Page 38 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 38
Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. STUDENTS CELEBRATE BUCKNELL :-: :-: VICTORY 1II!IitlTIDIT!' Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Wadnesday dnring On the eveuing of Mcndny, Novem· l\lunillistratiull the aeademie year by the students of Western Maryland CollE:\ge,-Westminster, ber 22, western Maryland celebrated Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Poatcfflee. the Bucknell victory and the close of Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. MUSINGS OF A DREAMY LUCIFER the football season, with the largest LEAVES OF ABSENCE bonfire ever seen Oil the "Rill" as the Thc Administration wishes to call th e MANAGING STAFF Were I a eeecnd Georgo Gorden, I center of aetivities. The credit for attention of the atudent body to a rul- Editor-in-Chief ... .... George S. Baker, '27 could not more thoroughly agitate ecr- by plunuiug the afl'nir goes to the Fresh- ing of long standing in regard to le/l.\·e~ lain groups on and off this hill than "Managing Editor .. .Carroll A. Royer, '27 publishing some glorious truths that men, but everyone participated. In t.bu of absence. Business Manager .. ................. Arthur B. Cecil, '28 prevail hidden in our midst. However, nbsenee of Captain Sillin, MeRobie Students may be granted two week- was appointed official tire lighter and wm E Ilahn ")8 Asst. Business Managers .. {Alvi~ ~~lhright,'28 I caunot lliscreetly tell these ideutieal acting captain of the team. There WIIS end leaves between the opening of eel- lege in September and the Christmas. ..... truths, reaetiona to which finally forced some delay, owing to the fact that Mae. Vacation, two leaves from the Christ- Circulation Ma.nager.. . \V. Edwin Warfield, '29 George to ahnke the Unlveraities ' dust as had trouble in rounding up his co-stare. mas Vacation to the Spring Vacation, fare I might from his heels; for Asst. Circulation Managers. H. v. Scott, '30 George did. They are a little wary when speeches and one leave from the Spring Vaca- { . Roy L. Robertson, '29 In spite of thj~ dangerous reasoning, seem-to be in order. In the interim tion to the end of the college year. A up" student leave week-end the excuses Art Editor .. .. "Pete" Gomsak, '30 I wish, without prejudice, to offer llke the student body "warmed outbursts with of from Bunday evening Chapel and Mon. genoral yells eiese and a summary of present ecndi REPORTORIAL STAFF Meneken (on the Hill) which are abomin euthuaiasm around the towering black day morning Chapel. tions News Editors able. mass that was soon to make a glow that Twenty-four hour leaves ma.y be Eventually be seen for miles. L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 Let it be underetccd that I entirely could arrived amid cheers of welcome granted at the diacr aticn of the Deans. ]Jae -~-- Associate Editors favor anti am willing to fight for gcv- and touched off the pile. A tWllnty·fonr hour leave ends at the Marian Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 ernment and discipline in an institu· same hour on Sunday that it -began on Saturday. Virginia Wright, '27 Wilson K. Barnes, '28 tion. I should be uahnmed and indigo After a. short period of cheering and mounted Bertholf Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 nan t to obser-ve any entertainment of a singing, Prof. to make a brief the DR. WARD PRAISES THE "GOLD "'Platform" speech. REPORTERS question as to the ability of those ill a He started off with the yarn about the BUG" Authority. I believe, however, that Miram Royer, '27 Hortense Pettitt, '27 responsible group is best governed tha~ nigger who was taking a load of corn Dorothy Mellott, '28 Hn'bert Johnson, '28 is the least governed. This may sound over the mountain. The end-gate of At a recent interview Dr. Ward said Kather-ine Johnston, '28 Ruth Irrench, '28 like II. paradox, but I am advocating the \Y~gon came off, the eorn spilled in praise of the "Gold Bug": "I am Margaret Martignoni, '29 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 pure arbitrary self-governUlent by th6 out, nud the mule refused to budge. very mlleh pleased with the Gol(l Snra Freeman, '29 Mercia Ravmc, '27 group. This plan has been successful "By golly, here I am, stuek with noth- Bug. },[y favornble impression ha~ Gilmore Lippy, '27 Clll'vin M. Seitz, '29 timo and again, and always wil1 be ing t.o unload," the nigger said. Those, been causecl bJ" its loyalty to tJle school, Charles Summers, '28 Katherine Doyle, '20 successful iu II. respoosible and interest- sllid Prof. Bertholf, warc llis senti· its and its desire to correct ed group. ments. Bnt hepro,·ed that he did have things right w~r. J appreciate Worthy opinion~' Model management~· Correct opinion. On the other side, if the grollp is not something to lluload, for muong other its poliey of constructive eritieism. To respousible, tlley sllould be disciplined things he that a team th:J.t mncle my mind there is DOcollege paper edit· will need just as earnest Sllpport as was with kindergarten methods. Many of 29 points and 15 first downs in e,'ery ed .hy studBnts that I ha"e seen, that is EDITORIAL given to the football team. ~'ou who read these linea know that the gume wns one to be proud of. ",Veowe eomparllble to it. I trust the There are, 1l150, other sperts upon faculty hus shown its hand, I conld not this tenm somet.hing for the famo it Gold Bug will always keep np its pres· TAGGING-----A SUGGESTION which attention is now to be focused. belic\·e because of any antipathy ou its brillgs 11S. A cGllege of this size is ent high standnrd." The basket-bull Bensen will begill 90.111 part for students Ilctions, bnt ,becausu not by its f:J.enlty, but ,by its Those rosponsible for the tagging and there is material here from Wllich tl e.ortai.n element of fine radicalism on netivitieSll.nd its team, and the Dr. Ward has suggested to th~ orgy last week wore rightly indignant n winning team Citn be produced. Teu- this hill is allowed to persist in perpe· team owes ~Yestern Maryland some Alun"'i Bnnquet Committee that the at the ignornnee diiiplayed by lillmerous nia and track \l'ill intercst c'-crTone in trating its infilntile practices. Hereto- thillg for the pridlege of bearing its Annuill Alumni Buoquet be at a more freshmen concerning the members of the spring. fore, the student eOUllcilhas been mOTll popular price. The amnsement eould the vnrsity fool/ball squad. All of these representative activities (Ill honorary arbiter of justiee tlHl.Il a Kext camo "inui\"iduals" for CI·er.I' he furni9hed by the college ore1H:!stra cut· ami the Powder Puffs, materially School spirit is alwaYi! marked by an ean be just .1S wonderfully successful eonrt of arbitrary jurisdiction over the member of the squad, lind a shot from intelligent int6rcst in the major activi· ns the footb~ll team provilled that there stndcnt body. The maio fault is senti tlie "eannon" for each game playea, ting down the expense. It is Dr. mentalism, whie.h should not be a.llowed Wnr!l's hope to got the alumni aud stn· ties of the college. is no dimi.nishing of pep, enthusiasm, to interfere in the meeting out of jus· with 11 few extras thrown in. Thc hand cIents better ae.quainted; whieh WOll1d ancl the will to work, to win, and to (lid its bit, too, with thc S:Jml'ol!l spirit, Stndents who spent nearly ten weeks cheel' the team to victory. Jnst as tie~, but tho sorry fact is that it has it exhibited the W. hl. C.·Loyola rl)Sl1Itin a closer and more cnthusiast.ic at at Western 1ofaryl/l.ndwithout acquaint· loy~Uy as we have followed the prog in the past, a.nd tpe Student Council i5 game. At this jlllletllre there were 10m! eo-operation hlltween them. in.g themselves with' the Terrore in· ress of the football team, now let us not til be finally blamed. Why' Be· demands for silence, and a path was dividually luraly lacked something. work for anrl cheer fOr e~-e.ryteam for cause thl.' Student Coundl is a mem clenred 10 admit the runeralrpl'oeession In order to help the Freshmen and ........_ -..,Vn the othew.~d, no home games th., remamder olthe year, and keep flgur"ilead \\
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