Page 103 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 103
COL INTER·OOLLEGIATE RAIN! RAIN GO AWAY ORATORICAL OONTEST VO_DO_DEO_VO_DO_DO FRIDAY 8 P. M. TENNIS TEAM Vol. 4, No. 26 May 4, 1927 "No Compromise" Subject The Community and Schools OOLLEGE CALENDAR The Fifth Annual High w. M. C. Represented at of Royer's Speech in GiveConcerts in Alumni HaU WEDNESDAY, MAY 4- School Eisteddfod Held Sherwood Forest Conference Oratorical Contest The two programs, in bonor of Baseball, western Mlaryland in Alumni Hall Friday Loyola at 'Balthnore. Muaic week, held in Alumni Hall on Beuicr-Bcphomcre .plenie. Considered The Best Convention in Tlll~-Stat.e Oratorical Contest will be the evenings of May 2nd and a-d, were Y. W. C. A. 6:30 P. M. careen COlUlty Orchestra. a.nd Gra.nd Hist9ry of C. C. A. held on Friday, ,May 6, at 8 P.M., in very well attended. 'I'h-a hall Wa.6 Y.. M. C. A. 6:30 P. M. Ohorus are r'eatures. AllI.mni Hull. 'Though few realize it, packed to ove.rflnwriugon bobh nights Del·t:l Pi Alpha 9:30 P. M. Western ?[aryland !Wllt]8 delega'tes this contest is held at Western Maey- with the music revere of Westminater PR.IDAY, J\[AY 6- The fif·th annual High School Eia- (tu students aMI 2 faculty mcmbe-a) l=his competiti\'e musical -pro. conference is to give members of a·ll men are eapa.ble. This year erators ·.rho opening address was made by Mrs. Intercnllcgiute Oratorical contest gram by all of the nine higlh schools in the a.ssociationsini\f:tryllln(I,Delaware, from weshtngton College, the Univer- Wantz. The children of the primary for M1lfyland in Smith Hall 8:00 the county, each school being represent. Il.!lll the District of Oclurnbln.wsplrltuul sity of Maryland, St. John's College, grades, :!Il1!ouncedbyuheir tiny herald, P. M. ed oy a girls' und boys' chorus, girls' liS well ~Hl technical t.raining, so. th.'1t and "\Vestern Maryl-and College are to. gnve several number a and gave &orne and boy'S' "oc!.ll solocsts, an-d violin they will btl bet, 'these eontest-s of !!:lOng led by 1I.:ngaret Clcrihew of the UHi- king an.<1 subtle in'tel'pretntion u.s is The accompanists for the evening Tbe entertainment was given under have a \"er~' early origin .. Historians rurely prcscnted, aHd Wf!S appnren¢ly were Miss Shriver, lILiss Lim-el!, Mr; Nle auspiCe!!{}fthe Wl8:ShingtonOo.unty ver~ity of Dclnwllre. Tee.eivcd with the utmost appreciation Mitten, MTS. Kimmuy, Miss H'Ilwkins, commi.tteN! of ·the endowment fund of ,have noted such con·tests as having At]1 o'clock, Dwight ChalmNs had by the speetmtors. UN!. Sehneffer, ~nd Miss Royer. Western Ma.ryland Collegu. After ~he been held in Wlalea in the seventh COn' charge of the wor8hip ~ervice. In hia The Tenminder of Musie W;t home match will be with Roberts and his aSll"istanh are 1928. Under ;thE' Bupervision of the cording to eustom,M.r. Barnes :lnd Mr. that ne>;t fa.ll the two areas ~n meet Gettysburg, our eld rivals, on Thurs· all in .their power to relluve Web-ster new pr€5ident it should c.o.mplete A1bright wiJI appoint lhe oth(,r mem- in conference together. day the twulfth. of the trophy which SJ!(1now !holM. worthwhile ani! '!IucC08-l5fu1term. bers of the Staff.
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