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I Foltt' The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Class, Club, and Society Doings I I Alumni Nrlun GlliMORE LIPPY~"'ARGARET ~ARTIGNONI 1\"11 DIIqatNot Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN 1927 ALOHA issue of each Gnld Bug, commeneing at Miss Margaret Wilson spent "he a future date. week-end at her home in Aberdeen, Md. Any news items concerning w. M. lliss Emily Richmond, graduate stu- The editor-in-chief, George Benner, Alumni will be gratefully received. dent in vocal, will sing over the radio eud the business manager, F. O. Speich Y. M. AND Y. W. JOINT THANKS· :Mias Anne Rawlings spent tha week- from station WISS at Hartford, Con· or, of the staff of the year book of the GIVING SERVICE ou(l at !.ha home of her sister in Baltt neeticut on NO\'ember 30. The program .senior class held a. ccnrerenee withDI'. more, Md. Mr. Winfield Roberts, '03, and hi! ",Hi be hrcadeasted at 6.45 P. M., the Btephnns, who is the faculty adviser of The Y. ,V. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. Miss Mary E. Warflel11nud Eliwbeth wife, formerly 1Hss Gertrude H. Young, dlunnr hour. This is quife an honor the annual. The make-up of tho book held a joint service Sunilay afternoon Oaimea were visitors on the Hill this ex'08, are living in Seattle, Washillg. for Mba Richmond, and if she is enc- nnd the financial plans were diecueaed ot 4.30. The theme of the service was week-end. ton. Mr. Roberta, who was one of tb~ cesetul in her performance on Novem· extensively. thnnkfulness. "best bets" of the football team dur- for Tho theme of the annual wUl be een- After II hymn and prayer, Mr. Earl Miss Mildred Carues entertained OVllr ing his stay at W. M. C., is preaching ber 30 she will become paid sluger WISS. te-ed in the windows in Alumni Hall, Lippy, accompanied by Miss Blanche the week-end, Miss Marie Glantz, of at the First Church in Seattle. M:r, Btnfiou which were dedicated by former grnd- Ford, snng <'Crossing the Bnr." Miss Baltimore, Md. and Mrs. Roberts have a daughter in uating elnsses. Each title page and ,Juy Relnmuth read a Thanksgi\'illg. The" Misses Blanche Ford, Maude the Sophomore class at the college and "KHty" Goonan, '26, is teaching sub division will be introduced by Ii. poem. Misses Betty Norman and Aliee Brown, Hazel Bratt, Virginia Holland. a BOnwho is "on his way" to tho Hill domestic science in three schools in photograph' of window appropriate to Small sang II duet, altar which the spent the week-end ia Baltimore. Their address is 13S 16th Avenue Balt.imorej Marylaud. page. The book will have many snap- orchestra rendered a selection. The Mis~ Jeanne Stevens had for her North, Seattle, Washington. shots of local scenery, football gurnee. Y. },[. C. A. Quartette, ecmpeaed of guest for the week-end, Miss Ethel May etc. Messrs. Reed, Warfield, Dejjnvan, nnd Norman-of Baltimore, Md. "Dotty" Robinson, '26 is teaehtng w~~o:oli:n:tt:~:I~;' tJ:!6'BO:~!~ ~:: The pictures of the women in the Lambert.son delighted the audience with quite a number of subjects in the high wilson is "'.orking on his M. Senior class have been taken and the their number. The meeting was closed Miss Ruth Sehlincke spent tile week· men's will be taken this wee;k. by a hymn anil pm)"er. end at her home in Alexandria, Vir· :~~o~nu::esSt~::;!de~a~:la:e~' p~;ro:! A. S. T. B. degrees, while Mra. '1'he engraving will -be dOlle hy Jahll It is tho plan of the Y. M. anil Y. W. ginia, with hcr parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~re, English, French, Latin, American \V~~~~~lni8t~:m~~~~:~nW~:rr°(l:s~~r:~:~ and Ollier of Ohicago, TIlinois. The tohn"espeeialjointsarvieesthrnugh- Howard Schlineke. llistory, and Community Civills. their splen(iid advo1nee into the ranks printing will be in the hands of Flee~, ont the year. Wntah the clllnndar of Miss Gladys Be.1n spent the greater McGinley, of Baltimore. events /'Ind be present. The program ia Floronce JohnBon, '21, who is liYinl'. oflloly Oross, at Worcester, 11085I1.chll- A nallle of each advertiser in the always worth,,-hilc and yon will enjoy p~rt of the week at her home in East now in Newark, N. J., COJnmutea tc setts, Wilson and Mrs. Wilson were Aloha will be printed ill Il list in the Ihasorviee. .Fn.Jls Ohurch, Virginia, where she is New York City for yocnl lessons. MiSE 011 the side lineelochoerthe ole tealll. having her eyes attended to. They "l)ummc(]" frnm BostoJl to 'VOI'- Johnson reeenUy saog over the radio tester, a distance of 40 miles, aul! were Among those who attended the West· EDITORIAL LOCAL M. P. PASTOR VIEWS ern MnryllllHl-Buekneli game were the and those who tuned in call testify tc pleased to see Pollie llarris, '24, Frallk fhat her yoiee is eonstnutl~ the faet (Continued from Page 2) THANKSGIVING AS HOLY DAY Misses Mercia. Rayme, Mary Ruth Holt, improving. Grippill, '~G, ~T1ilBrOIlC Trader, '25, cheering for dear olil W. 1>1. O. TIME FOR ACTION (Continued frol11 Page 1) Mfl.rgaret Smith, Marian Curling. Some Miss Florine Simpson, '24 of PursOlls of the Pac~llty members who were pres It scem!) that there nrl! a few men nothing' for ih spiritual me:Uling, 10 ent were the Misses ],{argaret Van W. Va., \Vas married on November 11 Westminster Stationery Store in thia school who have failed to ilis· whom H is a mere holiday, and not n Limes, Miriam Dryden, and Faith Mil· to 1Ifr. James Baker of Knoxville, Ten play their manners, if they possess any. holy dny, who spenil it ill lard. College Supplies By this we mean that they have no re- lllensilre seeking, or even in harmful spect for other people. They forgot inilulgcnces entirely out of kceping Professor Ranck, head of the History Phone n.w BILLY DITMAN, Prop. t1wt, even though they mny not ellre with the spirit of the ilay. Certainly dpeartment, delivered the address at Frank Grippin, '26, and "Bronc' Formerly Westminster News Co. for morning chapel, there are those of Thank~giving Day docs IIOt menn much the Consistorial ·Conference held at St. Tr:H1cr, '25, ~re at.tendiag Drew Thea liS who ilo appreQiate the spirit of rev- to them, a.nd it is doubtful if they get Pnlll's Reformed Church of this city logical Seminary at Drew Forest, Nel' . erenee in a religious exereise. Especial. IIIllch from it. on 'rhursd~.y of last week. The confer· Jersey. Goto ROYER'S ly do they seem to han! forgotten that Is the present significance of the CIIS· ence was attended by ministers and a.ll young ladies are eutitled to th.~ tom the same as the original? laymen of the Reformed Churches of Prances Terrill, 'Ztl, otherwise known for SANDWICHES sallie respect that is usually ae(lordoil to 00 Ihe whole, I think it is. f believo the county. .18 "Reds," actually likes heilLg :;. SOFT DRINKS one's own sisters. Tbe aoniluct which the tra.dit.ional sigllific~!lee of 'l'halJks- aehool·mnrm_ She is teaching English CIGARETTES. Etc, ~ccurreil at the Smith Hall r('cital last giving Day ha~ been preserved in nil John "'"ooden, a member of the Sen· alld li'rench at AbordeeJl and is makillg" Thursday wns ;lldeeent,to say the its essential featu.res, anil whatever ior, sllstaincd. a ileop eut above quite a suecoss of her work. It is lint necessary to recount the modifications hav~ oecntred have been his left {'yo in an automnbile acciuent iueirlrnt. We df'em this snggestion due to the changillg habits and customs ncar Liverpool, Pa., on the way to ]\[abel Smith, '25, is tellohing English to be sufficient; The upper clRSSII1('1Iof sue('eeding generatiotls. These may the Bueknell game Satuf(lay. He wae III the high achool at Bridgeton, N.• J. Milton A. Sullivan who hs,"e not leatue(l hew to behn"e have altered some nf the intiilental taken to the llnrri~hurg Hospital, Lnat _vear. AL1J)eltaught mllsic ill sev" .--."'":CO""",;-;;,,;;;;,,;i;,v,,.-c'""m;;;;'....,""tM,;C, 'po,","""-,;;"",,,,,,,,·~~;,but--Tlumhgiv. ...-It.1'1'.1l :h.e.......ll!_ ge.ltillg very weU, eral schoola in Carroll County. This advice from those in authority; the rug Da;v h still a.. ilay 01 unjveJ'sai uod ilJ. expected to return to college the year, however, she h~s time only to The Magazine M~n freshml'n who aTe in a like predi~a acknowledgment of Gail's gooilnes~, as latter part of the week. teach English and to coach the glee m('nt should be promptly taken care of it wns in the begiljuing. The same ele· clu»s. Main St. by the sophomores. For we heartily ment.s of gratef.ul aud joyful llrais.:l THAT NEW SONG CONTEST "It's hariler work," Mnbel said, 90 West agree with tho pre'·nili11g sentimcnt which werc present in the first Thanks· "but I like it." Westminster, Maryland which S3YS thllt certain freshmen giving Day at Massachusetts B3Y, ar,; "re \1'11111 to illerenee our lll1mber of ;hould ba assisted by an effieient impe hnppily still present i.1Iour celcbmtio!1 good Western Maryland College songs. RUN TO tns to do better. Lct the impetus bc of tha d3)'. Try YOUI' hand at something for "Good COMPLETE what it lIIay. If it prodnces the desir· In your opinion, what ean we do at Old "\Ima Matsr." Let us a.dd to oul' MITTEN'S LINE of cd elIeet without uudue harshnes~, it the present time to preserve the ong. splendid old songs some equally splen- fol' Xmas Gifts is justifiab_',,____ :~e i:P:rt :; ::~:!;!gi~~bServ. did new ones. lIelp boost a fine College Dot Bl'ead, Rolls and Cakes. d Specials for Parties. Spirit in song. for Boys and Girls of w. M. C THANKSGIVING LEAVES We can keep ill mind ihc religious The time fOl'Contest for n. New Song, PllONE ~49_R And if you don't know what to ijignifiC!luceor the da~·, and cll1:rish the for whieh tha Poet's Club is offerillg (~ give "her" your old friend Ben will The Tha.aksgiving holidny tliis ycar high ideals of its spiritual mcaning. prize, "The Bookfellow's .Anthology Wehler & King tell you. Iws been shortcnod from the longer We enn continuo to express the joyful for 1926," publislle(l by the Order of "S(tm~ Old BDYin Ih~ ~(tm~Old PI(tc~" va~ntion extending from ,Vcdl1csday proise of our hearts in public worship Bookfellows, at Ohicago, has been OXj GRADUArrE PHAR~IACIS'rs noon to.1I0l1da.1' night 10 l'hnuksgiving nl1(lprivate dE'votions. We. can inspire Icnde(luntil the }'irst of December. The Rexall Store Ben Hurwitz dn~' only. Thill W:18done for sevoral others by our aetive exaulple to .ioill Come on, you poels, membcrs of the. 'Vcsl,miIlSter, ~Id. JEWELER and OPTICIAN rensol1s. Last year rhe college was ile with nS in rendering thanks to Goil for Clnb or not, get bllsy. The contest is finitely eioscd during this timp, alld 1Ti$fl"TentgOOilllIlSS.'Ve cau refuse to open to anybody who feels the inspira· severn! students, thinking it too cxpen- partkipat.e in any sinf1l1 plea$ure9 tion to sing thn praises of ·W. M. C. Westminster Hardware Co. si\'e to go Imme :for so SbOl·t:l.time h~l(l which will dishonor the ilH.Ynnil de· Hail! Hail! to ~eeure boariliug"places in to\\'n. ourselves. Wo eUIl assoeinte the Just write the 1I'0rds,-thc music will Jobbers and" Retail Dealcrs in Hcnlle il will be lUnch more ecollomicul with the highest patriotic IJc written hlter. for nonc of t·hose who live at a dis· ns well as the aoblest religious Put yonr song in senleil cllvelope, The Gang's All Here General Hardware tnneetoh:lVctolca\·ethocollege. III lIIeufll. Ana we call culth'ate tho spirit with Y011rname on a separate !!lip, and the sellond pl:lee, ,,·ilh Ohristm:!s holi- of thankfulness illld praise in nUf OW1l arop it iutn the Prizo Conte~t Box ill l{. (11IYsfollowing sOsoon, the longer VfLC!I- heurts. Lewi$ Hall, or address to Wilson Club, Bonsack' s Tea Shoppe Heating and Plumbing Systems lion at Thanksgiving would mean an Barllas, Secretary of lhe Poet's unneeessary brenk in scholastie nctiv· AID NEAR EAST \\'esteru 1.1nryland College, before mid· Installed 1ty wllieh is dis,1d,·autageous for all, Hight of 'iV()dn6sdny,December 1, 192(;' In A Student Atmosphere (Estimates espeeially for Ihose who wish to seeurQ Following the recent eUl"thqnak<.'si.ll FUl'Dished) !l needell supply of points this year. Armenia, the ~(,;J;r East Relie.f hilS is· SAM COHEN Those \\'ho so desire may leave the sued a call to ·Wesf.ern l.fllrylalld Col· TAILOR college either for Thanksgiving (lay aT lege for clothing. Sluil,mts ha\·jng an;v PfIOl\TE 21-J. Mau in Town Wm. F. Myers' Sons 'l'Le "Pl'cssingest" for the week·llu!l, but there will be no artirlilS of ulothing to coutribute will OARROLL A. ROYER, Representative Smith & Reifsnider COL Libe"y and G
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