Page 54 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 54
Page Si.r The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. \ Class, Club, !~~EL~~ciety Doings IAub .4&t Not I A1Ul~ NrlUli Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN w. W. GREETINGS! eral teseureee ror life in our world, and the discussion groups decided that they Miss Bees Ruymun is recovering from ·W. oW. tnk es this opportunity to wish aee: 'inspiration, mercy, tolerance, aim- an attack of appendlcttis. Any news items concerning W, M. Jessie Eiukbine, '~6, is teaehlng Alumni will be gratefully received. Home EconOllli~s iu the high sehoul at all membera of the administration, plicity, and love. We are glad that Dr. Bouuobte is Port- Deposit, 1[lIryl[ll1l1. Jess b having faeulby, studeuts, and friends, a "Merry This dieeussion closed the series on able to m{)et his classes ngain. Willard Walter, '26, is teaching man 11 grll11,l time, we henr ; llnt rellOrts also Christmas aud a liuppy New Year. "Students and Life." The other two unl tl"Hining in the high schools at Elk- state that she is working 110 liard and discussions were on the topics "We Miss Thelma Crcaa spent last week- ton, Christmas Party and CheSllj!cake, Md. using-her eyes so much that she is huv Students" and "Ways Out." end at her home in West Friendship. sumo eye On Tuesday night, December the "c. G." Ward, '::!5, is teaching iug trouble. Her address is lId. Pour teenth, at nine-fifteen, 'V. 'V. had :Miss EVIl; Lynch spent last week-end Science and F'rench in the sr.hool 1'. O. Box ~O~,Port Deposit, a Christmas rush party in the elub POETS' CLUB in llyattsvi1!e as the guest of Miss at Marion, Md. Rer address Cris- :Mildred Bpa,-n, '::!;i, is teaching room. The room was attractively de- Ethel Horney, '25. neld,:r.Jd. Home Economics ill school number 6 in Poets' corated for Christmas with a tree, a Club 'rho was regular at meeting home of of the the Pres- Miss Emily Jones spent the weck· BnltinlOre. :Mildred is doing fine work, held the flre-pln ee, and nll. MillS Maude Brown ident, Dr. H. T. Stephens, Wednesday end at the home of her parents, Dr. lITargflret Bowers, '25, is leaching we hear. Iler latest. achleveuient cmnc read a highly entertaining Uhrtst maa 3. and Urs. C. Hampson Jones. Prench, Geometry, ll,_nd Pllysics in the uround 'l'tranksglviug time when she selection and Miss Dorothy Gilligan ,night, December Elkton High School. ~rargnret lold us was the director of the Thanksgiviug pteved a violin solo. Miss Ruth Miaa Dorothy Gilligan played a vio we ore glad that Miss Helen E. last week-end, while she was on Luncheon given at the school for the lin solo after which original Christmas Preneh, as '!'Santa Claus," distri'huted Butter, '28, who has been ill a.t her the Hill, thnt she was lla\'ing un won- poems were read by Miss Ford, Martig· mothers, faculty, and students. The the stoe.kings filled with goodies for noni, nnd Mr. Barnes. Miss Norman home in Baltimore, has returned to the derful time." luncheons \\"ere most. sllcee8sfull~- car· each girl. Then "Santa" presented II Hill. ried out under her efficient munage gift with [Ill appropriate verse attaeh- sang "Away In A Manger." Dr. "Sne" Whaley, '26, ~nd Serena. meut. ed, to a1\ the guests. After everyone Ward gave a 8horttnlk on the vlIlue d Report has it that Miss Alee Beu· Dryden, '26, are teaching ill the Wi- poetry anc1 poets to tbe life of a peo· nett, '28, who has nndergone -an opera· comico High School in Salisbury, Md. had cnjoyed the delicious refreshmcnts, 1f:lty Anu ~loore, ':!G, who is tench· pie, nllci expressed the hope thllt West· tion for appendieitis, is improving they went homo and to bed. Need· "Sne" is the mnth teucher, alld Serena ing: ill the Wicomi~o High Sehool (It IIrn Maryland might, through its Poeh' nicely. is the Seionee teach,'r. Thcil' less to say, "a good time was had by S:llis)l\ll'Y, ).1 d., has recently organized all!" Club, disco\'er a "Tennyson" or " addr~ss 200 "'ic(lmieo street, Solis- II 1~n'nch Club. The (·Iub 1111S h>ld'only "~rr$. Browning." Miss :Mary Ellell Leitz, Alina Ely, bury, Md. Delicious refreshments wero servca :lIld Alee Benllett were taken to the one meeting so fo!', lmt th(lt mcoting, Y. W. C. A. NOTES hospital this past week and operated to \\'hieh the par~lIt~, friends, alld se"l"' b~' Mrs. Stephens, after whieh tllC Among the alumni sern on lhe llill On for appendicitis. 'Ve wish each of eral oth"r specinl guests were in~ited, mt'eting \Vas adjourne(l. this w~ek wcre; "Ez" Willinills, '::!oj; On Deeember eighth the Y. W. Leld them a speedy recovery. "Joe" Ri!~'nolc1s, '25; }.[nrgllret Bow· prOlee(l ~o illieresting nnd $u~eessfnl that the last of its discussion meetings. The I'rs, '2(;; "Dee" Reaehley, '26j Mrs. the clnb lms been well supported in in· subjeet considered was "Soeiety and CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT HARLOW TO ADDRESS SOIENCE 8trrling Bdward~, '~6; ?lfar)" Ptlgl' terest nnd C1leonrag(·,nent. A special TOil." SUNDAY SCHOOL 'rurner, '~6; Irmn Lllwyer, '::!6; "'l\(l~ ChristmAS program will he presented lit CLUB AFTER THE HOLIDAYS The girls discuSl!ed the forces in the Tn~le.r, e](-'23; .\!ii(lr1'd J3eal"{'r, '25 j the nex!. ,,"'etin!! Oll l-londay, DecemlJer world, and on the campus that are all Sunday mOl'uing, Deeember th(l Due to the cOllftieting dates of tile 1f[lsse~', '26; Ruth Harry 19~6. ,. Keep uII the good work, making it. hanl ior men to live up to t""61fti,, spedal Christmas Bervices SdCll~e l1lc~ting and Christmas banq,wt, n,an, .'\lIn." their best, aud what in the individual's \\'1'1"(' held by UIO College Sunday Se.hool C(lnch Uarlow hn~ consented to post· eondlH~t or the nn-tnro of ciYilizatioll in Smith Tli~l1. The service was opcn J!nne hi~ addres~ to the Seienee Club Ginny -Whel'icl', ':;6. is th{' HOlll~ Ee Westminster Stationery Store mil)' be the causc of sueh forces. It ed by Ihe whole school rC(l(lillg in toll onomin leaehH in t11c srhool Ilt until ofter the holidays. was decided that some of the forces at e~t. After a Chl'istmlls hymll, Street, ]lId. Cinny has girls in College Supplies work Oil the CIHUPUS are authority, the classes were in pl'ayer by Dr. her eiags{'$, but she has sOllie boys ill BILLY DITMAN, Prop. group and personal snperiority, compe St!?phens. aile of the sped:.! nnmbers GOVERNMENT DONATES 12 MUSI· study hall. "And I wallop them, too," Phone 72_W tition,fl!l(lindifIerellce. on the progralH W1I8 a voeal solo by CAL INSTRUM:ENTS TO BAND Ginn.! $uid. WI! (lo]l't know hOI\" to in- Formerly WeBtminster News Co. Auother phnse of the discnssion was Professor Rertllolf. Dr. Stephens read terpret th'lt stnrtting slait'llIcnt, !Jut we \\"U1'(\ the relig-ion. Thc girls pi~ked out the ad· Ollt~ of hi~ poems :!lld Bpoke II few in- lkpartmeHt ha~ e(tllle tite through government lIilitary' has clid think th~t she "wiclded n. PRESH SWEET ORANGES that mir:lble e.haracteristic3 of perMns who spiring words about Christmas. 1"01- lI[ore power to ~'ou, do lIlId do not follow ,Tesus and com- lowiug the special seleHion b~' the dOll'lteil to '\'est('l"n M[u~'lnnii tll'eh'e llarell the rC$ults. It was decided that SnMluy School Orehestrll, the elas~es new ]llllsi"al inshumellts for the forma· Fresh Sweet Orauges $3 per box of Illillilre\l while non·believers may have very fine to take part ill theh tien orn band. lI"ere;onebasshorn, Wehler & King three standard large size. SOUlJ(] Box('s fruit Inrgel" alld th;", siz~. poiuts in th('ir chlHaeter, they lack au e.ll!~s discnssions. After the snare drullls, 2 French sutisfaction g'l1lrnllt~ea or money back. undefinable something that the true eaxophoHc, ::! ~lide trombones, GRADUATE PHAR!\JACIS'L'S w{~ pay express eharges. A box of believer possesses. JeslIs has put sey The Rexall Store and trumpets. With the anistUllee the-se makes nll HIJpreciaterl Christmns (\f sueh :l (·'tpable lender os Profeasor gifl. l~!'mit witll order. ~ IrJIP'E:tiITION - spee.ially pnparud instrumcnu, which i1('l'tiwfi', " renl adi"e l.ulll(l should be Westminster, Md. PRESENTED m LECTURE BY enllbled him to take the nlti,tude willI· fonn()(! for 1927. AC).tE ORAXG!o: l"ARMS, LIEUTENANT BENNETT out the horizon the 8U1Hlompass and LaGr:\nge, Texa~. the bubble $extant. Smith & Reifsnider A CORRECTION (Continlle(l from Page 1) A~ t1l<'y sped above the unknown hl!VC re$uHed in eomplete disllster, for wastos of the Polar SeH they experiel'e- \'h' wish 10 eorl"eet an error in the WllF.N lhe pontoon WQuld ha"e been eruslll'ci Nl the busies.t moments of their lives. ;nticle nbout the Fr~lleh E<;]ucatiom,1 LUMBER AND COAL DO\VN or bloWlI out to s('a. B.Y tireless work .Liclltenlillt Bennett st('crcd tho plnne SY$tcm, whieh WIlS prin[e(1 in last 'I runway wns eOllstflH'.ted and the nud {lep('lHlcd upon OommntHler Byrd'~ week's issue of the Golcl Bug. 'rhe WES'I'a!INSTER, hlAHYLAN1) 'rOWN plane hauled up the beach. raleulatiOlls 1.0 keep him on the c()urse. qu('stioll, titell :lS Hil eX:lml'll' of those A field kitehen was establisitod in Commanaer B~'rd also had 10 check the given in Ille A. B. degree examination, S'I'OP A'l' the vitinity of the plane ~lld meals "'in(\shiftall,lgrolllltlfeellaswpll:ls should lJe corrected to relld; "A COll' 1'hOIlC6-2:37 and 207 were prepared aud sen'ed in the open. ",atch the sun com]l!1SS :lll(l chart his temporar.)' philosnjlhcr has Baia that the "Pop" Shipley's Instruments and equipment wer(' as· routt'. At times h~ H,lien'li Lieuteu:lllt eg(> is II bUlwn of phenOlllona. Wh[Jt is sembled near·by and all wns IIHHie H"nllpjt. \\"ho refilled the gtlOi bnks and your "pinion of t hat definition ~" "JOHN" Light Lunches and Soft Brinks ready for a hop-off. cal(:ldatpa the ga~ consulIIption. WI' regret that thig mistake was The first tnke·ofl' ende·d in n snow For se"en houra they flew north (I"er made. Everrend"y AT THE FORKS bank with the plano's skis smn~hed to eOllntr.v ne"er seen by lIInn before. Very courteous bih. New skis were installed ana the Then, \\"hen the ralclIlntions showed SCHEDULE OF OBSERVATION AND Errorless attention Tnn·way was lengthened. The secontl them :lboui an hour's distanee frol1\ PRACTICE TEACHING RUNNTIlG Right style flight was of two hOU1'S duration and lite Pole, dis('ovcre,l n le:,k in the SMOOTHLY Hair cuttU.1g showed n remarkably low gas COllsump oil hUlk of sfa"boal"(l motor. 11:1(1 Also EAT-A- PLATE -A- DAY tion. th.'y cOllle so rar tOllleotdis:lsirr The u),seT\'ulioll and pr.:ldier·tearhing Razors hOJled Tonics On May 8th COlllmander B.,·rd :lU!l :tlmost lit j],1' o~ the .iOllrlloy~ schedule h,,~ lwcn !"llllning SlllQllthly dnr' _·\ftpr n "onf{,l"<'llc,' thp.,' determin~d ·to ing the fail. Nearl~- c,'er.y high school ~EUMt:lNl Licutem!llt Bennett elimbed abo~rd at in 1 hc I'Oll!ll.\· ha~ been visited, nnd H The Only Barber and Bobber at a lllllf-honr past Jnidnight, Greenwieh p\l~lt (Ill, dcpellclilll! lIpon two mi!1ors. ~eeond \\"eek hus been spellt at 'Vestmin- the Forks time,andtoo],offl'rhee.omp.:lsspoint At !J:O~ A. _\L., Grcenwil'h civil lime, ICE CREAM ed south toward mngnetie north whil~h their ealelllutions showed Ih(>l~l to br ~tcr The high Rauiors sehool. who hn"e laught receutl.1 "The Country's Besl" lies more than a thousand wiles sonth "t the Pole! Ndth(}r spoke; it \\":lSl not. the momCllt fOl' words, 3 gripping are: ~TH£ CREAMWIlHTl!£ HQFI£!SHrASTE~ of the North Pole onB()othiu Pell11istlln "Ussrs.' at Wm. F. Myers' hand shrike served to express the iuex- Boyer, Uice, and Pit-kett Sons Canada. The men were dressed in )Jount Airy. porkas of reindeer skin lilled witit pressi'blc. In 9 hours·three minutes "Eases Crass and I,ynch at Lisbon. squirrel skin. They were supplied with tbesc two i1l(]omitabh' men had sue· Misses ("urling nnd )J. Smith nl PORK PACKERS food for ten 'days. The maiu :food wns reeded in co\"Cring' twiee the (liSlllncc Charles CalToll. AND pemmican, added meat aud other foocl c(lverer1 h~' Pl':ll"Y ill tl,irty-five (by~. Miss Hostings at Lnurel, D()lall'are. SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS Zile-Neuman Co. The dleam of :\ ]ire·tim!' liad at last constituents in highly eoneentr:lted )re~$rs. Ibrs1nnan, De Hoff, Umbar· becn realized lind Allleri{,:Ul prestige· form. In the plnne, a shortwave radio ger, lind Lipp.y at 'l'mleJtown. Retail Groceries Phone 360 set, extra clo.thing, and various pieces had beeu augmcnted. Misses B('lllillcr, ll:lyme, :lnd R. Westminster, Md. of equipment besides all tue instrn 'rime :lu,l di"ectioll become topsy' Slll.ith ana Mr. Weigle at Westminster. Offic~& Pl~nl Phon~ 361 Liberty & Gree~ 51 •. menta nnd fuel neeessary for the flight tm,")":lI the North Pole. f),'ery diree ~\cli\'ities :dong this linc will nOli" be wero stored. t.ion is south towanl the meridians ~uspendc(l until January, exeept for Jl Rising a.bove their shiJlmatu theSE running to the Soutil ]'olej the Slln is fell" obserrations whieh may be made two venturesome spirits set .their faces {'OHst:mlly 011 the meri!liun, and it is dnring th€ first p,u-t of Christmas week toward the Korth Pole and the mid· al\\'ay~ noon when it is not lIightJ if pcrmission is grunted. Vel'Y favor Wishiny all a Merry Christmas and a night 'SUlI. Na\"igat.ioll WAS cOlllpara· At 9:15 A. M. they headed for Spits· able couditiolls ha\'e been found nenrlYt ti"ely easy in the first stage of the bergen mnking about 100 lllile~ an 1101\1". e\"Cr~'wh('re, and all the work has been flight for they followed the mountain 'l'hert'lliarlwblethingi8 that earrit'd "cr)" tte(iilabl.y. At lenst half Happy New Year range tilat la~c north of Spitsbergen. turnell o\'er " flired ronte No one had ever naviguted an uirernft chart prepared b~' COllllllHuder Illllllher of hours, though Ycry ",ith aceuracy to n distant point in Ole .theil· "ont jOllrlie.V." 'fhey ha\'e ~ol1lpleted both obser"l"atio~ Polar Sea, ao Commander Byrd was wituin 11 ll/lli·mile of their dcstinntiou :ll"l teadling. Enough practice·teachers foreed to chart his own route and to after n~eoJ\lpli8hing tite whole night ill hn\'eheensl'ntontto theeounty schools construet his own map. Thay :faced th~ 15hO\lrs·5, miuutes. l)eforo Christmas, that an unnecessary momentous question, would they 'be III cOllelusion Lieuten;\nt Bennett rush toward the rnd of the year will nble to retnrn to the "Challtier" if read a few lines deseribing tilo impres be prc\'ellt:_'''_. __ -- Koontz's Lunch they did sueceed in reaching the Pole1 SiOllS "'hieb he and Commauder Byrd Navig<'l.tion by airernft over unex· received when tlley ~ouJ\(l thcl1l~~ll'es Lt. Wnters-"What is meant by the plored eountry is similar to that on nt the pe~lk of the ear!ll, "two insigl:i term "Short" group'" MAIN OPPOSITE BOND STREET the oeean, where sun, stars, and moon fieant speeks 01 mortelity, dots in th'l Roby Da~'-"1'he ghort group ill the determine II portion. Commander Byrd centcr of 10,000 ~quare tuiles of visible gronp of prisoners \\'110 soou get/their depended on the snn and used two desolation." brainsshotout.,J
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