Page 115 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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COL DXAMs THIS IS THE BEGIN LAST ISSUE OF MONDAY A. M. THE GOLD BUG Vol. 4, No. 29 May 25, 1927 College Players To Make FINAL RECITAL GIVEN BY MUSIC COLLEGE OALENDAR ILL=~~~C~::NON R. O. T. C. Battalion of STUDENTS Their Last Appearance Program Well Planned By Prof. Goo'g" S. wiue W. M. C. is Inspected \\'EDNEl8DAY, MAT 25~ Will Stage Comedies The filHIllllusic recttn! WRS iu An 111l1st.r3t03d lecture OH Shakes- Cadets Are on Mettle Smith Hal! en 'Dhnrsday peare was gi, on IJY Prof. Georg:s S. Ma~' ]9, ib.r the firsr illl(l second yen r P. ~L 'Wills, lumd ,,:I' the Nuglish Departme-nt, "The pr~sent College Players, conais- 'I'hie on Wednesday 'evening, ll"ly 18, ill Me- students in tho Department. ccu- Y. ,,1. ~Ilg iuspecterl by the Pwdem l Bonn] frum the repertoires of beth elnssit:wt College Lilnary. lalit, Wednesday and Thur-sday. kin" in Alumni Hn.ll 011 Friday eveu- College Pla.,'ers at Alumni 11a11B The fir$l two slides thrown Oil nil!! in~, May 27, at 8 P. xr. lut!l mode ru composer-a, was liS follol~s: P.i'II. screen m-e probably the most nuthort- 011 WledllesdH.Y, the ill.speciillg offi- "Gammer Gur!tm's Needle," regard- Winter-lullaby De Keven taliv!! portmita of Willi:ulI Bhakus- cera, ?tajor T. )'L Lane and ;E. cieesce ed as tlH~ ~n.rliest of English 'Plays, was MiS.'! IStra.wLri(!g~ peare-vllo of wllich appeared with his P. Parker, trsted the diff('reat advertised at the tillle of its -presenta· SA'l'lTTm,-\Y,~rA¥ 28- fint collodion of plays. Several view:; in theor·~tical work ill the re~itR.tion Is It You~ Omlmnn rOO!!l". 1n grl\O;:ral :,11 the ola~~Cij did tion in the following manner: Miss Dorolll), Hobbs \-Ill";'jity TOllnis, \". M. \'S. Gottys· of tho birvhplaoe o.f Shnkesperu-o, both "A Ryght Pithy, Pleasanut, and burg :1t:·Gell.y_"burg. be£or~ n.nd after its lcstoratioll, were '-cQ' ,,"ell; but nndel' the le GRAM OUTLINED i'lterpl"l'i{'-{l by a nlllllber of promiu'cnt machine gun, 37 ll1iUillleter, and treneh fitting irs yearning, digllit~·, null ChUl·· G_r_iug lletors. Two portrllyala of "L'\dy marlar. 'Ilhe beard was w("ll plllase,! acter.'" 'VHh the wp-prd:tl('ll af ;Jnnn1!!:trtun ......"\fa-<'hcrl.."'l,.....,.w.e""".~M theliut Miss1..1yera lI"('el, ,,"(I the eiose of tile tollegc .vear, ;>'Cciles of Ihe fllDlOIlS Snint Paul's ~eheol to do adnnl firing for them. Of the pl~~' itself Ruzelitt writes: "It is It regulnr eomedy ill five acts, Rustle of Spring Binding a number of social Ilcti"itieS"lMlid a fine Charco incllldt'<.l the in.s.eription io'untl t:lcl'cral indil'idll'll~ werc eomplf'!I1~"ted th~m built on the eircullllltanees (If an old Miss W"llaee commeHeelll~nt 1'1Ie spirit progr:tlll of ila\'Q be('H pre. on Shakesp(lure's tomb. for Bpll, gOQd work, alllQllg G. n. 1VC11b; W. fot V. jlll,.t.'(l. Hnd 11. O. SmiLh, WOman hUl'iug lost her needle, which illerlting the aimosphere, their explan'ltien of rifle markSnlitll' t!irows the whole l"illagr into cOlliu· :FINAL CHAPEL SERVICES sion, tin it is at lliSt pl"Ol'i(lentblly A SACRED CONCERT ship, H. C. Chambers ;l\ld A. U. r~ong for hllll(llin(,l: Stllla,ls Hlld patrols, )wtl fo\I11d sticking ill IIll ull]uek.\' part 0:1' ... TIle Rev. C. M. Bldenlice prea(lhe(l ('harles nin'ens for the way he "hit Ro,lj:!;e'.s. (lr088. This 'OlUst cl'i,l('utly The Sncred Concert hj' The Penbody hlll'C hnppencd at a time when the Quartette, wl,ieh has been ;LtUlOUll«leil the silrtll n.nd last of his series of ser. the (li~t" in the problcm. for sunaa)' cvening, June 5th at s P. 101lg remembered by t>he seniors. On mOilS on "Christian Armor" ill Baker rrhe lnst cl"(mt,just Lefore noon, II'US manuiaeturors of Sheffiold and Bitm M. of COuull(,lIcenHmt Week ill Alumni Ohape], Sunday ~\"ening:. May 22. His Ihe problem or ".8h3l:11 Battle." The illlghnm 'haa not l"eached the height of prom TuesdR.)' nfterlloon tho ireshman gil'liI battrtlitlll acting" as a. wnr !Streni,."ih perfection whieh they hove fLt pre!! lIall, Western ':\farylnlld College, ga"1! a Ma)1lO-1c dance, an,l erownc,l th{'llll! wus '·the sword of Ihe Sl)i.rit," enemy, ent. >Suppose that therc is ises to be a I'cry attractive .fenture. whith is the word of Goa." compauy, b.,' attaeke(l imaginary outlincd selring needl(' in a Tho q\wrtette was orgauiz~.-] nbollt ~e~~:'~;icR~~~;::I~:'Il~Ut~~;~ ::n.:I(;~Ol~;l~~ "TJleotherJli~sofar1ll0rileS\!ribcd lllaeilluegulls 011 lio.llege cr, u- (Uligent, dame, loses ten years ago, an,l is eompose,! of aolo cnmpns. The selliOl"S ure planning the';l 81. raul," snid )Jr. Eldcrrliee, farm. The sccne waS:ln excellent Olle, it; that n misehicf·mnking wag seta it yokes of yC"I'~ of expel"lt'nee in e.hnreh Hllllllfll elass OUIing to Trnmp lIoliow ull for def,'us~; the sword is and tllC' aligllllH'ntS WH(' nlmust perfeet. nbout tlwt another old woman hns and'eonccrt aud haa mct with \UlusuaJ for 'Yedn~sd~.v :liternoOll, .. o'clock tho I,·"npon for OffCII9C. This sword, Very little (ktillitC lmoll"ledgc "ould stolen this valnab](, instrument of 8Ue~(lS8. Their indil'idunl aut! en$emble 'l'hm"liHlny afterno()n lhe "Senior 'Fare· for t.he Ohristian,- is 'Ihe word of DB oblainc(l fl'Olll tha inspelltillg bO:lftl househohl industry; that strict search work has bet'n eOllsid('red of n very wl'l1," of which the jl\uiol' girls :tre in God', L'hc Bible, wllieh hos its SQnre~ eonc~rllillg theil' ef !I-"I. \I'-es· is mnde jndGcrs for i~ in "aill; and high order. charge', is to be gi"~n. That evenillg ill the $pirit oJ Gn-d. Ita inspirlltiOIl, tern l\1:lf~'Ir(' seald it alit in the open air, tin words lllomber of tho fneulty of the Peabody lion of the "Lallterl) Clulin," by the l"e"~lnli<)ll', gunrllnt('('s the llil"ill~ being> forty-fin' coll~gl's ill the llren freshnllin girls, 011 noffa Pield. TIle aUlhority of the $erLpfures. "'ith s"u(or 11:. O. T. C. units, tweuty- end ill blow!!, aull tile altai\' is referrQd C:ouscrvntory of Music and direclorllnd a lit buffct to higher lIuthoriUei:l: iJnt! we sh(ll1 soloist of" Entali' BlJptist (,hurch Ohoir: 5~niors will be eltteriaiued \\T. R. McDan hdd "·Scvernl "i"ws of ;nspiJ'ation !In' thr~c uf whi~11 IIrc eligilile for h'sp('r lion. Mrs. snpper iJ~'nr. Hnd have all eX1l.CL idea, (though perhaps UOt Lonise N\1ensiuger, eontrnlto, soleist of ill the world of to-dl1~·. MUlly pea· The officers II'H(' eSlwcill.l1y pll!ased Brown :llclUoriAI P~esbyleda!l Chnrc.lI, iel, al their h .....tlll', on Snlta',lay eV1'l1 I'll' b~1iel'e that Goa dit'-tatc(l the Bible so lively n aile) of whnt pnsses in this with the b~lJ\lty of botl, our eountry llu.thenie dOllument ,between Gammer and with the Cunko..glol'nki!1.n Opera ing. to humnu writel's wera for word :!S lYe coeds. Comp:I1lY of Philadelphin, lind William The program for the week following ll:!ve it n01l'1 and that el"erything ill i.t and our Th~y have l'isited col Gurton and her gos-sip Damo Chat, Dic- Gilbert 11orn, barytOlle, director and eXnllliliatiollS is liS follows: i"!:l IitHlill.I' true. Others hold that the leges from .\[aine to ViTginin lIlld had con, the bedlalll (the !l.'IllS1'r of lhe!!!) rnt('d the girls at Syracuse the pret· onganiZ{'I' of the Pcabod,l' qun.rtette (\11(1 llol~' Spirit ~flYe the message to nle)1 .harms); Ro~c, QamllHlr Gl\rton's ser- soliat (if Unjver.sity B'IptistChul"ch 1111,1 Prid~y, June third .1U,[ pnmii1{'. :lL }'rclIlllllan IlIHI 0\\'11 \l'llr. Under ,IllY however, (Continued on Page 2) trU,colIlposetile'lllarteltc.'l'hereputa Contests in Speech fer thc Norment the Bible is divinely inspired through tioll of lh~e artists insures ,~illie pro· Prizes. the ~pirit of God to rev!'al lIim to mUll· SOCIETY REUNIONS grnm. a (]('Ii~hlfnl eonC('rt, 1IIId :t real Str. C. _\T. Elderdiee 8:00 P. M. Concert At th~ ~l:t~' ltle('ting thc following Of- Panots u.lId the Jesters Quarte-t, bolh ber of "the Class of 1927 and former and Miss )Inry _E. Dryd('n were forll\~1!~' by the Peabody Qultrt-ette fit.'fS wne elected for the lIe; Society, will Fraternity .• sllitof the election ofefficers forncxt VicePre~ident-~lobel K Smith. :JI'p~ilr on the Irving program. ~folldny, JUlie sixth S(!erettlr_l"-lbnnnh U.lIIacc. Jellr is as follows: 'The. action, wJlieh follo\\"ed the reeo- l(l:OI) A. )'r. .\nfll,lal Ueeting of Bonrd 'l'reasurn-)Jnrgnret .\. Barnllllrt. We-b,;ter's r~Ulliou prognun wil! mmen(}ntion of a COlilmittee of two, President-Dr. R. T. Stephens. of Trustees "Reporter-Edith O. Lyneh. hnl'c as its feature u pl~y which will Gilmore Lippy and George Benner, will \-i~c·President-Wilson R. Barnes. !l:OO P. :'>L Soeiet.,· R-cunions On \\'cd>lcs!lny, )Jay 18th, the frt'lOh- bo Ilrcs~ntOII by freshmen nlembeI'$ of Seeret~ry-Ebie ).1. Held. men girls of the club elltertained the result, beginning with this year, in an 8:00 P. M. 8ocict~, Contest the soddy. 'l'rellsurer-).!nry E. Dryden. ~Cllinr mcmbers. Th('), presented n short ~lllllUal IIwnrd of two b'"Old medals to the At the Philo reunion, t.ho sl'niors of Program Com\llittel'----Dorolhy L. Gil Tuesdn~-, JUlie se\,~llth [ll~r depiding the high lights of th~ winning orators in tllB inter·society lig~n, Katherine O. Doyll'. 10:00 A. M. Comlll~llcemellt fuur ."enrs of (-allege. Ihe aocjely will present n three-act contest bctweeiI the Irving and Web of D('g:rees pl~y, "The Elopemont of Ellcn." ster literary societies. ]dr. MeKinstry l\d{lress, ReI" Oacnr Thomas Olson, Browning Soeiety will offer a oue- '. was 11 me.mber of the Irving Society L EXAM SOHEDULE ON D.". SUMMARY OF ELECTIONS ON act play, sev('I'n) ruusicnl.se1eetions,and ijllClarepresentlltive in theorntorical PAGE TWO 1:00 P. 1L "\lumni Dillncr and An· PAGE THREE " dnn~jllg rel'iew at its program of reo contest last y~al. nual Business Meeting union.
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