Page 55 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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COl BEAT BEAT LEBANON VALLEY LEBANON VALLEY TO-NIGHT TO·NIGHT Vol. 4, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Jan. 12, 1927 ~~~============= W.M. Delegate to National COLLEGE CALENDAR Terror Cagemen Win Rev. F. C. Klein, D. D., Member Conference Tells Experience WLED},TESDAY,JAN. 12- Opener On Home Court Basketball Gnme at Armory: W. of Board of Trustees, Eulogized Recreation and Discussion ],1. C. vs. Lebanon Valley, 8.15 Penn State School of Forestry E(litol"s Note: - Deeter Klein Groups Provided P. M. ill. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., Nosed Out 20 -17 Neal Returns from was elected to the Board of 'I'rus- Y. 0.30 P. M. (pes of Western Maryland College The National Student Conference, Delta Pi Alpha, 9.30 P. M. Pacific Coast with AII- in 1901, and remained an active held at Milwaukee from Tuesday, De- Ilis death. eember 28 to Saturday, Jnuuary 1, is THURSDAY, JA.l\. 13~ Continuing' the splendid record of the Eastern Grid Stars ever', lint its influence is jnst beginning Debate Council, 4.00P. M. fno tball team, the Green Terrors came (The following article is the ad(lr~ss to be felt 011 college campuses. One Seience Olub 7.00 P. :CIi. out yictoriOIlS in the first hnme basket made by Dr. E. C. Muknsk y at the of our 'Western .Mn ryl aud delegates has Oerele Franeais 7.00 P. M. hall game of the season. The fast By "JAP" \v:EISBh"CK fUnerlll of ne-. T. C. Klein, D. D. Dr. kindly conaeuted to tell us some of her FRlD'AY, JAN. 1~ quiutc t representing the Perla State Klein died December 27, ]920.) experiencee and give liS her impres· Recital by Department of :Mush:, Schoot of Pcrestry, was defeated by n sionsof thecDnfel'enee. 8.00 P. 11. ' score of 20 to 17. The visitors led, II "Di<1 you havo n goo,] time :.\i'cw "In the bmuc-guiug of Frrd C.Kloin, The two delegatee from the Wcstern t08,nttheel1d ofthefirst.hulf,bllt Y\'18 held The 1927 Aloha is now reeeiving de o 'Lear, c 1 2 gin) 1111:lCCOUlltof Orl'ille's trip, thc self. Olll~' t!J(} fnilnre of his ltenlth at 2.30 P. 1\1. ill the Anditorium, with finite attention and work. ShoTtly be· writer g:l"c up in d-espnir-:md scnt to canse,1 bim to I'eturn to America. As ~liss Doroihy Richards, Chairman of fore Christmas v!ll!ation the art staff Weigle, g. .0 the R:Il' r'rantisto l'al'e1'S fur all ae S(lOllllS he was able lodo BO,he resum· the Conn!'.il of .()hristian Associa.tion, finished the greater portion of the rd the wOl·k of pl'e'l\!hillg the Gospel - prcsiding--:---A"bout 2700 studenta, reo ilraWfngs. 'I'hat-whlch is demsnding ~;:~:;:~:::::-~.·~:~~--o--o-eo~~:: °fifn~h~h!~ll:~;.e!lt.l'fellows cougre presenting many races, and from all consideration at thcllresent time is the gated at Cllieago on De". 20, (the chos "lie ilecepteol thc call to Tduity parts of the United States were as· expiration of the sscond elause of the Totala 9 20 lind immediately left the city, Church, Al1cght'ny Cit~" Pa., :Illd ser sembled ill the vast hall. Bruce Curry, Aloha engraving contract, ou January whidl fo\md a hanged·up l)i:!ce, "ri! it until the meeting of our Aunu:d Chairman of the Couferenee Commit· 15. In order that the agreement may F-ENN STATE l"OR.ES'I'RY for the warmer climate of Los Conference in Alexandria iu 1895, when tee, delivered the OJ)(!ning addreAII,- be fnlfilled without difficulty, the edi· '\ngeles. After }_)tm·ti"ing " week un hc was apI)oilltctl by President -- "The Purpose awl llope of this Con tor desires thec.o·operatiol\ of the en· G. F. der the guulanee of Johun,\" Burkett 0.1' to the pl1storate of Lllurcl, Delaw;lrc ferenc.e." The seating of the aU(liene~ tire staff and of all who nre interestecl iSatosuk, f 0 0 ami Buh'h .<;Inughler of West Church. He sen'e history of tll'.!l '1'he program of the Conference "'n, Although there seClHSto be the geller~l Yotenserger, c :l "'hen the nnd blue clad ",nr· chureh, bllt Dr. with tact 1111<1 didd('(l ill,to four eyeles. !The first opinion that a contract with the semi· Sauto, g. riors from oricutal side of t.h('s(' the e1ll1l'eh "~'ele was headed by the question- nary will be profitable for the '27 an· Lenhart, g. gr~nt United St:ttes trotted uJ!on the on its w~y. "Can God be Asses~ible to Us, find nual, such illl arrangement, if it is Hile, g 0 wrdure tillted 19D5 he bee.1lne the pastor of our Row?" 'rhe lealling spenkers on this made, will be financed by the seminary ns to the ::\orth Baltimore Chllrch, IlHd was sen', general subjeet were: suffi{lieutly til allow f!lr no loss on the Carlson, g. . 0 {'urly-haired ~'outh, with the ing it iu n most aUj!eessful pastorate, Reinbold Nieleulu-"The Practical aCWal production of their section of (Continued ou Page 3) whell Ul(' G,'neral Conference of 1908 Unbelief of Modern Civi\iz:ltion." the boole Tilere will be, however, no Tottlls . .. .. 8 1 17 elreted him Executive Secretary- Henry Sloane Coffiu-" IToII' Jesus finaueial gain 'for Ihe Alohn. Referee---8imms. 'rreasul'cr of the Board of Foreign .lli~ Found }'ellowship With God." MORE THAN 30 STUDENTS siolls. I\'hat nohd)le stri(les the nlis· Howard Thurman-"Fiuding God." HANDLE U. S. MAIL Si()llU!'.'-work of OHr "'",rth has made The second cycle w:,s entitled "A DURING VACATION ,Inri!!;;' tht'~e eighteen .\·l'ara the whole (hJd Who is the F:lther of All Man· Barren Campus Greets Gold Bug dl'llOmiu;(tioll kllO\\·~, hut what. i! II"~ (Continued on Page 3) A l,uge nlllllb~r of the lllCll of W"~!.· llleaH! to him of ~anilkc alit! ~clf 1n tiult'd ontheliehl. ANNOUNCED' tala of .UeDalliel llltll, the guilty at· eHormons Christmns H1>\ilwhich broke "And now he h;I9 goue to his re cnjllying their Christmas holidays, nn· mosphere of heiug uear the builoling other and possibly more tangible por· did not display itself. The beaming all rrel'ions reeords. The llH'1leHjo~'e,1 w:lnl! TI)(>th\lrth realizes Ill'll a hero Friday, Janua.ry 14 the work and were to the op has fallen. We pray that' his widow tion 'Of the institution wns I1lso sub fHces of .~ few fair damsels, presellterl jected to a forced vaeation. This p<)r' themselves ill the form of SOUleghostl." pOI·tnllity at sueh II timc. mily be ~omforled by th(' Christ." The first night redtfll of tllC depart tion we call the physical constitu being, thcreby sending the '1fostof them workeolat the lIla;II office men! of mn~i,' will take place on Fri· cnts of the college, consists of the or nt sui)·st/ltiolls in Baltimore City, day, Jammry H. Ad"anced stndents buildings and grounds that stand for stimulus to the feet which alld its suburbs us carri£>rs, COURSE IN JOURNALISM PLAN- in "oice ~nd 1)ia110will furnish the ev· "MOVE." Crossing the road, :JlHIg{l' ening's entertainment. the outward :Ul(l visible signs of the ing dOll'll the coucrete walk, past the clerks, or drivel·s. Jt might seem sehool'scJ\istenee. V/lcant bench, we stepped into Lewis sileh a large force would be in one To Take Effect the second Semester PROOBAM With the of the last stu· Rocitntillll Hall. The spooky eehoes of another's WilY, but afte<' n few O~e:lr Rasback dent upon the notorions Dec!'mber 17, the h.111ways were too lUuch, so we of practice, the "temporary As thc resnlt of the initiative taken June Will Come Again only an empty shell was left behind, stepped out 11gsin; and wand('reli }last movcd about and \\"orkell with pra(" by the "Gold Bug" Starr, a course in De Kouen Thompson to uphold the dignity of the pla{le. The Dr. 'Vard'8 home, to the domieile of the same effieieu(:y as the "reg. .lourmdism hHS been planned. If the .Miss Essig eontinuous ringing of bells, student the Seniors, commonly known ns the Contrar.,· to what might be plans for Lhe course 1I1<)etwith the ap· One ~elllor.'· Cecil Ellis chatter, laugllter aod what·not, had "UlliveNiity." Here quite a aceide,l expr.ctlld, the men did Hot Pl'11..vfor the of the Curricululll Committee, Cll.y Loye Comes Soon Ralf Cox migrated to other seeti'Ons of the eoun change \'ras noticed. The far·famed eno.l of their day's labor; they almost eourse e:ln be starleol b~' the se~ond Miss Sthlincke try, ineluding the barren and desolate sessions of the "llairbrush Court" had to be driven away when that hou' Tmika '!'achoi Rowsky Ellsterll Shore. The only external evi· were not to be found. The Ilbscnce of came,1;o anxious were they for "o\"er· 1'his course is de'signed to give the Miss Wright dence of humanity was the .continuous the nsual whistlillg, talking, playing of time." On tho blat ,lay, h(lwe\'Cf, no student. a knowledge of the fuud:llllen· Bllrtarolle Godard stream of smoke eoming from olle of victrolus, cle., were quite noticeable. one "oieNl nny aisappro\"al to quitting tals of .jourllali8111,and also ns a pre· Niss Smith the houses on faculty Il.veuue. This iudce<1, proved the filet th;,t at the regular hour. paration for writing fo), publieation in Song of the Sea Harriet Ware Going from one bnilding to another, humanity did !Jot exist within these A partinl list of the College men who uell'spapers und nlHgazines nceording to "Miss Ford to the Gym, to Lewis Rileitatioll Hal. historical walls. worked in the post office during the the best standards of the present time. ElBa's Dream Richard Wagner and .MeDnniel Hall, the solemnity of The gregarious instinct, nided hy the holi{lH.v8is as follows: Me~srs. Elliott, For the part, the course will be Miss Curling the oeeasioll was very npparellt. The habitnal sojourns to Margaret ROJ'er's, Spoerlein, Hahn, WilJinms, Clark, Reed, a~ as ]lo~sible, gil'illg l)art.ic· The Wanderer Franz Schubert Gylll eontained only a streak of sun· for nourishmcllt, beeame too strOllg, R. Chnmbers, E. Lippy, G. Lippy, E. ular attelltiOll and instructi!ln in t1hl Mr. Kielwls light, coming from the west, and upon lind w,- proeeeded to pnrtake -of Illneh Woodw~rd, L. WoodW:lrd, Cecil, Meyls, organizatilln of newspapers, ~nd retiect· . No.1 (Filltlle) Brahms stopping and gai/;ing nbout, the pres" at this popular "rendez·vous" of th~ Baker, Eaton, Long, Keeu, McMains, iug the act!l~l couditions of an up·to· Gesner and Miss Royer ence of a school "spirit" was quite college studenh. Bay, Hoach, Norris, and Brill!. datc newspaper office.
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