Page 43 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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The .Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I Neal Named For Second All American I SPORTS I Western Maryland Tops FRESHMEN WIN FmST ROUND SOPHS DEFEAT SENIORS SOCCER NEWS W.,M.Appears in Leading VOLLEY BALL SERIES TOURN.AM:E.NT OF VOLLEY BALL Everybody List in AII·State Selection The Fr('shm~n girla eMIlO out uude- TIm sophomore team, e..~hjbitillg ('x' soccer team. como out und soccer buck team the Teams of the Country Tho varsity Icnt.ed vlctu-s of the first round cf Lhc et'lle,,!, orgunisation lind fine teliUl Iws secured games giving- them a full By Columbia Coach Among the State Colleges, Western lnterclusa volley ball eerics. Tho fiu.l,i wnrk defented the Seniors 29 to 12 iu schedule nn!.il Christmus holiduvs. Maryland tanka first with the number game of the rpuud euded with a 20 to their finul game of the first round. The npproxlrnnte schedule ls: In the New York Times of the p.lst of men selected for positions 011 the 12 victory of the Fl'osh over the Jun. Bobs Rowe and Gladie Miles checked Dee. 7, fit Towson, Marylnud Btute Sunday nppenred a rating of the lead- All-Maryland teams. Th!! -Bun's selcc ion. However, such a score doesn't cith('r swift 01' alcw volleys of the acn- Norm"l. teams ill the country. Western tion which is the recognized nffieial sigllif~' tho fight that the Fro$ll had to Iors. The seniors appeared dazed by Week of Doc. IS, nth(llllc, Maryland slwuld bike pride in hav- teem will be piekNl 011 Sunday. rut up agnlnat the fighting .Iuuior the rapid serves and aecura te "re- State Norrna.l. illg team placed ill the group with To top the list of indivillunh. acleet- tram. Willinger ~t center net and turps" of the opposiug team which Date undecided, lIt home l City. University of ns ed from tho "'l'Hror" squad is Toddic directly in buck did soma swift outpluyl'd them throughcut the game. This is u very iuteresting schedule. the eago, SIIIne Drake, I'Ating Fordham, University Chi. of "Greasy" Rea,!. "Greasy" was act- nnd well-placed volleyillg. Be-tty Resulta of first rcuutl of series: Students-let's go out :lnd help the Georgia, Gcorgia Tech, University of ected by the Hearst papers for All- 1fitllhell was the avcr-ready star for soce~f tenm win the$o games. O\'egon, nn(l Tulane. American Halfback 011 the second team, the Freshmen. Betty kllOWS not only \\"on Lost 1'1103 team was showing ro:'!] ,·lllSS in This rnnking was made by Charles o and the unanimous choice for the half- how to deeeiY6 !tN' opponents by n .E'!·eshmon the g'HliC with Poly this nfterlloUIl, Crowley, wbo is he:\([ coach at Colum- back position on 0.11first team selee· slow pass to the foward )ille, but also ,Tuniors when the Gold Bug wcnt. to press. A bia, and Mal'ylaud is fortun- tions made in Mtlrylalld. 'I'his is a how to recover the ball when the task Seniors Terror victory was "ssured, nlthough lite iu being 'Western roeognize{l as one of the remarkable feat, und the first All· seelllS hopeless. SopllOmores there wns llS .l'et 110 scoring. lcadillg teams of the eOIU1try by snch American for Western Maryland in !'~- II great coach. cent years. The Uni"ersity of :Uaryland appenr- McMaina an(1 MeRobie were the un· WESTERN MARYLAND'S ALL·OPPONENT TEAMS 0,] in the ruting in the gl"OUp below !ulimous choiecs also, for All-St[lte First Team Second Tenm "Western U1tryland. qusrt,arbaek and guard, respectfnlly. E[leh man appeared 011 tho Evening llBALY, HOLY CROSS L.E, 'l'R[MMER BUCKNEI"L Snn, News, Post and American Belee· llULICK, BUCKNELL L.T. SLAUGHTER, GETTYSBUIlG Smith's ti(llls. Weinlilfoek was scleeted for n '\\'ULLLA1I[S, GETTYSBURG L.G. MURRAY, DIOKINSON tackle p()sition 011 tho first Evening j)]':S1.fOND, LOYOLA c, RLCTIARDS, SWARTHMOHE The College Barber Shop Sun tenlll aHd Oll the ~ecou{l AlIlC'riean OE1tvINI, HOLY CROSS RG. CLAOK, BUOKNEJJL For Men and Women team. Clark, Chambers, litil'ellS, fwd llE,",LEY, LOYOLA R.T. RYAN, HOLY CROSS Long were pieked on the second teams J3IAZ, DICKINSON R.E. SRANAIIA.l.V, LOYOLA also. WISE, HOLY CROSS Q.B. ENR1GliT, LOYOLA Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr D.·\LY, HOLY CROSS I...H. BHAl\"DIY\P, GETTYSBURG Tile Newest and Best Clothing SECOND ROUND OF VOLLEY BALL H'Y'RNE, LOYOLA Rn. KITTREDGE, HOLY CR'OSS and Furnishings. SERIES BEGINS DJEHL, .BUCK.::-IELL J:'.B. SWEELEY, DICKINSON Goods for Young Men. 10 Pcr CC'lIt off /1) Col/fge S!uilc'll/s Th~ seeoml rouna of the series BASKETBALL PRACTICE RESUME BASKET-BALL Iy, },Inrjorie ,\Vebster, ana Maryland opened IVitl> a elosely cont('sted game PRACTICE i'>tllte }/ornl1l1 S~h(lol. 'Webster is lIOt betwt.'en ihe ~Illiior ~llll Bellior learns. Basketball rl'ncti~ Furnished) prowe~s. The final score 18·]6 spelled Hud \-illl Buren ap- (Irc the following whom oW students ~vjrtor~~ fOLtltP Jn1)iots 1llid ..u.. hu.rd pC:lr to tile most 1)I'Om.ising of the will il!stanlly r('~o:;:roize :H; hopeful J':\nunro- 13-Bucl<.nell, l!way. nOli' men. '\'i'1th the llum1:lel' ef new gained victory it was. Inen to choose from it seems thHt the prospee.t~ for U1Q J926·27 team: V. J'"nnnry 18-Rluo Ridgl', HWay. " JOHN" The Freshlllen continued their Will vao'"H,ics on the team caused uy the \Vilson, l'al: Engle, }'ord, Drowll, Uos· .TaHUllr~· :.!O-Americnn Uni,-er~ity, hmUl·. Iling streak th:'!t stu.rteil in the first loss of Ez Williams lI,n,l Stanley wia Ilusto. Febnwl'.I' l-T,oyola, Bnltimorc. E ,·cr ready round by dcfelltillg the 25 to 15 hcspeedil.1" filled. ,\\Cith the material Johnson, RHyne, "rillinger, A. Lander, Febl'lwry 3-Susqneh.,null, home. Very coul'teous E rl'odess attention ill their first t.ontest second at. ]lllnd there is unry prosped for a Brady, tlll(l Todd. J.'c\.Jr!la,·y 5-Gallau<1ei,-awny. half of the seriea. The 80}liIS, with Al SHong team this year. Games wilh Die.kinson an(l Goorge l'ehruary B-WmihingtoH, home. Right style Er:ltly, :Hld Bobs Rowe st:n'ring put lip hnve lleen S!lheduled. The ,P~br"~ry 10-G('tt,vsbllrg, away. Hail' 11 good fight the first half of the g~me. 'I'he first game of tlle s~"son will be d>:ICh ;I"'niUng replies from Leban· }'cb!'lwr,l' ]2 .. \\·ushillglo!!, away. Also Razors llOned But Betty l[jj~hell, Enlyn PritclwI',l played wilh the Xa~'al ,\e:t,lem,' at on Y,,\Ie~-, Bridgewater, Gettysburg, ];'ebl'lwl''y15-Blue Ridge, home. Tonics :Illd IIappy Rkkar(ls pro\'e([ too strol'ii .\"nnpolis Oll Del'cmbe,. Stl,. allo1 Galla1lilet. It. is the regret of the Febm""y 22-G:lII~nrlet, hUIlie . opposition in the latter part, an,1 e,'sil~' r"um th"t new ruling pr(l\'cnts their AliJrch I-Lo.\'ul:!, home. The Only Barber and Bobber at vanquished the Sophom(ll'eij. Both meeting' forme!' friendly ril·(1ls, n[lme- Mareh 8-Shephenl College. hOllo(;. the Forks te~llls pl~ycd excellent volley ball, antl SAM COHEN made spectators enger for the next PUONB 21-J. TAILOR g!).IllC. The "Pressillgest" JlIHlI in Town CARROLL A. ROYER., 'Representative PEOPLE'S STORE Suit!> Clefllled find Pl·essed 73 E. 'MAIN ST. Special Prices to College Students Stationery, Gifts, Novelties, Victrolas, Victor Records RUN TO When se/ecting ollr Holiday Gifts we were MITTEN'S Telephone 55-R for not zttlminc(fiti of Stffdetlt bl~ying needs lor the CHAS. KROOP ITot Bl'ead, Rolls and Ca,l'es. Christmas Season. In foct, we have a lot of Specials for Parties. Leading Shoe Repair Shop PHONE ::!4(l-H beatttifitl ami timely gifts tnat will appeal 25 E. Main St. When ex- Westminster, Maryland. PRESIDENT TAFT particularly to stttdettts. Scnd your shoes to Charles wanted a good Kroop by Parcel Post, they will PHOTOGRAPH be repaired the same day at a he sent Lor IVe do not believe that any store affords gifts very low cost. Sereck S. Wilson Give us a Trial. in better taste or better value than ours. Babylon & Lippy Company T. W. MATHER & SONS Choosing' the right gift is a simple matter in Westminster's Leading Store this store. There are so many {(sefiti things, so FLORSHEIM SHOES HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES many dainty things, so mite/; price worthiness, STETSON HATS The Authorized Shoes for the that what is tfSf{ally an ordeal becomes a W. TlLC. pleasure. International R. 0, 'r. c, Suits THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE OF WESTMINSTER BONSACK'S Westminster, :Maryland. Westminster Savings Bank Capital ..... $125,000 OAPITAL ....... $50,000.00 SUl'p1ns and Profits .. $150,000 SURPLUS "EARNED" .. 250,000.00 NEXT TO ST-(1R THEATRE Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., Chairman of Board. F. Tbomas Babylon, President Milton P. Myers, Vice President T.J. K. 'Woodward, President. Jacob H. Handley, Trea-surer George R. Gel1'r, .. Vice-President, Cashier. SE01T.dITY SAVINGS SERVICE
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