Page 46 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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I DR. BONNOTTE INTERVIEWED ,-------,- Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: ID11r (& 0 11l. T.tht9 :-: ]nlrr-(!1l111rginlr FRENOH COLLEGE. LIFE ON llitl! WI!e Offinial newspaper of W!estern Maryland Oollege, published on Wednesday during Nr1U!I (Continued from Page 1) AlIlI1ini!ltrnlilllt the academic year by tue students of wcateru Maryland ColJl3!ge,'Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-clnee matter at the Westminster question which Dr. Bonnotte recalled Subscription Price, ~2.00 a. Year. Sixteen volumes of 'the n.uater-pieeea was; "A. contemporary philosopher bas NOTICES of Italian Literature, translated into said that an eagle is a bunch of i\r.A.l~AGING STAFF the English, have been donated to tho Hereafter a notice will be sent to Editcr-in-Ohief .. ... George S. Baker, '27 college, library a·t Holy Cross by a phunomone . What is your opinion of tha parents or guardians of students Managing Editor. ... Carroll A. Royer, '27 wealthy woman of woreeeter. These that dcfinition'" This was to be writ· whose tot:)l unexcused absences for ea « dissertation . Asst. Managing Editor. . : '.' \Y. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 books will enable the students to atudy len A our few days after the uxauiination, any academic month are three (3) or Business Manager. ... ' ... Arthur B. Cecil, '28 and become acquainted with the Ltal- lists of the names of those who have more. This notice will be sent at the reeording of each three abseueea. Asst. Business Managers .. .. {'VIll. E. ITaim, '28 ian Literature Qf th6 time ef the Rente- passed and those who have not passed Alvin .Albright, '28 are posted. Notice is hereby given tha.t in imagine all' Circulation Manager .. ... W. Edwin Warfield, '29 Several weeks ago two colleges of just "You can't reading that," how one feels eordance with the statement in the Dr. Bon- II. V. Scott, '30 before Bulletin,a fine of five dollars Asst. Circulation Managers. South Dakota, Dakota Wesleyan and notre explained ehuktng his head feel- College .. { Roy L. Robertson, '29 Northern State Teacher's College, by ingly. ($5.00) a day or fraction thereof will Art Editor .. . . . ."Pete" Gomsak, '30 the official action of their preaidenta Those who hare passed are then priv- 'be cuargnd for 'absence from stated exercises befor~ or after tho Witb exam. Editors of Copy ... ..{lit Gertrude Runck, '28 refuswl to allow their debating teams ileged to till<.e the oral student usulLlly vaeatdon. oyer, the to defend the a.:ffiru.ative side of the two these Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 This means tha t any absence from REPORTOR.IAL S'l'.A.FF question; "Resolved, That the 'vet- spends a year in intensive study of phil class On Friday the 17th will entail a There are and the humanities. News Editors stead Aet be Amended so ae to Permit hours of reeitatton, and fine. Mall stndents who are absent the 'Sale of Light Wines 'lLnd Beer," L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 beeause the afJirm&tive verges on re- forty hours of study required, thus from chapel, Tuesday morning Juuuary Associate Editors pudiation of the Constitution. )ll~king an !!verage of nine hours a day 4,1927, will be fined. This rule will be Mar-ian Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 sp e nt in real work. At the end of this rigidly enforced. Virginia Wright, '27 Wilson K. Barnes, '28 last year or first grade, the student is No one will be allowed to attend Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 Five pools in one, equal to the larg- ready to take the last two examluatiuns ('lasses until the fees are paid to the REPORTERS est in the world and the only bigh for hie degree. If he is aucceesful, the treasurer and the reaelpt presented to Miram Royer, '27 Ruth French, '28 diving apparatus possessed by any degree of A. B. is conferred upon him. the rcspceth'e teachers Dorothy IHeUott, '28 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 Americnn University, are the features It is interesting to know that nO one Gilmore Lippy, '27 Mercia Rayme, '27 of the swimming pool now ander con- who hll.s not his A. B. can be employed E.XPLANATION OF THE DEMERIT Charles Summers, '28 Curvin U. Seitz, '29 struction .at th.e University of Iowa. by the Frendl Government, or can go SYSTEM Hortense Pettitt, '27 Katherine Doyle, '29 . The pool 'which is 150 feet long aud on with post graduate work for a pro- Hubert Johnson, '28 :urArVID Sterling, '30 60 feot wide, will hold 500,000 gallons' fession. Demerits as a rule are givclI only for "Jflp" Weisbeck, '30 of water nnd -will eost approximately Dr. Bmmott translated, frcm II book stated cxereises otller. than elass·room MOO,OOOdollars. in English, "Memories of a exereises. Two (2) demerits are given Worthy opinion~' Model management; Correct news. College Boy," a rather surpris- for absence from morning ehapel; nve The }'ulton De'bating Soeioty of Bos- ing statement to the effeet that a col- (5) demcrits ore givon for abaenClls some plan for di~tributing positions of I.on College defeated the representative lege eilueation in }lranee corresponds frorr, Suaday night ehnpcl; ten (10) EDITORIAL lelldership in outside netivities mare of the Massaehusetts Institute of scn.sibly to a llni\'crsity edU(lation in demerits are given for absences from widely among the student-body. 'fee.hnology by a unnlli.rnous vote of the other nations. Despite Lhie, Freneh stu- Assemblies und stated exereiscs in. The plan tried at Western Maryland juages at t.he Heights on Friday, No- i1ents, with I'{,ry few exceptiolls, finish Alumni llall. VICTROLA NEEDED Yember 18 The Fulton Society upheld lheir education before they hayc reacbed was intended to do this, but it has When a stndent gets 25 dllme.rits he proved hopelessly tnadeqU&te. It has tho negative side of thll question; the nge of eighteen. i~ notified; "When he gets 50 demerits One evening of last week a small completely missed the mark. "Resolved, That the United States Athletics Neglected his p~rcnts ~re notifie{]; when he gets victrola strayed into the dining room. Our snggestion is that a committee Should Reeognize -the Soviet Govern· Thia is due to the faet tllat the 75 demerits his easll is brought before The effeet that it produeed was truly be &pPOinted at once from the faculty ment pf'Russia Irr,mediately." i'rench 8~hools dcvote the greatest pnrt tho Faculty for aetion. With the ver~' first selec- and student goveInment to revise the The judges who rendered the deei of the t.ime to intcnsive scholnat.ic work. t.ion the table atm()spllere began to ex.tra-curriclllar point system in such a sion were: 'V'illill.1ll H. Prest, A. B., IIp ta the present timc athleties have NASHVILLE-IOWA thaW, a few minutes later, laughter way as to make it applicable to our Amhllrst College; Arthur J. Santry, been sadly neglected. As our "Jobby" DR. WARD'S and joyiality !letually premiled in the needs here at Western Maryland. Any ,'{HEarns, and James Leggs, of the expressed it- CITY TRIP 'I'he students are bent to their desks '\VllStern :Maryland College dining attempt t() duplicate the systems of },'ortheastern University Law Sehool. long and Im\"e nO lime for suth 'l'h\' era of Western ~1ary roon.! Aspiring humorish contributed other colleges is bound to f&il. Wh&t Innu begun, l!l~t t.o the spiee of life without the least we need is a. plan tha.t will wm:k at Stuilents at tho Un.ivereity (If North Th\lr8daa~~~~oua h::I~'i~~:ICi::':Yfor the \\·..ek DI". Guorge Pea trepidat:ion. Even the mo~t oo~hful Western MlU"YlandCollege. Carolina-indueed "heir president to lead Prt:nd studenL, nS elasses are O\'er at LJOd~' College for 'reaehers at KlIshvillc, ones OV<'lre.ametheir shynes~ enough to them in cheers at one of their games. On Thursday afterIl(}OliS, thc '1'\,un., anLilie.._ Jowa.--Statn U:::-iWlrsit.)'r ~Jl"<'lf'-anoc(!aB;onalt{)nlllient. CHAPIN DAY ADDRESSES Dr. Chase, the president, hcsitated fit yOllilger stndcnis t~ke hilles. at Iou'lI in oruer that !ill Alter this happening, we arrived at SCIENOE. OLUB first but finally stepped out before two 1Il0stofLheolrlerones, ntteull mig-ht secure the bnilding of the opinion that the college could not thousand and led them with elleera. matinee whieh is given, at re- the "Greater Western ],f
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