Page 67 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 67
~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 3- College, Westminster, Maryland Md. The Gold Bug, Western IWestminster's Cut Rate Store ~~:~;,;;.::~~;~i;~~~~ ""I D 59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments 0 I::;:":,'o:,:~,::"~,:,.:~::;~,~:'d,,~~;~ the 'mat '0 (1) 0,· W"d The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. D 0 cia lion extendcd to lOUS. -st.udents of thel fOl'thecourlesiesalld~)ril·i1,.... eaee (2) the That D GET OUR PRICES 0 "Y" lun~ asscuranon alit] or W,""" Ftnkhl j+ar-y-. ne- tel rly Col1e~e parttcuta presteents. their Je~sie D F ace Pow ders Creams D alla hearty Frank rhau k-s ror their express our- Grippin, we er,.. uniting D Talcum Powder Toilet Articles 0 ,,::i,";~~~".~~"~~:I:".. U~ organs, 50c to $2.00; lAtdies' Spring Coa.s aud wh:a it i~, and fOI' its f1.llure Cahinet :\leeting-Y Club ROOlll_ I)iece dresses cheillicall~', worth, Sntllrduy, complete violin outfits ~leall(Jd and l)ressed $1.21i. m~ur hlemishes are shl)wn to )rlll"rh ti, 1.00 P. ,'I. .\lell·!:I Sulrs. steam clean€'d m •. Discussioll Group-Y Club Roo'll $10.00; full assort- pressed $1.00. ~('liool s thL' deareSI. fiuest spot l,ed by "Gi!"' Lippy. Subject: "HoI'- ments of strings, all "len's Suits steamed and llllem·(h. Far are we Responslhle for Olhe-rs?'~ 35 cents. J l()\'e my ~('hool wiLh SOllletiling ur Sunday, kinds. Come in and .\IE'Il·S Tl"()\I.~el·S Ule fuith look them oV;er·_ I Sh llJ"~~:I:'(~' 5;o~'~n~.:at"'" h:~I:.ll old ileliefs, relllE'mbel"ln~ Joint ~'~;~;·il:1.:~~~~~thP-I~~·;1. .John", J 't , es mlnser ewe ry op ill,~~~tisractory $1.1)0, i$ 0\11 motto. I I . Ol€'\\"~~; :~~:~~~h\rees, UH' Hill's liopklns progl'an~rl;'dnp~(l;lr. Team w11l Inc- J)ressed Deputlllion W t sent ser"ice r I.we Its llul'pos{!- and Ils mighty .U/U'rh 10. (1,2;, 1"'•. U. -0- -{}---0- -0- -0- sent1~~ert "Abe" Tozzi, repre- wl1l. Devotit:lllal ;>.1Petll1g-Y Room D. S. GEHR U. 'V. MILLER, I r ].01'1' !TIl" '·~·hool. nud \\"d', r far ~llI':Ik"'I': ~!1hjf'{'I: aunnun"t'rl latf'I' Hersh Ave .. Westminster, ~Id.1 _ IlWU.i~. Wholesale am! Retail Hardware, Established 1906 . Tu ",[~.,J' ~.·h')'lls. I'd Jnnrn .y, knOll" Wf'(llIe~(I;lr. Building Materials. Cutlery,I-O~ --0-- --o~ -0- ~o- .\ud \,,\~::\rt!;:~f't~'Il'llI li'"h(s tWinkled Anl1\lUl'r:~~.('\!~I~~;.~~". ~;I:!~jCn. Ammllnitio~. Palnts. Oils, !H~:\lOn:-; '!'IWl·:\t·E .Jl-'HlBS r \1,Jnld Stly, . \Jlrll ~O' 'b~y 2 {tclli"Hthf') [ContInued [\'Olll page 1) 'Yt'lll" ~"h()ol i' falre!', 111l! I 10,'!' Sherwl)od Forest A!luual Ofll.~ers. Stoves, Rang'es, Furnaces, Seniors (J~) .)uniors (S) IllI' s.thQ(}I~·' 'i"l":l.illill'! (',lllrC!'Pll.''''. hon and Steel Products. Dona \,"illl ;;;10100:i.'", to Annf' Camphe]\' lillie 11_211: G:Hl'lllt Lll\\"SOII F.n~l'··s \11'1'[> Confnell.·e. (Establi~hecl 1868) Sione Sil]i:l \nn' X(~l'! \iVestminster, xld, Hurl(l;' :\ItKinstry Vi'!;r not stu!) this kl('kin~, \11) Jo'JWJr l'IlE IlK\u:n -0- -0-- --0- -0- -0- C} Pl'l~e ,\ <"lle~l'f\ll-Jookil\~ phi !!."ellllenmr, I For Radio & Radio Supplies Refel'e{': Shockley Elliott *;;~:~~'Itl~; ~~~:~hael1:t1 t:ll~Ptt ?we have ,,"PIll 1I11 to til .. 110\1llarer'sthree dal"S Westinghouse Lamps, I"ro~h (22) Sophs- (G) Is ;111 1I"t"I'e ~oiu,! to !!;et. I.wiorll ChrlRtmus He looked Ion'!!:. Electric Vacuum Sweepers. F' 11;;)'!'is V.'oodwal"d ""II}" llot teasE' this kno(·klng \n~ly at a l"OW or ~Ix ull·kt!}·s hJ\ll!!;ine Cleans Hardwood floors too, F NOlTis And all thj~ tlete an(l Slllt,,? outside tll(' shop aud 1\)l'1I snit! to th~' 1I"1'on~. Frigidaire, Dellinger Quinn If thin~s 1m muk€' them ju,;t hatill~ shop·k(l(lP(;OI', with a bad stammer, "1 right, ll-Jl1ck (The electric refrigerator) l~eigle Insley Will MH'r -0- -1)- '-0- ---0-. w-want you io t.urkeys out the thrat; R€'ed -0- Tubman YOU h-hal"~ te-te-toug-hest DeJco Light Products, G Gainer Ports You can find them here now! addill':!; with a. wink, "1 ke(l.p board- and everything electrical. G r,'eigie Cecil RUBBER GOODS ers." The proprietor gladly :l.ccept- of all kinds Keene request. The Electric Shop Harp AHJrlil;ht Day THE NEW IDEA CLOTHING ed ent the g .. nti€'man laid Thell his the hand !benevol- tile Oil Saltel' AND SHOE STORE other three :Iud !t! "J t-take Liberty St., Westminster, Md, IF Referee Sull!vao 97 E. 1Iain St. We<:.tminster these."
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