Page 47 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Page Three i SPORTS \ State's "Best Bets" Are Terrors iSPORTS\ Western Maryland Predominates Frosh-Soph Football Battle FRESHMEN GIRLS UNDEFEATED "w:ESTERN MARYLAND FURNISHES FOR BOTH •'BEST BETS" VOLLEY BALL CHAMPIONS All-State Selection of Baltimore Sun To Be Waged Friday ELEVENS The Juniors made eanlcst effort.~ to (Continued from Page 1) By "Jllp" Weiabeek. All Men Who Have Played prevent the Preahments "walking In A Varsity Game are away" with the second round of the is Wingate's opinion of "Mae." Prtduy, December 3, aome members the hope of an opposing bnek. TIIOpeo- Ineligible volley ball series. But the last game The quarterback position appeared to of cur team took their last football trip 1)le of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, are still like all preeedurg Frosh games, wea a be no puzzle aeacrding to Mr. Wing~te. of the 19:;6 season. Neal, l\IcMain~, wondering where he acqllired the wings The Prbah-Sopb foot'ball battle royal victory for the erase of '30. Mttehell, "The problem (If naming a. first team .McRohie, weinstock nnd Clark journey- used in the grime ugnmat Dic.kinson. In· is at last definitely scheduled for Pri- B. Robinson, and Rleharda were obliged quar terbaek is corr.parat.ively simple. ed to Baltimore, where they gracefully juries of various types kept him from day afternoon. Only men who have to put up some defensive tuctics against There is no way to figure any utber ccndeaeended to present their physig· many games, but still his speed was so never played in a college varsity game the oppositionoffere(i'byBenllett, Todd, man than Maury McMains for this nomiea to the photographer of tliat .far superior that he earned the peal- are eligible. It is understood, of and Willinger of the Junior tenm. job," was his opinion. The next "Ter· c.ity's grcetese newepapet, "The Sun." tion. course, that the Athletic Department Young frequently puaaled the Freshmen ror" selected was Lylo Clark at Our deepest regsrds go out to these will not be responsibJe for auy injurie!! by lifting some of the fnmoue Presh- To the school, and to the men them· an eud. The Sun claims. "The best selves It was a great honor. There is no men, and, with four of them returning suatained in the game. men "slams to·tlle·jJoor." The juniors of a capable batch of end~ were Whit· doubt in the miud of any member, of for football next year, Western Mary- Neal and Havens are coaehing the led the first half, but lost the game ney Clark. Clark was the 'best nll- student or f:!culty. of Western Mary- land can rest assured the season will be Bophs ; Gomsl1k and Weisbeck 'have during the last half. The final score around wingman. At handling the op- land, thnt our own "Greasy" Neal de- a most sccceeerut one. charge of the yearlings. was: Preabmen, 23; JUniors, 19. posing tackle on rUJlning plays he was ser"ea the position of half-baek=-und V).st,-(for most .important things The sophomores have pledged the Although no trophy is offered the in u class by himself. He was a very most vnlucd pln:;-er on the team. Or always eome last), there is Diek Har- of cert-aiu rat rules in the event wianers of the series, the Freshmeu ure ~Y"{)odpass receiver and a fine defensive "iUe lIe',er seems to stop at anything- low, the mentor of Western Maryland's of a fros1l_'_"_t"_;,Y_.__ descrving of milch credit aud admira· end w.ho knew wh('J) to wait, when tu and because of this c.haructeristic, greatest team, who was directly respon· tion for the splendid teAm they nlllin· "crnsh" and how to 'handle heavy promptly went out and played 80 hard sible for the positions won. TERROR CAGERS PLAY PRACTlOE taincd in the tournament, and for Ihe interference." "Nate" Weinstoek is and so fast that he convinced natioaal GAME WITH NAVY THIS very excellent work whiuh broaght them ~he rcmuining choke from "the \Vest wrilen that he wns the ~eeond-best bet TERROR BOOTERS DEFEATED BY AFTERNOON "ictory in every 0111' of the six games millster school." 1Veinstock was a eon for his lJosition in all of theso United POLY At Annapolis this afternoon the can· they played. The Sellior, Jnllior, and sistent performer and being fast and Stntes. Sophomore claascs eombine in extending alert bad a fluir .for the spectaeular by :l>lcRobic, commonly known did'ates for the Terror Basketball to the winners their congratulations blocking 1lumerous puuts. "~Juck," nlong with our ot.her"" Poly and Western HaJ'yland teams Squa(l will be given tl trial of .'!trength, and wishes for further success. On the secolld tea"" first nnd fore· (McMains), took nllanimouB choiei!s of l)la),cd a fllst game stllrtiug with the whon they meet several Navy quintets most slauds "Buck" Ohambers, best their ]losit.ions, right guard, and qllar first. whistle until the end of the game. at the U. S. Naval Academy. A tenta be.t alIa full baek. "Buek" uccording t('rbnek respedi,'cly. This twain of 11\ the first, half the ball was kept mol' live line u!,,-subjeet to frequcnt sllifh, INTER·CLASS BASKETBALL to Mr. Wingate is first team material, "~l.acks" was reprcS{'llte(l, this ing back :1m'! forth ncith~r teum follows: but the situntiou couldn't be .handled forthesecondtilI.e,llllil,sl)(Ito h:ll"ing advnnbge. In the latier Forward-Pelton. TOURNEY TO START SOON to place him He played a. whale (Inc of thNn, ).(cRobie, will never of tho selland (l\lllrter Poly's rush Guard-.Machn.mcr. of a g:lme all season and is (leserving :lgain listcll as an AU-).Jarylund selec- forward lillB pushed the first score Center-Hahn. of n high ranking. Another selection tion, unJe~sas a mluable coach, for this gume o,·cr. 'l'his score wns fol· }'orward-Broll. Probably the most spirit C,'er to be wus "Shorty" LOllg, for a ha:1f·buek scason completes his .football e~lreer at lowed by a quick rnsh of the Western Guurd-Weinstoek. displuycd Ly the Western Maryland posit.ion. '!llle SUIl says, "Long is one W(>stern.\laryl(llld~tlll{l it sure enderl ~[nryland for1l'~rd line which shot the 8ubstitute~: Ellis, F.; D'Lcar, }'.j students is shown ut the inter·class of the cleverest running backs in the ill u blaze of glory. The talk of Lewis !Jall through to the score. The first G C.; Van Bnren, 0.; TJnl1y, games. }'or the Inst three or fOllr years state and a fine forwa.rd pnsscr. The burg, fClr that is Bueknell'a thri\"ing hall ended with thJ.l seore 1·1. C.i G.; SUllivan, F. the gymnasium has been a roeking eenter position on the seeond team was --- metropolis,-is of ).JcRobie--thc streak Tho ~e~oud half stinted with Foly Weigle be unable to play due to "siesta" for lIle enthusi(lstie throng~ eopped 'by "Charlie" Havens, and it 0.£ green from the south. The coal ki~king off. put up a fllst offen sthohlStic work. representing the l"ariouselasses,"rats," was said that the gamc pl::tyed by this miners lind railroad men will "betelling $\\'e game resulted in three TERROR BOOTERS PLAY AT Sophs, Juniors alld dignified Sen.ioys. man was good enough for first All of him for many years 1.0 eome in their gouls, i.n spite of Western Maryland '9 'rhe preseut sca~Ol\ llppears t.o be MarylAnd on teams for n,any past sea· ben-time stories t.o their c.hililreu, thu~ strung ddense. '£hen, in the fourth TOWSON j\l~t as interesting us un)' of the past "ausing tbem many sleepless n.ights. ql):lrter, Western Marylund staged a The Western Maryl'an<1Vunity -Soc· ones. The Sellior~ and S(lIJllOlIlore~ sons, hut Desnl"CIl(lheld a slight e(lge. Praetieall_y every mnn was mention ~k.\lains, without u doubt is the best ~omebal:k which kept the bnll in the cer Te:l]!>pluyed the Maryland State were the willne1'S lust .reM l,nd bdth ed iu the a.rticle by Mr. Wingate. signal "Jmrkcr." His of thc opponents territor;.' a large l)nrl of the Normal Sehool at Towsou yesterday on have good teams to place on the eourt. ROlleh lit gunrd, Pelton, at end, D'Lear other ten rOllghneeks, especially peril· time !.lut.only S(l(:uretltwo goals to the W1'~ c.overed with iee. 'rhe 'fhe SQphs,ii is true, ha,·c only "Diek" Ilt t.~pk·I(', snd Rilljo /.Ini! nnmlUlk; in._ ---olli- pr"Edicameuls was noOtlng''-short of one made by The game en(led 'j fie1,] tha~ Norris !IS their lone representative of bHckfield WBre all eorr.mended very --- marvelous. llis sharp, baritone voice with the score fin~l score wlLS-1Vestern Muryland, 2; thc winning fivo last yeur, but a goodly highly. itself wall a source of inspiration to Line·np: Stu!.c Normal, 1. re~elTe supply is at hand. The Sen- The. "Gol Suu, Greasy hn"e the best te:!in as the season openg. on the All-Maryland elevens, including those frau, other sehooia, and hopes to guidante of the ouly "Uaek" we hll\"e hlut('h RB. Smith Nenl hus be.;" pic.ked ae one of the Among the Junior class many good find them among the lenders another left. Rehwig~r Sulli\"an AII·Eastern at,as t.o play in a benefit players are lit hnnil, whereas the Fresh "1'0 Weinstock, goes the honor of Beatty L.H Reed football gnme at Berkley, Calif., on men have not !.leeu given a chance to right lu"kle. This cmly·hnired youth ]<'ildm,m C.Il. Nichols their goods aM yet. Yon can from WilkeslJarre put his 111JpelHfmceiu Dil!lhullt D.R. \Villis New Year's Day, ~g.~inst a P:~cific 011 the "ruh" though. HEAR BENNETT FRIDAY NIGHT at Wcstern .\laryland barely two weeks Hlldert I. R Barnes Const team. before the gHme at Gettysburg. Hia White c. Covington fierce tae\ding won him the respect of Fln.hcrt)' 1.L. Funk ow-conch-to the extent thlltthe peo- Buckley D.h "11aeaulcy ple of Bulti.IDore and Loyola apeak of Substitutions-Poly: Gibbe.rn for him lIS nspect.e(lly a~ of Mayor Juek· Dillahunt. Western Muryland: Long son. "Man)' moons will pass before the for llaeauley. Umburger for Barues, townsfolk forget the wonderful gnmll Hart for Recd, Beullchamp for Coviug he pl:lyed thore ~gainst Loyola. ton. Goals-scored by Poly: }'ildman, GIFTS! "Clark~'," our blomle·haired ~l\d, HuLert, White, Plaherty (2). By from the "great open spllees" con· Western ..\luryl:tnd: Willis, (2), Um- ,ineed the autborities of hi~ worth as barger. tho. most "nluable left cnd ill )fury· Refcrce-Beauehamp, Bosley. Time-- Have you seen the new line of Gifts stamped with the College lan<1. His ability of diagnosing 0])P08' :;0 minutc quarters. ing teams pla)'s wns nothing short of Insignia? If not, stop in. uneunny, n.nd therel)y he wTecked many HEAR BENNETT FRIDAY NIGHT We have many beautiful gifts for HER and also HIM, Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Smith's The Newest and Best Clothing Houbigant Toilet ~ets and li'urnishings. The College Barber Shop Goods for Young Men. For Men and Women Devilbiss Perfumizers---Droppers and Lamps 10 Pill' cent oil to College Students Waterman and Parker Pens and Pencils Babylon & Lippy Company T. W. MATHER & SONS Whitman's Candy Westminster's Leading Store FLORSHEIM SHOES Eastman Kcidaks HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES STETSON HATS The Authorized Shoes for the Vanities - Compacts Writing Paper - Writing International Made-to·Measure W.M.C. Sets - Leather Goods Fancy Cigarettes in R. o. T. c. Pkgs, of 50's Cigars in Xmas Wrapping Suits Pipes - Cigar and Cigarette Tubes THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE OF WESTMINSTER Westminster Savings Bank Cigarette Cases, Etc. Westminster, Maryland. Capital $125,000 OAPITAL . ..... $50.000.00 BONSACK'S SURPLUS "EARNED" ... 250,000.00 Surplns and Profits $150.000 THE COLLEGE SHOP Jacob J. 'Weaver, Jr., Chairman of Board. P. Thomas Ba.bylon, President L. K. W(lOdWB d, President. Milton P. Myers, Vice President Treasurer J"acob H, Handley. S;ElCURITY SAVINGS :;>BRVIOE
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