Page 106 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, WestminBter~ Md, !AUll Bqa:t Not I Alumni NtUl!i EDITED BY ELSIE HELD AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI Virginia. Holland spent the week-end wi~h ],[;!ffi Elise Hobbs. Any news 1telllll concerning W, M. Mr. Gardner W'arner, '24 was seen .Miss Glndye Grant wue tha gucet of on the "Hill" Inst week. . Alumni will be graterUlly received. Florence Viele tllis last week-en-d. Latest raports hnve it thnt Mr. and Eleanor Noble wae 'the guest. of Miss Mrs. Roland Wilson '26, are olIti1l 'Study- Pran<:!iJ! Hackett of Blue Ridge College. :Mr. W!il'lurd L. Hawkins '26 was ing lu Boston. seen on the "Hill" last week. }Jiss Leota Kolb spent a very pleas Mr. Hallford P. ;Soyur, ex '29, uow a ant week-end in Wu.s-h'ington with her M'rs. Leunum, of Preston, Md., for· efudeut, at the A'Illerican Urriversi ty, mother. merly Miss Mary W~lson ']5, was here Wnshtng'ton D. C., was here last week· lll4lt waek. ~n-d. Dorothy Mellott had a most elljoy- able time at .the home of Helen But- 1\,(rs. Dhnrles T. Halt, formerty Miss Miss Lillia.n RoBins '24, and Mr lerin Baltimore. Helen 'Stoner ef '25, was -the guest 0:1' Alvin Bender '25, spent Sunday on the lIfarthh EaSit, Md. ?>frs. Th-o lntoo-t repOI'ls from Dr. \Yard's Lucile Oha.riea, Edn:, Ann Ralding>s, 1:~lizrj'beHI Davie, Dar· By,molls. Miss R·uley is teaehing his Cth &!miller. Opposite the Cannon Meredlt.'h, Eugene. \Vioorlward, and and "H:l.lulet" in modern (hess, a~llo'>g Thonl!lS Braun.. lIfl"S. W.inifred Stephens Studborongh, the-m. As 5evaraJ years hn\'e c.lllpsed Wehler & King Babylon & Lippy Company fO'l'merly Assistant Profe&Sor in Mod since the last appcnr;lucc of 8hnkes urn Lnnguages in W. M. C, "lmh hcr Y. M. C. A. NOTES penrean drnjna in Baltimore, several two chi'ldren, Fran.ees and Hel"lbcrt, GRADUATE PHAR~IAcr8'1'S members of the faculty and a few of The Rexall Store spent l:'cbrunry llll-d March with har FLORSHEIM SHOES On April 21 the Y. !ll. C. A. hcld ils the gtu,lents took ad,'u,ntnge of this fat'hcr, Dr. Sl.epllens HlIll family, fol Westminster, Ma. weekly meetiug, with anpther rooord opportunit.y. STETSON HATS lo"\\-;ng the cleath of Mr. Studborougll attendance. 'rhe meeting was opened in Janu.ary last. She has juat returned by president l..alILh"r,tson. The devo· MEMBERS ELECTED TO WOMEN'S "\Veat, whcre for some time ~he ,,-;ll be ti011(ll service W!l.S condncted by E. C. STUDENT GOVERNMENT with her older brother Dr. Brooks Pal- Smith & Reifsnider Internfl,tional Made-to-Measure Woodward, :"111.(1R. C. Ch:unbers led ill COUNCIL mer Stephcns, who is 011 the elini"lll ill pray-er. Professor delivered Suits stuff of tlhenotedMayo Brouhers at the ihe addreS1S of t.he evening on tho topic 'I1he members of tohe 'Women's Stu- Mayo Hospital at Rochester, Minne· "SnO'bs." In his talk he discussed t.he denl O(I\'ernmcnt A&socintion for the LUMBER AND COAL kinds of, snobs, grouping thelll following 6'eiJoln'Stie yCilT were elccted four hea(ls, as folloWlj; socinl, lIJomlny cvenillg, :May 2 Ln Smith ITall. WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND EAT-A-PlATE-A-OAY inte-lleetual, and radal. In thi:ll dis The rcsull.!! of the eleetions are: 'fhi~ song won tho ;prize .given by the ctl.'lsion he bronght oo.t the fact that PJ"M.i,I'mt----<...\f-obel Burnes Poets' ChIb. Miss Margaret E. 1.1ar snobs are beneficial matar.ially but a Vice President-Dorothy Gilligan ligon.! of t,he Sophollll"e class is ,the til.!' Phones-221 lind 291 NEUM~Hl hl11(lnillce in other ,,"ays. "Bs It ~"o'b Chni'·m.1n of the Honor Oolllmittee-- but do not eall yourself a Ohril!tiall DOl"-othy J.fellott eutcd yOllH.g lady. fur Christ was not II. snob." Sati:!!fIL(l' JnniOr Re.preantive--Virgillin HAIL, WESTERN MARYLAND ICE CREAM tory life ill fO'WlttiJlg' &elf and seeing llollnlld Young Women of W. M. C. lILa {lu.ty before us. Aflter a song the Secretary SOjl"homol"e Representa- We hail thee, Westcrn Mllrylnnd! "llIECRP,AMWlTHllIEHOIIElSHTASTE- met"ting was adjourned. tive----'Catherine Read The ~lothel" of us all! We love thy sacrod nooks and pa.tJhs lYe !'cquest the privilege of TWO SONNETS TO SHAKESPEARE (;howing you - Dance Frocks Wlhare tender memories call. To us thou ar,t far dearer Street Dresses, Coats, Millinery, SHAKESPEARE IMMORTAL FAME Thnn richea, gold, or fame: Undersilks, Silk Hosiery- Zile-Neuman Co. "I'llu tooth of Time gnaws at thy fame The ".Movie!!" crowded dr.1111a. off the 011, bless U!!, Alma hlat-er, in vain: mage; Nusbaum & Jordan And h:ld TLllle eluw~, or iron· Ohenp ,'nude,-;lle,-a substitute for While now we Sil1g thy nallle! Westminster, Md. knuekled fist, Art,- 9-11-13 E. MAIN 8'1'. Plus mood de-spite-rul, it must, yet, Would damn our any 11 retrogre&Sh'e 'Dhou givesot liS our pals so deat, haventisseJ age;- And chalicei'! for'Sueee'lsj ft's IH1(l, balked,-have worshipped Yet, now, we seem to hln'C a chlln!-"(e And we shall ever stand by llhea thy fane; o'fhes.r:t, Through woe or 'happiness. }'o!" years do bring t() !llee immortal And, mourning good Will -Shake- IF YOU LIKE DELICIOUS gain, speare's sad dem.ise, Enthroned in Ollr affections, And generat.ions freshly born enlist Ha'-e spoke to him the resurrecting Whilc year succeed'S to year, New da\"(lotees whose zeal none ean word! Wlc'll sing to de,'r old W. M. C. re.sist, \V;esee his spirit, as it were, llTise And raise anothe-r cheer! And ,,'ho, \Vith joy affirm, thou still To prove t·hese modern realisill have Candy, Sodas and Sundaes dost reign! erred. Once more fair Desdemona !lares to D. S. GEHR \\'c praise thJ' genius in mdodious lar, SW001l; 1"01' to lhy r(lpt admirel'!! we belong. .And T-Tfll1l1etstalkll the S(lli,lnry ghost; Wholesale and Retail Hardware, STOP AT THE Thou pro\"e'! 'st he W:loS no fool who \\",hila Rome
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