Page 105 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 105
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Thee i SPORTSi Class Tournament Opens iSPORTSi Home Run Wins Terrors Nine Bow Seniors Nose Out Frosh for assault ou the Blue Ridge moundsrnan aftn Western.i\lnrr the Game for Gettysburg To Loyola College Victory in Initial Contest sewed had up trailed game throughont the contest. land shoultl ihe or nre Four Oircuit Olouts Hit During Oontest Tllis skepticul, eoucmee indifferent, studcllts that who we 'I1he Terrors played tlheir last home game of the eeascu Mondn~' when they The Senior Inter-clnes baseball teem Pelton,3b. o 0 1 1 hal-e a team of fighters (lnl.! are to win Gettysburg- jour-neyed down to Woot· were defeated by Loyola, 8 to 1. defeated bhe Freshman team in the Wdllis,2-b. o 1 () 0 the remai.lling games on the schedule. minster last Thnrsday, and handed the Tho .Jesrrit.s lead-off man got a don fil'l!t gamo of the iuter-clnsa eouruamant Yingling, rf. 1 0 0 () 0 The secoud ell~Qnrnging feat wa~ per Terrors thpir second defeat of the sea- ble iu the first inning, and two infield 'Tuesday afternoon by the score of 2 ,1.0 Belote, rf. 1 0 0 0 0 formed by Dan Cook, to whom goes the son, 6 to 2. 1. Bandera, e. o 0 2 hOllor of pitching Western ,\laryland ouba eerrt him across with the first·run. buck into the l'ie1.ory column. Dan's £llllll was tll1) big gun for the visi- A double and a single gave them The Seniors scored -first. III vhe fiTst O'Len'r, V., 2b. o 0 courage must hSI'e been shak~n some tors. He got rt'hree bingles in five tr-ips another rUII ill bhe second inning. iuning, "P(j~" La.wsoll walked, stole Wih.ite e. o 0 0 0 what when five errors were eommitted to the pIa te-a single, n and a This lead was eut in half in tlhe 1Iftird eeeond and scored on Baker ts sl ugle. cruetat Yet, homer. Il'ia horne run eaaae the The Freshmen tied the score in the Totals 1 2 12 4- bebind chim that moments. when the 'I'errora scored their only run the "Forty·four Flash" did not waver. ninth wdth two of the cushions oeeu- of the game. W~th two out, Ellis eeecud inning. Van Buren led off Witll 'Seore by inning!3: Instead, he seemed to whiz '('Ill past pied. wetsoeej, a double llno eroS600. the plate OIL Wil· singled. alld Smith fullowed Semora 10001-2 the Blue Ridgers with added feroeity. The GettyS;blUg crew scored 1Iheir with two moro singlffi, 'and Ellia ca.llIe !'is' single over short. The Seniors FrNhmCll 0100()"""1 Cd Ruthk\n drives eame. team 'made a misplay nnd Hobbs the uipped another I'Ullnerat The next two inning.. gave ,the im- \Vestern Marylan,d ha-d men on baBeS stop,)ed a senior rally in the third in· second. pression tlhat a pitcilers battle migbt nearly every iUlIing, but ,the Terrol'lB ning ,,,hen he mada a doublc play un· Western IIfaryland College had failed 'to hit in the pinehea. l.000 per eent nHrnge i')1I the cnl ensue, but Gettysburg broke the dead· llSShllll's hom.or in the ninth aeeonnted stole s{}CQnd ana third, but Elli'll gmun· Th6 seora: lege, Unil'llrsil,Y Ilf J\!.'lrylr\lld, ll)\{l thc 'PhI' Sl'tO]]'! IIIlHllal R O. T. C. track fortllcirothru-threetallie!!. ded out to the -!lhontstop, and Smith ihit Seniors Guilford Clnb, of BlIltimore, respedi\'e· :Il,d tield meet that was \1·Oll by emn· ~ ally 1:0 center field. Ab. R. IT. O. A. McMains Shows Rare Form On Bases 1 1 0 0 lr· pat'y B last year will be heir! the last A single, two wnlks, and a. sacrifice Lawson, ab. 0 ]JHr1 of this 11l01ltll. E"ery mall in the MeMa.i,1liI reaelled fll'ilt three times, tilled t'he ,bn-aes in the fourth, but thll ISullivan,2b. 3 0 2 1 0 It may gratify some to know thnt the llUit will be rcquirctl tOJ.'n1el' in some and pilfered three baSil&- Twiee 'he nex,t two mlln wllre retired ill·urder. Baker, ss. o 2 on:r Blue Ridge last rvent. No one, ho\\'ever, will be !l1 !Stole frolll second R77 steady rise to real prestige. May 5--Thursday: Telephone 55-R MARRIAGE' LlGTh'i'SE CHAS. KROOP Collledy----.GOLF "\WOO\\\S May 6--Friday: Leading Shoe Repair Shop William Haines in "SLIDE, Chesterfield 25 E. Main St. KET~LY \SLIDE" Westminster, Maryland. 7-Satllrday: May Selld your shoes to Cilarles CANYON OF LIGHT Kroop by Parcel Post, tlley will Comedy-TILL WE EAT AGAIN be repaired the same day at a May 9 and lO-Monday and Tuesday: very low cost. GIQria. ,swllJL':!on ill "LOVE OF Give us a Trial, .sUNYN" LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO Co .
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