Page 45 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 45
\ GOt HE,AR. BENNETT GAME LECTURE FRIDAY FRIDAY NIGHT Vol. 4, No. 12 Dec. 8, 1926 Western Maryland to be ROTARY CLUB TO GIVE Terrors Receive Highest SENIORS VOTE TO AD- Social Life aDd Athletics TO GRID DINNER Represented at Milwaukee TEAM Honors in All-State MIT SEMINARY INTO Neglected in French Col- ALOHA December 28 to January 1 Selection by The Sun leges, Says Dr. Bonnotte The western Mllryl~nd Iootbnll squad will be enter-tained by t.he At a apeeiul I:I~as me~tillg last week, Two Co-eds Named as Dele- Weaturinster Rotary Club n t !l dinner WESTERN MARYLAND the seniors by II lWl'f~W mnrgm voted Striking Differences From gates to National Stu- at the ·Westminster Il.ctel on wednes- FURNISHES "BEST te reserve twelve pages of the IOU American System Noted dllY evening of this week. Aloha for rile senior class of the West- dent Conference COMb "Dick" Harlow will be the BETS" FOR BOTH minster Theclogieal Seuuunry. Be- gueat of honor. Col. Robert J. Gill, ELEVENS tweeu two nrrd three hundr-ed dcllars The edueationnl ~'y$telll of Prance Is The National Student Conference, Mr. Robert Oam.en, Mr. W. Wilson be luvolved il1 the tics il1 ).J"Danirol Hall Re· ",hith Inc gil·elf ...t. ell(l of the sec COluJI.bin, and go out in trhe special CUUI!) or Grnutl:lll.d Hice ~('leetio!Js ill teptiOll Room itl contiuuation of the tUS" (tIlll 1L!l(] fiTl!t grades. Elich of the two ('.ar ehartered by the Cound! of Chris· Amid tl!l~ cheering of an puthnSi(ls!ie IJ,,' United States. 'I.'his selet,tiou is 10m ,1' the brother nnd sister societies e;<:1l)ninlltions is ilil'ideil into two parts tinu Associlltion$ for this distdet. It audience fn'iug Lih'l'nry Soeiety anil the official el<;\'Cll, HUt! gold nltellllltin,l! ill the order of entertaining -(lUI' written, nnd one orn!. At the is plunned that a'bout half the dele- the otl".'r t'~I' ~oeietics before C'llris\mns cnd of the second grade, nfter the gates w'ill be aceonllnod~t(l{l in :Mil- :::~I~t~~ll~~:tr;~~at~O~:let~llt~t~~a~a;lh~l: nmldllg tll:r~r~r:~e:at~~ to each m;lll :llII! s]lriug \'aeation~. u~N'SS'lry arrnllg~U)cnts In\\·e been made, wnukee homes on the "Harvard Dctemher 3. Weehster, determincd to "Big League" Outfit Although the party "'as ilefinitel~' dG th~ fil'at wrilten examination, which is "plaa"; i. e., freo lodgings [lnd break- will after h,lving: suffered four eon" Mr. says th'I~, "Western ~idrd on lall' in the week IIlId announced nbout four hours in ilur:ltion,isgi,-rn. fll$1$ during the Conference. The rrst. secntive rc,"erses, prcsent~(l Inst year'~ ':Marylaud never known anythinJ;: ill the dining room Oil S(lturdny, ev'j· 'l'his is a comprehensh'o teat of general will be aeeommodatnd in down·town :~~,~~;~2~n:r;:~~:end :::cit~he D\~~:s~~:: was in the mood for knowledge and ability. Olle ty-piclIl hotels within short walking distanee ~:::~mi/:t~~1ct~0 "::!:o~~~~Il;~eC~~~~I)~o:~ f"r an unusunTIy In:rge (Continued on Page ~) of t.he Auditorium. sceuUve vietory, offered an entirely ster institutiGU ~ team which near the mcn and women were Plans Ern,borate III'W ~eanI. filli~h Wllll II truly grent n.llchillc-a l'resrnt. SHAKSPERE CLUB M_!.y__ The plaus fo-;:- this Conferenee are "He!olved, 'l'h3t c~plta.1 punislunent "big league" football outfit whieh "lJcro" l'/irholS mad!! a short speeeb BE ORGANIZED along the same lines all the plans for be ret~i]\ed as the penalty for premedi woold have. been veTY mUM nt home of wcleome in oehalf of both Browning the Slllaller loeal confcrellroes such ~s tate!l murder" W3l1 the resolution pre' in the finest OOmp~lly." He also nUll It\'illg, and announced the numoer$ Eaglesmere and Silver Bny, but much sented by Webster Cflrlier in the year spcnks very highly of the "Terror's" Ull \11(.' program. .hl.i5~ lCatharine Grum A plan is under wn.Y to organize in for thi~ eneounter. Irving was given tile College a Shakspere Club, to be n.ore elnborate. The main theme, vic tOT)' oyer Buekllell lenil Loyola by hine sang \'('ry eharmingly "The Brown of of llic ehoieeof sides and elected to main· quartette, eompnse!l students and members 'qVJlnt Resources Hus ;resus for Life ~9.ying that, "Among the sensational Bear." Irving's special eom· in Our World1" has been (lil'ided into tain negative. The nllirn.ative Wtlll tl'inmllhs was Western ~rnryltlna's +ll of ),l,mms. E. Lippy, Nichols, the }"I~U1L~' who would likl' to study plnys four grellt major Illlpects, eath to oc' :lIIessl's. H. JC Johnson. W. to 0 vidor.1· over Bu~knel1,-01\e of the !lnd Roycr seemed to he the "hit Sllakspere's thoroughgoing and rohlted thnu matter CliO be in (l more wily cnpy the attention of the delegates for B~rnell, nIHl J. P. LlllJ\bel'tsoll, thll worst beating;! n Bu~knell team ever llf lh~" judging from the :Ip dulll' i'l th~ UlIull.l eollrgll courses. oue day. Among the world·famous nIlgMi\'e by Messrs. E. B. Lippy, G. E. look ~ljd after Penn Stilts hn(l heen plansl' whirl! was given them lifter each Within the last few yenTs, discovery le!aders of Christian thought to be prea- Shri\'cr, nml M. L. Sterling. held to 9 points by the same Bison son.t:{. The numbers whieh they sang of mlll~rial not berl;lre known io exist eut are: Henry 'Slonn Oofiin; Reinhold Judgea Able outfit; also their 33 to 0 victory over wne ")1oenlight and Dreams eI Yon," and pointg of dew of theplll.ys Niebuhr; Cllllrles W. Gilkey; Glen Tbe speakers were iutroduced by the !L tenm that dafeutl'd Hopkins by tile "Little Br(lwn Bob),," and "An Bpi· hl1\'r ncw interpretutionsoftbe Clarl,; Ric.hard Roberta, of Oanaall; '1'. ~hairuml\, :Mr. C. A. Royer, President lInme score, Loyola." He also snys. 50l1C." Stunts Philo un
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