Page 110 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. Alumni EDITED BY ELSIE HELD AND MARGARET MARTIGNONl The last sneetdng of tee Science Club 'Sue Boyer also spent the week·end 'I'he meeting of the Bhnkespeare Club for tllll 8(';holastie year will be held in washington. has been postponed until Wednesday Wednood{\y, May 11, at 7:30 o'clock. Ploreuee Jones spent the week-end at Any news itelll.,9 concerning W. M. Miss Rose Conaway, '26, te visiting evening, May 18. The for tJhc meeting will be her horne nea-r Belai-r. Dr. \V. A. '.raylor, President cr tile La Miss Sarah Smith spent t>],e week· Alumn1 will be gratefully received.· her sister Clara. )Jotte Chemical Prcducta Company, of Miss Elcrenee Maesey, '26, was on .FROSH ELEOT MEN TO STUDENT Baltimore. His subject is "Hydrogen end in Was-hington, D. C. the hill last week. COUNCIL Ion 'Control," but his lee-true will nob Elsie Held spent the week-end witb Mr. Mnrvtn Chalk was seen on the be tachrrieal !IS the subject appears. lIary Dryden at Buckeystown. hillla.stweek. Mr. G. Mcljonald (Pete) Garrett '26 1'.Pileelection of lll}'ll.bers of the etu- Practical demonstrations will be gtvea Alma Taylor was the guest of :Mar· Miss Dorothy Robtneou, '26, was on \I'M on thehil1 last week-end. tlell.t government council to represent ill the course of the lecture. ~ret Wilson at her 'h-Olllein Aberdeen. 'the hill l:lst week-end. t>hefreshman boys was .held on 'IThur.s· Elcction of officers for the firnt eem- Mr. Bcujamln Price, '25, who hae d~l)', "May 5, in the Y. M. C. A. eoosn ester of n'Cxt year will be held during )J_ias F11aneis H!\(\k-ett, of Blue Ridge 1>1r8.Vaughn Butler, who was for- just returned from a. trip to Cuba, was and resulted in the election of 11. O. the meeting. It ill hoped that bhere College, wne thn guest of Elizabeth .merIy Miss Madge W\jmbrow, '20, is Ilcre l:!;st week-end. Spicer. Buuth, "Pete" Gorsak, and "Ja.p" will be a large attendance to the now living in Morgantown, W. Va. Welsbeck. meeting of the year. Hortense Pettit 'had a birthday MiBS Gladys M. Bromley, '20' at a "feed" for Senior Hall 'lIhursda.y J.Iiias Louise Willaley, '26, and )Jiss tea gil-en in ,her .home on April 18, an· Y. M. O. A. night. Serena Dryden, '26, were two judges of .FRESHMEN GIRLS MAKING LAN· 1IUS8 Isanogle entertaiued ,her nieee, all oratQ-rical I\ontest which was held nonlleed her engfigement 10 the Rev. TERNS The Y. M. C. A. .beld its weekly Uiss ?ra,ti.lda Firor, of Thurmont, thia rocently 1I,tN.'lDtieoke, Md. l1r. J. G. Robinson. me-eting on ),.{ay 4 eondnctcdby the we-ek·end. At a recellt meeting of the Freshman president. The devotional service was Before you say goodby to your sweet· girls, pJ:lllS for the Lantern Ohain in ill form >of responsive reading ,1,f'ter :M,ss ]Jnrie Koontz, of Wrashington, Florida Timos-Uni-on-A11 tbe world JlOllOrof tIm Seniors were discussed. A which T. D. Br:mn led in prayer. Then wn.s the ,guest of Mrs. Stoyer over the loves a lover and it also .lOYesto slliek- bart get her a nice conmJittee was ,appointed to make t,he J. P. Lamberlson a.nd E. C. W.oodward week·end. er at hia love letters when read in court ll'eee-ssary arrangements. 'llhe girls g:I\'c repol'ts on the re,eent conference j\(.'rcia Rayme and Virginia Wilson WATERMANS O.F SCKA.FFER PEN have alrea,dy begun w~rk on !lIe 1,1m at Shcrwood Fo-rcst. T-he fOl\ll.ler reo entc"lain{'(l Scnior lIan {It a "feed" in a breach of prQmise t!!uit. t(.'fUS nnd expect to begin praetieing l)orted on t,he lee-ture given by P. :M. In6tMonday nigh.t. AND PENCn. SET 1hei!' fOrntlltions very 800n. Malin on "Colleg-a as a Place to Bulld Mary Barnhart is spending several One'a Philosophy." 'l\hc lalter dis' daya on the "'liill" with her sister The People's Store cussed lnHhod group on deputation JUNIOR CLASS work. After a song the mooting was }J:u-.gllret Barnhart. 73 E. Main St. Columbia Jewelry Co. d.ism.issed willi a. prayer by Dr. l~\lth Sehlincke, aild Eva Lynch were Aeeonling ,to ellStom, the manage· Stephcns. guests at tl,e home.of lliinuie Strnw· SCHOOL SUPPLIES STATIONERY meutof the Sc.n.i01'Famwell willibe jn bridge, of Pawn Gro\'e. the Ilands of the Junior elass. 'Dhonee· 80 fortunate Leonard )fnrgaret W{l.S essary -committees have been ll{lpoint MELODRAMA BRINGS TO CLOSE as to hal'e her mother and aunt as Ilet BUCK CASH Babylon & Lippy Company eel and plans are now under way to RULES ON FROSH lllakeitasueeess. 'A InJicrous nlld nmnsiug program gneElt'l.', After tho her in order thl~t they m.ight persuade \V,ere: Rosalie Smitll, Sue Bromley, pl'flyor, led by \'e!rna Riehmond, Ruth hr:r to (jemonstrnte II few of the latest Grnc.a Armstrong, Allee 'Freeny, and Smith & Reifsnider S~hlineko snug "Jesu.;!, Lover of lily ldnks on the Cllarleston. M~aryWeber Broughton. Sou1." 1£illsRobinson g!LI'ethe talk of '[Ihere were a.lso -some races sueh as After weeka of h-nrd aUll Adllljssion 15c-25c the e,·ening. TIel' theme was "A I'he three~leggell race, tllo elepha.nt fnithful the Stllfi', tllc Aloha _)!othar's wI·e." After the benedicT and Ule horsebaek rnce. All were hilS at l.~$t .gOlle to press. A.s far as LUMBER AND COAL tion red and white carnations to the nth dcgrooforpnrtiei· eun be nseertaioed at prCSC!!t,the work distributed to tho girls. punts as II'ell as for spectators. is sllti~f'lct-orily. WESTMINSTER, :MARYLAND EAT-A- PLATE -A· DAY In the SophOUlOfe,Scllior b.~s-cbull Igame 'roesday, "Shifty" Oronetz, ~\Jld SPECTATOR'S ACCOUNT O.F INTERCOLLEGIATE NEWS "Admlf/Il', Sillll1l&-collided in an at- Phoues-227 and 2!l7 NEUM~Nl LACROSSE GAME tepmt to catch a Il~' ball. "Shifty" (Oontinued from Page 2) is ill the Murylnnd General Hospital, (Continuecl frOID Pag-e 3) Baltimore, suffering from a fraotureu not Young Women of W. M. C. ICE CREAM Deau Stanley Coulter, dcan emoritus bone near his eye. Simms was of Pur,lue Univeraity, Lafayette, InU., hUl't. 'lNE CRtAH WITlITH[ HORflSH TAS'I[~ Guilford's goal for Westeru suys o.hat eolle:,-e men are more stu· ~hl.r)·ID.nd·sthird lust tally. dious when they have to rooite ill THE SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC 'We request the privilege of The rcfnl'c gal'C the eOlllllland 'rest' clfl.:.'!seseontaini11(; both sexes. The dean Y-esterd;)y afternoon, despit.e the showing you - Dance Frocks and the ml'mbl'rs of both teams got to- explains for his reaSOll that "no nl(lll gntheri.lIg clouds, the loyal memhers gc1h~r to talk over the situation. Afler wants to ,be made a perpetuaJ duh be· lind friend.s of the Sund/ly school set Street Dresses, Coats, Millinery, the Guilford mathematicians Ilad made fore a group of woman, pnrtieularly if (Jut to ,have 11 picnic on Rud about the Undersilks, Silk Hosiery- Zile-Neuman Co. a few calculations, Ihl'~' decided Ihat as oue of the women enjoys his particular, I'ieinity of t.he collcge .farm. The early the score stood they wouhJ 1ml'e to get favor." pnrt (If the picni.e was-in the great ont· Nusbaum & Jordan Westminster, Md. threc more goal~ to wiu the glHue; there· of·dool·&. ThegrouJl, at oue time gath fore when tIle game was resumed they ered. together and heard Dr. StepllenS, 9-11-13 E. :MAIN 8'1'. st3rledarally. Almost onc ilhird of bhe undergrad· Velma Ric'hruoud, Pun! LaIll;bert5on, Andnws started d01l'1lthe field lI'ith uate!>in Ill\rI'3,rd unil'ershy applied for the bnll nnd was progressiug rapidly work during tel'm time last year, lI.e- rwd W. A. R-oberts read nature poems. wthen Nuttall delivored a clean blow to (;{)l'ding to figures just announced by Bat when Ule win(la begnn to hl(}w and picnic had to tht! rain began ot fallbhe the chin. Andrews was forced to re· the students employment efliee; $78,950 adjourn to the collet,;obarn, which soon IF YOU LIKE DELICIOUS linquish bis possession of the ball, but was oArned ill phis time by fltudeni.s, became t'he scene ef festivities. 'The Herzog recoycred and nmde n goal. while $79,995 more was the yield of Long started hili brok(.'n field run sUlIlmer positions. The total earned by nlore doningclimbeil the rafters an(j .ax· Gonn!t Candy, Sodas and Sundaes ring toward Guilford's gon1, bnt it is plored the haymow. Othets joined ill different when ~'on hal'e to dodge both IIarl'llrd student.s fWIll allsoorces was singing the most popular senga of the men and sticks. "Shorty" had plowed $193,646. Of ]2)3 applieaUous for em- present and thepturt. "It Ain't his wa)' down to Guilford's goal when ployme11t, 1010 came from the univer- Rain No :Mo'" ""ILS the song hit of the the relllainder sity, coming from the Brandcll 's hetllnerang cnught him on a occ.uion. \\rhen tile refrCllhments OOID' vulnerable spot. Hnrig rceo'lered t.he g'raduatesehools. miUee managed to tran3p(lrt the "eats STOP AT THE bnll :Ina. drinks" to the bal'll,th{)se pres- The gume was coming to Il cl{)se and ent (.'njoyed themselves eveo more. All Hnrig stArted rllnuing at full apeed tu- What appears to be somewhat of a of which prOI'CSthat rain BornetinLcs ward the Terrors' goal. "Otts" BroIl ('risis in the frat-ernity situation at make-s ratller th311spoils II. picnic. Koontz Confectionery sensell the danger and slnrted aiter Dartmouth has ariscn nnd the inter Dr. an(1 _M·TS. Step-hens, Professor and him. Two srcond$ lator Harig madc hi! frateruity couneil hilS appointeil a con :Mrs. Berbholf, Mrs. :Sandcrs, :xtiss Rob· exit. stitutiou-nl comnuttee which nllcged un- inson, :Miss Ebaugh, nnil Miss Parke-I" MAIN, OPPOSITE BOND ST. Tile game enaed with the score 3 to 2 de8irable factors in the fra.ternity ait- were present. About sixty went on the in fa'lor of the winller. ua-tion in the college. pic.nic.
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