Page 108 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Upsil. RUN TO Columbus, Ohio-(lP)-Deltn. :-: :-: to restrain himaelt will fail in college 011,of Ohio State must p~y It fine 01' MITTEN'S and will.hnve much to retract fb.eforeJle 'Power, .Official newspaper of W)estern Maryla.nd College, published on Wednesda.y du-ring ever becomes II success. Will is fhe prl- $25 end David E. Kuenzel, a freshman, for ill not eligible to pledging, by any fra- tha will to say, "I won't," the eeudemic year by the students of Western Maryland College, WestminBter, mary nnd fundamental eloment of char- ternity tJhis year, because of illegal or ITot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. Specials for Parties. Maryland. Entered 8S eeecnd-claee mutter at the Westminster Postoflice. acter. Until this is developed, ehnrac- irregular ple:l.ging done by fra ter- PHONE 24.9-R Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. ter has not yet COlneinto being. nity here. The action waa taken -by When IL college f!1;udent hIlS n-o sense Lhe president of the In_ter·frwt-ernity of value, no aense of responsibility, and council of Ohio Stnte. "\,I'"JIRN :MANAGING STAFF 110 moral sense, ,he docs not belong in DOWN Editor-in-Chief. . .. J. Palll Lambertson, '28 college. '\>\hen be carelessly destroys Managillg Editor .. ............. Hubert K. Johnson, '28 property t-o secure pleasure, or to ex· areeueeaue, Ind.-(IP)-An nncieut TOWN Asst. Managing Editor ...... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 press hilt feelings, ,he is in some reo tra-dition went by the beards a.t De S1'OP AT College i9 Business Manager ... ... Earl B. Lippy, '29 speets mentally unbalanced. the unbal: Panw Univerel ty when 'the faculty .for -the sane, the rational; Advertising Manager. .... Marvin B. Sterling, '30 anced should go. placed 0. ban on all pajamn paraes . "Pop" Shipley's of De it bas been thecllstom l'or years Ihrculation Manager .. ........••.•.•.... W. Edwin Warfield, '29 Pauw men students on the ILigllt before Light Lunches and Soft Drinks Asst. Circulation Managers. .. {ROY L. ROb. ertson, '29 }.111YDay to slip paj'llllUl! over their H. V. Scott. '30 street clctucs and march through AT THE FORKS Art Editor .. ."Pete" Gomsak, '30 l1ntrr-Q!ollruintr every sorority house n.nd women's Sports Editor .... Clarence H. Bennett, '28 NrlU.!1 dormitory on the eampus. "JOHN" Associate Sports Editor . .. Maury H. UeMains, '29 Ever ready REPORTORIAL S'fAFF Princeton seniors retnrneil :from their Melboul'lle, Auatl'alia.- (LP)-When Very courteous News Editors .Ea!!ter recess Oil April 22, bloSBomeollgc deba.ting tanhl CHIROPRACTOR W.M.C. "risky." The old "One HoSl:!Sll:1Y" pression 11'0111<1 be left upon some vall- l-,rought t.o 1l.' ldo&t wwk end, HI! R. O. 'r. C. ()!I the dny bef-orc its hisi>OTie colla})se Installed \\', Uaryl1'l11d. ing. Many a game thu·t is 1000tus far trary, llU"e ellu.sed diffienUies ,between tl!>pointed ·a c01llmittee of 12 atndoH,ts Cnpitn.l . . . . . . ... .. $125,000 as thn liIoore bO'lrd is concerned is a tho faculty a11(1student body .tllrough· -to mnke a. apeeiuJ stndy of the curdcll' {Estimntes }!'ul'nisllccI} Surplns alld Profits .... $150,000 yietory. Otlr team de.serves not half- 0111 the eollege ye~r. lum with rllSpect 'to its streugtll and J. W-eaver, Jr., ltllflrted snpport, but fnll and unre- The college yellr is n.!morl o\'er, but weakness, and to report any chn.llge Jaeob served baeking. it is llOt. too l:)ie for the studout gov· "'hielt it would reco\lllnlOud. In ad· PROSPERITY METHOD Chairman of Board. or1lmenttot,\kendefinitestan.d . .Mell dition to the-studcnt group, other Bates your spring clothes cleaned now L. K. "\Voodwarc1, Pl'tlsident. wit'h no morn.! -sense have no place at committellll already .a:t work to an· THE MEN'S STUDENT GOVERN· eollege. }olen\lith no senSe ITf respollsi alyze HIe curricuLum -ana to reo Save 25 to 50% George R. GehI', Cnsllier. Vice-President, MENT BOARD bjl.ity belong in iL state Lrlstitution, 110t cummendatiollll which sbull tend to ro· Lnilies' Spring Coats and one' ill a college. 'l!hUflefew men, appn_rent· ~hapo it to fit modeI'll conditiollS. The picce Dresses ehemieally cleaned The :lTClI'-S Student GO"ernment ly lacking the bn$ie qnalities of ehal" llilil's AlullIni c{luntlil h:ls also appoin· amI pressed. 1.25 "The Country's BeiSt" BOllrd has not aeeom}llished ,'cry ffinc'h Reter, are 1I11 inHuence for evil in nny IQd a eOlllllliH~e. Gents' Suit$ cleaned and prCS!ied$1.00 t'hus far 1111syear. Bnt now tlmt a society. G~nts top coatoS cleaned alld new board is beiug formed, we hope to The .only remooy is to get rid of presscd 1.00 Wm. F. Myers' Sons &ee ILchange. 'Yo desire that t.he bon.rd the-ulJ. All CX!lmplc.has been needed Olle llIore "don't" was added to the SweHt.ers cleaucd . $1.00 PORK PACKERS shall be w-orth at least the time 1''0' for a long time. It IJllOuld be fur- li.s-t of freshmlln prohibit.i-on:>atIYes 2,j, Hour Service quiNd for its elC1erion. nished. ley-an w111ma faeillty ru.ling lorbiold· ALBER'f "ABE" TOZZI, AND If suggestions :ire in order, we WiM ding the first year ,nlen to ha\"1,~Inrto' Repreaent(ltive of SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS to offer two of the same, we be· SUCCESS AND CHARACTER mobiles. at college d'uring the college u. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer. tiel"E~that by them the newly-elected yeal' was allnO!\Jl-cod. Upper elasslllen Retail Groceries Phone 360 !Joard lIIay bc u~sistGd ill rflising the It has been S
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