Page 107 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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GOt FRENCH PLAY THE ALOHA ALUMNI HALL HAS GONE FRIDAY, S P. M. TO PRESS Vol. 4, No. 27 May 11, 1927 Choirs' and Local Pupils' Speech Dept. To Present W.M. Wins Twenty-Ninth French Classes of Counly Rev. Charles M. Elderdice Recitals Close Music "Gammer Gurton's Needle" State Oratorical Contest Anxious to See French Plays Delivers Inspiring Sermon Week in Alumni Hall in Alumni Hall May 27th on "Faith" Sunday Evening Royer Adds Sixteenth Victor! Invitations to attend the- Fre-nch Each Church Choir Has Its Tihe .geniol'S of the Speech Depart- To Laurels. plays have been enthueiastdeally sccep- No Comparison Between ted !by the F'rench elaesea of the eoun- eneut, assisted by five of th'll junior Own Director. speech students, will present "Gammer U. of M. Given Decision For ty. 'Ilhe plays will be presented in Faith and Knowledge. Gurtone Needle" in Alumni Hall, May Second Honors. Smith Hall, Briday, Molly 13 at 8 The last two recitals held in Aluml!i 2;. 'J1lrisfamous old play h3,5long heeu o 'elcek. 'Dhe edm'ieaion will 'be free. delivered C. 111:_ The Rev. Elderdice Hall for the eelebra.tiou of MmaieWeek regllr(ler fI.Il the enrheat of all English '}\lll'lBta.te oratorfea l eonteet wna held AJI French students are urged to be the fO\lrt,h of his aer-ies of eermoue ou present. Everyone is invited. proved 11- delight to a.ll music lovers. On eemedice. Its llnthOl'f!lrip is not defl- io AlulIln-iHall, (Priilny, Mny 6 :.It eight eho'ir uignt, W>eunesday, May touetu, 1000WU,lllthough it has until reo o 'clock. Dr. George S. Willa, preeident Programme de la soiree par le Oercle "IChristiuu Arm-or" 'Sunday enmin;g, the choirs of the churches of Wastmill' been abta-fbuted 'to John Still. of the State Dratoriea! AsoociatiQll Prancnia Ie 13 Mal a8 compose de deux M.'ly 8, ill Baker Chapel. His text 'was "Abowl all, li:lking the 6'hield of f-aith, Oomcdiee et d 'un de cban'ts rruucata star uu:ited to present au excellent. pro- But reputat lon tLS a serfoua chureh- gave "the nddress pi weleome and Pro· menueL w-herewith ye shall be :rble to qUe.\l,Ch gr:lm .s. Dllme Cliat-awss Ford. Royer Delivers Glowing Oration Un Agent de Poliee . . .M. Unger Elderrhec calle{! lltteution t.{)two men. Noah Se-h:lcffer, S;Ul~"God Shall Wiipe Dr. Ra~Ir. Meredith. :\Ir. Garroll A. ~oyer, of Western Ln sccne so 'Passe \II.. Baris, dnns Ie The- fil'St was Tholllll.S, often enlled Awa.y All Tears" by Comlls, and "'.rbe },[.1~terTh.liley-Mr .. Royer. Maryland -Cellege~ ""liS the second ve8tibule d'llll ,hotel meu.ble. "Doubting ThomiiS" b6(lause he would Lost Chord," by Sulljyallj Hie Church DoU-1.1liss PauUne Leoll>ud. Omlor. His oration: was entitled "No LeMenuet not beliel'll io the ressureetion of 'of the BrethTen, directed by 11r. Wal. P.l'Ologlle--Mr. J..:J.moortl!!. Help thou my nnbeHef_" Christ of \VIaslringOOn College. 1.Ir. Long Maitre Adam Fumee, a,vo· by W~dlllan; thc St. Paul's Reformed ~;r;;:: :;t:;~~el:::I~I~~~~~t~h~~~ spoke of Iohe i.nlJ}{}rt~lnceof rea.soning eat .. Mlle. Ford healed his body lIud, what wa.s much ~:~~~l '~~r~:;~e(l~see;~:cill:;:~,,~i:~e~ the bus -arrived at Wsshi.ngton at ten out pro'hlems instea.d ef aeceptin~pthat the United Catherine, femme de M. mnJI does is ef more imp(Jrinllec t'hlln 'Westem M:lryland College choir, "Goa Loon'll.rd Botal Mlle. Mellott wlmt he believoo. 'T'hi'ilis A -80 Lallnet left the city, at the eol1~,geat ers of \VestmilUl'ter. The program was sa,'cn th<'rty. Oollege, and Mr. Emory H. Niles, (If rez·tle·chanl!see en ll~ m-aison de M. &. know. or how mll(lh \'jlnc would that opened 'by 1I:"r.Benson's piano Jl'npils. Some. were honrd to say th'1tt they Baltimore. Before unn(!uncing the de· talil. Puris. ntti.tude be in the se.ientifie, the p'hiJo· Baumga~tller fl,llU :Eleanor might have soon llInre in Olle dllY, but cision, Dr. Apple C(!mmended all Ule Chant,s par lea !lI~Ulhreadll OercJe sephical, or the business \\' Spring" 1UId "Danoo From Jol- t~nationaJ Club at Geneva, hupes to ster will huld II jOillt ·meetbl.g to give ster." I'Dhosewho w:ill take p!lrt )n.the N{)r Lit"Crnry Soeieties. Women 6:30 eome to W'esterll M:lryland to arouse evide~e that thciT rivalry is still . Chambers, Kay, and Mathias, V-:lrsity BaaeblllJ-Thnk Corps V$. AUil'lIherconference "ill be held next which im.mediatel.y d('eided to ",;).1<(' of the So-phomore elasa; lI'isses the Miss Snader's pupil, Kath_l'fn An· Clongh, Read, and 'i'homp8on, and W. 11. at Camp Meade. year, at whicl! t.ime severa 1 important humo!" pred-ominllllt. Members of both topies will be d:i.l!!el1S':led.ISome'Oftnese soeicties \ri11take part in (he pl'()grl!J!l. ders, played "Ma'l'urka Caprice" by Messrs. Bell, Belt, and Ent.mter Students are Doing Elsffiv.l!fTe"; a,nd ef b
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