Page 102 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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, ~P~.g;"'~F'~o~u~r==============~Th;;;.;,,,G;;;o;;;ld;;;;;BUg, Western Maryland College,Westminster,Md. IAtt~ .11&t Nnt I Alumni EDITED BY ELSIE HELD AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI :llargaret Kyle's mother risited her Sunday. Any news itema concerning W. M. Mrs, Klein Haddaway, formerly ~fiss Ann Rawlings spent a pleasant week- Alwnni will be gratefUlly received. 1ririam Bryan, of the class of 'n, was end at Gettysburg. the guest of her sister, Kathryn Bryan, Louise Hughlette was in Baltimore Elizabeth Lewis, '19, was among tl,C >28, on Thursdar. over the week-end. guests of Miss 1L Ebaugh cu Saturday afternoon. William Byers Unger, '20, W. M. C. Ray Chambers has recovered from an and Har oard, Ph,D., has been invited attack of grippe, Rnth Warrrll, ':!-!, accompanied her to teach at the Marine Biological Lab- Alire Pr eny visited 11ary Mehring, brother 011 a. trip to W. i'Il. C. Saturday, orutor)', Wood's Hale, Mass. '25, Ol'erthc week-end. which he made in order to referee the lacrosse game. )Jr. and 111'8. Ho.lmes D. Baker re- Miss Sarah Smith had as her week- r.cntly announeed the birth of a SOli. end guest, Miss Elsie Black. )fehriing, '25, is spending this Mr . Baker, '99, is Presid~llt of the Citi- Mrs. Arthur Anderson visited her sis J'ear her home at Keymar, Pa. Last zens National Bank, Frederick. ter, Prnneia Hard, Sunday. year she.taught science in a high school uenr her home, Harris William Richmond, '26,l'isited ~rary Hitchcock spent the week-end at her home in Fallston, )fd. his brother, Rei'. ;"fr. Clifford UiohnlOnd, Nelson Rawlings, '26, who has been of Uuion Bridge, during the week. Kathryn Brayan viaited in Baltimore teaching English and History in a high there he made several trips to Class, Club, and Society Doings 'll'ith her sister last week-end. the week school . (In the Eastern Shore, has the college. stopped his work for the year, and is McJ"[lne spent Catherine end with her aunt in Lonmync, Pn. now at llis home in Steakley, Md, Harry Moore Bratt, '24, lind ?!Jiss Eloise Finch, of New Ortenua, were re SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC CLUB NEWS Thelma Crass, Eva Lynch, and R{lsa- Henr;\, Bowen, '26, who has beeu at- ecnU." Illllrried at Bowling Green, Va. is principal 1101" The Sunday Sehool is planning a pic- The Pi Alpha Alpha Fruternity is lie Smith spent Saturday in Bnltimore. tending the Westminster nnd on at COraOI'Il.,Md. of the high also pre~chillg at Camden, N. J., nic to lie held week after next. Sev- eontemplat lng a. luneheon and theatre Belle Bevard spent the week, of a breakdown. been He hns eral eOlluuittl'clt nre now at work to pnrt y, to be held sometime this week. end Bridge with Helen Baker. the vetge to tukc a eom- ordered by his phystcjnu complete the progrllm. plete rest during the Slimmer. Among the alumni seen on the llill Snrah Friemnn hu(l a deliglttfnl week, {lurh,g the we~k-end were: Virginia Y. W. O. A. The next meeting of the Shakespeare end vlstt at the University of Dela- Members of Alpha Omrtcon Pi, a Bell, '25, Richard Ogburn, '25, Dorothy Beachler, '26, Charles Bish, '25, Veata. Club will be helil 011 Wedncsrlay, lI[ay University pf M!lryland Sorority, sur- A "LocHl Talent Service" was held 4, in :IIfeD:lIlielHull parlor. Dr. Wills Hockensmith, '26, Lester Weihraucll, b.l· the Y. W. C. J\. lust Wednesday will deliver an illustrated lecture on. 11iss :Mal'garet Limes hns lost, her Que of their group, lirs. Betty '24, Irma Lawyer, ':!5, Man'in C\, night. The new devotional lender, Shakespe!lre. ,'oice because of a cnld callght on a AIyers, 1');,'28, at a small in- '25. :\Irrle Reck, '1!J, Mary 'Yarfieh1, ).II.bel E. Barnes, was in ebarge of the trip to Baltimore in the rain Frid/lY. dauce recently, at the Chapter 'S';'1, Annie T. lintchins, '08, "Mrs.P. C. meeting. Blanche Ford and Rulh h0\18e. lIer hnsbUll{1,JAck Myers, ex· Cissell, '2l, ReI'. 1\lr. and Mrs, O. B. Staley were two soloists. Joy Rein· Among other who entertHined rela- '27, was also. a guest. J_angralI, both of '2]. llluth and Ruth Schlineke read selell' ti,'es on Sundar were l~llth Staley, tiOllS from Edgar A. Guut's works. "snrprise" dillner in the McDaniel )fary Ruth Holt, alld Thelma Shriller. Westminster Stationery Store BUCK CAS H Dorothy Gilligan played a violin 8010. kitchenette, Johnstoll Kathryn welcomed WIlS A duet was sung by Elizabeth Norman Hull back to the "Rill" last we<.>k. She BILLY OlTMAN, Prop. Small. and Alice ---- sa~'s she is feeling fine, but misses her Kodaks Films Novelties LTPE INSURANOE Tho. ALpha. G!l,nma. Ta.u Fraternity BROWNING ANNOUNCES planning to breakfast at the Elmer inn is .1]1]lendix. Monlhy and Weekly 'Periodical~ Westminster, MaryJand CONTESTANTS in theuear future. )liss )lal'Y Ebaugh I'lltertaiued sev~r Au inter-fraternity athletic meet, to al members of the Cntonsvi1le elemen Those who han been selected to rep· ineludealt hranches of sports, is also Wehler & King resent Brownillg in the oratorical cou- being arrunged by this fraternity. tarysthool faeulty at dinner in the lea test to be held in ,Tune are as follo'll's:' rOOmSaturdny. GI1ADUA'fE PHAR!\IACIS'fS ~AT-A-~LATE-A-OAY M>lrY Hull, Eva Logu<.>j Thelma Oilmore T~jppy lias been ordered to The Rexall Store Shriner, Nine members of the Home EcnnolU Westminster, Md. --:B7anthemcs, after which a delight D. S. GEHR contest, nnd a game of leap frog (men only.) ful social honr wag spent with the Wholesale andl Retail Hardware, STOP AT THE Aside from coustant pilgrimages for hostl'ss, :IIlrs. St.ephens. water, tho upsetting of a pitcher of ~uiIding Materials, Cutlery, punch, and sel'eral minor accidents Ammunition, Paints, Oils, characteristic of pienie5, the afternoon Fresh Fruit Strawberry and Fruit Salad Koontz Confectionery was an enjoyable one for all the pic- SUNDAES Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, uieers, Are Velicious Iron and Steel Products. 'Mr. lind :Mrs, Sanders, Miss Adams, -AT- MAIN, OPPOSITE BOND ST, and Miss -Wilson were the members of BONSACK'S (Established 1868) the faculty present. Westminster, 'Md,
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