Page 100 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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"P,,;ag;,,'~T~w~o===============T~h~e~G~o~ld.;,~5tern Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Greasy; Why't )"OU studying RUN TO :-: :-: IDqr~pntltgqt Frencll' MITTEN'S lor Official newspaper of w:.eatern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during Cla'Jk; I Silll't my book to Hopkine to Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. tbe academic year by the students ot Western Maryland College, WestminBter, hal'e its appendix cut out. Specials for Parties. I ,Maryl"nd. Entered as aeccnd-elaee matter at the Westminster Postoffice. PRONE .24-9·R Price, $2.(](] a Year. Subscription The Sophomore Comprehensive Emm- The People's Store ,YHEN MANAGING STAFF inatiun will be taken this Thursday and DOWN Editor-in·Chief .... ........... J. Paul Lambertson, '28 Friday. These examinations will cover 73 E. Main St. Managing Editor .. ............ Hubert K. Johnson, '28· the first two years of college work and SCHOOL SlJ'PPLIES STATIONERY TOWN . Asst. Managing Editor. .W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 also general information which all eel- STOP AT lege students Me supposed to possess. Business Manager .. ... Earl B. Lippy, '29 I do not know whether this is a aup- Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Advertising Manager . ....... Marvin B. Sterling, '30 posedly sane and serious endeavor to "Pop" Shipley's Circulation Manager .. .. W. Edwin Warfield, '29 find the ext.ent of the student's knowl- 'l'he Newest anl Best Clothing Light Lunches and Soft Drinks .... {ROY L. Rob~rtson, '29 edge, or whether someone has been bit and Furnishings. Asst. Circulation Managers. ten by the "Ask me another" bug and Goods for Young Men. H. V. Scott, 30 desires to pass the infection on to the AT THE FORKS Art Editor. ....•• Pete" Gomsak, '30 students . 10.Per cent off to Collego Students Spo~s Editor .. .Clarence B. Bennett The "Comprehensivu" will mean When ex- "JOHN" Associate Sports Editor ... .1ITamy H. TlIeMains work on the part of both the students PRESIDENT TAFT and teachers. Work that is wholly un- wanted a good Everread"y REPORTORIAL STAFF necessary because the examinations will PHOTOGRAPH Very courteous News Editors not affect the grades. These exnmina he sent for Errorless attention Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Barnes, '28 tiona mllst be completed by anyone de- Sereck S. Wilson Right style siring Junior ranking. If they lire tao H air cutting Associate Editors ken and failed, will Juuior ranking be Also Ruth French, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 withheld' If they lire 1I0t taken how Dr. A. J. Morrell Razors honed Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 eau Juuior ranking be withheld' Iu Tonics Elizabeth H. Davis, '28 "Jap" weisbeck, 30 the announeement of the exnminatious it CHIROPRACTOR The Only Barber and Bobber at w~s stated that, "These examinations REPORTERS will not aff~et the hours or the point 110 E. Main St. Phone 175. the Forks 111. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 system yet they aru necessary to obtain Dorothy Mellott, '28 CUl'vin 1I. Seitz, '29 Junior stauding." This is rather Katherine F. Johnson, '28 Roy C. Chambers, '29 pnrndoxieal as acbulastie standing is FOR QUICK SERVICE Attention W.M.Students Elsie M. Held, '28 George E. Salter, '29 judged by hours andv pointa. Call At Margaret Mertigncui, '29 Preston W. Grant, '30 .As explained, the examinations are to The Quality Shoe Shop -for those who don't know we 1\1ary.A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 be used Duly to judge whether the stu are in our new location for Catherine E. Read, '30 W. G. Eaton, '30 dent should be allowed to continne his ]. D. KATZ Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William H. Brown, '30 college course. If it ie found that the Repair and Tailoring student is not capable he will be ad- 'l'elephone 55-R Finest Grade of Work. Worthy opinion~· Model management~' Correct news. v-ised to leave. To advise n. student to cuss, KROOP WESTMINSTER TAILOR leave would be admitting failure all the part of the eollege. The only one who 86 E. Main Street needs college is the one who has trouble Leading Shoe Repair Shop Call C. & P. Tel. 225 Anto Service E.DITORIAL lItttrr-C!1011rgitttr getting through. One to whom the 25 E. Main St. Nrws work is easy, wno possesses all the eol- Westminster, Maryland, lege has to offer should be the one ud- WE RECEIVE A LIFT Send your shoes to Charles T. W. MATHER & SONS vised to leave. College should be. for Kroop by Parcel Post, they will those who need it, not those who can Westminster's Leading Store .As you perhaps noticed on the first Uui,-ersities, ecllegee and preparatory do without it. be repaired the same day at a page, the members of our eeurse in schools throughout the United States very low cost: journalism wrote the articles in t.his hal'erespondedellgerlyloanappenlfor Give us a Trial. HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES week's Gold Bug. This means more funds to rebuild the Shakespeare Mem- than you might suspect ; faT the mem orial 'I'heatre at Stra.tfcrd-upou-Avon, YO"tJR OWN LITE The Authorized Shoes for the bers of the course are not at all nUnlBT destroyed by fire last year. Fund rais- Babylon & Lippy Company W.M.C. ous. Every "buddiug journalist" was ing ~fforts of schools and colleges nre "I must lead my own life." That nnder the necessity of obtaining ns being coordinatcd by the American is the er~' of th,e present generation. R. O. T. C. -- mueh information as is nsuany gath~ed Shak" Foundation, which is co- They, in theiriniinite silliness, petted by two or three reporters. To be operating in an international campaign (lnd pampered, puffed up by a sense of FLORSHEIM SHOES specifie, one man had to toyer all the to obtain $2,500,000 to restore and en· their own value, thiuk themselves im STETSON HATS athletic e,enb of the past week. Hence, dow the Shakespeare Memorlal Theatre. posed upon. Thousands or tens of we make our bow to the "eoming" Of this amount, America's goal is set tho\lsands of ye~rs ago, this policy Westminster Savings Bank pensmcn. May their tribe increase! at $1,000,000. might hal'e worked. Now, in the prcs· International Made-to.Measure ent age of independence, sucb a policy CAPITAL ........... $50,000.00 STATE ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION wo-uld bring ouly conflict. Suits SURPLUS "EARNED" ... 250,000.00 ORATORY HOLDS ONVENTION AT From this seemingly innocent, heart- HOOD COLLEGE felt ~tatement arises a host of evils. To F. Thomas Babylon, President Oratory has beeome a lost art. No Westminster Hardware Co. Milton P. Myers, Vice President longer do the halls of our national l<-g· it the gunman owes his beginning and Jacob H. Handley, Tr6asurer islative bodies reSOllnd with the fenor (Continued Page 1) continued c.,Spring Cants and one- South produeed the champion. College!i partment at Hood Colleg!2, placed li'!'e is a l)leasure as well as a duty. pieee Dr!l!lses chcmically cleaned and Unil'ersities are also fostering con Strawn Cottage, the Three Art!J Build- and pressed. 1.25 "The Country's Best" tests. We should ayail ourseh'es of the Gents' Suits eleaned and pressed $1.00 opporlunitytohearthebestoralorsin ing, and Hablin Hall at the dispoaal of HYl'ROCRITES G~:~ae~'P coats cleancd aud 1.00 Wm. F. Myers' Sons college ranks when the alate. c.ontest is Ihe guests. Strawn Cottage is nil at· held here in the near future especially tractive house whieh hus beeu turned Be a man-not a hrpocrite. Do not Swe•."I.-teNi tlealled ..... $1.00 PORK PACKERS since the college will be ably represent· Q,'er to the department ns II praetiee moon arouud tIle dormitories with a 24 Hour Service ,d. house. Here the senior home economie AND students and Miss Thomas live the "better than thou" expression smeared .AliBERT "ABE" TOZZI, wholcyear. across your eouut~ance and then iu Represent:l.tive of SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS SHAKESPEABE SOCIETY "The Three Arts Building," Dr. class peep covertly at the other fel· U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer. Retail Groceries Phone 360 .Apple said, "was built in 1868 as a low's paper . .Att.cnd cllurch, chapel, "Herb" Elliott, SpeeialRepreSllntative The Greek idea of perfection was a German Club Hou!;>Cdedicated to pure "Y)f" or "YW." Carry your relig- Olfice&Planl Phone 361 LibMty& Green Str;. wise mind in a beautiful body. Today ion witb you. Do lIOt lellTe it in, your Levine Hall we are striving for bettcr and stronger pleasure--or perhaps one would describe room
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