Page 114 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 114
Page Four The Gold Bug, Wettern Maryland College, Westminlter, Md.. .Alumni NrlU,a EDITED BY ELSIE HELD AND MARGARET MARTIGNONl Olnra Conaway spent several days at The Bluek and White Olnb held its 0]1 Monday afternoon, May Hi, t.he annual Senior Farewell Banquet last Prrrnhmen entertained their aister elaes, her .home at Mt. Airy, night at tlhe Elmer Inn on the Taney- the Juniors, nt a tea ill ~reDaniel Hall Esther Hollins had a most delightful Any news items concerning W. M. Mr. Ezra. B. ,Villi:l.llls '26 wac here town Road. Twenty-.o.:ne men of whom Parlor. A'S one have Nopu(!ll, v.isiting her for a week. !I)r. LnwnlUee H. Chaffll1ch, '02, was bel Wright, both of rthe class of '26, Tilase who are to represent tho.liter· not beel! selec.ted. this week elected presind Prcl"hman Class at the Uiliversity of Ruth i.!! ten.-ehing seienc<1 in Aberdeen, contests l!grecd unanimously, at a din· on the hill. He WllS visiting Ilia broth· ~arylsnd. This cboiee WilSunanimously flnd Mabel is teaellillg Eltglisb in lIur- ncr given ill [heir hono!" Itoday, that Y. W. O. A. cr, W-eldon Dawson, of t,he freahman from 11elass of abont 450 members. lock. Lhe ,V": \~ t'lu.b llr,,\·'·'.'d perfect 1.IOf· class. t.esses. The C'dlege T~lI Room was !Jtr' Roberta Rowe, Margaret mented \vit.ll that "right atllloapher<1." The Y. W. C. A. had a song service Ellen Shank had a very Harner, and enjoyable The uillner WII;,!II success (witness :It its regular !\Ioeting Oil WednesJ:Ioy II'"e-ck,·cnd :lot the hOlne of Margaret BUCK CASH Dr. A. J. Morrell the contented mein of those who- !\.t. c\ening, :May 11. At the end of the Barnhart in Sparrow'e Point. teudud). The contC1rttluts who were scrvice tile cleleg,ltcs werll cleateU for LIFE INSURANOE CHmOPRACTOR ellternint>4 a.-re: Browning BDciefy, th<1 the conf~n'lllle lit Bagleimere .in JUHC. ~[flr,garrt Leonard, Edith Lync.h, Westm.i.n.ster, .Maryland 110 E. Main St. Phone 175. ::'.lisses .EvlI Logut:, and R",beeea Hull; The following gid:s were c'hOSllll: Dor· Ruth .Preu~hj and Allpe Rnwlinga were Philonllltheau, "tbe Misses Dor(lfhy Gil othy Gilleg:w, .Gntrllde Halft,k, Glady~ among the onCll who were in Ba.ltimore ligan and :UrHl Mills; Webster, the IbulIne, aud .-\I1IHL Ely; 1I1t.erunte. Alma oyer the week·end. Fresh F ruil Strawbeny and F mit Salad COME IN AND SEE THE WONDER- hless~. Hubort Johnson :mcl Pnull_nm_ 'raylor. "Jiggs" Downer had ns his guests SUNDAES bertSOll: Irving, the MeSH!!. Earl Lip· FUL SE. "Shifty" Orovetz, who was injured SCHOOL SUPPLIES STATIONERY meeting "\I'lli! very well attended, ahow· Of tha tll'O irips iuto the country, the in tho! ,'3
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