Page 66 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Official newspaper of "~~~n ~,?a~)~an~~~Jlege> puuttsbed on Tuesda; I~~~~~A'l~g~iJ. ~~~t~ED::A~~~ F. A. Sharrer & Son curing the academic year by rue sluilenls 01' Western 11al'yiallU College, PLlL,. .EFFORT TO l'ROlllOTE I Westminster. :\:d. Entered as second c.ass mauer at the wesunmster Post FHIE~DSHIP HOME FURNISHINGS Office. -c.Prnm The New YOlk Times Sun- Subscription price. $2.00 pel' year. da y Februar-y 21, 1926 Westminster, Maryland. 'The ccntederauou Is a nou-oout EDITORIAL STAFF teat, non-rengtous or-gantaatton, -0- --0- -0- -0- -0- MANAGI~G EDITOR .. ,.. .. .. . William S, Veasey '~u says Ivtsnu S. acuviuee ran intotwoIHabylOn.6 Lippy Company • Vice I its wacadam. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF George M. Benner '"7 sresteeut. NEWS EDITORS-Geo, S. Baker '27, and Mary Page Turner '26 ~~lDO/~~:g:~I::~/~~II:hn~:asl a:e~~~._ . Associate Editors I purpose the discussion of busines's.' >FLORSHEIM SHOES Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 the electio~l of officers, tile inter- STETSON HATS Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 change of .Id~as on world topics, and tile ecauamuus of students- with International Made-to-Measure Reportorial Staff lands other than their own, by Blanche Ford '27 E. 1\1.' Hannold '28 means of travel. Suits I ~:~t~\~nhg~27'28 Willarfr~:r.r~~~~! :~~ l'e~::sl~~;tie~a~~I~th4~0,~O:n~~~ldel~:'r~~~ Top-Notch Basket Ball Sh~ ~1:~1:t~~:2;17 ::~~r~r J~h~:~~:~~~\~elltdel!;~!:tat~::l m~:t\o;~s1;~:~:-0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Sh G Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 so r r b h Id Then H:~'~:,O\~-:~ arrer, orsuch & Starr I b S Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 Brus:els, e~~agu:, Athletic Reporters ~~':~s~va;;a:~ at~~sC~!;~ha!:n. Sh~~ The Newest and Best clothing James Owens '27; Gaither MeD. Garrett '26; H, Paul Stewart '27 meet al Pr-ague tor the second and furnishings BUSINESS MANAGER ~~~~~~~ Staff Lewis K. Woodward '27 tI~:'''I~in the tutemuuonut xeta- Goods for young men, ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER, ., Carroll Royer '28 ttons and Travel Commission that -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- CIRCULATION MANAGER,.",.,., '" Robert Unger '27 .\11'. xracaoam is particularly inter- When the late ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER, "., K. E, Brown '28 'ested. He is Its chairman, anu PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT spoke with enthusiasm of its plans wanted a good TQJlORROW CO~'l'EREXCE ON "THE CBRISTH.N and accomplishments. PHOTOGRAPH 'rbere is a maxim "Never put off WAY 01-' LU'E" BIG SUCCESS ol:~FiJ~~je~~ a:~" ~:k:x'P~;:~:~'c~~a~~ he sent for tlll tomorrow what you can do t~- (Continued from page 1) easy and. nronteme. In arranging Sereck S. Wilson day," which ought to be mo-re urn- tours for s-tudents we keep as rnr as ver'Sally acce-pted andobeyed. "To- Delegates 1~leasedwlthtbetrt:uter- we can from the usuaI tourist sort of -0- -0-- -0- -0- -0- morrow' is a mythical day In which taJllllumt thing. We advocate that students all the things which were put ofl' Time uerore the Saturday morning come Into close contact with living EAT-A' PLATE'A' DAY are finally accomplished. The sad part session or the conference would tnstjtuttons, customs. problems. vtew- is that =romorrow never comes," 'not llermit for all the delegates to points and individuals Guides Procrastination has cau~~d the n'lale Ulelr pleasant assoclatioo"- condllctln~ the parties are aJwnys HEUMANl downfall of many good and wIse peo- with the ~hurch peo-ple of Westmin- IInlver8it)' men of -tbe country \'Isil- ICE CREAM ~il:~ ~~.~~<\::~\'e~v'::Y~~~II~ s~ul~:!~ :~tl~lldTl::~'l'i::I":W:J?r:;t~latl~e~lle;:~ ed:;'~he l.eague of l"atlotls of J111.el-1 ·_ ....... WIIII __ fAStt.· you PUt oft grows dO~lbh· hard to do. linest impressiun ]}Ossible of ,the bos- lettllal Co-operation lws shown Its ~::l"~o~:~r~.~~~.~~I~:~~cro "::'~~\' ~ll~~.~; ~l~~:'bleeo:~~kel"::!O~urt~~\nl~OIl~~:':~~! ~:l~~I·~~to~~ai~ls~;~I~~;1l:~:il~~~fe~:~:~ I Is that Z·, N with old ajl:e hefore j( IS. ever put lll- c0\11d not have been launched; so we where Ihe roads are State-owned. I C to effect. Are you g~lilg to allow feel deeply grateful to all who made Another service j'endered of 1e- euman o. your life to he filled. With lhe gral'es it possible to entel"tain our dele- obt.alning passpo\'t visas at a groull I ~ ~;~~n~:Ue~l:~e~'~:Ugbt what a tel'- ~':~~I:l"ellCe nate.1 A;; HU!l'e SUCOO6~. ;:~~~ 1~:~lerp:'~li~:eP~l;.~~:S;;1' t~1 and W \"Ible day lhe mythical tomorrow wl.ll Be-sides the leaders and speakers ordinarily paid ,by a sin'gle estminster, Md. be If It el'er does da"l'."ll? Ther~, III who did their share in building the dual. In some coul1t)'le-s a reducUnn tbat dar. wll\ be all those OdIOUS, ('011 Ference we shonld not forget the or 50 per cent is made:' hard task'! waiting tOI' you; all those untiring effo-l'ts of the several com- A hranch of 111', :\lacadam's :::ls~~i~~t~~:al~lllll:fSethoSs~if~e:Ple::~ mittees. T~~ .re.ce-Ptioll C?~mittee missioll, in PariS, is knowll as the -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- am and bnrr:))le thill.gS of life le,er- ~::~~le\~em~:~t t~:l~r::ti~hllel~/~~l a~~ ~:~;~~~:l~ill:ra\:~:h D;~~::tn~:~ilS:J~i1:;~, WHEN ~:~ atnd (~o~~~:\: :~o::u. \\~1~~1l€~\7~~;of ho~pitallty. Those who aided In Presld~nt of the Open Road DOWN ;!,:~~:;~:;:"j~D;En:::~~~~:;~:;17!:f:;:~~:;:~;3:~;~:~:1/~:,'::~~~,',~~i;':i~~n::';~;~::;~,:,:"P;o:;",:,:: TOWK the monlhs of ,/\11.\". lHI<:!;UstalI(I Sell- STOP AT Ing to such a day witll such it. heal',. ,,,mbel'. load. TBr THl-:St: IX yonl 1.It'E Oil the American A(lI'isory C'r):II- "Pop" Shipley's Haq' ,a ,n;r i~it tba:. sense C.r so:nethhl':: unplea.:>ant Iyiug In wait 1 will uot 'be provoked H I can mlrtee to Ule .Joint Committee I"or for YOU? You feel it when you put hell> It; or, If 1 am, 1 will not speak Americnn Slutient Trav",1 In EUl"l)pe Light Lunches and Soft Drinks off O(lill~ some unpleaSant thing re- till 1 think It iil-over, putting llly~~H are sixteen Ullll'eralty rresident~ an(l le.e:atf'd to you and YOU 0111)'. It's in the otller fellow's place. Dulllll;' men. DI·. Stephen P. DU~l!a!l AT THE FORI{S the actl~ of an unsatIsfied anti de- I "ill not be petty, I II-Ill pass nyei" '~ the Chairman of the Committee. ulandln!!: lnu"cien~'e. You endure s!llall anlloyall"er, ~~~~:~1l,I~re:~:!~t :fea;~e ~~~i:r~~~ DR, A, J, MORRELL ready for new fields to confluer, and I I will keep my nerves steady by tional Confederation of Students. I conscious Ihat YOll haye no llnplelts- regularly exe-rclslng in the open air, cornea of a well-known Pollsh fam- Licentiate of State of Maryland. snt dnty [rom some othe!" day wait- gettIng to bed early, and avoiding lIy, His father Is President or Ihe ! Westminster's Chlropmctlc Physician ing ove!" for you, ange!", hurry and ol'erwork. \Yarsaw Town Council.
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