Page 59 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 59
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoJlege, Westminster, Md. Page 3. ~X~X(XDX;X(XDX;XCX[%XJXCX(XDX;XCX[%XJXCX[%XJX;X(XDX;XCX[%XJXCX[%XJX;X(XDX;XC1DX;X(XDXJXCX[%XJX;X(XD1~X~";;;CO;;\\;:;·RWO:;:,·":-;;ORO-8~-;,~ .. -'J'8 ~~~;A-K-S-'-~ 'Vestminster's Cut Rate Store for:nerly gave a very tnteresttng talk W. A. Rehert.s, of the .Iuntor Crass, from westunust er Ccuege, 'rexos, rl'gular the weouesdav at meeting," of the Y. \"1. C. A. evening 59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments His text was "Tlu' ln~:lllab!e the subject The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. by anee comparing wlt'h rurcuaore of curd- the. that 'Of Curtst, ran-ous guttles of historical repu- tation. He compared God in relation GET OUR PRICES wnn ueo»te tcdnv. "'hh with "Buffalo th€' eanv onnacuou set- B;II'~" uers of Ihe rronuer. with the great I guide In the Alps, and elsewhere. Face Powders Creams These the all land, great eutdes, on every they were informed knew all d€'ta!i or Talcum Powder Toilet Articles I quauncauons. gutouuce :11HI met God Rouert s upheld and OUI" lufall able Guide Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets as as lhe. exam.Ple t.o [0]\011' 01 todav. the One and to hegulded1Jy I Next week in the Y .. \1. C. A. is \'e1'Y honored ,lJy having "Blrl' Sodas Cigars coach nt Gettyshurg and great Cigarettes Be pk. or 2 for 25e. to lead men and hia work that th-ay may among men in order A great treat is lead the right way. CALL IN. in dress, store a couegtate supper "'illba ad- After the for us all. I served in the College Tea Room. T'icket.s ror the same Ina~' be s€'cur<,d XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%x::x:nnnxx:n for nn tents from "C:hll':J,\Jy" Elliott, cnau-mnn of ('Oillmiltee :lrrall~il1!:; the supper. 55-R The Y.. \1. C, A. is verv sony to nnuouuce that the j{tll:: iO-jke<1 tOl' \',isi-t of coach "Bill" Wood. of neuva- hlU'g College is indefinitely nest- nonen. xtr-. Wood is ill. and will not be rutile to fulfilJ his engagement With us ou Foln-uarv 17. but wfll vIsit us as seen as his health per- mils. We extend OUI' deepest SY!Il- p.nthy to hjm in his mness and hOllS that he will soon r-ecover. IH·;n,\1'E O~ 1'1I1S WEEIi'~ l'ItOWI.Ut The debating team will argile with Washington College Wed,nesday en'n· lug for the second inter-collegiate c-ontest of the year. 1'111" que.s'lion will be. Resolved: "That the United I States should j()in the League of Nations."' I The negative tea III will .lake the foreIgn !IOU whlle the "homesteader" will be ihe affirlllative. Both teams lmve 'been very successful In ]l!'el'i'l\ls good showing again~t the I~asterl\ Shoremen. The affirmative stnnd will 11etaken by \1essrs. Ballard Ward. Addison S1ewart, and Paul Lamhers-on; J. D. Johnson ailel'll1lte, The l1e!;Rtil'e lly C.. \\cC'ID.CarTett, Willal'll Ilawkil\9 and Carroll Roy€'l'; Gilmore Li))py. allel'nnte
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