Page 101 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 101
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I A RECORD WEEfi! I SPORTS I Western Md. Wins from Blue Ridge W. M. C. Conquers L A c R o S S E and Noses Out Tank Corps 3 - 2 U.of M. Raqueleers 6·3 Terror Stickmen Defeat The This is the first time in the history Maryland Western The Western Maryland T~rrors Rally to Win Beven- Keen Pitches Good Ball As defeated the Univeralty of tennis team Guilford Club. of the school that lacrosse team. The a ever had has Maryland Inning Ball Game Terrors Win rucqueteers Saturday afternoon by the Western )1aryland played its initial small crowd that attended was very well seore cr six matches to three, Onr not- lacrosse gnme last Saturday when the pleased with ths showing made by the Western }.Jar~·lnnd administered an men were victorious in four singles and Guilford Club was defeated on Hoffa Terror st.iekmcn. Zephyrs that eeused the ball game two doubles. This match was the first between Western Maryland and Blue other defeat j-esf erday, when the Terror for the loeal team this season. field, 3 to 2. The Terrors carried the West-ern Maryland, 3; Guilford Club, 2. Ridge to be .enlled in the eighth inning nine won its seconrl bome game of the attack throughout the entire game, but Wyzlnuski G. Prendergast last Thursday, brought II. shower of hits senson from the Tank Corps, 3 to 2. After Condon had dropped his match, inexpcrteuce kcpt them from increasing Downer P. Harig from the Terrors' bats, and enabled Joe Keen, former Poly moundeuian, Sam Bryant, fighting hard for every the score. Nuttall C.P. Branden them to win their first home game of hurled the whole game for the Terrors. point, won his match. Otts permitted Guilford scored the first goal when a Van Bureu F,D. Gough Maryland to' assume the lead once more, well directed shot by Wildman went by the season. He let the SoldierS,down with 6.\'e hits he being unable to cope with tue Mary- "\V~·zlanski. There wna no more scoring Lally S.D. Jcues inning eon- and two runs in the seven Minnick, the mountaineer twirler, al test. land's brand of tenuta. Cal Royer also during the first half, although the Whitcraft T.D. Ivea lowed the T('rtou three "bits and two came from behind, Winlling his match Western Maryland stickmcn kept the Norris c. Pugh runs in six innings. He weakened in 'l'he Terrors seomd all of their rune after he had lost the first set and WIIS ball in their opponents' territory. Willis T.A. Martin the seventh, however, when seven hits, a ill the fourth inning. After Neal had trailing 2 games to 5 in the second. ],[ears S.A. Andrews walk, and an ~rro'r uet+ed eight runs. hit a high fly to the. third baseman, Tom Reed toreil with his opponent, do- MACTIA1fER u-rea SCOHE Machamer F.A. Wildman Ellis started t.he rally with a single. Haveua walked. Clark was hit by a natiug the visitors a few games. wood- At the beginning of the second half, Hart O.H. Pierce Weisbeek followed with another single, pitched ball nud Havens advanced to ward had no trouble, winning without Broil tossed II short pass to Machamer Stack I.H. Herzog and Ellis went tc third. Cook reached second. Smith hit u long single over 10$ing a game. who was in a scoring position. ~faeh· Score by halves : first on an error. filling the bases. Me- third base. Havens scored and Clark The number one doubles team of tho umer ran tc the lo1't side of Guilford's Mains, lead off ;nan, brought Ellis and went to third. Keen got a life ou nu College Parker '8 was too good for gOal ancl th,'Cw one too fust for Peen- WesterllllJaryland 03-3 Weisbeek home with a double. Keen error, and Smith was c~ught oil' second. Bryant antI COUdOIl. But Reed and derg9st tost.op. Guilford 1 1-2 ~re;.,rnins hit 0 single to right. field and eOl\:>;eda wnlk, again filling tile bases. Clnrk and Kecn seored. Ellis grounded Woodwaril made the \'ictory ours hy The Terrors forged ahead a fel\" min· Sul)stitutions - Western Maryland, Long flied out, and Neal, Havens, and out to ahort. This ended the scoring coming from behind nnd winning I'ho utcs Inter when Stach made another Broll for Mears, Long for Hurt, Hart Clark singled in succession, bringing in for Western Mnryland. match. Otts and Carroll brought the goal. It caroomcd off Herig's stick for Stach. Goals-:lfaehllmer, 2; Stach, til'e !nore runs. Ellis flied out, and then afternoon to a perfect elose by winning and went between the goal pOsts for the Weisbeck slll[1lllledQut hi~ second hit of MILLER HITS ROMER their match in strnight aets. second tally of the game. Wildman, n~rzog. '1'im.eof halvcs,20 the inning, {l. double, driving in Clllrk, ,!,he Green and Gold stickmen werc minutes . .Referee-F. "\Va-rreu. Gerlock tinnily retired the side when he The S.oldiers got. their first run in The seores: on n seoring spree. IrnlllediatelJ' aller clIught Weisbeek trying to steal third. the seeomI inning when Miller hit a WESTER.N MARYLAND, 6; UNI- the fnce·off, BroIl reeo\'crcd the ball home run 01'er center field felice. Their Blue Ridge got t.h.eir first run in the second rnll came in the fourth. The VERSITY OF MARYLAND, 3 from a serirnlllage and threw n.long pass third inning. Long made tll"OeOnSEtU first man up walked, reached sf.'eond 01\ to lIJachnmcr. 11achamer ran to the rmCOlm WEEK }~OR W. ~L C. tive errors tl13t put men on second and ~n infiehl out, nnd scored when the ball Tingley (U. 01 Md.) defeated Con· cen\.er ef the ficld,abouttwcuty yards t.hird. Slaughter hit a single to center, got tangled up in the baek·stop. dou,2/6,10/8,6/2. from Guilford's goaL He t.hrew the WE WOULD REMIND YOU Tilt1T resulting in the first run. of the game. The most speetacular pla~' of the Bryn.nt (W. :Md.) defeated Dyer, iJa.llaud it went like a butt let b~' Pren· Our basebf\ll tenm defeated Blue It looked as iT the Mountaineers were game was made bJ Ellis in the last in· 3/6,6/3,7/5. dergast fo!' th~ Terrors' last goal of the going to stllge·n. rally, but Cook retired ning. With two down and the tying Shelton (U. of }.ld.) defeated BroJl, game. Ridge 11Ist Thursday. t.henext three men II order. 1/5,'1/5. Our debaters won from Bosion nm on secund, Berrnot.t, pineh hitting nO~'er (W. 1Icl.) de.feated Troth, GUILFORD l~ALLY FAT,LS SHORT In the fifth inning, !I double, a for n. Miller, drol'e II fast oue Ol'er 9/11,7/5,6/2. College on Friday ll~st. single, find n triple ga,c the Blue seconc} that lookt'd like it would land Reed CW. )Id.) defeated Spottswood, Guilford started a rally uear the end mdge nine two more runs. safe betweep Neal and Ellis. "Bob," G/l,G/4. or th.. game, but they failed to tie the Our lacrosse team came off dctor· Herzog reeovered the ball in his score. running with 'hig baek townrd the ball, Woodwrml (W. Md.) defeated Schoo ious in its initial ,!ontest on Satur WEISBECK TRIPLES mnde a stab for it and Mught it just field, 6/0, 6/0. 011'11 territory and ran thc whole length day. Blue Ridge was kading the Terrors before it hit the ground. This play reo Tingte,y nnd Troth (U. of Md.) de· of tht' field. Daclging Nuttall, he scored the. last goal of the game. 3 to 0 in the fifth, when Ellis was hit tired the side, aud gnl'e "\Vestcrn Mary. feated Bryant nud Condon, 6/3, 6/4. VanBnren played a good game at de- And Umt our tennis tcam gave the a pitched ball and Weisbeck tripled, laud /luother \'ietory. Woorlw~Tll ~Hd. "R..;-d (W. Mr1.) de· fell~C; E,.oll, Norris,, and University of ~raryland a surpris~ brought in the first run for West· There WIlS II stend)" driZ;I;le through fented Dyer and SdlOfield, 4/6, 6/1, 6/3. Staeh carried the attark'Herzog, Wild. BOOST WESTERN om ~larylflnd and Weisbeck scored on out the game, but both pitchers gave a Royer nnd Broil (W. }id.) defeated map, ol1d Prendergnst played best for au o,·erthrow. ~fe],rf\il\s got a single good aecouut of themselves. Shelton nnd Spottswood, 7/5, 6/1. the visitors. MARYLAND! I"ill! t·wo ou1. lie stol-c 5'OO0nd!and third, Imt Long grounded out to 1fin· Western Marylond nick, retiring the side. Ab. R.. H. O.A, 1 1 The Blue Hidgers again gained a McMaius, ss. 3 0 1 3 , three run advantage in the sevellth 'Ellia,2b. 3 0 when two errors, a single, aud a double Long, 3b. 3 0 0 0 1 gll1"ethem two runs. The Terrors' ral· Weisbeek, c. 3 1 The right of way- lJ, however, gave them enough runs to 0 4 win the game. Neal,ef. 0 0 0 0 Cook pitched a steady game through Hal'ens, rf. 1 1 0 0 0 out, keeping the rune hits that were Clark,lb. 1 012 0 garnered off'him scattered. Smith, rf. 3 0 2 1 0 The gum'e was called iu the eighth on Keen, p. , 1 0 0 4 account of darkness. Totnls 23 3 6 ~l 12 Western :Marylnnd Tank Corps Ab. R. H. O.A. Me)Jaius,2b. 4 1 2 a Clos~, ~.. Ab. R. H. O. A. 1 3 0 7 Keen, ab. .21110 Case~', rf. 3 0 1 0 0 Long,5S. I} 0 1 6 Browu, 8S. 3 0 0 1 0 Neal, d. 1100 i\f(lClure, lb. 1 0 5'1 Havens, rf. a 1 1 0 0 O'Brien, If. 0 0 0 0 Clark, lb. -11160 l1ille-r,cf. 1100 Ellis, If. a 2 1 1 1 Rundall, :!b. 3 0 0 3 Weisbeek, c. -123 Uffullussy, ab. 2 0 0 1 0 Oook, p. 41'0 W11e~ler,IJ. 0 1 1 0 Totals 3210102113 -Bernott 1 0 0 0 0 Blue Hidge Totals 25 :! 518 4 Ab. R. H. O.A. ·Batted fur ~fi!ler in the se"enth. Wilkinson, cf. ;j. ~ , 0 Slaughter, ss. Western l1arylund 000300 :>;-3 'l'auk Corps 0101000-2 Bradley, c. -! 0 110 hliehaels,2b. 4011 Errors-Ellis, Weisbeek, UfIullussy. Hughes, lb. , 0 0 4 Two·base hit-Casey. Home run- ~[iller. Saerifice hits-~Clll, Mc~rains. Gerlock, Sb. , 0 0 Base Oil balls-Off Keen, 1; off Wheel Adams, If. 3 0 1 0 er, 2. Struck out-By Wheeler, 7; by Bayer, rf. 3 0 0 0 Keen, 4. Ulllpires--1!!lshburll and O'- :llinniek,p. 3 1 1 0 1 Hara. Time of gtlme--l.25. Totals 31 5 921 7 Young Women of W. M. C. Western ~Iflryland 0 0 0 0 2 0 8-10 Blne Ridge 0010202- 5 We request the privilege of Chesterfield Errors-Keen, (2); Long, (3); Ger showing you - Dance Frocks lock, Two·base hita-Weisbeek, Keen, Me)faius, Gerlock, Slaughters. ']'Ilree· Street Dresses, Coats, Millinery, baso hit-Weisbeck. DOUble play-El- Undersilks, Silk Hosiery- lis to .McMains. Base on balls-Off ~S'JisJr~and yet, they're MILD Minnick, (2). Hit by pitcher-Ellis, Nusbaum & Jordan Havens. Struck out-By Cook, 8; by Minniek, 9. Umpirc-.Mashburn. 9-11-13 E. MAIN ST. LIGGETT & MYHRS TOBACCO Co.
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