Page 63 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 63
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Page 3. termination 10 emerge vtct ortous. The GET OUR PRICES lbattle was not deeltled until spurt me tasr few mtnuree Lovota ot" play when staged a last desperate and i 'brought (lI\)onl a 26-2':: vtetorv. At ot Ille acore the gallle Face Powders Creams cue stage lerl 17-19 0111".to tcee the I7-all nnrl eventuullv western stood ~"l"ylall(l Talcum Powder Toilet Articles lead a moment later. Again the score tiell at 2.2-:111then LoyoLl. dre": Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets a foul gi"·ill!;" them 01lE'point advant- DudlE'}" !inal III the age. minute dropped one through from the fI .. ld aud the game elIded Sodas Cigars ~.::~::::;~~:~~ {;;li~:;::~~~'efl.llr:vl;~:!.~n l easy vtcum ror the varstt y qnintN. Cigarettes 13c pk. or 2 for 25c. I ~:~lllt~~~V:~;·~o~veS(:::ada rl~:.~::d t~~~ proved mreresunc though IhE' I;!('01"e was oueaiderl. Starting off with a CALL IN. whirl S. U. drew first hlood with one from the field and two from !lIe foul ~\-lary131ldsom e strip. It toak wseteru I time to get-going and all through the XXX X XX XX X '( XX XXX XXXiXXXX X XXXX XXXXXXXY% XXXXXXnxD'J ~:~:\hl~~~i~e ~~~r~'e"~~~r~IOsI~;t It;ht:i~ usee uud came wuh'u t.WO »ouus of • pnEI'AIU,'I'IU~S 1<'011THE PACIFIC of the yenr we 11a.dover 250 students doubling the score over uietr en- "JOHN" 1\,\Sl:'on loo-pe(\ thl"ol1!!:h tw(>~ Razors honed SPN:iHlllltc'ntiOn tothiadurillg lhe sen·ed of throu!!.h l'llemselves in co- Ol1nklf'burgel· played II ~telbJ" ~JI11' Tonics coming yeHr. Another resolution re- operation with all othel' helpful for the viSitors. The Only Barbel' a.nd Bobhel' at quires lIle E;)(ecut\ve to draw up "l forces"· The line up: the Forks list of )lu.lllicatiolls useful in keeping "'IV. Jl. s. l". -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- in dose tou~h with internai.ional 31'·SIt" ,\;'0\1 SI'I<:.:t'H nEll'rAJ. I~'. G. Williams Dixol1 Kuru from page one.) F A. Sharrer & Son problems, especially in the Pacific. placed (Continued younl\" anisl almost as; P. P. Sulli\"an Duklehergl'l" rhe It was a~Teed that evel'y effort must . ·1 ,be made to send a Strong much as the audience did: they 11111F. Shockley Lahl" HOME FURNISHINGS f1"Ofl! :-
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