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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: m4 t s-soeia'tion on April 21, wit.h all ad· Jfal'garct Ufll'tignolli, '29 Preston W. Grant, '30 Ilress on Robert E. Lee and journalism. The fellow who jjhinks he is the -for those wllO don't knolV we :U{ll'Y A. Walzl, '29 Witmel' Y. Bell, '30 ISe\'enty delegates from te-n states wru-e II'hole (:hi.'C'!e invuri:l.bly tU]'IlS Oll.t to be are in our ncw location for Cat.herine E. Relld, '30 . W. G. Ellton, '30 pl'{fflent for tho opening meeting. l'pieeeofit.-\Voootcr\'oice. Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, \'irginia C. Merrill, '30 Willilllll H. Brown, '30 Repair and Tailoring GO"0- Dr. Alhert Lev:itt, of the Law Sehool Finest Grade of Work. Worthy opinion; Model management~· Correct news. of \\'ashington an{l Lo:!1l University, Margaret's spoke on "Libel." He pointed (lut WESTMINSTER TAILOR in distress. But if some (If ,the "pow- just whnt pit.falls oseholastiG jOllrnnli.s.ts -FOR- 86 E. Main Street E.DITORIAL <",.s that, be" are nt.tracte("L10 thesc'ene should avoid ill eompiling their editor· Sandwiches and Soft Drinks Call C. & P. Tel. 225 Auto Sel'Vlee by the flereaming ,'111<1 seem to think ials, artieles and "funny stories." that the dill not arrivi' under)lis -When ex- WE COLLEGE MEN PRESIDENT TAFT T. W. MATHER & SONS own power of loconrotion-"guod night!" The title, "m()st college,'J wtionuire by 110 menlls Dr. A. J. Morrell \V.U.C. question, "I's :Lbsolute freedom from lleDionstratea the het," he declared. a;dministrative regula.tion the best CHIROPRAPTOR R. O. T. C. THE ADVANTAGE OF BEmG DIS- ,; Tlle DaMmonth r-ellUrt means notlhing Hrirrg for usf" Fr-eedom, to be sure, APPOINTED wh'atsoever until compnl'ed w:ith other 1\0 E. IIfnin St.. Phone 175. has its advantages. It might prove ia- colleges. of t.he snme elass." v"lunble ill developing ini'tiati\'e and Life frequently bring"! disappoin'i- THE illd;viUuality. But it would fail to in- FOR QUICK SERVICE Westminster Savings Bank D1enbs. DiSll"ppointment leads to stil into our characterl! a vital The slerling la;baratory o~ chemistry Call At achievement. Onceuhe bitter dregs are obedience. We may sniff and snort forgotten, work begins anew on differ- at Yale is now engaged in ll1Vestiga The Quality Shoe Shop ...... 350,000.00 the very mention of the \\'or(1 "obo· ent linea; diaapponitrne.nt beeomC-ll -0 ting the natnre and of SURPLUS "EARNED" ... 250,000.00 olienee"; but, wheuher we care to be- ",Constituent X." The first step i:sthe J. D. KATZ >tonic. The trial allil error .mctnod is lieve it 01' uot, not OU6 muu ill fI, 1'Ull' manufacture of it in a quantity large the basis of our ch·iliza.tioilJ. By it F. Thomas Babylon, President dreol goes from college to fI, positioJ( all knowledge eventually comes. By it enough fOr thorough biologi.eal mini· Westminster Hardware Co. that does nut demand tlril! quality. comes success. The euve man begnn .by mUin for 13u(ll,h purposes. The prodllc, Milton P. Myers, Vice President Obedienee is vit.a1 Okc.n. tho!ro boot:roi'ted to rule. eollegoo :IS Providence, Pacific Unioll, Vice-Pl'esident, Casl1iel'. "Whistling Ruflliles" are venting Ladil'S' Spring Cunts >tnd one· -their fa\'orite air£. Romeos and In· SueccSl! arises frwu disnpPQinMneni COII\'e"se, Bl'idge"-at,er, Carthage, :Mill· pic'ce Dresse9 ehemicnlJ~' eleaned 1iots, now that they eun sit on their $a.p~, Wafford, Shorter, and WlhclI-t{lIl, nnd pressed. 1.25 "The Country's Best" window sUls in illc ev;ening by the voied higher tlUl..1l 97 per eent ortho Gcnts' Suits clel\nc(l and pres~e(l $1.00 'Dloonlight, vie with radio broadeasters dox." Gl'nt,s top COHts eiealll!d and 1.00 Wm. F. Myers' Sons ill filling t.he air wL1,h songs of love. LIFE pressed. Various mUlli(lal organization!! are Presidenl George D. Olds of A.mherst SweaterE cleaned . $1.00 PORK PACKERS lnanifesting their exubera.nce. The Those ,,"110 ~ay that life is !nOllO' College [llillonnced recently that the 2.i Hour Service AND Junior "t;Ylnpathy" orchestra. is al tony have not ~r{;t lived. Those who faculty had elected a eOlllmittee to eon- ....,4 ways ready to respond to the lnnsicll.l III-ate that lHe is drab merely exist. ALBER'.r "ABE" TOZZI, SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS Life is exhilerati.n.g, t>hrilling, ever si·der thc question of compnlsory ehnrClli Representative of nrge. Not far behind those sympa new, everlasting. By us, the lords of "tteudan~..e for the 6tudent body, an(l U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer. Refail Groceries Phone 360 thlsts is the R. O. T. C. Baud. If old 10 rrport their findin:gs to the faculty, Sol but shows his faee, out come- our the earth, "-as tlhe world peopled; by \\'11;ch will take final attion. This is ill "Herb" Elliott, Special Representative Office & PIBnl Phone 36 I Lib.rly &: Green 5". Its controlled. \Vle, 'by the will of God, young Sonsas ,to m.ake the bill resound Levine Hall are the s-olB proprietors of an immense aeeoril w-j'th the reeent :action of the ",-ith "Here\! to Unele Sammy"- playground. We were .made to live, to board of trUlltees, \\·hic.h decided that We 1nig>ht enumerate a few more of L-lugtht, to love. The. world is our play· Uhe ehurch serviee should be kept, but Griffin's t.hese melody producing aganeie~ but that tJhe question of :lticl](I:lllce by the just now we olli'selvea feel more like ground, hnppiness our heritage. De. we, properly a.ppreciate our adv/1n- s'budeut .body was involved with the in Goodie Shop exerdsing onr VOila 1 corda than our tages' Do we realize who and what temHI IIdlllinlstra,iiOll of tlle eallege grey matter. Strange indeed is this we are' If we did the evils of the lind s-hould be settled by the president 59 West Main Street eff«t. of IIpringl an'll the faculty. world would soon be wiped out. Wars would ee,lse; peace would reign. Our College Special. .. 15c MICE playground is a nniversal playground IF IT '8 HADTO and is shu red ,by all. Only when a At the lsst meeting of the Legisla· Biarl-; and White Special. .. 15c WE HAVE IT U-ost girls t-hink mice 11-l'e "horrid m.nn'l'I brain bacomes warped, only ture, $100,000 wns appropriated to ihin~" aud that thei,. presence is not when he deddes that others ought not W:3!!hingtou Conege. The :president of Fresh Strawberry SUlldae.. 15c to be endured. Dead onea are bad to ha\'e more than 'he, only when he the eollege, Paul E. Litaworth, pro A'l Sundaes topped with Whipped enouglt,but live onBS running -around- lusts for power, then and only tillen id pO'Se!I to ulSe the money in the -settling Cream· why, they might even chase you! And life m.i6erable. When men beeom~ of the e,.ollege debts instead of in a isn't- parlor the tl.'orst of all plaees for sane they realize that wealth and pow- 01lildillg scheme, as was originally iu OPEN SUNDAYS t1hem to appear' The young men migtht er are "!lot all important, mid that hap- tend-ed After 'the indebt.edness is C. Donald Eckenrode not be 1110 disturbed, e&peeially if it pineSll is 6upreme. Happiness and jo~' liquidated, pl:lllS for building 3, dorou- gl1.\·e them a chance to reseue a. d-llDisoI make life worthliving. tory a.nd a library \Vill be started. SODA CANDY TOBACCOS Phone 250
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