Page 39 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 39
• The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS \ RECORD SEASON ENDS I SPORTS \ W. Md. Gives Bucknell Worst INTER-CLASS BASKET-BALL SEA- RESUME OF 1926 FOOTBALL THE SPOTLIGHT SEASON SON TO OPEN (Colltillucd frOIDPage 2) Drubbing in History of University The men's inter-class basket-ball sea, Sept. 25-IVestarn "Maryland 12-Get· SOil will get under way immediately tysburg 3. big hnll where there were rows upon (li6h· (Continued .froU! Page 1) Fonrth Quarter after the Thanksgiving recess. It i~ Oct. 2-W-estel"ll Maryland 13-Dickin rows of tables loaded with many Aftcr es of different to be remember-ed that the Y. U. C. A. repulsive foods. sonO. down. Diehl punted to MeMuiuij, who The "Bisons" tried to work their cup is at stake, and that the preseut Oct. 16-IYcstern Maryland 34- another chant -by the head guard, my was downed on his own 40-yunl lino. aerial nbtack to the limit. Due pass Seniors and Sophomores were the win- 'Swarthmore 7. companions gourged themselves glut· An (lff·side penalty was given ·West· was grounded by Chambers, and NOHi~ ners last year. A grcat deal of interest Oct. 23-Western Maryland H-Roly taneously with this refuse. Then were ern Maryland on the first play, in which tore in to tackle Diehl 15 yards bah in.'! is shown in the inter-class series, and Crosa 20. also at these tables many of what my "Greasy" Neal had made 25 yards the line of scrimmage before he could real spirit prevails throughout the Nov. 7-Western Maryland 60--Wash- ecmpanious ealled eceda althougb one through the line, and the ball came get his pass eff. Diehl dropped back whole season. ingtonO. called them dears. These were dis- back. This however did not offer any to punt, but three linemcn happened on Nov. H.-Western Maryland 33- tingulahed by their remarkable facial contention, and MllMains threw a. pass the eeeue. of action too quickly, and Loyola O. decorations. 'rheir faces were dyed a to Chnmhers over the center of the blocked the punt, Neal recovering fat WESTERN Mfl.~YLAND COLLEGE No\·.21-Western }.faryland 40- rich vermillion, which I later learned Iine. Ravens und Neal automatically Western Maryland on Bucknell's 8· SOCCER NEEDS SUPPORT Bucknell O. was their custom. clipped the only two would-be teuklers, yard line. wcste-» Maryland-Total 200 Tho head guard informed them that and Buek raced 50 yards for the aeccud McUainsfailed to gnill at right end, Boeeer at Western Maryland needs Opponents-Total 30 they were LObe at libe.rty for the rest touchdown. His place-kick was wide but Neal proved capable on the next the support of the student body. Come of the day if they would report to him. and the score stood at 13 to O. play, and erashed off·taekle for the out und fight for the team the rcst of Accompanying several to his rooms we Diehl kicked over the goal line, and fourth touchdown. Chambers failed ~d the season. Since the Haverford game INDIVIDUAL SCORING OF THE were compelled to fasten tl. ehnin to the ball was put in play on W. M.'a kiek goal. Score W. M., 26; Bucknell, O. the team has been resting and working "TERRORS' , our necks. This chain was fastened to 20-yard mark. Chambers made 9 yards Bucknell kicked off, find Neal reeeiv- up a stronger offensive and defensive a huge iron ball conspicuously marked through center, and MeMains made 4 ed the ball, and carried it to the 45· game and will continuo its seheauto RECENT REGULATIONS. After yards around the tuekle for a first .rard line. }.[ac made 5 yards through nftE'r 'I'hnnkag+v-ing. Games with City finding that this was not my idea of down. Norris went in for Clark, who tbe line. A long pass, Me'Mains tl) and Poly will be played within the libert.y I extracted from under my hat was hurt in the play. Gcrnsnk failed Neal was completed and "Gre~sy" next few weeks. Student bodyl-Iet'~ n small file of OO:llMO)< SENSE and to gain through the line, a pass was meed the remaining 50 yards for an g-ive ihe sOCeer tCilm some of the 1. Neal 66 11 0 0 qlliekly scvcrt'd the chain. Rushing gro\lnded, and Nenl punted out of other touchdown. Chambers' place· "Pep" showil the football teanl. They 2. Gomsak 36 6 0 0 quickly away I II'nS pursued by the bounds all Bueknell's ill'-yard line. kiek wns good. Score 33·0. 3. C.Cllllmbers 32 3 0 H head guard who fired A. volley of de· Two line rushes faile.d to gain all Di(\hl ldeked off hr the "Bbolls" 4. Long 25 3 0 7 mel"its nt me. ;'\rot being severely in· inc'h for the "BisOllS," A pase wns and Ne~l returned to the 40·yard mark, FROSH BOOTERS BEATEN BY 5. Miller 12 0 0 jured by theBe I soon nlil(le my way grounded, and Diehl punted to Long, before ·being dowlle(l. Gomsak made 3 NAVY PLEBES 6.1I1c:'ll.'l.illS 6 1 0 0 again to civilization. who hlld just replaced McMains as y/lrds at eentor, McMllins 3 yanIs '-fal.lOll'ski 6 0 0 Oscar L. :hlorn~ quarterback. around taeldeaull Neal matle a beA.nti· Lasl week I.ho }'reshlllnn soccer team S. 'Veinslock o 0 Long fll.ileil 011 an attempted end run Cui run for 20 yards to plaee the ball pbyed the strong Nal'X Plcb~ tenm nt fl. Ellis 1 0 0 and Neal punted to Bucknell's 30-yard 011 Bucknell's 40-yard line. McMains .'\1ll1.~poli8. GOOllswere registered by JO. Llllldino o 0 MATTHEWS & MYERS ran the end for 7 yards and Gomsak line. Two Bueknell pnsses failed, alld both teama in the first miuute of pIny. 1]. )[och~m~r 1 0 the "Bisons" were pcn(llized 5 yards made the first dowu. Chambers sueak Niue more goals ",-ere kickeil by tht> 1 safety (ag'linat Gettysb\!rg) Wall Paper and Window Shades for the same. Diehl was smeared be· ed through thCl line for a nice run of Pl,-,be~ Inter iu the game, but our boot· fore he got started on the next play, 12 yards :\lId placed the ball on the 18· ers made only the lone lally, which I\~estern Mnrybnd 206 Decorators for the College forcing him to puut. Long returned ynrd line. McMains dropped back to was kicked by White. Opponcnts 30 the ball to the--eenter of the field. pass on tIle next ploy, and apparent,l)' The strong team from Poly of Balti- Gemsak found no hole in the line and Ihe receivers were all covered at the more will be pluyed at home the latter PEOPLE'S STORE John D. Bowers all attempted pass, Long to Neal was time. Mac was also confronted by two part, of this. week. 73 E. :i\fAJN s'r. grounded. "Greasy" plmted for 50 tncklers and thinking very quickly he Time of Quarters-20 minutes. ICE GRE~nr .AND CQ?·rFECTIONERY yards over the goal line, the ball eom ~p]jt tho two tacklers, one flyiug to the Stationery, Gifts, Novelties, ClGARS Al\"'D CIGARETTES ing ont to the 20·.I'ard mark. right and the othcr 10 the left, and rfill Score by Periods Victrolas, Victor Records SODA WATER The first think off the bat, Neal· tOll'ard the goal lincfor a three-yard First Half SeeondHalf cepted a pa~s, alld rall to the lS-ya-rd gain, 11 very clever play indeed. The Plebes 6 4 -]0 _ JiuII...,l>Pfp"..(I. he ,.,.111' QowJ>Pll "Sl,iorty" next time he was able to get off his W. M. 0 _----0..1 -[h-.~~~~1~o~r~lDe~II~----~:~~~a~~0~ill=~~I~k~i~C~~~is~%~.~~~~~e-----, Long made two beautiful end funs aIHI ]lass and Neal rt>ceived the ball and guaranteed. placed the ball on the 3-ya.rd line, wqcre r-aeed aeross for the laBt tally. Cham- Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr CHIROPRACTOR Nllal was ablo to crash through for the bers kicked the goal. 8eore W. M., 400; J. D. KATZ third counter_ Chambers' kick was Bucknell, O. 'l'he Newest alld Best Clothing 110 E. Main St. Phone good. -Score W. M., 20; BUl'.kucll, O. At this point, thret> or four new meu and F'ul'nishings. 175. w. Main Street Chambers kicked off to Diehl who went in for "restern Mnrylaud. Silliu Goods for Young lITen. replaccd :Mc was dropped on his own 30.yar(1 line. replaced G01ll6ak, Long replaced Pelton, JO Per rll71( 00' 10 College Stlldc1lt$ When ex- ROYER'S Mains, -R Chambers ~\ ver~' short pass for 2 yards was (WIll- }'Iaehemer, Weisbaek alia Janowski PRESIDENT TAFT pleted, but Gomsok nailed the Bucknell THE wanted a good bRek b('fore he got oriented. This pl~y went. into Lhe line for IVeinlltock, PHOTOGRAPH Where You Get Your closed the first half, a deci(led triumph Roach aud O'Lear respectfully. NClll allil Westminster Savings Bank he sent _for Good Hamburgers for the "Green Terrors." Bucknell kic.ked off to "Greasy" returned it to thc ;lO-yard CAPITAL ...... 850,000.00 Sereck S. Wilson Second Half tille. Long passed to Neill for 15 "JOHN" Mc:I\Jains came baek in the g1l1nein yard$, ~ud Neal made a wouderful 60· SURPLUS "EARNED" ... 250,000.00 place of Long, and Ohambers kicked :vard punt to Buckllell's S-ya.rd line. Babylon & Lippy Company E vet' road"" ovcr lhl' goal line to start the second A pailS Quinn to Diehl failed on twn F. TllOmas Babylon, President Very COUL·toouS half. Bueknell rushes faile(l for 3 eon tri.~ls. Bucknell was penalized (lnft Milton P. Myers, Vice President E I'rorless attention seeutiye times and Diehl puntcd to :tIlc· Diehl punted to Long. A pa1js Loug til Jaoob H. Handley. Treasurer FLORSHEIM SHOES Right style Mains, who returned the punt to mid· Sillin gaillCld 20 yards and would have Hah' olltling field. been annther touchdown if Sillin haa SECURITY SAVINGS SERVICE STETSON HATS Also Neal skirted left end for a five-yard observed tbe side line. Havens passc(l Razors honed gain. A pass McM:1ins to Ncal was ihe ball onlr Gomsak's bead on the TOllics completed, but Grea~y lost his hold on lH'xt from.oenter, aHd seeing that T. W. MATHER & SONS International Made-to·Measure The Only Barber and Bobber at the bull wben tackled and 11. Bucknell it was wrong play, wheeled around man reeovered. und recovered the free ball. This took Westminster's Leading Store Suits the Forks Blleknllll again was uuable to gain an quick thinking indeed. T,ine I"ushes inch through the line, and Diehl punt· lI'ere halted and Bucknell tool' t.ho hull HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES TeJephone 55-R cd to MeUnins, l'Ifac returning to the on downs, but availed themselvcs of Attention W. M.Students -to-yard line. Gomsnk, Neal, and Mc· nothing when SiJ]jn intercepted a pa~ij The Authorized Shoes for the CHAS. KROOP 1Ilains made a fint dow1l on successive nnd gnve the boll to IVestern MnrylamL Leading Shoe Repair Shop -for those II"ho don't kIlow we line plays. Mae went. around the end Long skirted the end for 15 ynl\ls W.M.C. 25 E. Main St. are in our new location for for 6 yards, and "Greasy" added 10 (lnd ~fter a ]iue !luck by Ncal, the R o. '1'. C. Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, more to this sum, nlalr. The pigskin was safely tuck Send your shoes to Charles yards on the next play, but the play ed under "Charlie" liu\'Cus arm, lind Kroop by Parcel Post, they will Finest Grade of Work. was declnred void, as both teams were prob:lbly the longest rnn of the game U. W. MILLER be repa.ired the snme day at a WESTMINSTER TAILOR off·side. Two line rusbes gained { was made when he carried it from t.he Cleaners and Dyers verr low cost. 86 E. Ma.iu Street yards anc1 a pasB, MeMa.ins to GOUlsnk fiel(l dOWn to Uje dressing quarters of Work done by the Prosperfy Method Give us a. Trial. Call C. & P. Tel. 225 Auto Service was complet.ed, but it was not enough the Western Maryland team. Ge.nts' Suits elconcd and pressed $l.00 to make first down, and Bucknell go~ Gents' Sllih st('ametl nntl prCi'Ii!crl .3i5 tllebnll. Line-up 'rop.':: Ol'ercoatsclenned lIud pressed 1.00 Three "Bison" line rushes fniled to Pelton L.:E. Trimmcr Ladil)s' coaLS,mel oue piel'c drcsses. 1.23 Have You Ever Taken chemically clea.l1ed uud pressed gain more tIm!! 5 yards, but an off-side O'Lenr L.T. Hulick pel1~lty confered on W. M., guve Bucl< MeRohie(Capt.) L.G. Mitchell Stlfety wit/! cl(8tomcl"sapparel is our LUNCH at our SODA FOUNTAIN nell it's first, and ineidentally oul)' Raveus C. Beale first ctl1leidl'mtio1l. first down. Dielll was tackled five Roach R.G. Stepbens ALBERT" ABE" TOZZI, yards behind the line of scrimmage and I\'einstock R. T. MeGee Go/ll!gc Rcprescn/l1l.i1Jc If not, there is a delightful treat in store for it was eeeoud down, 15 yards to go. Clark R.E. McCormick Bucknell was penalized five y~rds fo!' MeMains Q.B. Quinn THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK you. You wiJllike our Light Lunches. They being off·aide. A pass was completed, Neal L.R. Hallcke OF WESTMINSTER are appetizing and delicious and you have a McCleary to Diehl, but GOffisak W:J~ Chambers R.H. McCleary Westminster, l\JarylaIld. ".Tohnnie on the Spot" and nnlled him Gomsak F.B. Diehl Capital . . ..... $125,000 fine variety to choose from. Hot and cold but he g3ined II yard. Diehl punted to Score by Periods drinks, too-just the kind you like. McMains, who returned to the 50-yard Western Marylnnd .. 7]3 20-40 Surplus and Profits. . .$150.000 line. Bllc.kllClll .... 0 0 0- 0 Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., Neal made 3 yards at tackle and also Chairmall of Board. KOONTZ 5 yords on a criss-cross. A line buck Touchdown-Neal (5), Chambers. failed aDd Neal punted out-of·bounds nt Points after touchdown-Cbambers L. K. Woodward, President. !>lAIN OPPOSITE BOND STREET the 26"yard line, ending a scoreleSS (4). George R. Gehr, quarter. Referee-Price (Swartbmore). Vice-President, Cashier.
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