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The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. Paye Fiuc [SPORTSl 1927 Football Schedule Announced [SPORTS[ HOLY CROSS PICKS THREE TER· 1927 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE NAVY DEFEATS W. M. DRIBBLERS HARLOW TO START BOXING IM· Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr 'RORS ON ITS ALL·OPPONENT MEDIATELY AFTER HOLIDAYS TEAM Sept. 24-BJue Ridge College-at 'l'he Newest and Best Clothing home. On Dee. 8 dhe Vllrllity basketball "Dick" Harlow wishl!8 to nuuouucc and Furnishings, Neal Chosen as Oa.ptaln Oct. ]-'Vashington and JeITcrson- telUll opened its season by playing an that enndldates for the boxing squlld Goods for Young 1\J en. To say that Holy Orcas respected the lit Washington, Pa uuoffiei .. l game with Navy which -re- will be ealled for just as soon as the 10 Per ':'r.,t off 10 Colle.t}6 Stllif.:mis rocumn ublllby of Western Maryland Oct. S-Sehuylkill-a~ Reading, Pa. aulted in a 30 to 15 logs. Nnvy utter- holiduys nrc over. Resays, "The man· in its game at worcester, Mase., is Oct. 15-Diekinson-at Carlisle, P!I. nnted two teams to wear (lOlVn tllc nee in which "'~. material develops will self-evident, due to the fact that three Oct. Terror's defense, which was very suc· be the means of eneountcring other 1I1ERRY ClIHIST~JAS AND A Terror players were picked on the AJI· 22-AJbrigllt-at home. eeaaful in the first half. Throughout Colleginte boxing teams. Probably a HAPPY 1'l~W YEAR 0plloncnt team selected by that iusti· Oct. 20-Gettysburg-(place pend the first half tl!e teams battled along yenr's work in inter-class series will be tution. Weinstock, Me Mains, nIH1 "Neill lug.) on almost even teems with never more the 1110St practicnl in teaching new men. were lim men frOn> Western Maryland No,', 5-Loyola-Baltimorc Stadium. than four points difference in the 'Ve will have a team next year though, Margaret's to reecive the reeognition. "The Tom KOI·. 12-Pending-al home, score, which at the end, of the first worthy of representing n Mary ah:lwk," the eouege weekly, claims half was 14·11 in favor of Navy. Dur \;UH\ ill the best of company." Many Nov, 2-t-(Thllnksgi,'ing day-Muhl· that, "Weinstock was the best. oppos- enberg, at Allentown, Pa. ing tho second half, frequent substttu- matches nave been I'ISkCll for by other -~-- ing lineman the Crusaders rau MfOSS lions enn'bled Na\'y to pile up a sub· eol1eges, but this heing the first yoar, n IF YOU WANT A nl! year. He could edge his way stantlnl lead, BUis, with 9 poinha.ud Dclleglnte schedule will be dependent on throngh the line and throw the baeka Broil with 5 led in the scoring for the material. Christmas Gift NEAL CHOSEN AS ALL-EASTERN for big losses eonaiatently.?" MeMa.ins weetem Maryland. Miller 1111(1 F. BACK is given the qunrterbnek position over Smith with four field goals were the WESTERN MARYLAND VARSITY 1-'()r Her nnd are Uncertain, Your ola "Zev" Grnhnm, of Fordhnlll, in so far high scorers for Nn\'y. The line up SOCCER TEAM COMPLETES To Play in Oalifornia on New Year's Priend liS he wellt better against Holy Cross, SEASON THURSDAY WITH rmd it was his togging of pnsses to D&y NAVY G, F. T. MD. STATE NORMAL Ben Hllrwitz Neal that threw Rueh !l scare into th~ Crusadersallillternoon. "Neal wasthe "GrenS.I·" Neal wng chosen all the ~~~I~~~:~ :.. . .••••...•• ~~ ~ ~ Wcsteru1l1nryll!"d varsity soeeer tC:t1ll OC$t opposing jmck we J.lla)"~d against. AlI·Eastern Football te8m for n half· Will Help You. He was II tOWN of strengfh on olT~nsc back pO!;ition und will represont the Bennett, f " .. 0 0 0 ;~~l;.JlI~I\:~' it;tn5:~~'I~~::1 o~LI~~~llr~~:~:H:;'h~l: J.EWELEl{ AND OPTICIAN and defense :Il\d for this r~n~"n we East ill its gama \I'ith the All-Western Kern, flO home. 'I'he sell~OIl has beell a Sll{'"WSS name him the enptuin of the squad." tenlll at. Berkeley, California, on New Su~h was the lriunte paid these. threl' Year's dll)·. ~~~:~e;~n: c :.:::~ i ~~,~~el:!.t~~u;:lm~;~lg g:~:C~wew~L:I~_en~:n.l"~~ (2). Prosperity Methods! individulIls. "GrcaSJ" is to leave Chicngo for the 1<'. S. Smith, e 4 ] 9 Arlll:-', Navy, l>'ranklin aud 1.1arsh;l1\ goes fnrther game uts II Merry Christ· footbnll standpoinl,ill rccoglliUon of 'fhe gl"IlC is fo~h'rcd by the Sht'illcrs, Ha.millou, g 1 0 j'"'ger school~ bl'llidcs ArlllY lI11d Na,'Y' mns ani! a llappy and P..osperoLls Nl'W the excellent footbnll lar,tics disflluyed, Ilnd the llroceeds will go for building n On th(l .M:lr.yl:llld HtulC el'er to be pla~'ed lit Worcester. lloly Shriner's Hospitnl for CrippJeil G1li1· Tollds 13 430 Normnl will Iheir ill their Year. Cross holds ;. grent deRl of resped ror W .. M. G. F. T. ,'enter fOI'ward, Mneller, ~eored ror dren M, Berke1c.y. ALBEHT "A'BE" 'l'OZZT, the lenm thot they claim they were Pelto". f 0 I 1 and al~o the center half, Malul,'· luek;-' to men and will enler the CO·ED BASKETBALL SCHEDULE TERROR BOOTERS SWAMP CITY lbhn, e 0 0 0 game with the determination tli:lt W. W. MILLER, Oleaner and Dyer. OOLLEGE ANNOUNCED will complete their ~ehe(]llle )'fe'chn111er,g: 000 O'Lear, g ,' , 0 0 0 ly. The Wm;tern Mtlryla!ld soccer team Gal1audet nt 'VashillgtOIl, JUIl. 15. BroIl, g 2 J 5 Babylon & Lippy Company s('t too fast a pnee for Ihe Baltimore Lebllilon Vnllay, here, Jun. 23. FIRST GAME IN AltMORY ON Cil.I' College elen'n last Tues(lay 011 tho 1,ebnnon YaUey, Annville, ,Ton, 39. JAN1JARY 6 O!d ..l.,.thletie Pield. Di<,'kinson fit Cnrliale, 'Feb. 5. Tot:lls , ...... 5 515 Long and Umbnr,ger eath seored George 'Vashillgton at Wnsllington, Seore by halv~s: Studeuts will lie able to see the first FLORSHEIM SHOES twice IInil Punk >lull BC;IH(:!JlImp cad! Feb. 12. Nav.v 14 16-30 game of the basketball ~eries in the STETSON HATS once, lllllking rIll! /h"d ~eore 6-0 for George 'VlIshiugtOIl, here, March ]3. 'yestern Md .... ~4--i1.li_....,_____Ar"'nry Oil .1"'ll1~r~' 6th, with Prnll -_.- -~~~ the Terrors. Bridgewllter (date not Bettled.) Refereo-Holid,ay. Umpire---£turil.,· State School of Forestry. LEM BASSETT AND VACCINATION }ds Rnnzie wns v.~eeinllteil. But the hal'ing headaehes. Lem, he couldn't sweet corn patch. Lclll, be rllll out to International sehool bOIlr11 talked right. solemn·like "ceount for it. Said he eouldn't never chase them, and Georgie staycr1 to hOM Suits (Continue.d from l'ag:e 4) to Lem llnd advised him to be tin exnm- remember Rauzie neting thatlLw;!y be· all the news, and then he run out Ilnd vIe to the e0111ll1unity; and I,eJl1 said as fore. Suid he h3d a notion to givo him lold ~oma of the folks what WilS pas~- nnturally np nnd took n fit. Snhl he how he wns beiug an exnmplc, \\'hieh just a mite of gin. But Rauzie, he iug by. Before ~'Oll knew it, everybod.v THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK reeoll('eted people as lost their arms I reckon he was. Unallowed he werc· re:ucd up at th~t. Said Miss Alice heerd about Ranzie being vaccinated. OF WESTMINSTER n't goiug to let nobody operate on his told them to never touch intexieating Some said as bow Lem tliil it unbe· thelway. $nid he heerd toll of men all ,Vestminster, lIfaryland. boy's lIr1n, 9.11(1 llIaybe have it to cut liquors. Lilln snid ns how gin weren't never had no nse of their fingers IIftiJr knownst to uayonc, eXeejltillg Rnuzie. such un operation. Said he'd be dog Mr or mHybe lose hia life, too. His boy intoxicating atllll, it W:lS ouly gin, but When l.em heerd thut, he wns mod Cupjtal ... $125,000 god if his Uauzie woulil hal'e allY such was his boy and 1\0 olle else's, nnd he Rnuzie wouldn't tOlleh nary n drop of enough to throw II fit; 'but thnt wouh1- Surplus aJ](') Profits. .$150,000 was rigllt there to soy so. Lem snys as it. 7"0 telling: what would hnvo 'bNm doings to his Ilrm. Ranzie, well, I 11'1 do a mite of good. Polkswill talk, how he thumped th!l desk, and didn't the end of it if Miss Alice hadn't a- you know. Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., reckon if tbut youngun set his mind on eare nrrhow if they was the school come in right then to see how Ram':ie Chairman of Board. Y;leeinalion his poppy nor his mommy Anyway, Rauzie was vaceillated; couldn't stop him noway. Rauzie, he board, I I'ecl· said Ike Williilms whnt uever !lid hav(l ).liss Aliec boarded at OUI' house but L(lm didn't. to let Then her Mias see Alice linn. ject pertai!>illg to S('uior Educlltiou. The Authorized Shoes for the Rauzie for the much sense as I knowd of, stood right tllen, and mil. Ilnd her would t"lk long Rnuzie said 3S how it was right smnrt W,ilI.C. in the middle of the road one day when spells together. But she never cried John D. Bowers it wns r:lining pit(!ll forks lind exhort('d nOlle !IS I know 01', and she never let red and all swell~d. Miss .Alice ohed R. O. ". C.. agin lI[iss .a.Hee. Ko-didn't IlIly no up. She B3YS the lllw of the lnnd wns and ohed lind set to work to fi.x it up. WISHES AU" A MEllRY ORJUS'f· ntteutioH to hinl exteptiug them 110-:le' the law 1:0 be obeyed. Whon the six Lem made a fuss, but he couldn't do eonnts as hang around the store. They Bethllrd childreu was vaeeinnted, Miss nothing. Ranzic dhln't givo him no llAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR THE E>ct IIround old man Townaend's stove Aliec smiled at them nnd they smiled heed, nnd Miss Alice, she was busy nftefwar(ls and made Qut the whole nt her. I reekon nobody thought much with Rawi\"ie. Directly, Lem, he allow· Westminster Savings Bank no· thing was worser than it really wn~. of tha B(lthnrd family. They weren't ed 'tweren't no need noway for "bout! BonsackJs Thut weren't rigllt, nohow. But every· much, nohow. Their poppy was old body fol' to know anything CAl"ITAL ...... $50,000.00 ono whllt COlll!: ill to the store heerd 'em nWll Jnke Bethard's son, and their ma Han,..ic \"neeiuatiug hi$self, but Rauzic. SURPLUS "EARNED" .. ,250,000.00 alld took it away with 'em, and before was II llieken9, she cnme from o,'er he up and silid he weren't going to POR THAT no time there weren't no one but wh"t PocomOke way. Some say as how she suffer th"tnwny for nothing; when it tllOUght },Ji~s Alice W;lS aiming to hUI'e went throngh the six rea(Jor, but she took, he w~llte(l everyonc .for to know ELEVENTH HOUR F. Thomas Babylon, President every last olle of tham younguns lose wercn't no fnrmer's wife, couldn't it and see it. I spect they would have GIFT. Milton P. Myers, Vice Pregident all ann or mnybe a whole life. It wns rniae chickens nowa.ys, But I reckon fit if Georgie Stoekley hadn't come n· Jacob H. Handley, Treasurer right s~alldalo1Js. There was a time her yOllnguns were as pretty ns any "unniug in bout tJlI.It timo nnd said that whell it seemed like Miss AEee didn't I ever seen. (lId la(ly 1'urner's (;OW$ was in his Merry Christmas and. Happy New Year SECURITY SAVINGS SERVICE haye 110 fricluls nonow. But she were· I"em Bassett 'was right pnt out when =-~========= l,'t to blume. Leastways, that's sellOo! ~:;'":;: t:"',:;,::i1~:::':"~o"O::iO~~';'dAttention W.M. Students how I take it. It was tllllt. there, Telephone 55-R D. S. GEHR boaTd what sits. in town what done it. ncither. Bafore long the \Yoodurd boy But when Lem Bllssett put on hi~ bi1ed wns dOIl(l and Elsio Dryden and Bertie -for those who don't know we CHAS. KROOP S'ldrt and took llisself up to thelll lllen, Jones. The youngllns began to go back are in our new location for Leading Shoe Repair Shop Wholesale and Retail Hardware, thoy up and told him thet they WeEl'n't to Miss Alice's elnss in Sunday School, 25 E, Main St. Building Materials, Cutlery, responsible ,for the Inw, it was made :11111 the choir lIlet at our house to prne- Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Westminster, Maryland. Ammunition, Paints, Oils, for them by the state. And when Lem tiee, and Miss Alice took her old plaae Repair and Tailoring found (Jut thnt by thnt was meant the ns organist, and everything begnn to Finest Grade of Work. Selld yOUl' sllOes to Charles Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, eopitaJ, he up and said he reekoned he be like it was old times again. All Kroop by Pa('(~el Post, they will Iron and Steel Products, didn't hn\'e no time to go tllat far, and bnt Lem Bassett nud his tribe. They WESTMINSTER TAILOR be repaired the same day at a he spect they never heerd of him, no' wouldn't give in. \ 86 E. MaiD Street very low cost. (Estnblishcd 1868) way, and weren't earing wbelher Qr no Long about this tillle Rauzie took to Clall d, Ii p, Tel. 225 Auto Service Give us a Trial. Westminster, Md. \ \
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