Page 58 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 58
Page 2. The Go1d Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG DUTY" DESIRE Iw t . t that in practical es mmser Hardware C3. Official newspaper or Western :'Ilaryland College, published on Tuesday It cneu happens durtu g the aeadennc year by the students of Western :'I1aryland l College, life we find a conflict 'between duty Westminster, Xd. Entered as second, c.ess matter at the Westminster Post ~~I~udr:Se\:~~s:~r d~:~~~:: :a:::!~~t~~~ Jobbers and Retail Dealers 'Office. cttnatlon toward a certain course or in General Hardware guuscrtprton price, $2.00 per year. conduct ibur at the same time are EDITORIAL STAFF convinced that duty forbids and lies Heating & Plumbing Systems MANAGING EDITOR William S. Veasey '~i3 ~~a~~:, ~P~~~li~\I~i~.:~t-~onl:eq:eOsl~~~~ Installed. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF . . ..... George M. Benner '''-7 something or to do something which NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page Turner '26 the parent honestly knows It Is not . (Estimates Furnished) Dorothy Robinson '26 Ruth Jones '26 Reportorial Staff he. Dlaappoi ntment, pain or perhaps Blanche Ford '27 E. M. Hannold '28 moral Injury result to the Child. FLORSHEIM SHOES Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 This does not always apply to cnn- Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 dren alone. Fvequentty grown ueo- STETSON HATS Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 Mercia Rayme '27 Hubert Johnson '28 ~!~t:t:t~~;~II~kl,~u:h:~o:IS~e~OO~Ogh~International Made-to-Measure Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 not to do it. Sometimes a spirit of . Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 In financial matters SUitS Athletic Reporters leads to ambarrasstne debt, and bad Top-Notch Basket Ball Shoes. James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 leveetmenta lind unfortunate tle- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- regret. ctetoua to yearsot Business Staff Perhace in no field of life is this W hI & K" ~~~~~~t~I~~~s~~l;'~AG"ER".: L~~.i~ ~~r%110~";;~~~ :~~ :~~;iac:;lm~~v~l~~ ~:l:h;e:~~err~! e er mg CIRCULATION )1ANAGER .. , .. , .. " Robert Unger '27 get ttng married without whicll mar- GRADUATE PHARMACISTS ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER... K. E. Brown '28 rfage never ought to take place, but there may Ibe a dozen or more The Rexall Store AnE loOt; WORTHY! n'oble thing which you admire in reasons why couples suoutd nut Westminster, Md. I;tt;O:l' f~:~~dl~~~:~I~ ~~~e;.inc;~: .i1:le::.~e\:I~::elllaf:~"s: -0-- -0-- -0-- ~O- -0- some ODe else, strive mar-r-yin spite of the fact that they to acquire for OfF;~~~ed:eal~;e~n~:l;h~r C~~:f ;:~:~: For ::,d;i:g!o!dta;;:,Plie3 :~~ :e:~~n~~ril:! Y~~l' ~.:I~;;.::: ~~~~~~...pel:ePn~:l":sh~\~d I;~;~:~gll1~k~~! ::I~~lt:(:~~~l~'O;~~li~I~:S~::~11~1~~~~\'~~Electric Vacuum Sweepers, rrtence throughout your entire hfe. in otllel' perSOllS' characters. do by cOlll'incing o\ll"sel'ves that they Cleans H~~;j~:~r:.oors tOC. In any school, there are many If yon do all these things you will are wise. types of men aIld \\omen '["he stUdl- SUI ely make malll wOlthllhlle fllends, We knew Ii Woma]l once w110COll- (The electric refrigerator) OilS a~tl\e mtellectual socJalhutter auu \\halls mOle IOU will he wOlth)l celleu a most llllleasolllllg faBClllU- Delco LIght Products, ~~~rSIl~!.:~~e::n;~.a~~oo::efu~':hO~~S!~ of friendship. ~ll:ll~e~~lHS1:l~al:\;~lt:ll~;II:l:ll~~~~~l:-:::I and everylhmg electrlca1. ever rou like and with whom you ImOWSI~W l'I'E.\l~ yeuls but on the contlalY lIas u The Electric Shop ha.\·e the mOSt In CO]11l1011, to be your Browning Literal'Y Society held woman or IntellIgenCe and llpe ex- . . friends. Chcose your tl"i;>nds wisch' its regular meel1ng Friday afternoon pe!lenee hI spite of pelsnRslon "lld I LIbel ty St., 'Vestmmster, l\1!i. and well. But when you consider The "lo~'als" swa!"1lledthe hall to be pr~test and warning on the ,part or -0--- -0- -0- -0--- -0- whom rou wallt for a friend, think entertained wit'h a Valel1t.!lle pro- hel family she married a man whom also of what )"ou al'e able to give gram 'by Cupid and his darts. Under she knew to be a dl"Unkard, shHtles~, I You can find them here now"'! that pel·SOD. the ujr'ect!oll or Seren1l. Dryden a uillsuccessful In lJusllless and never RUBBER GOODS Friendship between Individuals vliudeville was 'presented, featuI'lng s'ble to pro.vlde a comforta'ble ,living I of all kinds should be of mutual benefit, and must a g'uessing'colltest, the evolution or even for IlllllselL She was utt.erlyITHE NEW IDEA CLOTHING be,
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