Page 113 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 113
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three' I SPORTS I Tennis Boxing Base Ball I SPORTS I TENNIS TOURNAMENT TERRORS LOSE TO U. OF M. 16·15 DIAMOND DOPE BENEFIT GAME ENDS Dr TIE "DICKY" NOR.R.IS WINS THIRD PROGRESSES BATTLE AT BALTIMORE "Y" The University ef Maryland scored Wihen a baseball team makes twenty- Nichols Stars The first found of the third Y. M. C. tb tee runs in SSB-AlSEBALL Terrors were tr:Liling, 6 to 12. The.f best. jg/lDle Oil ice ill fourt1l1Iming. Grove as many bOllts. Dick defented his op- scored nine runs in the next four in· .doubled '/lJLdwent to tlLil'd but \\'"asput ponent at the Western iMaryland Uni· Standing of Tc:un.s nings w~ile Cook only allowed one run. Me...\lains 'hlld a big day at College out :l,t lLonLe,Gmnsak to ,\Vcigle. "orsity of in Marcb, \Y. L. Pct. Dan sO'many free tickets in the Park. He stole five bases, alld collee Western Mo,ryland til'd t11n8core in ninth, howcver, that a run hod becn a.nd ]aat lllQnth WOlltohegold [Illedalof· ,goniors o 1.000 ferccd in and tho bases loaded before ted fQUT hits. The'l"error shortstop tllefif,th. fIlred for first plaA!ein the 145 -ponn-d Freshmen .500 a man had been rt sacker has played goQd baee'ball 1;\"eiglec. o 0 9 0 0 ter, in an al"ticle pub1i.sbadin tihe June .;tn.tisfics \\'hichhave been Biudied by Kinhart p. 1 1 1 0 1 trus Beason. lSulliya.nlf. ;} 0 0 (J""o"" Woman '8 Eome Companion. 'l'he arti thc '\'i"omnn'8 Rome ompanion in prob· R.'!.\'ens ri. 2 2 0 0 Umb:ugcL" e1l. o 00 cia, written by 1:hu mother of a senior ing tho hue and"llry which :followed the Long 3b. 5 0 1 2 1 Greasy Ncal showed some of -his old O'LeaI' ri. 1000 iu one of the largest and oldest Enstarn last mid·term examination.!!. These Smitlllf. 6 2 2- 2 iQ:mu jn thc last game. Greasy poled JJ:orgau lb. 100 0 1 university, is a. considered indictment figures show tbat the -proportion of Neal d. out two extra. base hits-a d,ouble, and Buy 2b. 1 0 ° ° 0 0 of "the wcakness, littleness and mis suicides li:mongstudents W'lISno grenter EUls 2b., p. 2 2 2 1 a triple. Niehols p. 1010 taken vie1\-point" whieh American eol· than among derks or other groups of Clark lb. 6 1 2 7 leges Ilre acensed of impal'ting to their the same age. Weisbeck C. 6 0 2 5 1 Charley Havens hNeal. St.ruek made in order tQ strengthen the toam.. Kirby C. o 0 8 0 ° bery, I feel tJla·t is is a thing he must .Illitted more of Ule pathologieally un:fit out~by Ketln, 3; !by Kinhart 5j by ,\Vo.chnerIf. 00100 outgrow if he .seeks business sueeess. thnn formerly, although this ill not Cook 2. I..osin,gpiteher-;tra· mal liring aet ,by enders~the deteriora· ner in three hard sats after l{lsing !l:he mgant and wn.steful ideas of .hQspitali· tion of 'home lind family tiea~the rna· first set and trailing 0·3 in the second. ty. '\\"hen he takes hie firat job, .he t'llriolism of Qur age--the dcsire for new Bryant easily Hubdued his opponent GO '1'0- nlllst learn thiLt lIe can't reliilve-bor6- thrills, oven for post·mortem notor· by httrd driving off 'both baekhand a.nd SENIORS DEFEAT SOPHOMORES Margaret's dam by spending from $30 to $50 Qn icty-the searcity of sound sleep HJld forehand at the samc time heing un· one girl iQr one pnrty. good food-Idle spreud of semi·reli usuallyatelldy. The Seniors wou their-'leeond straight -FOR-- "Collcge. bn.s tau,ght him aoon?1I gious mysticism-the teaehing of per· Royer, play1ingNo.3, had no trouble game of the inter-class baseball series FOR LIGHT LUNCHES ide:ta a.bout women. .He iI:I without the Ilicious d(K'..trines-the romanticism of with CateH al,though the second .set last Tuesday, 7 to 1. The Sophomores fa.intcst con{'eptiQu of sex equality. He adolescence sllOCked by reality-----llil went to deuce before be eould pull the werc the vietims this time. believes in tbe double standard not only these and llllany lllore have been cited ~luttch Qut of the fire. Bonsack's of morality ,but of propriety. He bas as under·lying (l.11usesof the despair of Woodward toyed' with Kline, allowing notions which bave boon impOlied on youth. him but (lne game in the .s6eQnn set. Shifty Or:L\'eh who fraetured mil FOR him by four years of living in a llllLn· "Most of !this is nonsens a.nd indeed In the dQubles, Bryant and Conden cheek bene when he oolli
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