Page 49 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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COl CHRISTMAS SPECIAL VAOATION \l]Ci LITERARY S1J1>PLBMBNT DECEMBER 17, TO JANlJ"ABoY 3. PAGES 3 AND " VoL4, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Dec. 16, 1926 Service in Baker Chapel DETAILS OF BYRD EXPEDITION PRESENTED GreenTerrors Banqueted by J. Edward McKinstry, '27, Catches Christmas Spirit IN LECTURE BY LIEUTENANT BENNETT Westminster Rotary Club Dies as Result of Accident Appropriate Setting Furnished By "JAP" W.EISBECK WAS PROMINENT STUDENT for Music and Stories. College Audience Impressed By Straightforward Account Wednesday, December S, promptly Edward J. ~~~-~--~ MeKilU!try, ono of the On Sunday even;llg, December 12, of Flight to North Pole. (f) at £.30, severn I fellows filed iuto most" populu r and beloved members of Ihe aunual Christmas service was held A large Western Maryland College t'he Westmi.uste.r Hotel. By their tho Senior Class, en me to an untimely in Bnkar Chapel, in ....setting of laurel, audience heard Lieutenant Floyd Ben- build lind fnetal appearance, it was dent h last Frhlny morning, aa a result evergreens, potnaettns, and soft candle nett, United States Navy, lecture on Six are Named for Inter- easily judged that they were by no of injuries received \\"'henstruck by an light. As is usually the case at these the Byrd Arctic Expedlt.lon, in Alumni meau'S a male chorus from the "Fol automobile. Dhniatmns serviues, the Chapel wall Hall, Friday, Dceember tCllth. Lieu- CoUegiateOratorical Prelim lies." Hcwaver, each WitS cleanly After Ieavlug tho home of George packed to the doors, und many were tenant Bennett shnres with Commander ahnven and well-dressed, iueluding a B"kcr, tit Howardvllle, wherp. h" was obliged to stand. According to custom, Richard Byrd the honor of being the The six preliminary interenlleglabe well-roullded smile (or sllall I say visiting, MeKill~try wns walking north, tho service was planned and conducted first to reach tho North Pole 'by air- orators have been chosen for the pre' "grin'" Por this they had good ren. toward Pikesville Oil tha Ralsterst.cwu by tlll~ Buuday .schoo], uuder Dr. Step- plane. The lecture, so simply and limlnury eonte~t to be held in 'Smith eou-eror wna there not the prospect of road, when he wna struck by a Ford 11I.'ns' expert leadership, and with thCl pleasantly delivered, wns accompanied Hall in .Msrch. "Those selected by II. goo!l mcn'l at -hund (and Iree at coupe dr-iven by George Wilhide, of assistance Gf Dr. Ward, and Prof. l)y illuatrntions of the vm-ioua atages webster are lIeSSlS. Lnmbcrtacu, John that)' Emit.taburg, Md. He wns immediately 1::\hroyer,of Ihe Bemlnury. To the W. of the e."pei!j·tion. son, nud Barnes. Irving has ehosen About tweuty minutes Inter, twenty· rushed to the Uninlrsity Hospitnl lind ".,.. Club .goes the crellit for the tasle' Tn opening his leetllre Lieut.enant, Messrs. Royer, Lippy, G., lind MeRin· five fellow8 entercd .the notary Cluh's it becamo Imown th~t his skull WIIS ful deco,·atioliS. Cllndles glowed ill the Bonnctt gay!' a. shorr resume of t.hc stry, to whose place Mr. Rosenstock has private d.ining hall ana twullty·fivc fractured and his condition "ery criti- lnurel·bnnked windows; a. bowl of prel'iously IllIl(le to reach the beeullppointed. sighs of contontment w,,:~e heard us cal. Operations were performed to tr.l" bright poin~Gttas stood beside tho pul Pole. Tlvo men alone hall These six men will deliver their ora- eaeh individual member. reali7.ed that to relieve the pressure on the brain, Jlit; :lml direetly in front was 1\ small, rC1l.clledthe gunl, Pl'nry :lIId his com" tion~ before an ((udieuee in Smit.h Hall there weuld be no wOlllen prescnt aud bllt se~Hle{lto h3."o no effect whatso· tins~l·ladeu tree. pnnion, who eOllsllmod nearly two !lnll the one judged 'beErtwill ropresent rull'S of etiquette. were to be nu)l aud Hnd he tliNI at 3bollt L~I~vcll Music is Varied )'earsin their journey. In 1925 nir· Western Maryland at the stateoratoL"i void. }'riday morning. After the organ prelu(lc, "Pnstor· lllnnes wore first uaed in tIle Aretic by ea.! contest to be lleld in Alumni Hall After a. salute to the flag, ollrPrcsi Few Deta.ils Known \\"ILnl, afLi(l grace and ale," l'layecll,)y .Miss Harris, the COli the Mnell.illun Expe(litiUll, of whieh Ibis year. The four colleges 'whieh (lent, Dodor then,-in came that meal. 'fll('l"e are I'er~c te\\' llctnils knowll as thcn,-wcll g"rcgation joined ill singing that beauti- Commnnder Byrd nnd T.Jieutellnnt Ben· eutl'r the eontest lire 'St. John's, Uni· I will not nttempt to tell what there to just how the accident oe(:Ured, since ful old Christmas carol, "0 Little nett were members. Tho Byrd versHy 0'£ )Jnryland, 'Washingtoll, and or Il0w IHlleh was stowlld l\.way as Il"~re were no eye witucsses on the Town of Bethlehem." This ",vas fol· Expeditioll of 192£ was n "lirect result Western Mnryland. Enell yonr one of WHS se{'lIc. Tho only informat..ion eOlleern· lowed b.,' the in"oention, read ill of tho 'MaelMillan E;~pedition, nnd its Ihcse colleges has the honor of having substantiation-for,I do not remomber illg the tragedy W1\8 obl:tined £rolll tile ullison. Next cam(l two anth~ms, sung success was made possible largely by the eontest on its eampu"ll. It will be and hesides, the prospect of :!llothe.r OC('upalltsof the car tllHtstruc.k·him. bauquet of t'he sallie type would swell b.y the Bnker Ch~pel Cboir,-M.iss what. tllnt ExpeditiOlI learned a1)onl 0110 of the leading evcllla of the winter the squad of tryouts next fall to sueh 'Phechaneesal"elhutthc\\"cuthereon-. Dorst !lireeting. The first of theso Antie flying conditiOnS and polnr to have tI,e eontcst Westerll1l1ary· nn extent that jt wouW neeessitate a ,litious bl'illg ~o unfavorable l))"e"eIl1l'11 seleetions wag opened with n solo by naYigatiou. bnd this yenr. larger staff of eoaehes. Rowel'H, I the driver from seeing bnl n few ~1i8S BI(lnrhe Ford. A hymn, respon· Peary's Time Oontrasted Last yenr, Western Maryland entor· will say thnt no matter hOlv much the . ah~ad of ana )'1~Killstry sil'e re:l(lings, lmd another anthem Ily Sevcnteen years ago Peary's trip t.o ed for the first time ~ho Nutionnl orn- hotminec·pios ani! iee crealll, etc., were !I]I before eould be stopped. the Choir, witll Miss Curliug as soloist, the North Pole Kept him isolate(l from torical contest which was held at the tho fellows are anxious to "'),lac"wusa lIICllIbl'rof,theGumn'" followC11. "Oh Come All YuFaithful" eivilization nlmost two years. His -sue· University of M.aryland. It ",,-ill only know had the to put Beta Ohi }'rllternily, Secretary of lrv· WllS sung liS a respolls('b.I' t.he studont· cess was the climax of centuries of he:L short time \Intil Western Mary· illg Literary Society, Capt!';1l R. O. T. body. .IIretic struggle. COlllmaniler Byrd and laud ha"llscellred hOllors in this contest, more tomatoes (!!"') On C., :Jna AdjutanL, R('presentlltive ill Lil'uten~nt Bennett Jeft ch-ilhation nlso, in .kell.pill.l?,·witt, tho marked pro· SpeakCl:ll Apprecia.ted One of the most impressil"e things early oue morning, rr,aehed the North gressiveness in e\'Hy activity. 'J'his banquet differed from any other, ~~;~~:~)::~'i~~~~.e~~~;~~i~ on the progl"n11lwns the rrading, by Pole and retnrned on tho nftl'rnoou of W. M. Has Good Record ill the fact that the af.tnr·dinner sonage·in all i.11estndent :telivitiea. )1r. Bernard 1. BarnM; all(l Mr. 'Villianl the same day. The famous Amcrielln speakers were. really ~]Jp·rceiated. After It can be said that )!eKinstry's A. Roberts, Qf Rulph Connor's "The invent.ion, the airplalle, had again as· 'Western Maryl:H.'d lias all unusually talks by .Messrs. Andersou, Cal'mnJl, cil:lraetor was snell that.:lll who knew ShephH(ls an,l Ihe Angels." It was serted i·1s elailll to lea(lership nmong fiue record in this state eOlltest held Doetor "('ard, and Bob Gill, nil of llim hove HoUling but thl' grentest rr jllst auolh('I' version of tIm birth {If modern iuYcntion"ll. allnu~lly. Sinee 18S9, first hOllors have wholl' euused the ernuiums of:Jll play· l\]J1."Ilt fOl" him. His ,lenth is monrne'l b~" WOIIfOllrte~n tilllos and seeond Christ, thaI 1lS"o·oldstory which is al Using a mnp. Lieuteunllt Bennett honOL's times. }o'orthe past three ers }lrcaellt to swell to a bursting point, by a hosl of friends, :tn,1itean \be trnly ways lICW. nn·a was so well told that poillte{l out the three routes to the Dick Harlow, 011T coath,' untrue to saiJ thnt here wns n man who deserve!:! th(! ~el'l\e was ,·err vivid. At tho COIl- Pole: the Bering Sea rOllte, viI!. A1aSK~j yenrs, reJlre~elltatives 1Iull tlleir form-(ror II ehallg-C)-immcdi:Jtely "II hOllOtS, hOUiage, an,1 rcspect that elusion of this reading, "Angels from the " ronte" thrQugll Baffin hOllors I,ave been: proceeded to the fellows to such wo, th~ li"iug, call b~$tow tlpon him. rhe Rcnlm~ of Glory," WI\S sung. Miss Bay; all(l t.he European routl', vin 19:!4 Clifford H. Richmond, SecolHl. n ligh1ed IIlnt~h would He wall" friend to all and a friend Margaret Wilson \.hon gave a short but Spitsbergen. The last route was soled.· 19:!5 Paul n. Kelbaugh, 'Second. have becn dangcrQIIS in that room of all. churming rendiug entitled "The Light cd becauso King's Bay is only 700 19Z13 'Willard Hawkins, First. Sen:ral mClll"hers,upon lighting a cigar of thc World." ,\11 light!! 'but the miles from Ihe Pole, and CIlIl bo readi- Western Marylund CoUego is to be (free ulao), remarked ;lbout the smell CLASS OF '30 HAS CHRISTMAS candleS wc,'Q ex;tinguishod, and to the ed ill the Spring. This settlement is congratulated on tilis reford :1.n11on of burnt cabbage in the room. PARTY ustonishecl eyes of tha audience, a nearly 500 mile-s nenrer the Pole th:ln the present mnted:>1 froll! nil' \VOlUlerflll specches and a gooll mcal brigllt star nppeared on the ceiling, the northernmost point of AlasK~. othersuccessfnleratoristo chosen ehanged the 'Physical stature of ull l\itD:lniel PuriOI",last Suturday evell' all(l remained there throughout the Ford Was First Contributor to uphold 'Ihe traditions III1Il progress present, to n great extent. Ooals and ing-, was the s~el1e of a gab party gil'- reading. The beautiful solo IJllrt ill The Expedition was fillantod 'by il"eness of Western Uaryland this yeur. vests eould !lot be buttoned, lind huts Cll b.l· the clllss of '30 io the (·1(138 of the nl'xt and last anthem, "Holy mallY men, among whom was Edsel just wou1(1 not fit~but-\\'ho cnre{l~ '30. Slriying to hee('me. hetter nc, Night," was sling by Mias Rnth Ford, the first to contribute to the All had a fine time alld we hereby qu"illt~(l with ('neh other in Ille Fresh· Schlineke. expedition. DEBATE COUNCIL thnllk the Rotary Club of \\"estminster, man el:l$.'!and to breaK Ihe long string Dr. Ward Gives Address The ,~irplnlle used in the flight was IllOSt h&.util.v-and are not fha lenst of liK(' e,"('.nt.~,!his nlTnir was ~lllgcd as Art~r the Ollrist.mlls offering had nnmed "Josephiue Ford" after For(l's HAS FIRST MEETING bit bucKwar(\ ubout Buying that we (Lrp :I 1"8t resort. Judging frO]!) the eOnl' looking forwHrd to many morc ill the bl'oll ddiyereil into the hands of :IIiia!! small dnnghtor. The plnne "was a Fok· future. nWllh it suceccdeil ,'J(lmil"abl:yin both, lI[argllrct l-i:yle by representntives of ker 4hree·engille monoplane. It had' The Iut('r·eolleginH.' Uehaliug Coun HlI,), lon, in forging onc more link in the verious Suo(lny School Classes; Dr. air·eooled motors, nnd gas tanks set in dl held its first meeting of the rear on thechaill or"ulliou nf theelnss of 1930. Importnllt :llncnrlmrnta to the Uonsti- Last Minute News "\\'ard d('liverod II. 'brief addres~. lIe caell willg. The body wns 42 feet, 9 Thurij{]:ly, Deeember 9, at .J.!.'! P. ::"L S(lI'oral ml'mbrrs of the faculty lionor- dwelt at some lengtll upon the econ· inches long with a wing spread of 13 tlltion of Ihe Counril wero recommended ed tlle ocension 'by their prllS(\Uee. omic 1)hn86 of Christmas. This, he feet-3inches. lind at this meeting. All ref The progralll was opened by nn nd· s:Jid, hud ,grown up naturally !lS. 0. re· Lieutenant BeDnett credHed the SIlC' ercnc~~ the Murse catalogucd Eng· SOl'HS BEAT FROSH m ANNUAL ,hess of welcome, by .Mr. J. D. D. suit of the desire of people to give to eess of tho EXPOllition to the splendid li~h XI, out of which the Council grew, GRID FROLIC, 20-0 Bra\lu. Next, ),[jas Glei~hman, /lecom· onc another,b"t (loe9 not represeut the spirit of the fifty members of the werc ellmilH1ted frOUI the Constitution. .Amid a bliuding SllOW StOl'IIl, the p:l1Liltdby 1Iligs'Hobbs, gnl'e n violin real spirit of Christmas. The me'lllillg steamer, "Ohuntier." Their untiring The ('oundl is 11011'Ihe neature of the ~ophomorG grid war";ors triumphcd selcd.iOl" 0\11' arti:>!, .Mr. "Pete" of Christmas is Jesus, !lnil the key-note efforts and op~imism were the stinHili litcnlr.Y societies iustend of English on'r their yeurling opponent!; yl'!!ter Gomsnk, ,\rew sel'I'r:11 mirth provoking i$serviee. III aceornanee with the 'which sent tW() brave men out into a XI.. Enth society has beell gil-en the dn:- :lfterl\OOll on Hoffa Field by the ~kelches. Jt scemrd that every magic true Chri!;llllru! spirit, everyone is in vnst, unexplored territory. right to "led two representati"es to score, 20·0. All the scoring o~curred stroke of his erayoll 'brought, adlhd en· love 'with e\'er~'one else. We must Ou April 5, ]f)26 Ille l'Ohanlier" the Council, which is empowerl'd TO or' duriug the first half, Shoelde~', Orll' joyment to those watching. In linc, scareh for JesuII, as did the wise mell Idt Nell' York wUh fiHy·two mell, $ix: ganize itself fUI" the nlost effieiellt vetz, 111111Condon huving tarried thc Dean Enston gaye a.1I impromptu (If 01<1, if we would fiu(l :lnd experience months' supplies, and the "Josephine funrtioning undl'r the Constitution. The bull snecessively across the goal line. ~peech. I1is thought, "College Spirit," fhe spirit of Cllristmas. Ford." The Expedition arrived at l'res~nt m:Lke·uj) of the Oouncil, which (Contillu~.d on Page 2) The scniee WIIS~oueluded wit,h Iho King's Bfly April :39th and found will remain un1\isturbed for this year, singing of "Joy to tho World," :I AmwLdse11onll hiserew there prepa.ring i~ as follows: President, C. A. Royer; STUDENT-FACULTY DIRECTORY LITERARY SOCIETIES CHOOSE prayer, and the benediction. Just lie· It hanger and a mooring mast for the Seerrtary, .J. P. L,uubcrISou; and :Man 011T OFFICERS FOR SECOND TERM fore the benedictioll, tho Choir $.!lug dirigible "Norge" ill which they, too, ngl'r, L. T';:. WOOliwnr1\. Sodety Rep· Th\' SOI,homOl'eC11lssyesterday plne- "NunE Dimittus" very softly, while were to attempt n journey to the North rescntlltil"cs-Jn-ing, Gilmore Lippy; ed on sale the 1926-1927.ediUnu of the ]>]1Ct:tionsill Ihe literur.r societies indis- Directory-nil Stu,lellt·[~ilelllt.r tlHl cOllgr~gntioll stood with bowell Pole. Wehstcl', }jnben K. Johnson; Brown- peusn111eguide 10 who's \I-ho on Col- ~HLlJted ill the ileads. It was, as nsual, (IDe Gf the 'rhe presence of another porty ing. ·J.;liz/1hcth Bemiller; Philo, Jo~' ,·hok(' of fonr 11,; presidellts for most inspiring Cllnpel se1""iee~ of the strengthoued the resolve of tho Ameri- Ifl'inmuth. legellill. the seeo,"1 tcrm. Gilmore Lippy, a entire yenr. No one prcsent could have cans. '1'he "Chantier" was ,wehol"e(1 The ~nstol]l followed by Irdng and member of lust year's winning team 1n failed to get a large percentage of that nellr th~ shore and tl,e ar(11101lStaSK of W{'bst~r of nltenwtiJg in choosing the SENIORS OUTSTANDING AT the lnler's
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