Page 60 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 60
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I "\:>II'IOU~l:t:J[t.:S'I' I'IUZE ron ORI(HX"H PQEJI' WHEN PROSPERITY METHODS The class of 19'27 takes this ojmor- 'I'hrough the generosity of 'vrtie I DOWN The only process that makes :t.U11ity to announce It~ wlthdT1lI\'<\1 xrekers." the toea: Poetr-y Club. I the garment clean and sanitary, "Pop~~O~~i1p'ley's I~~~:;~~;E~~:]::lh~r:ii= fl0111 tue gfr-ls mte t-nlaaa 'basket ball]1 Southern MethodIst UIl1V"ISlt} Offel!; TOWN wi~~ll~~efas~~d~n~~ ~Ems~1~:'50 ~~:~~,~:~:~~;'J~:'~~~;:,:~:::li~~!:t~~:~,l~~:':~i!ta~::::;;t:~~i,fi~;~;J~I of the neceaearv The resources h) van,ll\ I uurverett tes St d dYed 100' ctaee hale ueeu exhu uatcd rue lilieS guver-ntug uie contest I Light Lunches and Soft Drinks G ear;eSUl~nSt pr~ & r$ sed acuvuv and slekl1es~ Seven mem ale as rottowa 3:: s earn pes ~::: ~~ ~\:~s~~::~tv~~II~I~dll~~eh~;~tl~(;.z: PC:e~l~es~<:n~l~lll~lm~;dre\:te~ -0- ~_!~~~o~ -0- 0 Ladles' ~pllng Co~ts and 'sl1\ljllj of materla l "Inch remained poems not exceeding ~\\O hundred' st~:~1~f:aneJ'~~Sd~re~s:d$~a2l ~::'~~~il~I~IO;:)."(~:: t/l~~e~~~:ssto se~\:~~ ~\I;~S~::s~eJ~~;~lm\l~at~\"e:at~~:\~~~t::~~ HAVE A LOOK AT OUR r All dW01k called for and de- 'tujur+es to some of .the best poa- copies of the poem which he suumtte. I ivere . ."" . siiJ.ilities cheok ed .their enthusiasm I The contestant's name should not tibet t Abe 'I'ozai, repre- .and made pai-rfctnattou impossible. appear on the manuscript. No manu- COLLEGE CUT SHOES sen mg rcoveru.etess tne Juntora are eX-I scrtnta wtu .be re.turned, but each U_ 'V_ MILLER, Iceedingly ruterceted In basket ball contestant WIll 'be tntormed conuern- Hersh Ave., Westminster, Md. aud her€.''by challenge anr girls' 1I11-llng Ihe outcome of the contesl. Eae.h "'VALK-OVERS" -0- -0- -0- -0---0- slm' team selected rrom the college contestant must submit with lug .1t large to :l basket ball game to 'he poem a statement fl'om his English or some OlleI ANDERS' SHOE STORE ph'rell at (he conclusion of the inter-, teachel'. the registrar. EAT-A-PlATE-A-OAY class series. WhO'II g!I'e the class I else connected with his school Cel'tI- of '27 a chance to prove its materIal fylng that he is a bona fi(\e uude1'- and show its real a[hleUe spirit1 graduate ,student. All poems stl'b- ----Q-- -0- -0- -0- -0- mitled l1lust reaell Dallas not later ICE CREAM \'. W. F.\~IIION Itt:\,IF:W than i\lal"ch 15, 1926. Manuscl"ipts CONTEST AWARD ..........__ ...._tAStt· should 'be sent to the following all- Iu C0l111eCtiOllwith its work on I dress: I' . -'}IOII' to Acquire ClHll'l1l," the Y. W. Ja,~' B. Htlbbe~l, . We WIll glve a $3.00 Box presented tl fashion re"iew (It tb.e Plofessor 'Or Engh~h. meeting of Fell.lrual'Y tenth. "The Southern Jietiwdlst Unil'el"Sil~', of WHITMAN'S Candy to IZite-Neuman CO. ,~~11 WCll~'ley I!c..h:'l1~ t'r()l11 Slaif.! \I'ate Parent-Here ~·ou are after $10.00; full assort- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- At a class meeting held r Error TAKE YOUR "s 0 L E," ':ll:~tl: ..~::.g~I~\I~:l\ ~il~e:;~\~~i~~it:';~Co\~:~'1'11"0 fools make ~:li~O~~~;i:g~·ellcan. "No. T dou't kiss men_'- TROUBLES take holl! <111(1 {'''Onliliele fhe pul)H- I "That's all right. I'm
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