, and this alone Kutall Eaton A. Holi, L. G.. Chambers Ronch we hnv~ to thmd, for his r.;tUl'Uillg to Field 'finglillg RIll'i\'er \IS ill time to the Christmns Cnn· BOXING H'(.,'f(rJl :llaT.lflnnd GO/lis MM.hins liughcs I'lH,ir of the ~[ethe Johus Mearl! Pelton, 1l. F.. 0 J{jllhe~rt Koontz Ward Nut~ll lim'ens, R. }' .. ~\lJlrch l---St. John's Literary Iustituh·. How:trd Nuta]] UHry fl. WC3g1y Harshman WilliaJllS, R. P .. (At Home) Oran:tz Seitz Dunee Brown lWi$, L. F. Whilrr~ft Iiollaud C. L. Bowers W. D. Phillipg C'T,ear, C. Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Baumgartner Eni~ ),Jaehumer, R. G. INTER-CLASS BASKETBALL .PllESlDL\ N Royer Helland \'1111 Bu.reu, R. G •. 'I'he XCl\'est and Best Clothing Norris Chambers W('instock" R. G... SCHEDULE D. Soih St,lc\ lind F'ul'llishings. Keen Wlliteraft Weigh,', T_. G•. Ha\'rns Goods rot' YOlWg Men, B. I. Barnes Weisbeek U. of D., 1st lialf, 1\1; ~nd 34. WEO_:.ii1:SDAY, JAN. l~ . Cook SHllders 10 Per t;Cllt 00' to Col/cgff. SturlC1!t8 ::kott V/ln Burcn Willard W. 11., 18t half, ,; ~lld hlllf, Seniors vs. Juniors. H. O. Smith 11,'"le;; W[l:.ESTLING Gcms"ck Gro\'et MeCauley Reed Easterday 'Villard FRIDAY, JAN. H. Babylon & Lippy Company Dooley C. L. Bowers Bruchl Y. H. E~ton Sophomores Prcshlll~l" Robertson Dorsey Ein\reart . K B. Lippy I·S. Downer Belt RIFLE JA-:>1. n. Sam Cohen FLORSHEIM SHOES Funk Gil Lippy Downer Sterling )fONDAY, Sterling I.angley Be.ll Ste.vensou Seniors \'8. Sophomores. _ Etliatt ..._K::lIneoy (LOllllon)-"The of our government for the .first timB. for Milton P. Myers, Viee President Gross." It seems to me that I have had a Hot Bread, Rolls and Cnl>es. Give us a Trial. Jacob H. Handley, Traa-llurer J,es.lie Blnnehard~" \Yhat Lies glimpse of the plalls and purposes of Speeials for Parties. Ahend!" our universe. The realization that Go(l PilONB 2·l9·H SECURITY SAVINGS SERVICE 'I'he Con1erenee W[lS brought to a W:lllts us to 1lOlp carry ont tJwsc plans elose ou Saturday afternoon willi au thrills me, and spurs me 011to greater address by Studdert Kennedy entitled: cfforts.') com' Attention W.M.Students PROSPERITY :METHOD D. S. GEHR ~"The Student Ohristinn Movement." On the retum trip, ~ specinl Gents' Suib Pri)sseil 35e. Between cyeles there were di1lonssiOll mittee planued an "echo" of thj~ -for those who clon't know we Gents" Snits Cl~nned a.nd Pressed $1.0(1. groups whieh handled such big qUI'S' great conferenee, to be held at Hood for Lnilics' Coats :lml Dresses chemically Wholesale and Retail Hardware, tiOllS ns "\Vax \'s. Pence," "Prayer College on February 11. It will take Are in onr new 10eation Cleaned :lud Pressed *1.25. Building Materials, Cutlery, ana Worship," and "The Race Pro· the form of a Comm.issiOll Group Con· Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, "Safety 1IJirh clIslomers uI'llur('/ is 01lr Ammunition, Paints, Oils, CQII8/J/,lf(!fiWI" first blorn." ferenee, and will pl'e~ent. such speakers Repair and Tailoring :;:-fOUplooked out for its OW1I !IS Norman Thomas, James Ranek, W. of Work. Al.iBER'r "ABE" TOZZI, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, I reereation in the few spnre hours that .r. Kitchell, Louis :i\fOOIl, and Delln Finest Grade Bepreseut:ltive of Iroll and Steel Products. were noi. tak~n up with llleetinl,'S all(] l".rederiek Lee of U. of M. This is a' WESTMINSTER TAILOR U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer. disellssions. Se\'eral trips of aMial :lnu big opportunity, and el'erYQue is urged 86 E, Main Street "Herb" Elliot, special ~epre$e!ltati\'e (EstnhlislJed ]868) industr'ial investigation, were eOlldnd· to take advantage of it. Call C. & P. Tel. 225 Auto Service at Levino llall. Wcstminster,Md.
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