Page 41 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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w COl M Vol. 4, No. 11 Dec. I, 1926 Debate Season Opens With COLLEGE CALENDAR Floyd Bennett to Deliver Illus- Inter -Society Engagement AN APPRECIATION WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1- trated Lecture in Alumni Hall T. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., 6.30 The Gold Bug, aa a pnpn P. M. published by tbe. students of Betenee Club, 7.30 P. M. Irving and Webster Screen Western )laryllwd wishes College, Delta Pi Alpha, 9.30 P. 11. Attacks as Contest Nears. NECESSITY FOR STUDY Pilot of North Pole Flight Will. to ttlke this opportunity of ex FHffiA Y, DEC 3- Webster Should Win. HALL VANISHES Describe Arctic Adventure, Debate ill Smith pressing officiall.r to the "Green nen, 7.30 P. M. The following nttendauce record nt 'l'e.rror" 1'0oth,,11tcam [ta sincerB Should capital punishment, 00 retain DECEMBER TENTH of diligent )lONDA Y, DEC. 6- I'd as the penalty for premeditated mur- the Stndy Hall iu Lewis Recitation nppeecietton the unrl Browning and Philo Literary So- dert That is the question that will en· Building, open from SBVen to nino each Bennett, of the Byrd B,;rncst work clone by tho team cieties, 6.30 P. M. gage six of the best wih of tho college evening except. Saturday nnd SlIn(lny, Pole Illght, coming to West. during the season thut closed with WebslcTllud Irviug Boeietlea, 7.15 on Frida)" at 7.30 P. ,,1. in Smith Hall, under the supervision of the Paeulty, minster nn b~ridny e"clling, December the Bucknell game. P. M. whe.u the Irving uud Webster Literary would seem 'to in(licnte that freshmen S o teloek, under the nuspices of Societies meet in their Eighth Annun I and SOphOlHOJ"C~, for WllOSOspecial bl)!ll!' TUESDAY, DEC. 7- fit the Hall was provided, are finding Marj-lnnd College. While here Ooli! Bug Staff, lL~O A. M. Debate. it possible to keep their ucndeuite !llr, Bennett is srJler:luled to leeture at FACULTY MEMBERS Varsity Soccer-e-State Normal, at All necessary arreogemente for the health in their rooms: November 22, Alumni Hall on the subject, "To 'l'he Towson. encounter :lrO in tile hands of tho so' Xurth Pole uud Back Again." JUDGE CONTESTS eiety presidents, who have announced six; NOl"em!Jer three; November 24, Social Clubs, 7.30 P. 111. .F'loytl Bcnuett, who, with "Richnrd the following details to,: (1) The noue ; November one ; November 2!1, fire. Byrd, made the flight over the North Rix !ellch,:rs fr(nn the Collegl' were debate will atnrt. at 7.30 P. }'L jusL completed a recenuv r-allctl "Illin to net as judges in Smith Hall, (2) The Preaident of Dean Easton, Professor Isanoglc, Pole Itls! "I[(~', hna Alumna in Interview Points the Inrercolleglate Dubnting Oouneu I'rOft'sS(1r Hendr-ickson, Professor Berfh- rro~~-c,ouutr.'" flight ill the b'{)kkcr for ~erl~in Of the Decfmunr.lon Contests "iq)lanl' thronghout the county. he flew Pole. ::\Iis~ Dr)" will preside. (8) Only one nf the nl!, nnd 11iss SIlrU Smit.h hnve euoh helm ill which hl'ld Hnl't, aJl(l Miss Sundel' Wlll'e To Many Changes in College three judges will\Je from Westmillster. in ~hMge one e\"cilillg. \'iRiling ·15 cities ill 'IS nme)' dnys, from 'kll, 1I1iss (-I) l'beduraliouoft.hc(lcbatcwiUbe N('w York to San Fraueisco und return. to judge the ('Oil test ut S~'kes· HII hilS ilemonstrnted Ih!l fnetthnt /!:rent 1"or the L'lIiou Bridge eOIlt_c~t one hour and a l1unrtcr, the time oeing Social Life and Extra-curricu- llil'ideil as folloll"s.........J8mhmtes for six FRESHMAN GRADING nl'intors, likc peo]lle of i1Ccomplishmellt iltissRmith,andlJissI'ark ,It Dl','lallilitiouCankst Tho call be eon· in ollwr lines of lar Activities Transformed. S !Ilinutc~ eaf!h; 20 min· DISCUSSED ~i~j(·ntl.vgre/H, Cnrrying mcn with landing un 45 fields he hlld nel'er Pr!)fess(\T Brumhaugh, of the Depmt .Editor 's ~otl~In this inten'jew aud t1l" reudering of the nlt'llt of History, led a distussion of seen with the giant three engine.! rel're~entati1"l'S from the faculty witll )lrs. Herr, obtained for the (kr:·isiou of t.he judges. freshm~n gradeR at the meeling of the 'plane, the oul~' !rouble on the cntire of the College hlll'e PeI'li so s:ltisf'ict.or.y Gold Bug by },[iss Dorothy GiWg~ll, ne~eHt. )'eill's h:IHl becn lTl'ing .rCArs, }'rcsllllHm },'arnlt~· ja~t Monday nigllt in ~ix weeks trip was une broken valve :lS jn\lges in previous COl)t~sts that they a \lumber of intereaHng Western ihis sotiety Iml'illg won its fourth {'on the E(lIlCHtion NOOlU. A like performance by ~utomo· II'l'I'e "cQ' liuch in dcnwnd thia year. _:"lar~'lalld traditions aTC alludeil. to. ~Cl:uti,.edecision {ll"~rWebster In~t D('· It WHS poillted out t.hat the so·called thr would Dc heralded tar tlud wide by of the eur achieving mallufm·turcr "YOII kIlO"', I'm rather iu(;Jiucd to {·embr:>r. Cluse ob~cT\'ers, hOWCI'('f,give ,\Iissollri CUrI'e should be Ullpll(!d to tlle such n re~"rd. STUDENTS BARELY ES- COll)lllg in ),,'I;e,'c thnt ihis is " slur ou my age," Webster the advnntllj;(' teum, the composed frcsltlllltu duS!! us a II'holo rather than }~okker. tile Dutch designrr, the samc CAPE INJURY WHEN The elnss. a ,'['loran ~ontest. With -;,\1r~. Herr laughingly ~aid as she took to ill(lj,-i,jual ~~'<:tinnsof the "'hos" tor the Gn· CAR UPSETS made my wet slieker and hat. I hnstl'ucd to of juniors ill the 11epHl"IllIelll of Speet'h PIl('ulty is :Iiming Nt 'HOT('uuLform an(1 mnn 'plane, war, enused the aUieB _ "~~".,.,, !U'r tim! J wanted an lile,' »f ('(>11 and led by thp nble 1"lrsity dehater, J. {'onsistcnt grad!l;.g of the yearlings, ~ut lI\allS duriHg the noas mil liiia"" tI'-"CJ,",," TLrnlll!"''''"'gC;"C"i,;;;,,,,, 'F.]";mm"Ee;;"TI""".""",,,,.:;;:,.----, so l'aul nluth troubJe--slltlpl~' lllOre J.amhertS('", \\'I'.Qster ditious ~xi;;tiug on the Hill ~I!Ulp:Jr" an even ehanee to triumph ow_r the IHl iron·clad rUli'S nre to IJre laid down in ~PI)TOv~land keeps Oll with his work hers of I_he Senior c1nss at Western tively recently, aud that It, really wasD't Ihan Irving tenm. 10 aeliiel'e it. The greatest freedom is in llis fa~tory in New Jersey, A_Hlerien M:n'.'"lantl, n'ln-owly rll<'ujlcd being lllllt ml~' slur on her ag~ :It all. iuex]!l'J"ienced wilJ the en· to be grllllted iustructors iu nrrivillg at should brenthe II sigh of relicf to kuow when tlldr tnr turlled o,.er OIl the Bel At 1\0 time Frida.y night "You see, ;\Ire. Herr, tJle name of thusiasm the grntles .for their but some that !Jle mall whO designed the 'plane!; :lir rou(1last week. Both were en route ])oroth~' )IWaniel is familiar to many lag, Browuing and Philo, SIS adjustmcnt ill grnding will place whkh to Illlve Buell an omnous hume, a.ud tbe "eeiilcn~ rr\"ingand·Websterrc- Umbarger's tersecietiestu West.ern 1J:u.l'ialldet8, and 1 consider spceti"cly, will !.Ie out in iull ior~'e[(P' approxima!.rly iiO% or the studeuts in sonud eHllle the Allied troops, ha~ trans· to (,Hme about 1I"h~1l th(' steering nppRra, to class in tJle 0 group is ex myself "cry £ortUlwt.e to be uble to in plan(]illgthl'irin,'oriks in!...r· the fr('shm:m ferre(1 hill lIcti\'ilie~ to tile United tH~ broke, as a r('-r~'\\"herc. slI'e'Tecl to the $ille or the rmld nnd into (lut m.\' faith.ful Ilotebook and pentil, ern3.1arylnnd. ("Impi!! Da)" '::6, has iH'ccpted an in· '_fhe North Pole flight, undoubtedly, a turning Ol-erOll its side. Neilh· nnd prepared to delil'er, formally, my Cert.niJl departU1"~Bfrom the llrlletites dtHtiOfl t,) nrd lhis, being Home' Iy true of Western lila ryland, I believe showdown chemistry alld hiolog~' (lellRrlments. ",hilt duhiouR ahollt the possibility of Only onc thing is fnirl)' eert"ill about the. greatest chauge haB been that of tho Co~h Harlow will spellk to lhe ClnJ.> !light. Dri"iug straight into the 1111· keeping n iwij." grnnd piano comfort· COUnH!!I offered. When. I went to 1'.01· the forthcoming forCllsil: fight-there Oil D~elllber Iii. kllO"-ll .-astnl'.~Sof the Ardi,') ttfter :,111)' III " rJornlitory r(lom, we went to lege U,ere were only three couraes: wil! beplcnty of Mtion. :I1HI!lights of work withollt a wink seientific, elassicnl, nnd historienl. ,The NI'll.rly alwnys, debat'ils in their Inter sleep, the. 1l1omt'l!\of r('m(l',l ~';I!l,eWill'l! It is " ,'itcill\'·"Y. nnll ~l,"j(ls ill 'I first two years we took n general acado st'lgc~ nnrrow to one lending issue. In PROFESSOR SHROYER OF t'(1)'"la:.ed Ilttell(laucp their tllst()lll of sele,'tillg a ~hnrllrteris· wherr lhere W:lS no pianO. But we enn plate of dainty 81111dwiches. Jr.'ing lmttles to eatnblish 11 new ree· ''':is ~ntoun'ging, Illld it is hoped tlmt lit eOHtullle :md t.'-PII (Jf nm~i(' for e!l,'h te~tif~' thnt ~ho· ha~ kept ill practice "Although parlor was lleld only once onl for cOllse~uti"e ~·idorie~. it ilHli~:tted a much keeuer iuterest in ...eur·~ work, hal'{' this yenr deCided up· ne"('l·theles$, [wd does credit to her u week and then on Sntnrday e"eniugs, college ae!i\'itil;'!i which will last tllrough· Ull old'fllshionerl dn'ss and IIlllsic 'IS the Aim:] ~Ialpr. I belieye all the stullents had a ch:mee Doctor Stephens, helld of the Depart· nut theycnr. I."pe whiG II they will rppresent. Ou to nttend at one time or 1I1l0ther. But lll('nt of Psychology "lid Bible, aud 'l'hr program, consisting of the two Tlmu,lny uigllt, ahly directed b~' )lis~ CAROLINA STAFF ASKED TO the poor town boys! They felt as if Professor Hendriek~on, of tIle English plays, "Op 0' Me TllUml)" Htlfl "']'he Dorst, the:- made their first 31'}Je<1rflneC RESIGN they wcre cheated, for they were not de· 1'rystiug Plaee," und llJllSiClllIlu'nbcr~ Ihis Jl'lll·. The heau!iful colors of their nllowed to attend parlor at the college Department, h!wl' expressed their Frenell h~' th~ .Pllwdcr Puffs, was well·balaneNl ~ostUll\es Hll(l of the flOWers ill their The editorial stnff of the Carolina in the Extension sire to enroll -and of course, the girls were not al Clus which meets on JI,[ollday evening an
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