Page 44 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 44
Page POM The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings I'" " lItIth t M tI Alulnnt Nrms GILMORE LIPPT A1ttl W'IU ;1;'10 Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN DELTA SIGMA KAPPA lu (I short talk en the One Hundredth we are glad to weleomc Miss Louise Psnhu. Prof. Bertholf, tile speaker of Uughlette baek 011 the Hill. Any news items concerning W. M. Mr. .~nd Mrs. Burkins, '25, more Delta Sigma Kappa takes pleasure ill the (lveniJlg, gave a very fine Th!\nka· Alumni wlll be gratefully received. fatui'llnrly known to us as Hugh Cur anncunemg the ples from the town of Merrimack in banquet ill the Westminster hotel lnat ine W'ilson, who is a student at Mar· Cambridge, Maryland. New Hampshive, where he is the pester In Baker Chapel Wedueaday night Wednesday evening, November 24. j(lrie Wilbster. '25, of' II eburch. The town is on the Daniel lost t,he Y. :1[, and Y. W. put on a. very At seven thirty, twenty club memo yenr 1I1yrn nt Ruley, West whe taught High \YeustBr llighwa)' midway between the the Friendship interesting })regrum under the direc· bers took Bents uround tables that were See Geerge Benner or Jnmes Owens Scheol, haB accepted a teaehing positien eities of Nashua Md MHnehestcr. Rev. tion 01 Mr. llerbert Niehels. The Sun· well weighed down with a chieken din· fer a squad picture ef the Green Terror nt the Bard Avon R~hoel of Expression Wright stutes that he is m~rried ana day School Orchestra remlered the in· ncr :lUa all the necessary t.rimmings. Tenm. The Team yeu sheuld neyer fer· iu Baltimore. has ~ $en sL'I: yen:rs eld. strulllental mUBia fer the occasien and George Baker, eoe ef the senior get. Price $1.00. Miss Ruth Sehlincko sang "The Lord memlJers of the 1raternity was the Misses Doroth)' Me. Alpine, '25, who is Amollg Hill Ts My Light." Mr. W. A. Reberts teast 1IlaSter. 1\[r. Baker ~ltW to it Margnret Wilson and Alee tenthing in the Lisbon Righ Selloel, Ihe nltllnlli seen on the whe h[l,(l ehargo ef the devotionals, thnt every thing wa~ kept moving at Beunett w('ra fortllTlute in having their was eensidered werth)' to elmper(me thr this past week were Betty Defl'en· breught eut the Well. ef ThQJlksgil'ing n lively pnee. ~isters, i\'li3s Catherine Wilsen and high 6cheol studenU 10 Ihe Ses· baugh, '26, Louis High, '26, Bill Fed· Missllil(Ju13ellnett visit thorn ever the in derman, '26, "Oue" COO]J(lr, Ex '27, holidnys. fjui·Centonnirtl R.lJth R~rr.vnwn, '26, Bill Veasey, '26, ALUMNA IN INTERVIEW POINTS \\'khllnd imbibod some trH, n1l tho ",\,;Ie hobel Veasey, '19, Fronces Fisher, '26, TO MANY CHANGES IN COLLEGE trying' to np ~nether leu('Jing qU('S Misscs Kathryn Clese and Evelyn r~\ll Kelbuugh, '25, whe taught for Dolt.Y RobinSQll, '26, Irmll Lawyer, '26, tion. 'rhe thing left for me to do, Pritchard spent Thanksgiving and the II while in the Lisbon High School, wen :Mnl'Y Ann Mool'{" '26, Ethel Rorney, (Oontinued from Page 1) it seemell, was to take TJl~' departure. wcek·eml nt thcir home at Frostburg, more laurels fer himself when he re· '~ii, .Mrs. G. Ball, prep. '24. "Do yOll really have to go new! was ceived a seholnrship to Prineeton Uni· town boys in\"urillbl)' fell in lore with lI[nrylllutl. Miss Close accompani. I'el·sity. some yOll drink the eellege girls. We called them elm'! J regretfully informed more Mrs. teat" lIerr that ed by Miss nuzel Bratt. Wehler & King "strike$," too, ill those days. I de bc T aimply couldn't miss my dinnn at The Nisses Carll<)lI, Butler, Mellett, Alnlca D:o.ds, '25 wns ,"ery sueetlss lie,·c thnt name hns existed as long as ml1siellJ GHADU.A'l'E 'PHARMAClSTS leading parler bns. Plense ha\'e another Silnd· the c(lilege. As T SHillmy fjmd "thnnl' Puse~', nnd TIeifsnider were among ftll ill the I, Bimbo," part of the who Herr, .1ud wieh." yon" stHnding "goodby," th~ Mrs. {loorwny, snitl, those who attended g~me the llopkins·Mary· nt comedy SnJi~bmy. ",1.1" prespnted leaching reeentl.\' The Rexall Store \\'as tho Baltimore is sing· "Were there many restrietions on in land foetbnll in ing now lit the Wicomieo High School. "\Vestminstel', Md. the student.g then ~" I ilsked n6 I "Plcas~ t'Ollle dO\flJ ag'liu real soon." Stadium Thanksgiving Day. lleai'tily e0!l11)lit\1.1 with her suggestien. ').fr. JOIll' Woe an ,
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