Page 61 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 16 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb. 23, '26 ==--~~=-==~==== Juniors Finish On Top Largest Indoor Track Meet Music And Speech Recital IW. W. Entertains Of Season 1 At Theatre Party Preenmen }'lnlsll ThIrd. OI~~II~:~~YI:\~;:~::~I,l'~:;;u~.;"19. Last Tbursday eneruccn me "gym" - - the departments of music and speech was crowded wHb a most enuiuet- To Be Held uf Flith H~gll1lent Anll(lry gu-ve a recital in Smith Hall. A sur- The W. W. Club gave a Baltimore LStic throng or basket ba.ll tans. In 8nllimore., J:'ehrmU'r 21th. f1l'isingly large uunmer of students theatre party In honor of their rushes' one' nerves were keyed to the weeteru ~\,Iaryland bas entered six and friends or the college attended on Tuesday. evening, February 16. :big-hest pitch of excHement [uat be- men in the track events, of the larg- the recital, aud judging Iby their de- The club gtrts and tuetr guests at- cause tbey could scarcely wait until est indoor track meet ot the season lighted exclamations and cougratula- tended the Auditorium where the pic- the of the afternoon was to ee held at .the Fifth Regiment tory remarks, they enjoyed both the ture ··l'h:.Big Parade" was snowtus. finished III order to see the two vet- Armor;' In Balttmore, F'euruary 27th, mustcat and dramatic numbers to At 6:{" T:lesda.)- evening the Iarg- ;:;':1;01' te:~:se:f ll:he theJi~niO;eci:i~: ~.~~ ~:u~l.. ~~efO~~:~S\~~~;a~~el1{l::~~ the utmost. :~ltd~:~st~l\~aj~~:~~~,l~o\~~~S~~~I:t:er~li~~ ~rug~Ie, tor first place in the inter- and in a special rmte relay race ),Iiss Ford opened t.he program with nmd then out on the open road to- class basket ball series against 'Blue Ridge and St. Johns t~~:IO~::I~Oan~OI~~Plll~ac~~::~{~I:~'~ ;~:~::d Baa~:>~:;e~f ~~lm~~~h~I~~'iO~:~; ()i;e~J~S~am~a::~n!Ul~nO: t~:~~;g ~lllle ~II~~ J~h~o~h:ll1Jb~r~u~n~ ~re~h *,1:~~;lt"\I;~~\dS1\r~~d;IS~~!lj~: a~lo;lg~ happy .~rls; and during the long ride :~~!I j~~3tl:: lJ~:tg~~Sf:~n~ltean~lln~~~I~ ~~\~r~ o~ ~:~te~:a~~l::~ln:efend the xnuor." .was the selection of Mi~s ~~ .~:~!~n:;et:~71~g C;ou::s~ ~~g~~~P~i~ made sansattonat baskets. Lawson st~:~IStongl:~!e:~.II~':i~!lerW~l1ga:~~rl'do: Royer \\;:l~eal~:~t D~:'~~I:II:d CO~~SiS~~~1 ~~I~ll~:IS~O~1111~~;:g_~.I,:eintOgO')n·';"I,.,gsh~nmg.· .seemed to be the especial sensation ," I I I b :\11 W t ' v ",in~e he led the S<:Ol"ingwitli three seven OlympiC meu anti scores ot the~.I~~e~.e\C~~~.ees:"O~y'~s~a:~Ras~~c~:. ~~e~h~\"~~Otl.hll:~~.~mh'td,t"hgOIII'to tecsta- 1ield goals all of Which were made other l)'ack and field athletes of ~ '" ,g g ts, c ty raffic from difficult angles, at long range. national and i~~terc.ol1egl.ate pro~- :~;,G~~di~'~::~gsG~I~d~):~h·~;' and r,e(l. st.reet cars Wh~~ the bu~ B. EllIoll 4, Harris 4, 111alhletlc circles tllat Paaro NurmI ma.y ha\'e 'heen hard to take, hut entertained at a burTet S\lpper, and a Butler 1. Ports 3, B. Chambers 3, did last year. "BIll"' took it most successfully. Baltimore mO\'!e party. The supper :,!one 3, .\kKlnstry 3, Gainer 2, Ba), \li~s :'lnssey as "Annie," and )'ll!'1s \\'R~ l>el'I'e(\a·t llie home of :.tiss Caro- ~. Tubman 1. Not ma'ny folks would recognize Prlt('hanl a~ "Berthn'" were qu!·te line Wnnlz. Lllter the Delta and :'\ext week only those men wit;) Washington'S farewell address If It charming Oil Lh!1stage. They seemed their gne8its chllpe.roned 'hy :'Irs. :'1a\'., s~ored at least five points w!ll was read Lo them on "\Vashlngton's to elljo~' the nl](llel"OJIScompllcations George S. W\lIs. (motored? bussed?} be published. Lets bl'ill!!," up your birthday, but they all kllow what red and lu(ltcl"oUS positions In which they Into Baltimore, wllere they enjoyed a ,£,,'era.'{es at once. hatChets mean. (Continned on page three.) [large party at lile Century.
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