Page 62 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 62
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 1 B b I & l' C THE GOLD BUG OUR COLJ.EGE SPIRlT!H Official newspaper of Western vlar yland College puulished on Tuesday A, • ctoee tcuower ,'W,,(,m a Y on IPPY ompany, during the academic year by the students 0It Western ·~larylalld College, Westminsler, :'I:d. Entered as second c.ess matter a, the Westminster Post :'\.farrland coneae athletics I have FLORSHEIM SHOES Office. found the following startung but STETSON HATS true things to .be right In the midst Subscription price, $2.00 per year. of our own college acuvtuee. EDITORIAL STAFF First. In foot 'ball we had one of International Made-to-Measure- ;~~6~~~N~C~~i~O~ ~~~~~: ~ ..~:~~e:r:~~~~I~ ~~~~~~l~t~~;)~ i~a:helas::it:~ b~~ Suits NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page Turner '26 :;~:;~ e~~rtga~::ls~~~es CI;;e\II~:d~I:~ Top-Notch Basket Ball Shoes; Associate Editors most to showthe team that the -0- -0- -0- -0-- --0- Albert Steele Farver '26 student body \vas -behtnd them, out W hI & .K" Dorothy Robinson '26 e er mg Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 ~~;~a:h~~.ell~o ~::nLhf:l~~t!: :~~:.ent.s Reportorial Staff Second. wnen basket ball season GRADUATE PHARMACISTS Blanche Ford "27 . E. M. Hannold '28 opened the cheer leaders again tried Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins :2~ to get them to yell and again they The Rexall Store ~las~~ise~:~~ ,~~7 A;~~u~·B~~;~~ ,~~ ~~~~:il~;db:~~linag h:il:c~I~;~~ r~~~; -0-- ~~m=r~:_ -0- Mercia Rayme '27 Hubert Johnson '28 did not show up at the Le·banoo For Radio & Radio Supplies Katherine Johnson '28 PW~dLeaH~elrn:loen:~~ Valley game and prnressor Ranck We:stinghouse Lamps, Margaret Martigoni '29 ~ Y had to lead what little cheering tjrat Electrle Vacuum Sweepers, Athletic Reporters was done. Attendtng this game was Cleans Hardwood floors too. James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 ~;~e.?f.c~~;~,I~: ~:~~:l~ ~e:~~}:addel~~ Frigidaire, Business Staff gusted at the spirit led the one and (The electric refrigerator) BUSINESS MANAGER . Lewis K. Woodward '27 only one cheer that has ueeu given Delco Light Products, ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER. . ' Carroll Royer '28 tuts year. The Cheerleaders racetv- and everything electrical. CIRCULATION MANAGER Robert Unger '27 Ing some heart from this came out Th EI ic Sh __ .. e ___ __ MANAGER. __ :~~~~n~~~~p~~}~~e:b~~t a~:le~:~I\~I;; Liberty St., ectric Op Md.. ASST. CIRCULATION .. K. E. Brown '28 again next game, :but I am fOI· the Westminster, George }'~~!=~;~!~!n~.!ntl~Vhen we ~it:t~:esh~Sll~jf;!fe:~~j~;re~~~~I~:~~~ ~~:~.o~e~o~\~ ~~:es~~lql~:l~~lllll~~an~~ -0- -0-- -0- -0- -0- the and a r'rosh Ihoy led a fewI 'Utter this name. what oioturea arise 'men strtve to emulate all his good the cheerleaders. failed to appear and You can find them here now! In our rninds' p~ctures or Lhe youth- charactrtsttcs. and to see and cor- RUBBER GOODS ful George choPPlIlg down the cherry reeL in your own life. those few de- cheel·S of all kinds ~:~:s o:f r~~:gm~hne ~::~; ~~lt~a~li~; fects and flaws which he possessed. Third. There Ivel·e very few pep THE NE\V IDEA CLOTHING-. Forge crossin"" Ihe Delaware and , ...", " '" meetillgs called duriug hasket ball AND SHOE STORE . ,'" ,-,UIIJOUIE "EB:s1 ER nH EA I M) sea~on and the nle)l~bers 01 the 197 E. Main St. Westminster ~a::s~ ~~~: ::,;:i~:,~I~jeO: at::utun~~:~ The cooed sextette ended their bas-ket ball team were hooted be- ~-o-- -0-- -{}-- -0-- --0- sung a,bout him. learued ,.erse autl home !la·sket ball sea~on Sattnday ,by canse t11ey wen' lo~lllg, \)ut THE FrRST NATIONAL BANK :~~lIa:d\\"r~~:euh:: P~~~:l~of l!~~~'~l~~}ll~::~;:.tln~h~h~;~la:·i:l~: ':eb:~~:ll~e:l:: whe!! tlley U~·~\~:gelll th:l".,\\"H~va~ve:I OF WESTMINSTER speeches. \\'ashingtou waa a man of ~:l:t :~~mil\v~~~tetho:~:~:t;~·~~e~l:el:~ the te
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