Page 116 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. OOLLEGE PLAYERS TO MAKE Second Semester Examination Schedule :-: :-: THEIR LAST APPEARANCE Offi.cial newspaper I)f "'!estern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during (Continued from Page 1) MAY 30th TO JUNE 4th tbe aeedemle yefU' by the atudenta of Western Maryland College, Weatminster, Maryland. Entered as eeecnd-elaes watter at the Westminster Postoffi.ce. lice 'boy; Doll; Bailee; Doc- MONDAY :MOR?-'TJ~G, }JAY seo MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY BOth Subscription }'rice, $2.00 II- Year. tor Rat, tile curate, and Gib, the eat, Education 2 Biology -J, wllo llIay be fairly reckoned one -of the Education 6, 8 Biology 10 MANAGING STAFF "dra.matis personune;' and performs the Psychology 2 1-2 English 10 "Such," German 1-2 observes no eneau part." Social Science Editor-in-Cbief... . J. Paul Lambertson, '28 same eritf c, fur.ther on, ehaructec-iaing Home Economies 1-2 Managing Editor. . Hubert K. Johnson, '28 rbe comedy, ">Sneh was the wit, such Latin 8 Latin 1-:! Asst, Managing Editor W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 was the mirth o.f our aneestors--Jiome· Latin 3·4 Business Manager.. . .. Earl B. Lippy, '2~ Iy, kindly; but let hearty; coarse perhaps, bub Social Science 4 110 man despise it." Advertising Manager _.. . . . . . .. Marvin B. Sterling, '30 The eurtniu raL~er will be a delight Spnnishl·2 Circula.tion Manager.. , W. Ed-win Warfield, '29 fnl lit.tle bisque play, "Manikin aud TUESDAY ~roRNING, }.JAY 31st TUESDA Y .U'TERNOON, MAY 31st Asst, Circulation Managers. ... {ROY L. Robertson, '29 Miu.ikiu, , , by Alfred. Kreymborg. It Education { English I·!? H. V. Scott, '30 conaisbs of a convenation between the German 3-4 crasstcet English 3-J Art Editor , .. .... " Pete" Gomsak, '30 boy doll, !Manikill, and the .girl doU, German 34 scientific English 14 Sports Editor . Clarence H. Bennett, '28 lIlinikin. "l'he subtle charm of the Ht- History 11) Obeuristry 5·6 tIe play cannot be described ill words. Associa.te Sports Editor .. Maury R. McMalns, '29 One must see it to appreuia.te it. -The Home Economics 13·14 Chemistry 13·a Home Economics ",rath1-:? contrast of "Mauikin and Minikin" 4 REPOR1'ORIAL STAFF wit·h "Gam:mer Gurton te Needle" :Math { Home Eeononlies 15·16 News Editors promlecs to add much to the success Social Science 8 Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Barnes, '28 -of the 1llSt performance of the Ool- WEDNESDAY MOfu'UNG, JU~E jst WEDNESDA Y .AFTERNOON, Associate Editors .lege Players. Biology 1·2 JUNE 1st Ruth French, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 Biology 8 French 2 Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 FINAL CHAPEL SERVIOE Chemistry 1·2 l'relleh4 Freneh 6 Elizabeth H. Davis, '28 "Jap" Weisbeek, 30 Chemistry 3·4 French 8 Greek 5·6 REPORTEES (Corrt.;uuNl from Page 1) Soeiai Science 6 Freneh 10 11. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 timony of Christ; its fulfilled proph- History 7-8 Philosophy 6 Dorothy Mellott, '28 Curvin 111. Seitz, '29 of its sixty· Home Economics 14 Katherine F. Johnson, '28 Hoy C. Ohambers, '29 ecies; the -marvelous lliuty Elsie 111. Held, '28 George E. Salter, '29 six books; the manifest snperiority of 'I'ITunSDA y ~roRNlXG, J"ONE 2nd THUllSDAY, AFTER.NOON, its teac1Ling to that of all other r-tlli· Margaret Martignoni, '29 Preston W. Grant, '30 giou.s books; -the history o.f thB Book English (] ,JUNE 2nd :Mary A.. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 -i"tJlclfj tho eh~J'aeter of -thos(J who ac· Grook I·!! History 2 Catherine E. Read, '30 W. G. Eaton, '30 cept it a.nd of those who reject it; its Greek 3--4 llietory(j·6 Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William IT. Browll, '30 power t(l tronsform liv!>Sj and its History 1- Math 5-6 growth into the liw'8 of th(lse who ac· Homo EconouJies 11·12 Mnth 8 Science J·2 )filitary Physics 1·2 Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. Ce}lt it-s te~chings. Physics 3·4 "·W·i·til the girdle of truth, the Spanish 4 breast-.?Ia.te of rightCQusne-ss, the S(ln· dILls of, 1h8 shield of fait]l, and lmmAY )JORNING, JUNE 3rd E.DITORIAL the helmct of sn)I'ution for (lefelll!O a.n(l Biblc 4 with the swon1 oftJ1Cll-pirit.for ofl'ellile, Ge1)Jogy 1 AN ACKNOWLEDG:M:ENT we llllly go forth with eOllsolonB expee Uilltory 12 tatiOll of "letory thnmgh Christ." T_'Jltil17-8 T.hc stn.ff wishes t-o e]l:pre.~s its ap THE GAME preciatiQll of the exeellellt llen"ice of The Times Printing Company, printers For these last few weeks let's play "The Country's Besi" RUN TO SEE of The Gold Bug. the game. Lct's play it square. Let's MITTEN'S it fair. Classes are nearly over; for GILDA GRAY But Wm. F. Myers' Sons more days and they nre done. MORE ASSISTANCE Hot Bread, R.olls and Cakes. after them come the exanlS. And with PORK PACKERS Specials for Parties. in the exams comes ehcating. With cheat· Again we are indebted to the memo AND PRONE 2d.9·R bers of lhe journalism ebssj for most ing COllle good marks. With good marks of the artieies in this issue are their eomes graduation. It all sounds very SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS "Aloma of the South Seas" produet~. Their artieles, incidentally, well and may work out in practice. A Reiail Groceries Phone 360 New Star, Theatre may bc obtained under falsc diploma are to be graded as a pnrt of their final pretenses and lhe stndent leaye the col· At the examination in the cour~e. WEDl\TESD.A.¥- lege edue,ated. Educated for what! Office & Plant Phone361 Lihetly& Green Sto. Educated for vice, for crime, sud for Flaming Fury tha t Illarvel dog ARMORY "HELLO" Ihe evil 1mbits learned at college. The Ranger. most that many of the college graduates The Call of the Wild the I1g-eold Friday and Saturday Commencement week i1:l comiug nud have learned in their fenr ycars at e(ll T, W. MATHER & SONS struggle .between ill!!tinct and love. many visitors will be on the campus. lege is to t-ic a bow tic properly and. Fighting for Fame May 27·28 Gi,e them a hearty "hellO." They to correctly inhale a cigarette. Westminster's Leading Store will greatly a}lprecinte it, because it The professors are here 10 teach. They 'I'HURSDAY- Admis:ion 15e25e will hell) them to feel at home. It will, e&nllOt pOl1ra gallon or S(lof ideas into Waltz Dream a. romantic comedy. UlorCQver,contribute to the growth of )·Qur think tank and send you rattling HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES Como(ly---,Napoleon Jr. Merrier than ibeeollege that we :Ill cherish. Por, if along life's highway. It can't be dOlle. The Authorized Shoes for the "'rhe Merry Widow." our visitors nre well received, they ~l'ill You learn by st.udying and by observa- Pa.theNews be sure to speak a. good word .for West- tiou. It is a slow but frnitful process, W.M.C. :P"RIDU- {'rn A!ar~·land to their friends and ae· laborious in practice but teeming with quainlanee.s. Jt costs nothing to say a results. R. O. T. C. II. C. Witwer's comedy screa.m ('heery "hcllo," yet it wili do a lot. for Let's pla.l' the game Il:lrd for the Her Fatiler Said No! Peatnring Al the. <.tollege. Gint it a chance. Cooke, Kit Guard, FI""1tnkieDn.rro. 1lI0st in it, but above all things, play it And the usual short subjeets. ~qllare. An une3rned yiet!)ry is a hoi· Prosperity Methods! OPTIMISTIC THOUGHTS low vieto!)·. A -,-ictory gained by dis· SA'PURUAiY- IF 1"'1''8 RA!DlO honest)" is a bitter "ietory. The fellow Tom i\[j1<": in The Tra.i1, iL Zane WE HAVE IT If we arc iolJelicl'evarious autlloti· who can fight hard, ,~nd smile !IS he Grlly stOl""y. ties, Ollr ch,ulce of passing the coming fighl~, is the kind of a. man that colleges ,,;rc wish to tlw.nk onr coll~ge cus· Oomedy-Fools Luck and .Aesop's e.xams is very slim. So is yours. arc Slrh'ing to turn out. tomers for the lmtroungll we have reo Fables The principal causes of scholastic failures, according to one eminent au· cciveJ dnring tbis academic y-ca.t. )[Q1\."DAY and TUESDAY- thority, aro ns folloW"s:----outsidework, Lebumm Reporler------Probably the John Gilbert in The Show roor health, mental diaquiet, extra-cur niellSt thing about freckles is they are Albert "Abe" Tozzi with R.enee A{lorl'{l and r_,i(lnel Bar· C. Donald Eckenrode rieullir activities, social diveraions, noisy rCfll. And in, an Il€e of drugstore faces Representative of ryJllorej a yivid picture from the surroundings, undesirable associates, in· tht.t 1S a- grea.t deal IlIOH'1 by C. '1'. JlI.ckson. Phone 250 adequate methods of stndy, meager nat· U. W. MILLER, Clearner and Dyer ural enilowments, pl!)in in(lifIerence, WHEN and sleeping in classes. Horsh Ave., We.stm..inster, Md. GOOD-BYE, BOYS AND GIRLS We find thILt three-fourths of these DOWN Slluses fit OIlT casc. If you are frank TOWN "REU;S" ELLfO'l"l', Representa.tive Your friend, BEN with )·(lllrself, yon will hare to admit at Lcvine.Hall
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