Page 42 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. sf.range institution I aeeeeted the fir"t :-: :-: ]ufl'r-ffio!lrgiufr person that I saw. This happened to This poor girl was doubt- be a eoed. Official newspaper of weetem Maryland College, published on Wednesday during NrlU.6 . less depraved as she condemned the the aeademie yesr by the studeuta of Western Maryland College, Westminster, very sensible rules put, upon her by a Maryland. Entered as seeond-elaas matter at the 'Westminster Postofllce. "HOURS OF IDLENESS" wise and benevolent providence. At Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. The Carnegie 'Foundation has recent· ller outburst against them I was as' Iy sent ont to about twenty eollogea ill wueu I stepped fronl tho dingy ear touuded as they seemed to be diggraee· IIrt eoneeucne and 11ANAGING STAFF America consist Onnada 1,800 photograpbic of the western M~ryla,,(! Expless two fully lax in their control of the coeds. of whieh Editor-in-Chief .. .... George S. Baker, '27 reprcduebions :lnll euler tac-simitee of years ago, and alighted on the depot The firsl rule ~hat I nntlccd was thnt of the of 'Westminster, Managing Editor .. . ... Carroll A.. Royer, '27 work in n.rchiteetur e, sculpture, and platform wi!.h the city greatest fceling of they were allowed to shy up nearly :\11 uutil it ten o'clock). (or at WIIS l~lI~t night Asst. Managing Editor. .. \r. B. Sanders, .Ir-.. 'ao paintings. :lIlticip'ltiOIl for novel and glorified This ...ns n disgrace. I contend that Business Manager. . Arthur B. Cecil, '28 St. John's College, i:.HHapolis will he things th~t I hav~ ever experieneod. - 1(11 girls should have their beauty sleep. . {wm B ITabll' '98 oue of the twenty colleges to receive Sluce tl'llt memorable event, I have There were several other lax rules, one Asst. Business Managers .. Alvi~ Albright, '28 n gift from the Gamegie Foundation. . ..... been unable to perceh'e mueh of a per. of them being the" ilowutown" rule. 'With the acquisition of this gift, eour- Circulation Me.nager .. . W. Edwin Warfield. '2!) binp<1 with the recent purchase of the snnnl change, whether for botter or Imagine it: these young girls were al- H. V. Scott, '30 Harwood Heuae, which is to be made worse. I doubt not thnt this has been lowed to go down town at any timu Asst. Circulation Managers. ... {Roy L. Robertson, '29, into a CorOnill1museum, St. John's ex- the similnr experience with nlany no (between four and six) with absolutely except rostrictions But it is not my othera on the Hill. ebapernne. II Art Editor .. . .... ;'Pet.e" Gomsak, '30 peers to have one of tho most complete purpose to touch closely upon a chronol. They, as Ilun glad to note, had to sign fine arts centers of ally liberal arts eol· REPOR1'ORIAL STAFF lege in this part of the country. ogical array of eveuts in college life. their nnme, where they we~e going and wby, wben they left, and wheu tbey Suffice it to examine the most promin- News Editors cut ehanges in the greater part of the ",ou1£1 return (as if woman could a L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 stndent-body. tell). I suppose that they bad to sign Nine Vi"ginin students nre named on Associa.te Editors the honor roll for high schola.stie stand- The first notable change seems to be the amount of money tbat their fatber Marian Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 ing at Wllshington nlld Lee University a growth in physique which' is pecnliaI has as that seems to be "ery important VUglUla Wright, '27 'Wilson K. Barnes, '28 fer the first semester. Thirty·six men the least sny Elizabeth Norman, '28 ,Villiam Bay, '28 stn(lents wne so honol'~cl out of the to kilHls of nutriment when the different ~,::;; b~~:~:i:;e t:evs~:~/UI~~:o~evt~~ procurable on t.l,e REPOJ~'1'ERS stnde.nt·bod.\, of 900. Hill tlrc considered. But mental grow' most illlportllnt is the Library rul ... I1Iil'amRoyer, '27 Ruth Frellch, '28 To make the honor roll it is llee~3- lit must keep pace with the physical. 'rhe administration has velY kindly til· Dorothy nIeliott, '28 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 ailfy to 11Verageniuety PCl cent porfect Here,we arrive atlhe crux of 'the mat- lowed the girls to use tbe Library and Gilmore J.Jippy, '27 ]\Iel'cia Ra.ymc, '27 in nil class work. rcr, fol' no perceivable mental change. th~y nilly go tbere with absolutely no Charles Summers, '28 CUl'vinM. Seitz, '29 Other states repres~ntcd aro:- \Vest sllems to be forthcoming as a l'eS"{lonso restrictions. They must, however. Hortellse Pettitt, '27 Kather.illc Doyle, '29 \'il'ginia and Al'knfl8lls, four each; to the let us say, of col· "sign uJl" the time rhey start to thl> library, when when t.hey arril'e, Hubert Johnson, '28 Kenluek, '.renno-ssee, Florida, (In(l hige is in the majorit.y Texas, two each, and Maryland thre~. of instances. A psyc.ho-aualytiMI ex· leave /ilia when they get back to Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. amiuntion liS to where the bult lies roems. This is exe.~llent trutning as it ~ceordillg lhe Illilies work teaches 'l'he establishment ef junior eoHeges ShOIlI,1llot be He~essary, for the faliit to sehedllJe, and how to evaae ,lay, and they don't expect us 10, but t¢rclienthllstraincausod the in· liee in many places. 'rhe logieal ailS' thc Beheanl~-'IJlIff E.DITORIAL yet' W~ nrc opposed to it and huve to elleli,vear of of ap' wer for A nmedy is w(}rk 011 the pm·t 1'h~,.e is nIl nstounding l~xity ill the strugglo on. In cur homcs we nrc able to glli" Ildmission to American of the stutlent, but n rcali?_'1tioll of the rnles'pel'laining to Boci!ll affairs. '1'0 to cnjoy an cvening's pleasure, but necessity of work will not tllc OUR COACH, DICK HARLOW colleges is reeOJllmellil~d by Dr. Far- my tlm:l~ell\ent I learned th3t the coerls here the sumo. is I.abooed. r:llld, presidcnt of Corlle1l University. Iwil. (Itiaforthosehigherin "'He permittNl tOo:lceompany lI. gentle . .It will !Je $nfe 10 say, that not on~' 'iVc Ciln't expect and (lou·t expect DI'. F"lTrantl, ntte)){ling a meeting of it.v, thou one who might oceasionally man for a promnnt1e Il,Ionl\{lthe campus thiril of the stUilent-boily :lppre.cilltes the Y. M. 01' Y. W. to he the JlICOliSof CO)'!lcl1Alulllni, ~aid the question of st.umble upon ~ something in the Gold on the Sabbuth afternoon witilout a t.he privilege of bnving "Diek" lInr om entertainment, l"ut they seem to be how to :'Iec(JlIIo{lntethe unsuccessful:)!) Bl11i, to reform.) It is pnthetic when c1l~pel·Ol!e. When I lellJ'u('d Ihat they low as our Iloaeh. Very few think of tI,e only 01l0-'~active. ,,'hy cim't thc plieants and givc !"hom Ihe higher cdll' "eondition is uUl'tured (ntleast thQ wel'e allowed to mee.t the mcn in the Dillk as one of the greatest conches in rlcall8 or the soeial dircet(lrs of the in e~tion they ilesil'e was (lne of the e.oudition is not removed) in which tJange :lny wOI,thwhile here Decorators for the College \\festerJl 1farylnnd College, each slu- olashrtl toward the calorie ,li~pensar~·. with tI,e TIni"erslty of Rome, in ac- Of cou,.~e, there :om :I. ex dent now pOsseSses or secnre from Pllratling in single file to your nllmber. conlan!':c with the object of the orgnn- ~tll(lcuts, but tlIry \l'ouW gel John D. Bowers the Register a copy of thc like :I (!hain gnng. I m'Hle m~' first 8e:l- b:aUon 10 stimulate interost in I,hings allil nnywhcrc. }.!.:n:y "My Reeord." This booklE't is to donal (leba!. to the college ""oll'ee It:t1illl1 ;'mong and Itali.111 ill eollcge sit iell)' content· ICE CR}~A?\1A:--rn CONFEClTlONEUY commended fer its ncntllCES, for i{s hous('." Qllidlle~.~ reigned for " fC\I' student.s nt Ihe UniversitJ·. The win· eil with the pasa~ge of youug life, and CIGARS .AND CIGARETTES eOulplIctness, alld I'Il)ovenil for its com· JIlOIll ents, t 11en frOIll fa r ~lowu j.he lIer for this scholarship will be chosell attrmpt to reassure themselves by pleteuellll. It provides :\11 opportunity Ilorthel'll part of the grill clune 11 low. next. JIIllC when t.he scholarship will btl l'ensoning beeause of SUppose,l SODA WATER LIGHT LUNCll to record all the principal happenings dN'p \·oiee. lJ, was ,I l)n)yer, (1 am givcn for the academic year 19~7·192S. mi$u",\erstnn(lingsat homc, or with th,' of all four years of eollege. Adequate beginning 10 b('lin'e that a p,.ayer is ~elleg'e ndmillistrl1tion. apaee bllS been prodded to reeord nil we :::-c'tfor lU('ols) led !.t.I' our tlenn. Stllde!ll~ nt lJolumbia this ."ear will 0\11talk IIbout raising the. stnn(lnrds Attention W. M. Students grailes, honors, nlhletie nehienments, Iii!!. "Amcn" could uot be henrd for 1('lIrn the prindples of Economies not ill ;1 small colleg-e is hun I" IlIllcs~ ther~ -for Ihose wl~o don't know we R. O. T. C. evenh, literary 80ciet~, it \I'l out. 'Western Marylaud hns to be socially for still sougbt foo(l, "1'ry anu this }'eeleralion is twenty·five dollars. We oughl to bc th'ln.kful that life is LUMBER AND COAL sUi·b a decided failurc. Our sociul got Hot a bell of roses, and tho ~ooner SOUIC standing is t.ho laughing ~Loek of (lwry "The Ullknown." The Rarvnrd Law Selloo] h.1~ p~ol'lc find this out through hard campus ill fhe east aui! we :Il'C nbsoln· npened a campnigll for $5,000,000 knoeks, the beUer it will be for them 'VESTMl~STER, MARSLAND 1.0ly dead from this -point of view. throughout the Ilountry. This includes women as well as most Of course, a greater part of the SUBSCRTPTTOX BLANK Both lhe University of Oregon and Phone9-~2,i and 297 1)luml! must he on the shulclltS (Pill out Coupon nud Mail) .Johns Hopkins University celebrated themseh'es, since they are thcoreticlIlJ~' their fiftieth anniversaries during the THE SECOND ADVENTURE OF responsible for all the nctions alung Gelel Bug, 'Wcstern l\rnr.1'lalill Colleg~, S:lme week in October. Notables high SIN1!AD this lin~, but thcre soems to be a domi· Westminster, :Maryland. in lhe aeadcmic wer](1 figured on boill D. S. GEHR natillg factor 3H!Ongthe aaministrntion 8n~losetl finel $2..00 for subscription of these oeeasious which were hopeful· Sinbad Visits the Coed that is always opposing such entertaill- 10 Golrl Bug for the college yc~r 1926- Ir proclaimed beginnings of "new fl,11 know tl'at J soon t.ired of ;<\'on ment that. is appealing to tbe stu(lcnt· 1927. ('filS." <'il'ilization aud malle Illy way baek to Wholesale and Retail Hardware, body. the in~Lilution ill the hills," ~ni(l Sin Building Materials, Cutlery, Thc some old-1.imc g;llnc~ tliat om Eight Ha""artl ani! Ya.le nlldergrad- fathers tlnd grnn(lfnthers played when (Nama) IInles and gr3duates lltlve eompleted bt!(1. IlHu I \\'115graeiou~ly 1'(lce;"eJ Ammunition, Paints, Oils, they attended Westen\ Marylun,l Rre their fO!,lrth senson with anto· aHe!' my ,birlh ce.tiiicate Iws been Stoves, Re.nges,Furnaces, truditionully thc ('))Ily me!l.lls of entCl' 1II0bil~·theatPl' \\'hk'h tOUl'S Noll' Eng· perusetl alld my bant.; book earefuHi' Iron and Steel Products. eX;lmilic\l. At the completion of those tainffiellt allowed. Times have com· (Street) Innd each Slimmer. Three Ford oars pletely changed. These !lamc fathers and two nOIHleseript runabouts carry entr~nce extlnlinll!.ions I WllSpermitted (Established 1868) nnd grandfathe,.s wouJ(]n't find enjoy- the stage gear and east of the Jitoey to enter the institution as a st ent. Westmmster, :Md. ment in this type of entertainment to· (City and State) Playt:rs from Uaine to -Uonnectieut. I" orner to learn lhe eustoms
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