Page 48 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Four ~e Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings I" "lItIth t 'M tI Alumni Nrw!i ~~~ . A~W~ ~D ORIGINAL PLAY TO BE GIVEN GAMMA BETA OHI Edited by. DOROTHY GILLIGAN Mills Anne Rawlings spent the week- An origj_nal comedy drama, "Une A five-tube ratlio Bet hns been danat· end in Baltimore with her sister. Any news items concerning W. M. Estelle Houck, '23, was reeently seen Paute Heurensc," written by Mi,ss ed to the Gn mrua Beta Ohi Fraternity Alwnni will be gratefully received. on tho Hill. Mnegaret Snader in collaboration with by onc of He members, Carron Bruehl. We are Borry that Professor Bon- several members of the French Cercle, 1\[uc11elltertniun,enth!lll been derived noHe haa been confined to his home by Willard Hawkins, '26, who waa prom l\lary \Velch, '23, is living now in will be presented uuflur the direction IhrOl1gh Bruehl's generosity. illness. We hops to see him out Boon. iueut ill Irving Literary Society as pres- Annupolis, Mil., ",hl)re she is teachlng of the author at the uext meeting of idcnt, debater, and contestant, came ulgebr" in the Anuapolta High School. Le Cerale Francais. French boarding W.W. Miss Orva Banke was operated on baek to the Rill F'riday evening for the Dr. George W. Todil, '81, is a proml- sehool Hfe furnishes tho setting for the for appendtett.ia at Church IIome Has aunuul Irving.Webster Debate. nent physieiull in Salisbury, Md. Dr. p~ay. The ,V. W. ,girls hnd a "feed" after pital in Baltimore, Friday night. We "Bill" Veasey, '26, is the assistant Todd has a daughter, who is a member The capable supervision of Dr. Bon- Illtub meeting Tuesday night, November wish her a speedy recovery, of the Junior CllW!shere. notice insures allne performance. Miss the thirtieth. The room WM cosy, the manager of the furniture dcpartment of Virginia Hunter, aa Nieet te, 'has the girls ill excellent spirits, and the food 'I'eneher (rising): Why are you Hargis' Department Store in Poeomcka "Toby" Groton, '25, is taking a law leading role. Others in the play are: defieious. Suffice it to say that it was bowing your head, Mr. Mears' City, Maryland. course at George Wushington Ilniver _\Usses Bratt, Davis, E. Jones, Small, a jolly old "get to-getbet.?" Jaek <",ho has been seeking anOlOl)n Tom Trice, '2(5, is taking a course in sity. Ills prescnn addresa is 2651 Wood· and Parker. bliss behind another): In prayer! electrical engineering at Oarueige 'I'eeh. Icy Road, Washington, D. C. A public prcgrum will be presented Sbudeute arriving at the library Stanton Pitts- by the Cercle some time later in th .... DELTA PI ALPHA early 011 Thursday evenings hnve been His address is 6201 AI'e., Miss Helen J. Revelle, ex-'24, and burgh, Pennsylvania. yenr. :\fro Charles J. Campbell, graduate of Last Vill'du('sday evening Dean Eaa receiving inatruct.lon in aestbatie dane- the Dnil'crsit_': of Washington, were ton spoke to the Dolta Pi Alpha's on iug under the supervision of Minnie We are glad to aay that Mrs. George HOME ECONOMIOS OLUB marriod nt th¢ home of the bride, Nay. rhe subjcct of "College" In Warren. K.. Gettings, formerly Miss Carolyn 2~, 1!l~6, The ceremony was performed Ou Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'cloek, Ilia talk he said Ull~t the rigllt college :l[rs. Ed Will W'arfield has beeu in the e.x-'17, has recovered from her by Re'·. W. P. Uobcrts, '03, who is, lit :Mr. anu Ml"s. Gettings tlu: Juuior members of the Home Eeon· spirit woul(l inatill in us lOVe for alIT for sever~l days with In hu,'c ju~t Illo,-ed into their nllWhome at presclll, of the First M. P. omics Club will entertnin the other A hna Mater, would nlu1re of us better griPIJC. lire glad thnt she is reeov· Woodlawn, Md. Chure.!! Seattle, Wnshington. men.beM of the· Club ut II Christm~s stn'denh, and would result in a highel' cring so 'Well and will be baek in the Party. The Jr, lIul)hell et SmalL Con,ment ALBERT "ABE" TOZZI Zile-Neuman CO. tlmt the Y. \V. is doing too much dis· les enfants de Ill. }~ral\(le eelebrent la Representative cussing aud too little iJeting, several of Noel, Uanserie pnr ],(l]e. Ford; e't (lprc~ Westminster, Md. thl) girls are going to Dr. Ward to tr.v UHO ilillcuSlliongeneralc \lllC grande sur- Smith & Reifsnider U. W. MILLER to obtain his eonsent to some proposed prise. Cleaner and Dyer plans for brillgillg about tho (lesire(} Tous les membrcs du cerclc sont in· eh!\uges ill son,e student.s' attitude. stnmmellt pr,ios d'etr!! presents. LUMBER AND OOAL Have You Ever Taken Dr. A. J. Morrell Belt & Belt WEST1IfINSTER, MARYLAND CHIROPRACTOR Phones-227 and 297 LUNCH at our SODA FOUNTAIN Oppo3i1e the Cannon 110 E. 1\J aill St. Phone 175. \Ve are small but give us a call If not, there is a delightful treat in store for ====== Telephone 55·R Attention W.M.Students you. You will like our Light Lunches. They Westminsler Hardware Co. CHAS. KROOP -for know are appetizing and delicious and you have a those who don't Jobbers and' Retail Dealers in Leading Shoe Repair Shop ape in 0111' new location for we fine variety to choose from. Hot and cold General Hardware 25 E. Main St. Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, drinks, too-just the kind you like. .-. Westminster, Maryland. Repair and Tailoring Send your shoes La Charles Heating and Plumbing Systems Aroop by Pareel Post, they will Fines-t Grade of Work. Installed be repail'ed the same day at a WESTMINSTER TAILOR MAIN vety low cost. 86 E. Main Street (Estimates Furnished) Give us a Trial. 9"aU 9". & P. TEll.2~ Auto Service l\
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