Page 111 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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GOl R. O. T. O. 'Ie; LAS'!' ISSUE mSPEOTION OF GOLD BUG TODAY NE!XT WEEK Vol. 4, No. 28 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 18, 1927 R. O. T. C. Being Inspected by .French Comedies Well Presented The Board of War Department COLLEGB OALENDAR by French Club In Smith Hall ====== Unit' to Try for Distinguished Freshmen To Give WEDNNSDA.'Y,:MIAY18- Voice, Piano Recital Plots Understood and Enjoy- Rating May Day Celebration R. O. T. C. !'I\.SP'fetion. Given in Smith Hall ed by Audience Y. M. nnd Y. W. O. A. 6;30 P. M. Federal inspection of the Western Shakespeare Club 7:30 P. M. The }"l'(lneh Club very successfully Maryland Reserve Officers TTaiILing Senior Girl to be Elected Program Arranged From presented tw" French plays ill tion. On Wednesday afternoon, May 11, tSn.ader, who coached -thc mid Calvary and Major E. P. Parker of the Day eelcbratiou Tuesday, May 24, at a Schumann and Brahms recital was Miss ![j']lard who direeted Field Artillery. five c telcck, on the campus' between. tho Poets' Club 7:30 P. M. given in >SmithHall by the Depar-tment. The plot of the first comedy entitled, This afternoon, on account of the Main Building and the Beminary. Miss of Muaie. The stage waa a.ttraetively "L'AllgI(lill Tel Qu' Le Parle," Ou Inclement wc·a ther, tho members of the .Millard h:lI\trained the girls for several SATURDAY, MAY 21- decorated w:Hh lilacs. The advanced written by 'I.'rist.111Bcmnrd, eentcred u.nit were inspected in the cla!lSrooms dances which will be dcue iu costume. students in voice a.nd, Piano took part. around the elopement of an on the theoretical part of their military Music will be furuiahed ,by members of Vnrs+ty B/\.I!cbal1,\V. M. vs. Blue Mis~ Limes accompanied the solotata. girl, M:i'58 Elizabeth Norman, English and a course, that is, the part which has been the elaes. A Mny-pole will he ereet.ed, Ridge (It New Windsor. 'The progr.a.mwaa as follows: young Frenchman, Mr. Jolm Mears. At presented in the elasaroom. Tomorrow and a Sen.lor girl elected iby t.he student whrms a Parleirm hotel, the father ~f the morning the 'baetaliou will 'be Inapee- body will be crowned Queen of the MiSo!lWardc English girl located thc runaways. The tell out-of-doors on the practical part of May. Aft-er the program is eouipleted, Love 'I'houghte Schumann father, M'r. weldon Dawson, spoke on- UIO CllUY'lle.Tomorrow's progrrun in- supper wil be served on the campus. Literary 8oeiaties, 'VOIUCn'S6:30, ly English. In the absence of the ho· cludes a company and ,battalion drll1 This affair was pla.nue(l for }'1::!y 1, )Ten's 7;15 P. M. I Ner'er '''ill Roam Schumann 1el interpreter, rl,lIot1ler one lVaJ> so· Mliss Essig and a. formal pal"ad~ but owing to the IlOnti11ualbad cured, Mr. M. H. L:)lJgl('y, who spoKe cr. it has becn neee!lSa.ryto postpone U. Hc, The Best alld Noblest Schumann The :feature of the iuspection~ JIOW- TUE8DAY, MAY 23- Miss Curling olllyTrench. Mterlllueh difficnlty the ever, will 'be a. pro'blel1lin military tac' E\'oryon(', is invited 1:0 attond. h'otel cashier, Miss 1iI1iz~beth D:J.\'is, member of the il'tudent 'body is tics in whic.h 'the battalion will go asked to ,fill in th~ ballot below and Social Clnbs {:30 P. M. I'll Chide "TheeNot ISchumanu..Raff s.u(1 the 'bel! ,boy, .M,". Don(lld \Yilla.rd, through the different stepa in attack· Miss Bromley IInderstund that the fU1her wished to ing an. enemy posit.ion. Since ,both the vote for a Sen'io.r girl for Queen of the -Symphonic Etndes. Sehumann see a police inspector, .\ir. Willinm San- May. Theae ballot,s ~iJl b~ colloote-d enemy wl(l the attlWkers are ro be pro- aft'er chape] "rhul'sday mo-rHing. Miss Ford Jers. The interpreter Kuew the Eng 011 vi,led with blauk ammunition, the af- .Nono will be receiver after t.hat time. Fifth of Series of Sermons 'l\]le Two Greuad'iers .schumann lish word "yes" and used it profuse fair ia l'ilu:Jy to be Jleurd as weli as Mr. Nichols Jr. The inspector understood that the seen. FOR MAY QUE-EN Delivered in Baker InSUlUmer Fields Brahml! arrest of Ule youn.gFrenehman wa.s do· n is 110small honor to have a fed· A Thought Like Mlusie Brahms sired because he had stolen the English- eral inspection at V{estern Ma.ryla.ndj (name) Cbapel Sunday P. M. 1IIi.ssSchlincke man's !pOcket·book illsttlad of hlJ\'illg for of aJl the colleoges in the eountry Duct; SYII!ph-onyNo.2 eloped with his daughter. With the ar· which hltNe units of 1:IheR.. O. T. C. Signed (last movement) Brahms Tival of the policeman, "?lir. Robert only fifty per cellt are chosen for fed- (your .name) "SALVATION" IS THEME OF Mias Royer and Miss Ges!ler Unger, the exitellleut increased lIutil a _....__ eral ulIlpection. But the battalion of STIRRING ADDRESS telephone eall explained matters. The W. :M. C. aims for even higher 11Onors. direet(lFll of a bn.ukiJ;lg hOllse hI Lon· ~'Por of ,the fifty'Pe;:'ce:llte:iiO',;C~R.ELDERDICESPEAKS The Rev. O. M. Elder~1ie.epreached Dr. W. A. Taylor, Chemist don aunounced th~t they wished the ~:~::a\~:gpre:2:;' ,\\;;~!~~:e:s::~t;:l~ AT Y_M. C. A. the fifth of his semell of sermons on Addresses Science Club youug Prellchmall to become a partner This news eallsed the father io releut, lege." From this army area, whie'h in· "Christian Armor" Snnday even,ing, alld instea.d of carrying out the flrrest, cludes New Englfl.nd, New York, Perul- STRESSES THE "Y" PRINCIPLE May 15, in Ba.ker Chapel. The topic ELECTION OF OFFICERS he consented to llis daughter lIIUTrylng for the evening was "The Helmet of slyntnia, Marylaud, Virginia, aud the OF SERVING OTHERS Salvation." t.he Frenchman. Distric.t of Colnmbia" ten colleges will "The head i"8 regarded as tho seat On Wednesday ai'ght May 11, the Between the plnys the minuet WllS be design'ated as distinguished colleg6fl. At a ,meeting of the Y. M. C. A. on of judgment," said M'T. Elderdice, 'Science Club held perhaps its most daneed by girl" Wearill.g npproprillte To bo (lna of the tell is the ll(lnor for :May 11, Dr. Eldcrdice delivered a fine worthwbile meetinwof the year. COst.UIllCS.Thc music for the dunee was which W":stern Ma.ryland has !been "and is as much in need of protecti-on Officers were eleetcd for ne.Ktyea.r as played by Miss Snader nt the piano ·bending every effort. addr~ss on "Ueader:shlp." Dr. Elder as is the heart. 'Ve have often heard flilloWl!: prosident, Charles L. Good- with a \'iolin neeompanimcnt ,by Mr Last yC:lr the loot came yery ncar dice has been very fait.hful to the "Y" it spoken of someone that "the ·trouble Carroll Royer. Those taking part in Mary vice'president, to the goal of distingnished colle.gej [lotall times lUld is ve.ry much interes· is not 80 mUM with his hea.rt as with hand '28j Secretary, Charlotte B. L. tIle dance lVefC: ~..Lrs.Lally, :llld tlle that Bevardj a mistake his head," ted in the futnreof implying its members. aud, if the morale of tae orgalliz.a.tion He discussed helping each one to be- Wheeler '29; treallnrer, Riehard .11. :Misses French, Bryan, \Vilson, Nygren, is an)' indication it should reach that eomcleaders in the next ten or fift-esn made was eaused not so much 'by t.he Nord.s '29. Hut.chins, Parker, and Curling. g01l1 this year.. F.!lissBl,tnt,he Ford, told the jlalgo of few members, UIO band hIlS assnmed 8,sI,ed reality of spiritual thill'g!I, of the in· a. doctor II'ho conld pcrf(lwi nll opera- considerable proportions and 6/ln 1I0\\' served the sun and water, followe,'! spira.tion of the Bible. lXoubts come -or alkalinity of the prrduct throughout necCI:Isary. tion that wouhl ellable the jud~e's wife ......_ rCllder d.iflieult selections with eMe. .by the nlld loved ,by everybody . clothed as high thinking and wark snccessive prepa.ra.tions is to ~penk. The doctor, 1Iills Mercia 'The Rifle TC(l.lll also madc a very This was found t.rue of a certa iu 1I!11l\ their way from the mind to the heart. 'There are several methods of determiu· Rayme, nnd her twe c(\>JUpanions,MiSl! creditable I;!howillg this yea.r. Reed, in the monntains who had helped the Snch wrong thinking leading .to donbt ing this. 'Litmus paper, nntil reee.ntly Sim111s,an·d Baker were high seONlY'llin people by damming ull Il stream and has sidetmcked ma.ny melJ. 'has been a very popular indicator, but Laura Hutchins, a surgeoll, and lIfiss lettiT'g water <10Wll when it was n.eeded. • 'Our proteetwn ugain9t dorubt," eon· litmus paper tests are extremely uncx Anne Rawlings, 1111 (lpathecllry, cntered. (Continued on Page 2) This spirit showed an uuselfish life dc· t'inued Mir. Elderdiee, "is the 'helmet act, because of the wide range of .thfl The doetor performod the oper;llion and voted 1.0 o-th~rs. It is by giving some· of salvation. A gonuine Christ.ian (lX. paper a.nd the small effect of th-e acid the jnd'gc's wife was ll,ble to spea.k. Af· t(llked so much b(lt ter Ihis, the bdy thing to other.s that we ibecome great. perience is a safeguard aga.inst wron.g oOr,base upon it. T.hereiore, hy.drogen DR. WARD'S CONDITION IS MUCH she drove everyone ttl distraction, even Dr. Elderdice suggested that it wOllld thinking. 'llhllt which has been laid iOll iudicat.ors haVe heen devised. These BETTER the judge's senants, .Miss Emily JOlles, be helpfu1 to consider this finc idea hold of 'by faith leads to the knowledge new met.hods are either by electricity an.d 1\1iss V'irginill IIuuter, The judge du.rillg our vaeation. If we help some· of experience. or color. Dr, Taylor o!l:pla'ined the Everyone will be glad to learn that one, anyone who needs UIl, we "tin soon "A blind man l\'hose sight WIl8 re color meth1Jd. Hj) stQJted that the de· WUll so annoyed by his wife's ch:lttor President Ward hua beeu improving have many more friends and probably stored by Jesus is ~. study ill both faith termination is as simple as reading a that ho ordered the doctor to place daily since his return from the the ,\'h01e conlUnity will look to us as azul experience. Hi5 eyes were opened thermometer and matehing colors. By medicinal powder'S in his earn so thilt His improvement, alth()ugh gradual, a.n example a.nd com(l to us for ad\'ice. b.y fa.ithj then he entered into tho ex· adding (lertain indicaw1'1I to the solu· Jle could not hear. He was so hru; beell ma.rked, Mtd in consideration In Itn ex:unple ParkJiurst, we periene of sight. Nothing eould make tion of a chendeal eom.pound it.a color that he joined in dancc with a of the length of his illness, it is very find that we can not afford .to he like the once·blind man donbt the reaJity of and consequently :its acidity or a.lkll· woma.n who in tho street, Miss -eneou.raging. The president sat lip for tho t..a.Il-owof a candle and flnme up; his expeiienee. By this way a genuine linity can be compared ,lith standar,gs. Kathryn Bryan. the first, time .Saturday mornulg and it but we must be the flame n.t the ex eXlpCrience of the lIalva1.ion of Christ 'Thus the componnd 'Can be kept at a The program was closed by the (TIub is expected that he will bo able to eon· pense of the tn1low. In other words, is our safeguard against dOllbt, wrong constant value. This m1lthod is very members' singing "La Marseillaise" tinue this daily. we should no-t live for onrselvBs; but thinking and f-alse philosophy. Chrillt afficicnt because of the large nll.lll;bcr and "The Stnr£pangled Banner," be- Although confined to his bed, Presi we must sacrifice onrselves for the stand" a.t the porhls of our lives and and short range of tno indicators, fore tho of tho two COll:Q.tries. del~t Ward has manifested much inter benefit of others. Dr. eon· saye;, "Suffer me thus far;" t.hat is whi~h enable a closer ~auging of the A re,-iew of the French plays ill est in the ha,ppening"Son t!he "Hill." eluded his talk by paraphrasing vel"l!e "permit me to do what I a.m so willing values. printed (In the second paga of this It. is his desire to attend the coming from the Bihle, "'W1!tosoever lives for to do." Those who permit Him, MOW Dr. Taylor expla.ined the chemieal reo paper. commencement exercises in June. self ehaB ,be lost but whosoever lives what he really is. 1>li11ionshave had actions envolved in the te8'ts and a.lso Pbysicians, howover, believe it would 'his life for me shall lbe saved." tlle experience and n(lthing can shake dcmons1:l"8.tedmethods of determining "Y" HANDBOOK HAS GONE TO not be advil!ahle. their faith in it. Tho reality of it lIas when tho solution is colored or tinted. PRESS No definite plans been made for been demoUlI,hated of.ten. Those who These tests are of vital impol'ta.nce the president'"!! summer vacation, but FmAL MUSIC RECITAL conld not rid themsolve.s of evil ·by in many prac.tieal wa.~. In the purifi. The Y. 1f. and Y. W. llandbook a sea. share trip lias heen sugge$ted. Af- their OWlIefforts found' that they eould cation of water, baking, canning, and wont to pre!lll this week. 'fhe T.irnt's ter a r-estful va.catiou. wJlerever it =y The Mu~ie Departmcnt lvill give a ..w it ellllily with Christ's help. GoOd in the preparation of soil for seed, hy· Printing Company is tJ,e work be, we are sure that our president will final reeitnl in Smith HaH on Thursday, win confirm <111'dstrengthen th{' faith drogen ion deter.m.inatioll make .the and a. .good book is promised. .Ml stu- be able to resume his labors when tbe 'Ma.y 19, at four 0 'clock. EveryonE ill of anyone who is wi11inogto UII6.the lit· work easier and the rcaulte mora SIl.!tia· dents should lend their aid toward a new term opens next fall. cordially incited to attend. tle faith he already h:l.ll. faeWry. BncceMful publica.tion.
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