Page 56 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland ,College, Westminster, Md, lIntl'r-Q1011l'uiutl' .1ItIIit1) WI)l' o~:;",W'P'P"~ ~.!m~'~d !o~g"!i'~d ~ W'd""d'Y:;":ing .\ \ \ ID11r~pnt1tg11t \ the academic year by the students of Western Maryf aud College, ·Welltminster, NelU6 AlIlllilli!ltrution Maryland. Entered ItS second-class matter at the Westminster Poatoffice. ,----------, ~-------------- Subscription Price, $2,00 a. Year, 'I'blr ty-two Rhodes scholars, one from W, M, C. DXTENSION COURSES LITTLE ADO ABOUT SOMETHING cnch of thirby-two States, have just MANAGING STAFF been chosen hy special eounnittees, ap- Dr. George Stockton Wills teaches This article is dedicated to the memo Editor-in-Chief .George S. Baker, '27 painted for tbnt purpose ill each State. an extonaion claee at, nager~t~wnl ecm- ._ ory o.f a young mlln, who is I'Itili IiI" Managing Editor .. .. Carroll A. Royer, '27 There were 37:1 cnndidates for th.:! posed of about thirty individuals. The .. iug; and; who left W. lIL C. before he Asst, Mana.g:ing Editor. .... W, B. Sanders, Jr., '30 seholaralripa this year. These who slutlelttl! are mainly teachers ill the grndunfed. To WhOUlor what is at are awarded to students Business Manager. . .Arthur B. Cecil, '28 sahools, although a-few teaeu in trihnted the reul cause of tho with· schools. Same nee working for drawn! of that person from College, Asst, Business Managers,. ...... {wm. E. Hnlm, '28 aud onaubcod. credits, ethers to improve thelr sO{"ietY-shou1dextend the eredtt for ::t. Alvin Albright, '28 ccrt.ifleat es an(lstill othora for ueeeeaary part of the education of that Circulation Manager .. . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 The newly selected scholars will be- personal eatf sfnetinn. person. Of course, aoeiety does lIOt do Asst, Circulation Managers. TT. V, Scott, '30 gin their at udv at Oxford Umveraity, Last yefir Dr. Wilis conducted a well things, \She ·IS too exacting to Each is sup- in England, next October, .. , , . { - Roy L, Robertson, '29 course in Sophomore litemture, (It Art Editor. ."Pete" Gomsak, '30 posed to remain at the . Hagl'rs!own. This year the work is prf;;~:iei~::;n:::, 1I::~m:ue::er kucw venrs, unless acme tnisfortune what "Ioafiing on the job" given over to a stndy of Englisll ideals WIlJ!before Editors of Copy. , .{:r.r. Gertrud'e RnJ1ck, '28 him. Such scholarships are something as revealed by English Literatnre. T:hc entering collegc,on matriculating, dirt Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 to be proud of aud the few who holil course will covel' sixty homB; one class just what several did. He fell into them "ill REPORTORIAL STAFF them. no doubt mako good use of of two bonrs per week for thirty that class of loaf('rs who ma·ke an art News Editors weeks. Tl,e students arc responsivo of it. This class .J\orfia a majority in , L. K. "\Yoodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 A phm for changing of houol'S a'Hl and thonroughly interested iu the most small oolleges, As a resnlt, he Associate Edito.:r.s of distillc(iollS in English, after a pro· work. belonged with the olheu, <:!rank with iHlu'ian Curling, '27 J. Paul J.Jambertson, '28 posal by the Department of llodcrn Extension courses offer II. sphmd\,l the others, cursed "'ith the othorll,- Vil'ginia 'Wright, '27 Wilsoll K. Barnes, '28 Langu"ge~, bns been ratified by th.o opportunity 10 convey to the people of :Ind, in generlll, raised h..I, aud prop t.he state. the high type of work done Elizabeth Norman, '28 'William Bay, '28 faculty of thQ Han'ard Ullil'ersity. 'l/y the college. ped it up with a plnnk of his vanity. R.EPOR.'l'ERS Unrlm- Ihis new mcthod, stu(lonts will Profe~sol' Hendrickson has ouc class Later, forces, external of t.he collcgo Mil'am Royer, '27 Ruth French, '28 be exempt from (prob.1bly the ordcrs ef a fnther \Vith DOl'othy :Mellott, '28 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 i" extoll~iol1 work here. on the Ilil1. His good horse·scnse) ca.used this misled and is equivalent work is in English Gilmore Lippy, '27 !\Tel'cia Rnyme, '27 distinctions. to the sophomore coursOl. The students son to give up his conege dnyB. To· Cl13ries Summers, ~28 CU1'vin lIf, Seit7:, '29 it is the English mcet ollce n weck .for two hours. Ono day, this sam!} man is mnking reason· Hortense Pettitt, '27 Ki'lthel'ine Doyle. '20 shall edrlence of 11 wirloI' half hour is deyotllu to work iu able waGes liS a farm hand, a.fter an IIubert. Jolmson, '28 Ual'Yin Sterling, '30 rauge of rending. The plll11 will go e(1)1' i.udustdous summcr behi.nd a plough ",Tap" "\Veisbeck, '30 IIl;lr~lll'C't )'1;11'1 ignoni, '29 into effcct next ,,"car but the present position and oue houl' :lnd a hnlf to watching the tail of 11mulo suceessfnl· seniors mny, nt tho discretion of tho "'rile Grent 'l'rlldition." Iy swish off iliting flies. In all pro' has ellaugcd Hendrickson Profcssor Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. head of the depnrhnent, ehnuge from hisproce(]ul'e,frolll thelcet,nr,e meth· b:l1)ilily, he will makc gooll, He has jhe oW to the lIew plnn, lenmed Ule value of Illoney nud the joy ()d to clnss recitation. Tho Intt,er has of the meaning of work. FREQUENT VISITS TO THE TEA· STUDENT-BODY ATTENDS M. p, ROOM BY ALL STUDENTS VERY CHl1lWH SERVICE SUNDAY ge~;~!:~'~~~l ~~~~~~:~cnt of OfSt~;: ;;:" ~/::~:~lts;:~.~:~~;,ti:i::.CC ~~lCal!~:::: hi~~t~:~e is'Ill:~~II~:a~~r8tl::~::I~l NOTICEABLE EVENING Unil'ersity, that least 90 per ~~::I~tsAr;Il:~:ll~~J;tlC~~I'Bte:;h~l:::SiC~WoOl~! pal who left sehool. TIe ilid not make at SIl;.'B TI h b l' I cent of the coil('gc students of today it mistake, He fen into "ullconselous POJl~I~'rte;~~:o;l!nT:s U~~l~re:::e(s::~;e;' Dr. "Vnrd ~cccpted nn iuvibtioll are ",lum1)·bclls." Tbore nrc :Ipproxi· ;~"':~~Il~i~l;<:~ ~~I>P~-i~:~1\:::;1!:;r~,Times goo,l luck," beca(]s~. College would' ~:l:iO~,o~~~l~~~ cI'er ~;:~,l;lt~~e S~~~le~~,.:ohd'~~~~I::s'~h~~o;~:k~~ ~;:::IYs;:~~O~~~~~:ll~~:ty~!lr~~II~:e,iI~:~~~No one is 1)etter suited to (10 this ~~:;':~,h~~~,(~~~I:tl~i~''.v:~Yc~~~~~OJ::~~l:: intercst and patronnge of college allowed to ntten,' their evelliug seT ~~~~ti~::n:;;ti~~:;:~:~~~:sthnt thore are ;;~'t" Ol~~!~th::~i:l::r;ag~ffe~~~eye~::~lty a"",'"r~\infi~,g,q'b"',',t,',,',. I~.,'~,'"di""g,.",th."',',"'"~:d,, ~tudent.s, FOnr or five people ontside vice on Sunday last. " " ,,~ Iha college, regnlarl~' come to the tea. At this time the d,oir of lho church institution, The students for more dough, you arc r,ontinnall~' ~ll:s:;~:~in~otI~~:t:st~~:~tehe;lel::~St:~ ~>:::~a::I~ !~':~~d:~e~~\8e~e~he~~;~elyTI~: :'~~e:!~I~g!h::~d~:~si,stll1aSCantata, for FACULTY ACTIVITIES DURING !)~!~ill~O~\~OlII;t~~C~~:I~ca:;~~:;nt~U~o~: the qunlity of food served, and the :t\.fllH:I' of 11lst yenr's gf(lduatca took femnles predominated am 0 n g the THE 'HOLIDAYS e!lllcatiolllll opportunitie~, you do not improl'ement in the waiter service, ~ leading p~rt in tile "ocal selections, "dnmb·bells." f(',liize your own possibilities as n pro· _..:;l:~~hiii:~~~:.~~_W_",~ill~":'":'d:b:Y=t=h'::"_'_W_'"_P_"_.;,;:~1~lr,,;~~~);;·:s~~",:i.~7~~:~:::(1l"r;;;Ol~i~~~::~v:~~n~~~l:,a>~lg:..:;~~::;_H~,:~.I,~:a~:;~"c~\1~~.I'Ji;;·,":~~'tti;'~le~"~l~::i~\O':;;,::,:::: ~:~~';':~~~i~:;::2f~h~~if:;~~:~:~:~::~::~~:e:~O':~::~:~,~:- :~~:lta~I::: ~1'~~~llrdt, werSerl1~~:t.I::~.;: Prineetonian n.IHl Ihe Dartmonth, :in,l from all the reJlorts cach of 'arc so manly that you strut l>ltO the DR. LEWIS TO ADDRESS STUDENTS gathered for au informal discussion nnd time." A lor'dl" diuing rOOllland Baker Chapel with tlIe who took 31\ part ill the eere· mr(ofiug nt the -rhoat() s('hool, Waning' opened "11 gener~l stench. of bMI liq!l{>f on your breath. mony, Dr. Le\\'is, Prl'sident Em6ritus, of .ford, Conn, 'rhc bnnquet wns given in in SOllior TIail. \ Tile tan(' hns eome f~: dr~stic aetion Western )Jarytand Col!el{e, will make honor of the Chonte Ne,,·s nt the selJUol liolidnys are 01'1.'1'," said a wi,en the abo"e eOlHlltlOn IS tl)lcrated his )'I'/lrly \'i~it to the col!ege this SUllo DOOLEY MOVES TO "UNIVEE- ([n~', an(] will a(ldress the student·body ;:;~e~~t'~~gllt!ll~Pn~:e!~:~g"t~~:~t~r~::~:,:: lnst ",~:~h i~ ~;;l~~':~~~~;r:'is't~a,::: ::~dtl>edilling r;:~I::e;I'!I;;:Si:~:~~I,:.a~I~~ at the Bnker ('!Japel Rerdee. Lt is innl'ed n gr('at prinkge to hea" :'~~t~~t'I~C~:]~~gtt:l~ri;~~lOal newspaper gr?;~~;g~~c~~~r~:;l,:l~::::';l::' broke ill • genll~~>:~:~I~-~:~n~::~ :~:~~I;rs~~le:,~~I~~ Dr. Lewis sJlellk ~gaiJl, :lnd hia talk ClassnuI-tes Aid in Piecemeal Migratioll Professors of journalism, at a eon· 11 Junior who had been here long Hill. Money is loaned to llleet tho ex- will long be remembered br the stu ventiol' of thc American associ«tion of euougl! to PHt oIT the worst uutil the p<'n~cs of S(lme of these, With the d..'ntB prt!SCllt. leachC1'~ of journalism hclll at Ohio laM minutc. "Can tl.nyonr tell me how', mOlle~' BpCllt fo,' footbnll nnd other .Tusr lfisr ~'ear while Dr. Lewis was _>\noccnsion worth~' of noto oc~ur St~te Unh'el'~it,\', agreed that thel'e a,'e lollcfaeult.v Ilsea their sLde~)] of it seems as though the poll!'ge gathering, it rell on the JliIl at one o'clock Oil thc too man,l' "brawsers" in eollege leisure! I he(_lr(]that Dr. surface of tho up· "ll the lights wenl (lut, Sntl1rda'y last. II' was tit tl,;~ time that )j:dism C01lrses. Tile professors to \\·''''d and NOTll\1\1Ihat! a tle,lighlful trill ple 10 th~ (lollege, while we Lewis was readiug his selectIon the Illell of tIle ijcnior in n gl'OUP, eliminate SOllle stll(lenh who are not to Nol'lh C:lrolina." let the corc oleeny. from the scripture, but this !llIlll of moved II classlHate fr(lm late :lpart- high intelleet contilljwu his re:lding ns !l\eut iu Ward ]lll!! to his new abode ~~:e!t:~~(~a>~]eBw~~a~;;:'l:;:;~;n~:;,ts as nll;;OJ~~'~.::1I~~~~~:I,i~:e~~~{;ltm~~ \\'O~~th,:,SO~1n(~:::Ui:~~'~:~:~::,~~~~:~aL~~:; if nolhillg hnIud u, allY ignoring of ~nch affain, natural POWCf,a~ thl! r(,snit of his nc· II highc1' intC'!!l'dllfll ntmosphCl'c,andhu of getting rid of Ulldesirablo "There !lecms to ha,'e be~" II gl'ellt elyil authorities should !lct. tion. Herl', illdeed, is a man worth Knew this ~ouhl be f{lulI(1at the "Uni· 6tudeHl~ and it is becoming a pl'nc~ie:~lsL,:,:~::'a~r:;l ~l~~)(~~:~ It'~ in order to turn ol'cr a new leaf, ls!. ~lis~ ]~obinso!l WI'>lt,to th(' hospi. page 19~7. TWO SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE "GOLD BUG" REOEIVED tal, .I'OUllnow, illl(l then she FROM CALITORNIA AND on th\' "Hnir Brusl1 dsije<1 in P':,jton alld Bel Air to re "This ~'ear, th(' f:)('phs :II'Cgoing 10 THE PHILIPPINES c.uper!ltc," 'plltldlu'their·owucanoc." His llt'W 10~utioJl wi!! ., .\1r~. Stover t l'i)\'rll'(l. She \'i~ited cunblc him l(l l'~soh'cd to alecj' less in "Gold Bug" ~tarr last \\'('ek, cont:lin· \\','sl Yirginia, and Baltimore." the class room~ ing' subscriptions to the "Gold Bng" The men mnr.-ilc,l down in lill(' with Dr.v(!rn, .\liBS 8,na Smith, for the yenr, (rom .Mr. E. E, Tau, of his effeds, And what a RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED ).[j~s 1IIilll])'(1,:(11(1Miss Holden say California, and .Mr. McKinlcy, of the thnt wns! Tt is nlll)ost Ihe~' ~]lellt lhe holi,la,"s 'quietly nt .\ ,man pu~hing a wheelblirrow denies Philippine .blAnds. of these gen tlmt onl' man could POSSI"S such fI 'I'hl' Gm"",a Bela Chi Pr"tel'nit.1' llomr' ill Crisfield, Jarrcttsville, Bing· that a c:msc' always preeedes the effect, tlemen e:xpres8e(1 thcir gratificntiollS t'ongJomenl.tioll of worthl('ss propert~·. pns~,'!l jhe following l'esolutions of h:nupt()n, Xrw York, :i'l(l Cohnu1)us, that a eo1!cg(' llcw~pnp('r of 'l'iIe 1ill(' was lwitC(l at tbe arch b? a B,"llIpathy. Ollio, rl'~pe<·th'cl,r." "Ant! some came in ou 'perHlilll~llt rtdibTc l\':18being published at the ~lra>1g-('Twho i"\juire{1 whrre thr' .iu"k 'Whereas it I>as I)(.'<'nlhe \\,ill I,e Go,1 "'L'lillt euergetic professor, J. n wav('s' and were sa"Nl." (Pa\lI'~ ll'ge and aIM gent congratulations t.o pile w"s siln;llc,1. Of COilrae, WP Ill> in His infinitc wifit)(IlHill lake from our l(!!l1tk S]I(,llt 11is holiday in l'es('ar~h Shil'w,eek.) fhe "T"Tro]'" fllotb~ll squl1{1for it's not know II'hnt promplprJ this man Ii, midst brother J. E!lwar(l 1I.rcJ.\:instr,'·; wf)rk ,iI. tl>p Congrllssional Library." wOllilerful work accomplished this soa· ~sk tllis pnrtieulnr question under :lItol "J\liss Dorst viaiiell rclaii,'es in Oin· Is it lIot th:lt men are the tho~e pnrlicnlar circumsrnnces. Wllereas we wish to l'Xpreas 0111'(\eep onlyerentures time And ngaill put Y('t thCl'c werc certllin nrtiele~ among surrow at- the lOBSo£ om' brother; be absolute fait1l in women' SUnSCRn)'l'IO~ BLANK the effects whirh served to characterize it,t!'crcfore their possessor liS n. man of great con)'· Resohed, That We, GalHml~Beta Chi turning to classes dne to "II illuess (Fill out Coupon :lnd U:lil) You, thnt 11:JVenot yet rccovered age; II mlln of the Roo.~e"clt type wIl{> whie.h had kept him in bed much of Gold Bug, 'We~terl1 MaTylnlld College, \\'oulrl delight in attacking nud onr· the rime." from ~·our Christmas fC:l$ls, remcmber Westminstcl', :Maryland. comiug great (lifiicu\ties, ITa hnd mutual bereal'ement, alHl be it "Pro!e,~50r nnd :Urs. Isauogle spent the grcntness of Franldin and his corn "",ong th('se posscssions a shot gUll Resolved, Thnt ill iIil'; death our 11Ycry pleasant time in Cumberland." meal musil, and be th,wkful for tho Enclosed find $].00 for ~ubseri,ption "Professor S,~haeffer aud his family blcssing of ha1'(1substllntil>l food onee loses 11f:tithful and bcloved to Gold Bug for the renwi!lll~r of tI,e and lIumerous mouse·!.raps, Upon ou fraternity a Uno nnd earnest brother; 1'emnined at lIome for the holiday." Signed, The College Dining see, 3ns· his I'oom, one might college y('nr 1026-1927. Room. a!. the window before him, the a)1(ll)(' further "I hlll'eu't heard aQout Miss Ebangh, of a ferocious animal as emblem Resolved, 'Phat the fraternity exlcml ",liss Emm11rt, and M.iss Parker. Hay" (Name) Hlie of this lllilU'Sprowess. ih heartfelt sympathy to the beTcRyed you'" Compliments of .'\gnin, WI' extllnd him a ht!art.1' weI· family :lnd that a eopy of these resolu "Professor ilendricKson and his ~ome to the "Univeuity," and ",ehnst tions 1)c reconled iu the permjlllent flimil)' vi8ited in Frederick, where TI:oJI;]SPItI:-r'I'INGCO~[PANY (Street) jJmf, he will be grently 1)cnefitted by llilnutcs of tho fratcr"ity and a w'l>Y l'ro.fessllr's fat.her is very ill." the bounteous intC\]l'ctual inspiration b(' published i" the Western l'Ilnr.l'lnn(l "Oli, ),('9. ·Who knows whut Dean (City and State) whieh the plnce IllIonis. t'ollt!ge Gold Bug. Eatoll did/"
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