Page 112 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western :Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: :-: be, in his eyes there ere smouldering REVIEW OF FRENCH PLAYS W. W. ENTERTAINS mTER- SOCIETY CONTESTANTS To him all 'but his fires of mastery. Of!l.cia.lnewspaper of W!estern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during purpose is ohlivion, alllbut hia goal iB were -Wiheuit was announced that there entertained the in- wcrt.hlese. mD.ll. who has cor- He is the to be two Freneh plays giv-en by The W. W. Cln'b the academic year by the students 01 Western Maryland Collf:\ge, Westminster, rectly applied mIl. the department of Frcnch in 8m:ith ter Society contestants at a dinner Maryland. Entered as eecond-elaas matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. wm is only wbat you make it. It Hall last Friday night, eVll"ryibodywee Subscription Priee, :;;2.00 a. Year. ean be a.pplied tor ·the right or tor the curious to sec what they would be given in the tea room this noon. The who were present contestants wrong- It is the will to do or the will like. The eagerness of the college from Browning, Eva. Logue .and Mary "to don',t" tba.t eae-riea a man far in MANAGING STAFF the realms of business or of society. It people to find out the nature of tbe Hnll; from Philo, Dorothy Gilligan and Editor-in-Chief ... . J. Paul Lambertson, '28 ~s this same will that forma his char- plays mnnifeeted itself in the large Mae ]'(illB; frolll ·W.ebster, J. Paul audience wltleh filled "Smith Hall. JJambertSter. l,t Sports Editor . .Clarence II. Bennett, '28 moulds chaTactflr. Frenell. T.he conversation came apou· importaut event of tha year, bectt.use Associate Sports Editor . .-Maury H. :McMains, '29 taneo.usly from the players. Little Alumni fonn an opinion of the prog· of tihe Frenen-a shrug ress of the institution from the imp-res REPORTORIAL STAFF 1II1trr-(!Iollrgtatr of the shoulders, a mere inflection of siollll they receive at this event. News Editors tne vo-ice-----m1l.dethe aeenes live.' Perhaps tbe highest 'Praise that can Dorothy TJ Gilligan, '28 'V. K. Barnes, '28 NrullI be given came from reveral Frenoh pee RUN TO Associate Editors ple who were in the audience.. 'Dbey MITTEN'S Ruth French, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 Bat.cs ha;s just finisl1ed one of the ....'ere amazed and dclighted with the lor E\'elyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. -Morris, '29 most successful.debatin,g serulOIUIin its facility of e.Ypressieu and the sinceri· Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. Elizabeth n. Davis, '28 ".Tap" W'eisbeck, 30 Wstory, ilxIth the men II.Ildthe YO'lll(ln ty of action of ,many of the cha.>:"aeters. Specials for Parties. REPORTERS having won cvery debate in which they It is 'Pleasant to think ba.ek about PHONE 249-R 1\1. Gedrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. 'Voodward, '28 ¢-ookpart. Tbe r-8cordsof Prof. Bfllwn' the t.wo !plays. One sees again th~ Dorothy l\lcllott, '28 Curvin 111. Seilz, '29 iug, the debating coach, ghow fonr de- clever costumes, coloriul and cha.rn.c· WEmN Katherine F. Johnson, '28 Roy C. Chambers, '29 .bates in which t.he decision was by tcriatic of t'he period; tho well-acted DOWN Elsie M. Held, '28 George E. Salter, '29 ,"ote of the audience and seven by deapai. -of the judge brought about 'by Margaret :Mal'tignoui, '29 Preston W. Gra.l1t, '30 juilges. the cbatter of his 'wife; \lbe terrible 1'OWN tools of the sober Ibut convcrsant doe- Mlll'Y A. Wah:l, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 tOtS; the eonaternwtion of the eloping STOP AT Catherine E. ReHd, '30 'V. G. Eaton, '30 Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William IT. Brown, '30 Chief Justice Taft has set a.n ex· pair iu the fir$-tplay, II.t ,beholding their "Pop" Shipley's ample for other Yale men by offering irate and "sideburll"ed" parent. One to give during his lifetime the $10,000 hears tho musie-of the French that was Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. t-hat he ,ha.-dplanned to bcqueath to the S]lok-cn; ,the _distinctness and aceuTacy Liglft Lunches and Soft Drinks Y'lle EndoWDlcnt Fund in ih'ig wiH. of the pronunciatiau; the wierd lIong AT THE FORKS 'l'aft scI:"yto make a considered, the anceesa o,{tollGplays are The Authorized Shoes for the The pnblic beooems all the more remarkable. "It th<)young ladies who eat in the college eaary to the well bal~uced Hfe. To be s-tatement in regard to applieants to will undoubtedly weJcome any future W.M.C. dining room rut"e tepreselltative, few sure,:t mo(Ufiedform ofse1f-reatraintill 1\"holl1it 11M llot beeu poiilS-ibleto give ()iferings of the Frenchdepnrlment. tho-re be v."ho can or ""ill cat a squarll tanght by th6 classroom discipline; but admission. ., R. O. T. C. meal. To these young ladies who de· Bl'lf.restra.intinit-self,asastudyisnot sire to be t.hin we say, "You might RiI t:mgM, rt is emphtl.Siz-edmore or less "A,t t>hepresen-ttime," Dr. Hopkinll well eat and stay plunlp; for men don't in Phychology and is brought to the says, "the rejection of an a,pplicant R. O. T. C. INSPECTION THE iu a that melUlS nothing mere than a.mount to much anyway." fore in Military Trainiug but these are proces..;;of comparison with more than Westminster Savings Bank 'but little. 1500 oUler applicants, a man .has not (Continued 'from Page 1) The world need.a men who are gov- CAPITAL ...•••. $110,000.00 REGULATIONS erned by principle, whose liv-ll'! are been able to show a record of com· tllO third corps area. But that these BtJRPLUS "EARNED" ... 250,000.00 bined characteris,ties w,hich w{)wd elas well regUlated, whose !beauty of sify him in a relativilly &mall group lIlen did not do 1111tlhe work is shown We often think that the rules and :strength 3.nd of character are not umong those who w;isIIto come to Dart· by the fact tha.t Sum.mers,, Un· regulation.!! which exist at Westerll marred by untrammeled paas.ion. T{) mouth. ger, DO\\'1l-BI',Lippy E. B., Holland, 1I[or- F. Thomas Babylon, President Milton P. Myers, Vice PresidenJ; Mar~'laD-d are too severe. But Jet us these men faUs p{)\\"er,by .these me.n is ris, Eaton T. ,H., Oondon, and Willard Jacob ft. Handley, Treasurer bea.r uR. For i1 what we rcad is truc, progress. They are the _bulwark of are also to receive letter-s for tbelr there are students aeress the rolling Ohris'tb.nity and of civilization. Oxford's most uniquo and lea8t known work on tbe team. Of Sixty-threa waves who endure mueh more than we. part of the cirriculum is the oourse on matches,forty-two were won. SECURITY SAVINGS SERVIOE Here are ty,"{) ef the rules in force at morala and morality. Renee, if the R. O. T. C. but carries Oxferd. SUCCESS TJle illstructors !Lrc two young Ox- over in the inspeetion the good work THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1. "Undergradnates may not hire a ford men, kuown tiS _proctors, assisted whi-eh it ,has becn doin:g all y¢a.r, the OF WESTMINSTER motor vehicle for a. I{)nger period than All tll;;lt is needed for SUeeet!Sis an by several rctired pI'ire figbtcrs and rating "D~tingu:ished College" oltglht -Westminster, Maryland. onc hour or for a greater distance -from incentiv!1- Most men d{) no,t desire suc· track athletas. to bo closely approached if not won. Ctlpital $125,000 Orlerd than five miles witl>-outspecial .cC3lIfor themselv!l!l alone but given n.n Surplus and Profits . . .. $150,000 leave from the dean." "This means illcen,tive, lIOmething to work for, they Tlte way in whieh discipLiue ia en that OWll-orshipof ears is not only for· will devote aU their time and'rllto ,Hnn-ereJty. uupa.rall~ in an A:merican PROSPERITY METHOD Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., Each lllght ;the two proc· Chairman of Board. thcir cud. bidden, but that renting of t-hem is al· Mnny a. shift.1ess loafer worked for tors pumde ~hrough the streets your spring elothes eleaned now in fuJ' so greatly restricted. With Hli.s in aeademic regalia of flowing blaek robes, L. K. ,Voodwul'd, President. w.ind, perhaps we will fbe lod ,to encr- the first time when he tried to save uP. wh.ite ties II.Ildmortar board eaps. Olose SaVe 25 to 50% George R. Gehr, tain more respeet1orour m{}denlte rule enough for his marriage license. But behiu(l them follow fonr plain elot.hes Ladies' Spring Coats find 01l0- Vice-President, Cashier. whicb requests that ears be .kept wher~ the peculiar thing about it W(l.!lthat Dlell known as ",bull dogs" or "~ul· piece Dre;'!lles chemienlJy eleaued they will not mar the "-aestheties" of when ho stopped work he felt JOlttand lers." These !Ire equaJly chilson :from and pressed . 1.25 the campus. returned to work out of sbeer -despera.- tbe ranks of fornlor track men, t{) pu.r- Geuts' Suits cleaned find presaed $1.00 . "The Country's Best" 2. "1l-fen tuld wOlllen undargrlUluates tion. sue -erring student.'! IIhould they at· Gelltll top eonts cleaned aud may not go on hikes or for motor rides Work is a habit, ugo'Od hsbit !l.nd a 'tempt fligbt, aud former puglists to pressed together uuJCij$ woman under· uooCBlluryha;bit. To those who for,m subduo them should they attempt re- Swenters c1eane(l . ........,:::: Wm. F. Myers' Sons graduate provi.{)uslyhas obtainfld the work habit falls-success, a. true suc· 24 Hour Semel! PORK PACKERS from the principal of her trollege and cess, a lasting success, a.
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