Page 109 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 109
The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. Pag8 Th.ree iSPORTSi Amateurs Cross Racquets iSPORTSi TERRORS DROP TWO GAMES bIR.L'S TENNIS TOURNAMENTS A SPECTATOR'S COMMENT ON INTER-CLASS BASEBALL "Y" TOURNAMENT THE LACROSSE GAME TIle girls are signing up now for the Standing of the Clubs Joe Keen Twirls Good Ball In Second tennis touron,mollt-s whi,;,h Miss Miflard W L Pet. Varsity Players Not Eligible to Pla.y is arranging. There will be two tour· The referee called all of the players Seniors 1000 Ttlt together and nfter he had whispered a nameuts, one for advanced players, and Prcshmen 500 one for beg-lnners. It Is hoped that a few words of l,dvice in each iudividu- Bcpbomores .000 third annual Y. 111.C. A. tourua- The varsity bnaeball team invaded large number I)f ,girls will -take .an in- ul's ear they were ready 10 etart the .Iuuiors .000 Jllo(!ll't began 'Iluesdn.y, May 10, with f creig-a territory last week nnd lost terest in this sud make it "go." struggle. twe.ntysix contestants for the honor of two close games. 'Ilhe firs-t tilt was "Dkk" Norris and a boy from the FRESHMEN DEFEAT JUNIORS being the 1927 tennis; that is lost to Loyola College in Baltimore, 1 Guilford club walked into the center of champion of the men who are net memo to 2. The other eoatest went to Leben- TENNIS MATCH AT HOME a ring and knelt down facing each olh Tlle Freshmen inter-class baseball hera of the varsity. all V'Illlcy at Annville, Pa., 5 to THURSDAY er. I thought they were going to offer tealll dcfea.ted -the Juniors in a slow _Last yen r there were many good 3. up a prayer for thelr teams, and poor-ly plnj-ed game last wednes- matches in bhe tournament. That such Loyola's timely hittiog in the eighth Thursday afternoon at 3:15, the var- but n fellow sitting next to me said it day, 7 to 5. matches help to develop good players inning of til" first game enabled them sity tennis team will meet GettY'Sburg WIIScalled the "fnee-off." Bath pite-hera were wild. Bonnett, is 'Shown by the fact th!tt "Tom" 'I'he referee gave his whistle a toot to score two runs Ihnt broke the dead- College on ,the upper courts. Four and ihey were off. 'l'he ball flew up in the Junior mouudsman, gave five bases Reed, last year's t.ournament champ is lock and won the singles and two doubles matehea will on brllls, and Morgan gnve six. playing OJ!the varsity tbia year. This Bob Ellis kept the nits .that were be played. the air nbout twenly feet nnd fell on The features of the game were 16 yeaa ts mat\lhCIi should be just lIS good garnered off him wen scattered until the ground among nine players. A big stolen bases, and 11 errora, in developing players. the shi:h inning. Three eOllsQ{'.utive wrestling·match ensued ill whieh The contestants and ,their 'Pairings )fnchalller clime out vict.orious. "~rose" hits and all error permittoo two mcn Netmen Lose to Haverford 6·0 "Mose" st~rted running down tho field score bon_rd. AHer a heated argument arc; E.. Woodward vs. Janowski; 'Var· twner gllve the spectators lard; Reinecke VJj. J-ohnaon; Nie-hols lies. On Friday, }._fuy 6, our netmen wer€! fellows, Pugh by name, tried to knock a SC!lrewhell he rau into [he gr3ndstnn(1 '·s.· E:iLiott; M!I.('.hamer va. Uannoldj Khthart relieved Ellis and sent t'he defen,led by Bflverlord College by the the ball ont of "Mose's" c~rrier and after lhe ball. Olle more jor like thllt Silnms, II. bye; H. 8mit;h, tl. bye; Harp next three bat·ters Ibllek ·to their bencll This ill undoubtelily t.ho instead hit Ilim on the cerebellum. That IIlid the school will hll\'e to 1)llild 1\ !lew "'<3. Umbarger; Kiel1, a bye; Grover V8.. in order: Tho damage 'had ,been dono, score of 6·0. ill one of the many ways of ~uforming resting j!1:wc P()r 5p~ctalor8. Holla.nd; Bruehl VII. Utz; Hutting VII. team we 'have met this ee,~· strongest ·howe\·er, for the Green '!Ind GQld hur· son,. Due to inclilment wca-rher the your 0Plwnent thnt you want to curry Thus enrled the fir3t Illlif. Shriver. lera fa.iled to seore ill their half of the COIll'tswel'C '·vryslow, 1.1\1t our racquot· the bu!! yourself. At th" beginning of the second half The final matcb will be _playod on nint,}" ers showell up well being quit.e uaed to Pugh got hnl! and started for Western l\faryland sturted off with a Monday, },fay 30. The first ronnd will the Tlhore can be no alibi for t'ho defeat Western ?>Jnrylalld's gaul. He did not bang. "Otts" Broil 1\'1ISon the receiv· second the 12; at thehaJ1ds of J_l!bnnon Valley. We;;s· such courts .• COl1(lonWII.S thc only lllan al_h':lnCe very fOT, wIlen iug end of the however, ~1Ud cnd Thursd~y, May May 18; ,the third rOllud, \\rouncsdn.y, to win.'!- set, but ,his o-pponent opc.ned terll Mar.vlllnd was leadin.g 3 .to 2 until up auc.h lUi a.Ua{lk of unerring ahots ill "Bob" Vlln Buren hit of e()lIl'se "OUg" reciprocate by roulld, Thursday, 24; the fourth }.f:ty the eigl1th inllingwhell the-infiehll\"Cnt t-loelast two Silts, that hI) WM complete him ill the abdomcu. Pugh the hiUing Gough behind tim Ie.[t ear. round, Saturday, a1.ay 28. to pJeel'S. Throo errors.gave the Iy o-ntcla.sscd. Bryant pl~yetl "ery COl"'!. (Whoe"cr invented this game must The cOlttestauts are requested to turn to Volleyites in sessioIL goou teunis in bllC .seeond set nftol' Wildman, a Guilfor(l player, scooped ha'·e l'ceu a brute for pUllishment.) Joe Keen ha.d n field (lay aJI by ·hilU adapting ,himself to raequet, thc ball out of II. serillllllagc, und When "Otts" had reeovcred his ill lhe S\:.-perienccaffor· for about thrre minutes. Whiter~ft got thn ball lifter the face· terw:ml a8'lJOssible. dose (leei.sions goiug against the Ter· The Terror stieJ;mcll got possession off and started shoveling it down the It lIa:!!been rUlllored tbat there mity rors. The leam is lookiu,g better 6very ded by this matcll Olll"IIlen should give oflhcbnllHudstarled a nonstop jour· field. 'I'he cJ.:e-rlion was too much for ,be a prize f(H the winner. This is all a very good :'Iecount of fhellls ..lnlS this grume, howew'r, ani! with more timely Thurs{lay, when they met't the Gett.ys dOwn the field. Stach threw the him so he juggled it into "OUs" the more euconraging; for, though it hitting tbe diamond a.ggrrgation will burg l\etmeu iJl the hst home 1Il1u,tehof ill the direction of Broll's stiek. "Otts" gave it u fling is an honor to win such (I,. tou.rllament, reyerse·the eOUllt on their oppon(,llts. thesea.son. instead of it land und ".Mose" fiually eoaxed it between II nU1teri~l remembranee of the victory on Page 4) it went up would llot be amiss. (Continued t(l the The mll.tch Sl)lhe(!uled wit.h Drexel WITH THE DIAMOND Jnstitute II'OS eancellell owing to siek· ness of several member;
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