Page 68 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 68
The Gold Hug, Western Maryland College, westminster. Md. 'L'EA.U TAKI::S '27's DONATE SCORE BOARDi IIt:LAr 1'IIIIW PLM;t: People's Store ITHE FIRST NATION.AL BANK OF WESTMINSTER Laat Saturday night the western Westminster, Maryland, As evidence of their real senoras- )1aryiand Relay Team took part in SPORTING GOODS liCHnd Capital ' , .$125~OOO MUSIC class oj' 1~27 donated the score The Terror team made a good eucw- Surplus & Profits, ' ,$138,000 heard to .th e College gymnasf urn. ing, considering its ilmited training, STATIONERY Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., '"I'he "g ym" has long' ueeu in need of havlug run a close third In a mile Chairman of Board, :;V:~~l;:\~,o(~::ua~:do~~C~a:~:ra~~~I;~~; ~~::yW::tt~~~el~la:~~~~~a:~hl:;~e~l:Sd MARTHA WASmNGTO~ L. K. Woodward, President. liS well >l'S making the pleasure of seeing two world's CANDIES George R. Gehr, more Hke wnat it lSI recorde broken and one tied in the Vice-President, Cashier. 'Sul,posed to he. The hoard iS1cOlll"Se of the meet. Hoff of Nor-I----o~ -o~ ---o~ ~o------o- lJla~k \1'llll wuue lettering ibordeved wa~'. astonished the eight thousand -0- -0--- -o~ -0-- -0- '1Jr uie junior Class OOIOI'S,blue and I spectators his phenomenal leap Telephone 55-& ;ll;:~~~.,s~:r:\"e~~ at~esh:l:;~I!n~I\:~~I~ I ~I~c~l~~r\~~nthepOI:v:a:ll~,dt~~:,-:~~~~~I AT THE ARM 0 R Y CHAS. KROOP I enc ucavu Is equipped so as to make Hshiug a new world 'Standard; Myel' March 5-6 Leading Shoe Repair Shop known tile names of the players on of Newark clipped a tracucn of a "SCARLET \VEST" JJOtll teams' and register the time I second of!' his previous record of 25 E. Main St. I -enrougnout the game. 'fllis addition, eleven and nine-tenths seconds for March 12-13 Westminster, Maryland i is a great impr-ovement in the gym,Ithe hundred yard low hurdles; and .~~v~I~Cn~~I~~~:~}:'s~t~i:ll;o:e!~: n:~::~;~ll~~s~~~:~rB:I~~u Ofc~:~:e a.::;I1;~:~~ ''LOST WORLD" K1~~~db~o~~r~~o~~s:,O th~~a~tt~' . emc informed of al l necessary In- ,fifths seconds for the world's fast- March 19-20 be repaired the same day at a formation during the game. The est indoor hundred yard dash. It is "QUO VADIS" '>:\olllllion is r-e pre sentattve of thelto. 'be hoped tha.t Western :o.rar)'land i very lowG~~:\s a trial. llel),II.JI'oadmil\dedness and athletic WIll soon organize and train more March 26-27 oillpil'it of the jnmors lind their Alma, intensively for a place in track and "GRAUSTARK" I ----0- -0-- -0- -0- ----0- • ),]a,lel". field sports. which her success in other departments of athletics war- See These IWehler & King SF~Ur.t:R COM'Eln::'
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