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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: m11r ~ 11I i) i u9 :-: lJl1trr-Q!ollrgiatr lil1litl, IDI,l' Official newspaper of Wtlstern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during the academic year by the atudents of Western M:nylaud Dellege, Westminster, NrlU!l Abll1il1i!ltration Maryland. Entered us aeccnd-elnes mutter at the Westminster Pcetofflee. Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Year. This year nt Yale the drama. will be EXTENSION COtrESES SAD BUT TRUE ra'ted ne one of tho. fine arts by being 1IiANAGING S'l'AFF placed aida by side ....rith musie, paint- Few of us rualize, what work our eol- One of the greatest misfortunes of .. ., , George S, Baker, '27 ing, and seulptuee. lege is doing outside the regullir eGI· this school is the retention of Homo of Managing Editor .. . Carroll A. Royer, '27 On December 10, 11, and]3 Yale. will tcgc cirviculum. Extension eoursca are [110 of the hustle age . .At the a week, Asst, Managing Editor. . 'V. B. Sunders, Jr., '30 dedicate her new University Theater . ecndueted by several of our prcfesecrs kIst Bnturdny l\ight It aeeme to Cumber-lund, W'!IS given by Ed· Frostburg, Hngera were the dancers' The nt Business Manager .. . Arthur B. Cecil, '28 ward theater which Willi built for George town, aud here at the college. Since me to be the duty of a school wiW Harkness Asst. Business Managers .. wm. E. llahn, '28 Price Baker, at tI,e opening on the tho work is eouducted under college the,prominenc(' of western Marylaud { . Alvin Albright, '28 nbove-uicntloned dates a play ent.itIc(], super visiou, it is given full college to teach and danedug. It Circula.tion Manager. . .. W. Edwin Warfield, '2:9 "Tho. Patriareh," written 'by 11; student credit. aoaial a poor dance!' is no more Profe.~sor und and Asst. Circulation Managers .. IT. V. Scott, '30 01 Davis an'a Elkins, West Virgmi.'l, the college Fr-iday 1iIr$. Baudurs leave functions 10 Western Maryland than ds a before five thousand will be presented credit morning for Cum .. { R,~Y:oL. ,~obertso~, :29 moron. Art Editor .. ... ,', .. Pete Gomsek 30 people, The atudeuta of Yale will bertand and return Saturday night . Dancing should be included in tho stage the play. hlr.s. Sanders teaches French and Spall' Editors of Copy, { :M. Gertrude Ranck, '28 ish at Cumberland by the c1irect math- eur ricnlum along' with music. Even Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 A committee composed of under- cd. lIer work in Preneh involves the the art of "I\-I).ris held in .higher stand- College !le· REPOR'l'ORIAL STAFF gra!luatcs at Rutgers athletics iu the same equipmcnt as the college 3,-1. tll:1n thcijocial arts. Does this not putting cided upou a bigger with Gur ideals for News Editors regular college e.urrieulum, It is the course. 'rile work ie conducted at the L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 p!au of the committee 1;0 have a pro- Union School in the ceuter of D!e town. and better ,\Vestt'fl.J Maryland' SOl110of the presellt rules callnot be Associate Editors fessor [It lhe head -of athletics and 1Ilrs. Sanders showed an eager of el,fortc!l on this hill, Is:it uotwise to speaking enthusiasm iu and l\fnrian Curling, '27 J. Paul IJambertson, '28 iustructors as eoaehes for the respee- classes. They are composed of delight· revol(r the absurd rules so that the Virginia Wright, '27 Wilson K. Bames, '28 ful people of varied ages who nre e:-;:· rest, 11';11 be respcc.tedf Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 nddition to tho curriculum hns tremely intcrestcd ill th~ir work and Upon pcrsuasion 1 might 1)0 forced REPORTERS been in foree at other c.olleges in the college. There are a. number of to u·dmit thHt clrinking is .111rIght in 1\liram Royer, '27 Ruth French, '28 such fiR Amhcrst, Obarlein, and Cou· te'lchel's, se"eral supervisors and a Y . ih pla~c. But is Western Ma-rylaud Dorothy :Mellott, '28 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 . llecticut Wesleyan. 11. C. A. workcr from Boston, M.assa· t.],e plaeeJ Gilmore Lippy, '27 r-fel"ci,l RHyme, '27 chusetts. 'Phese work hard ana Coeilucation is oue of the IllOst reo By the wish of Luther Burbank, who Charles Summers, '28 CUl'vin ~1. Seitz. '29 died last spring, Stanford University markable a,lvances in tho hist()fy of Hortense Pettitt. '27 Katherine Doyle, '29 edue~tiOH. By th:lt I n.eon true eo· Rubert Johnson, '28 1[arvin Sterling, '30 will continue the plant experimentation 1'l1ucatil)n. Tho reason for t.his is tilc "Jap" 'Veisbeck '30 begull by the great hortic.ultural wiz· inlillence tlwt the social life yields. aril. The $],000,000 necessary for ear· 1Ib!~' wc hnve true coedueution rying on this worl, at the Sebastopol Hot Worthy opinion~' Model manag~ment; Correct news. farm, north of -Elan Francisco, will be h..,.e' of the The ilinillg hal! is a tradition r~iserument ror any educa- those in c1Ulrge to the filet thllt thel'e and·!l. dollar to Arthur B. Cecil at your questionullirl.','(Ts football overshadow fur acollsiderablc r!\dius thero is no hl(l class, is an inereflsing dem:tud Oil thc part of eadies! eonvenience, and yOll will re· iug scholarship'" sueh mCll as Lindley, collegc, exeept thc Normal School lit \\"hnt is !l!e of holding nll the student·body fOT snch addresses. nut! Hendricks submittcd answers tuat the male students at exit of the ed"e The GoIa Bug weekly throughout ]~rGstb1.!rg. H is a. great benefit 1"0 the E\'ery speaker with a message was the 1"esLof this school year. showed andinvestigntion. ,·ollcge to be able to carry to tIle pcople hall until the dean wavcs his given 11 respectful hearing l:1st yellr, E. H. Chancellor 01' the Uni eiluc.1tioll ~qui\'alent to that in 11 Is it nn exhiIJitioll of autuori· lind thero is no reason for believiug SUBSCR[PTI0N BLANK \"ersity uf !{,,"~as supporting '\Vhite's (~ollegc. The people who alten(] rhclIc ty or merely ~I ~ur\"ival of the Feudal that thinkillg student.s did not wcleome (Fill out CO!IPOnaud .Mail) beliefs, says thllt if football does not ei:tsses are mostly te3ehers or graduate Age? thC' Wodnesday Assem'bly, r~turn to it will llwke for Btll(lcuh of ,. Nor'''f\l Sehool working No one Sl'ems to kHO\\'who is respou· to ~tll1etk9 \Vhatever a~ill the Uniled States against and as~o~i· th~ "\merieau colleges. llt songs by .Mr. ;, Jap" \Veisbeck was en· "Star" on Mouday of this week under dircctor~. J 10E. iUuin St Phone 175. jo~'"bly rendered on thc pilwo. An· the ausIJiees of the Science Club. Tile L:lHl."Il.sll'r,p/!o. Det. IO.-Whcll the in the course. otlle!' impromptu by Miss Hart, endetl first r('el showell thc mining, gra!ling, ~orhOtllores of Frllllklin !\nd Marshall Iln(l wGrk hnnl, The (lireet methou is RUN TO 1-2 course this part of tI,e program. nud shipping of 'bituminous coni. Ti,,' ,·oll(·ge lJ!luqnet~d at Ephrata INst Hight, used. 111 the nnd write MITTEN'S reud, G:llnes WHe then indulged in, ana following reel, "Embryo!ogy of the fh·e state trooper~ from Reading stood 3·4 ilwro ill ndv~nced compos;· foc following this came the surprise of thc Egg," showed .the ,liffHent st~ges ill gnnrd outBidI' with a suppl.\' of tear gas tiOI! all!l thGrough drill ou lJot Bread, Rolls find Cal'es. l'\"Cnillg. It seemed that on his w:'y th~ incubation of [h(' chicks from the 10 qudl distnrb.1nees. 'rhe v~,'bs. This clllSS is morc Specials fo1' Parties. somewhere, Snnta Claus had left a first dny when the egg is hlltchl.'!l. A l~l'hratn fon;e was ("\o~ehy ".itl1 mal19ge bell/nlse of the range in amouut PHONE ~49 R present for e,'eryoue there. A little ret·1 showing t.he linus of tbe bees in Olore tear g'ls and the tire of former knowledge. Politeuess is a verse Wl!S enclosed in each gift, and their hives, aud co1Jt'eting :lnd milking, hat} ih hO!i.e~oHnectc!l f.or the Oflillg. chararlerlstie of the French people IIUa, inio ~'re8i1",ell liJlger,'d had io bo rcad aloud. This, ueedless was next. The fourth and fi.ual reel, fl.'!lrrul lost",.t l,r""l'criing$ whichfea· bOlll all ]"l'Jlorts,P"ofessir H('lld,ick~oll Westminster Hardware Co. to sa)" e(luse,l some real fun. "Heyoll'] the ).liero~cO]le," showc
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