Page 52 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 52
Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, 19 Literary Achievements 26 THOUGHTS m C;LASS THE OHARM OF TRAIN WHISTLES THE GOLDEN MEAN GRANDMOTHER'S ALBUM DOROTHY L, HLLLIGA.N, '28 :!IIIRIAM ROYER, '27 PAUL LAMBERTSON, '28 KATHERINE DOYLE, '29 "\Veoften hear it said, partly in jest, '.rhe brcwu and yellow leaves, shaken I have alwllYs loved music, and have with let your studies interfere gently by the earty morning breese, HOYCrheaitn+ed to discuss its charms "Don't education." Thongh seems "\Ve used to "isit my grandma, your it are flut-tering to tue, ground. The eold with my friends. There is one type of somewhat paradoxical to think that If the Sumlnys were bright £lod fair- yellow rays of the sun nre shining eouud (I e~nnot list it in the music 'I'hen Pd atenl away to the parlor, pitilessly through tho dirt-streaked eategory) for which I have the most studies interfere with education, there And took at the treasures there: upon windcws into the classroom. How nstonlshing affectioll,-but whose is a substantial grain of truth Edu· The figures on the what- HOt, rests. whieh the above statement dillgy the desk aud chairs IOQk when praises I have never had the courage cation, if it is considered thl>nghtfully, 'l'ha old sword witil urauy sears, :- the sun shines o,n mam. How that girl to I uave been afNtid of the IGug includes more than the training aequtr- of "Lee, Our Cbieftain," squints and aerewa up he-r face as II "thumbs down" of pub- ed through studies, There are undouht- the festooned stars and bars, stray sunbeam frisks with savage de Ec opinion. is with n great deal of I'd t.iptoe nhout in awed ailenee light around her eyes. St.ill the leaves timidity, therefore, and, I must admit, edly certain intellectual and cultural But would al\\":tys end my quest, which arc not aequo- aecompllahmenta fall. Some knock feebly upon the cold, some misgivings, that I make known .lllIi§~p§ 1i!l1U ell in tile etnasroooc Literary societies, Wh~1I I'd find grent grandmother's ei- nuresponsive windows, lingcr.for an in my dark secret. One of my favorite for example, d-evelop speaking ability, bum ataut, and then fall to the hnrd, frozen musical Bounds is the whistle of n In the 10\\'<'1' rjrnwer of the chest. earth, where they crumble and rot. ti'ain! I love train whistles, When I A ~erry (!]I)ri!ltllta!l pm-ticulm-ly de'bn.ting ability, in a way II Impcssfble in the el:illoll. 011 mnllgl! \tIlQ oil', 011\mc re~~re<1uJl that fuss llgin Miss Alice, And the strenked yelio"- lelll'es Time of eheer! ,Iinde fa,'dc de m:u'rolls, de pOlllmes et lIe!" what we IIse(1 to call "Little LQosen Oll their brllnc.iles 'Ve nre glad to sec tlte snowflakes, <11.' nob:. 8ehooll11:1rm" oouut of her being so And drift slowly downwards. THE POETS' CLUB Gla(l to mllke the !nrh find jam cnkes,l A"lUlt (\'nllcr ae ~O\lcher lous II'S little aHrl quick Illol'ing, though 01<1 One, two, three, Glad to skate on frozen ice lakes, cnfnllts plncent lellrs CIH\lI~allresdevultt In<1,'\' Sarah 'l'ilghlll~n did call h<'r One, two, the, BciJold thc tUlIeful se~rs, the Poets' GIna, so glHd, that you are here, b r.heminee de sortc que lor,sqlle lenrs "Sparrow." ).[iss Alice, why I 'speet All VeDice irta falling of autUlIlnle!l"es, Club! l'iellLjront l1Iettre iles. ]lllquch !rhe's got ~s much book lellrniug as a .llrowLI, They lako 1'('<1stars, or 1\licrobes HS \\'e:eome Cllriatmne, lessouliersilsfcrQntsemblnntde 111I1'Y('1" ill town, but she uever sot no Aud yellow streoked with brown. tlteirtil!!me: Time of earols! dormir. Irs ("lIfants troltl'(',nt Ions great store by il. TIer talk weren't Le mati" Of RODianee, or PltilQsophy they "'el('omE Chrisbo:ts, Irs ('lJ.Ile,IIL'!:que Ie ]letit )./ocl f!. np' a mit.e more prona than Ira Timmon's, 'l'iJlle of song! :wd he onl.l· went to the fourth re~der, JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD, IS feed ou hOl1c,I',-tIH~ :tlllb\"osi~J1 \\'e lne glad to hCi\1' your bells riug, 1'"I'teo et ~Oll1Il1Cles petits Amerienius, .But that Iveren't why Lem Bnssett BORN! 'rhe," gTub,- Glad to Christ, tl10 Child King, ils joncnt al'e~ lours llOl1\'C~llXjOllets. reared up that fuss ngin her, No. scat(>d 011the Universe's hub, Glall, so glu(1, every good thing, En Pr('\-ellCC e'est 1111pen different, You see,Jlnd I'ye been niming to tell WILSOK K. BAR)mS, '28 Wc have waited for you long. ;, pHS d'm'bre ile Koel, et en no tk\t Thollghts ~\rc mightier IllPt pns de sllbot~ rl:lIIs b theminoc yOIl rver sinCe I begall, sh(" wns the Hark! The I!oun!fosscbucllC' de chene toute Crller do recess; but then, that (lidn't. h:ITm We lire :;::Ind that l.JeyOililtlieltoUy, bel' order none in the school·room. Lowly birtll within 11manger, BerOll,1 the fnl1 au\l l:tllghter jolly, rub:,wi et :\rrO$('e de dn, de 111llH'tlre Yolks ~Ily ns llOW Aile liel'(l)" raised her U~heted a child forlorn 1\\1 1I"01'l1,iergroup comm~l1\(h appro I'· 'There's something thnt dis,;oll"es Olll ,hillS l'illlll\enSC eitcluirl(lC (Ill 1'110devr:! ,oiel.', 1)lIt them yonnguns ilit! whl).t ev pelHlnnt Ic reve.i]· 1\01\' tlUlt infant is no strllngel'; iug song: folly, IU'ult'j' toute In nnit ('l',I" lOOK of her pretty brown eyes told Jesus Christ, Our I,{>rd, is bVTnl 1\0 Kuights Illnre chi\'/llrous, 01' :!lInking cares fUl(l pains. to cease. 1011. them to). SI\o llad ordur and all them J.:uUeM f:tir 1rustees llllel\' it. But Lem Bnasett ${'t Lowly infnnt is exalted, 'rlml\ eonstitute this gny rh"Jlsodi~ \\'elcQlIlc Ohristul!I$, "Do rOll lead your elnss in coHegel" a power lot ()f when he fussing 'J'riulUph(>(lov('rhatc;tndseOrll. throng 'rime of Jesus! "Xo," l'eplie!] tile RopholllorCj "bllt uJi hrl'r(1 th"t sIte toW the school tltet ?dnl'eh of victory never halted "\Vho stir with joy the p:tlpitatiug nir, Welcome CllristmA~, IJlostoftltcfaeultyisafterlllG." CI-ery last one of them hnd to ~e vac· Onee our SlIvior, Christ, was born. It might seem bollI, yet scarce account· 'I'imB of praisp! einated, l'lll not sayiHg as llow flUy Man l'edeemlld by tlllLt h'uth, cd wrong, \Ye are glad that Ged so loved us, "When ,1'0111'son gradunted did he of us I\'ere nnyl\'ay~ right smflrt set np From thc grasp of sin is torn. Sueh folk with Gr~e.k immortals to Glad that lie, though far above us, leave JllI.I,thillg behind him to enrich ubout ii, noways, But, Lem, he just thE' tmditions of Ule college'!" Peace will reigu o'er all the enrtll, eon~parel Gal-e lli~ son to eOlll~!l,1I{110l'e liS; "1 gucs~ so;_hism:mlle\"Saregoll~.'· (Contiuned on Page 5} Jcsus Christ, Our Lord, ill born I -H",rbcrt Taylor StephsDS, Au
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